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Posts posted by Booger666

  1. Yeah, Kendall doesn't stand out for me either. It's a shame as she is such a pretty girl, seems sweet, and occasionally has witty things to say. Jill is so domineering I think Kendall becomes a shrinking violet around her because Jill doesn't give her a chance to show some spunk.

    Regarding Nia, she clearly isn't the best but there is something about her dancing I like. She seems more emotional and earnest, and in the groups I find myself looking for her to see how she is interpreting the dance. I have no knowledge of professional dancers, but on SYTYCD it seems a decent percentage advance based on drive and emotion over others who are more technically correct.

    I'm suprised Abby let Nia dance that crap she choreographed. Before she has been so concerned about a dance having her name on it. That dance was an embarrasment to Abby.

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  2. I actually liked Char's. I wonder if it is because she is the only one who really used color and I love color. Also, she seems to design for a girl with curves and I prefer that look to clothes that look good on stick figures. The fabric she got in Rome was great. I would not wear her clothes, but if I saw those outfits in a mag I would pause and look at them.

    I was confused by Kini's feedback. I thought they said they styling was horrible (agreed), but he had good pieces except for the coat which had to go and needed to put them together differently. Then he is talking about reworking the whole collection. I'll be curious to see what he does change next week.

    I don't get the love for Sean and Amanda. To me their clothes are very blah. Amanda's look bulky on the model and the knit seemed to weigh her down. I didn't mind Sean's orange skirt, but didn't get the orange skunk stripe down the back.

    I wish they would give the designers more time and mentoring for fashion week. Five weeks isn't much time to create something truly interesting and fabulous.

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  3. I was impressed with Jill this ep. She is always trying to get Kendall an advantage to the point of going off the rails occasionally, but she seemed genuinely happy for Nia and Holly for Nia's 1st place finish. Maybe Jill isn't as bad as I originally thought.

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  4. Was it just the costumes (which I do get) or were there parts of the dance / choreography that were offensive? Just asking for clarification as I'm not sure if I missed something and I'm not going to watch it again.

    I agree it was a missed opportunity by Abby given that previous dances have gone deeper (Rosa Parks, homosexuality). I felt bad for Nia who was basically given the direction to portray a Vegas showgirl portraying Cher portraying a Native American with Maddie faces. WTF?

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  5. Can those who were offended by the dance please explain what you found offensive? The dance didn't make an impression on me so I wondered if people were going to be offended by it or think it was honoring the culture. I'm just wondering what you all saw that I missed.

    I think on an earlier episode it was mentioned that Sarah is homeschooled. I thought it was strange that previously her mom said she couldn't let her go without her and made a really big deal about it, but this time was pretty dismissive of Sarah's feelings and basically told her to sit down and shut it. I think her mom puts things in her head about the "big, scary world" to make Sarah want to stay close instead of growing up independent. It's all conjecture based on her reaction the first time.

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  6. Shannon saying she calls Heather by her full name because she knows so many Heathers made me think of that 80s movie, "Heathers". And, Heather Dubrow is very much a Heather (apologies for all the lovely Heathers out there who share a name with this nasty Heather).

    For those who googled Dirty Sanchez, should we rename the Dubrows the Doobrows?

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  7. ITA, Chloe looks so miserable its almost too painful to watch. I may have to start FF through her scenes.

    In the group dance I thought Nia was really good. Sometimes I notice her and other times I don't, but this time she seemed so earnest and committed to the dance I kept watching her instead of the other girls. I thought the Studio Blue girls were very good, but I did not like the choreography. Or, maybe it came off as robotic because they practice it so much.

    I liked Jade and her Mom. It would be nice to see them added and Abby removed. Is there any reason they can't do the show with guest choreographers like Crabby Apples does? I think it would make it a better show.

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  8. David is a college graduate. Michigan State, I believe.....I think their mascot is a potato :-). He probably didn't go on to grad school, but as far as I know neither did Heather. Who is she to act like her education is somehow superior?

    Love this, Grneyyedldy! My hubby is a Sparty and I'm going to start putting black "X"s over all his Sparty stuff and draw on Mr. Potato Heads instead. LOL..

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  9. There's been speculation that Danielle and Tamra really got into in Bali and that's why Danielle isn't a Housewife anymore. I watched their body language at Vicki's party and they seemed fine. They were next to each other a few times and I didn't see any tension. I would really like to know why Danielle was edited out. I don't need to see lost footage or anything, but I want an answer. It's strange nothing has leaked about it.

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  10. I was so annoyed on WWHL because Heather says its all rumors and a game of telephone, like its the other ladies' fault for stirring up this drama about things Tamara has said. Then a caller has a great question for Terry about why isn't he upset with Eddie since he said the worst things about Heather and was the ring leader about saying nasty things at the hoedown, and Terry responds that they didn't hear David's comment but someone told them. So, when other people get upset about nasty comments they didn't hear firsthand its all "rumors and telephone games", but when the nasty comments are about yourselves its justifiable to go on the attack? Talk about acting like the King and Queen of Penisland (to use your own words).

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  11. If Ramona doesn't open up about her marriage with Mario I'm done watching. We all know some of this is scripted and set up, but when they stop sharing anything real in their lives what's the point of watching poorly scripted TV with really awful actors? Plus, as much as we seen marriage after marriage dissolve on these shows it would be fascinating to watch a couple stay together. I'm not saying we need to see everything about the marriage by any stretch, but it sure would be interesting to see a couple rebuild their marriage and make things better.

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  12. No, Heather can't... she would have to remove the stick and it is frozen up inside her.

    I agree Heather is a stuck up prude. But, I swear I heard her say "she's a spinner" about wanting to go to Bali with Tamara at the dinner table. I certainly am not a prude, but calling another woman a "spinner" just isn't in my vocabulary. Did anyone else catch this? Was it Heather who said it?

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  13. So Tamara only likes anal when she's drunk. But she seems to like to get blackout drunk an awful lot. Like all the time. I did like how Lizzie threw it back at her after she put Danielle on the spot to try to embarrass her. It was so funny that Eddie responded before Tamara could and just threw Tamara on the bus. I've always felt bad for Tamara's children, but it's reaching new heights.

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  14. Does anyone know the timeline with Mario's affair and filming? I thought when it happened there were reports that they were still filming and we would see some of it. But it looks like next week is the finale and nothing about what happens with Mario and Ramona.

    I was kind of bummed we didn't see anything about Carol's book promotion tour. I'm sure doing this line of work she does interesting things and meets interesting people. Disappointed that Bravo picks people with unusual careers to be on this show, but shows so little of it.

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  15. If it's the latter, at least it would make a *wee* bit more sense. That article I linked yesterday was from Oct 2012 and in it she stated that she and Brian had just broken up. If this season began filming sometime in spring/summer 2013, then they would have broken up 5-6 months prior. Again, not what I (or most normal) people would consider having "just" broken up.... but it makes more sense than a nearly 2-year gap!

    I may be giving Sonya too much credit, but I wonder if she blogged the breaking up with Brian thing to preempt any attention and or sympathy going to Luann next week when she appears to break up with Jacques? It's just strange to me how much Sonya is going after Luann this season. I haven't seen anything from Luann that could have triggered this kind of response from Sonya.

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  16. I found the scene of Mario prepping for singing at the club very interesting. He's clearly focused on trying to learn the lyrics and Ramona keeps pestering him, then he snaps at her and not only does she not apologize but she continues to pester him. She wanted him to do this singing thing and yet she's really needling him and trying to make him nervous.

    A lot has been made about Mario cheating, but I have always thought that it's likely Ramona cheats too. I think they both like the appearance of having a perfect marriage (primarily for the faux religious jewelry business), but it is secretly an open marriage. The way they both acted in this scene confirmed to me they are over each other and it is totally for appearances.

  17. Kudos to whoever called it last week about Tamra's wheels spinning when Shannon called Heather an actress. It was like Tamara was setting the stage at her one-on-one with Heather so she could throw out "I can't trust you you're an actress". I wondered if Tamara said it hoping Heather would say "where did that come from?" and Tamara could respond Shannon, thus adding fuel to the fire.

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  18. When Vicki told Heather that Tamra sabotages all her relationships I thought she was just parroting what Tamara herself said last season. At least I think it was last season that Tamara was trying to make the drama with Eddie that she has a hard time trusting people and whenever anything good comes into her life she sabotages it. I also think Tamra said something similar to Gretchen to when they were becoming BFFs, that she sabotages things and can't be happy. Does anyone else remember this storyline?

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  19. Did anyone notice the tense look on Ryan's face towards the end of that dinner. It was like Vicki could see the rage simmering, and that is why she backtracked and started begging him to be patient with her. I could almost here the unspoken, "please don't take this out on my daughter after Ieave." I think that she goes out of her way to placate him for just that reason.Now that they will no longer be living together, she has to be worried about how isolated Brianna is going to be with just Ryan and two small children.

    I read this scene totally differently. Vicky had been picking at Brianna and Ryan all day about moving, the house, and "taking her grandchild". I thought he was giving her a look that he was about to say something to put her in her place if she didn't back off. I thought it was funny that Vicki was asking him to be patient with her when they are the ones going through the big change. You think she could be the least bit supportive. Have we ever seen her in a scene where she has been supportive of any family member? I'm not being sarcastic, seriously asking because I can't recall one.

    Psychoticstate, I forgot about his other kid so thanks for the reminder. I wonder if we will ever see it? Especially interesting as this is being filmed over the holidays.

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