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Everything posted by haloangelgirl

  1. Looks like they're planning at least one more video.
  2. I spoiled myself by watching the the videos online and then looking up results. All I can say is - I call BS on Kinjaz and Keone and Mari. Guess I don't have to watch next week.
  3. I call BS. Jabbawockeez totally should've won that. And now I've lost my chance at a Kinjaz vs. Jabba showdown. That being said, I loved the Kinjaz routine, and I disagree that nothing they do is particularly impressive or difficult. I think they are definitely great at telling at story, and their themes contribute to that, but I'm always in awe of their routines (one of my favorites by them is their recent "Fear None" routine, and as an added bonus, it features Keone in his first Kinjaz performance!
  4. I enjoyed the show, but had to fast forward through all the judges comments. It's really annoying though how the camera keeps panning to the judges during the day. I want to see the dancers, not the judges! And admittedly I'm already biased towards the Kinjaz because I watch their online videos all the time, but I thought they were the best of the night. And whoever mentioned Kinjaz vs. Jabawockeez showdown, I would be so down for that.
  5. I agree with everyone who says that they would kill to see Alex and Jim do a ballet routine..through Brandon into the mix (is he still w/ the Britney Vegas show?) and my head just might explode. As much as I like seeing all the All Stars again (though Jessica, really?) all it does is remind me that I used to love this show so much, and that the more recent seasons haven't really caught my attention. I miss ballroom! Need something to balance out all the contemporary
  6. So I'm new to replying on this forum, but I just wanted to say ALEX FREAKING WONG! and there was a contestant with him? Sorry, didn't notice!
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