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Posts posted by Lantern7

  1. Playing catch-up. Damn, this was a dark episode. Funny in some spots (who doesn’t want to see an airhead walk straight into a lamppost?), but pretty damn dark. The racial implications didn’t dawn on me until I read the comments here. I’d like to think the Doctor would eventually calm down and realize that if he had taken in any of those kids, he’d wind up ejecting them into the sun inside of a week. And then he’d shake Ruby so she could make it snow.

    Holy shit, Ricky got screwed. I was expecting a dark twist with him until he discovered the home world was no more. Primo companion candidate.

  2. Well, at least Adam won't win. I get the lack of appeal for Nicole, but Adam has the timeless suck about him.

    I'm at work and I don't have much time (or manual dexterity for a phone keyboard). I think the additional two stars twist was bullshit, even with the irony that either Derek or Laurel will be getting eliminated. Also, shouldn't there have been a penalty for touching the rod to the star? It's not much of a challenge to bull through and take the zaps. If Laurel didn't get shocked, shouldn't she have bern rewarded for taking her time?

    Steve FTW, but I expecting Cara Maria or Leroy to get the big win.

    • Like 2
  3. Reading the news about Adam’s past relationship, I feel like a sucker buying into his redemption story. A lot of him being an ass on RR10 was tied up to his showmance with Ellen, but he was a dick in his own right. He managed to keep that up in The Gauntlet, to the point where I rejoiced at his early boot in Gauntlet 2 (one of the few bright spots of that season). Listening to him rail on Steve in his interview . . . what did he expect? He voted Steve into Arena, and regardless on whether the deck was stack in his favor, he won . . . and he had to steal a star. Fuck Adam and his stupid gold pants.

    I’m hoping Steve wins it all, because he doesn’t seek out to stir the pot. Right now, I figure he rates above just Ace and Veronica in star holders, with the likes of Cara Maria, Leroy and Nicole miles above him. Who else do you expect to win? Cara has the camera time, the Challenge Gods owe Leroy, and Nicole could rock a final mission if she hasn’t cracked enough bones in whatever she’s been doing with Laurel.

    Is it bad that I find Ace to be wishy-washy? You got a star, man. Rejoice!

    The biggest redemption story to end was Jay’s. The guy finished well in most missions, and he went into the fire where the logical move would’ve been to hope for one more round. As much as I feel TJ’s praise isn’t something that should be so coveted, I’m glad that Jay redeemed himself.

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  4. Nice to see that bad stuff can go down even deep beneath the sea. Trying to find alternatives for power is interesting, but it could ruin the local ecosystem. Of course, one could decide John would be against that because of the increasingly weird animals found there. See-through fish and organisms that are mostly testicles would be up his alley.

    Seriously, Paris doesn’t need  a venue for swimming? Hosting beach volleyball at the base of the Eiffel Tower might seem like a stretch, but it’s not an area that’s gone through centuries of pollution.

    21 hours ago, aghst said:

    But for me, the Paris Olympics story is kind of interesting.  Is Anne Hidalgo a hated figure as mayor of Paris that these people literally want to shit on her?

    From what I understand, the IOC is about as corrupt as FIFA. I wouldn’t be shocked if most Parisians don’t want the Games. So, yeah, scheduling bowel movements for a mayor’s dip in the river seems par for the course.

    Great to see John can cause a ruckus, and he got to become a bear cake because of it. Even if you’re critical of the immediate response, you have to admire John’s vision coming true, with or without the donk he wanted.

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, peeayebee said:

    She used to be a host on MTV, right?

    Alternative Nation, which sounds fitting for FNC. Also . . . didn’t Fox dump her ass a few years ago?

    I forgot to add . . . reverse snakes have to be the stuff of at least one writer’s nightmares.

    • Like 2
  6. Not much that I can add. I feel that the biggest thing that ruins The Challenger is Challengers. Or maybe I’ve hit a point of no return for Nicole, and that’s soured me on this season in general.

    I’m thinking nobody is going to scramble for stars until Teege says “danger close.” They’re like Pavlov’s dogs in that way.

    Has anyone’s reputation taken as many hits as Laurel’s? She probably knows that we’re never getting Hall Brawl (or anything remotely dangerous) in elimination, so she passes on potentially losing to Cara Maria. I hate to say it, but the Killbot looks far too human. Do we blame it on age or on Nicole?

    I’m still not ready to pull for Adam. I am accepting that Steve will probably depart the game with little fuss kicked up. I know he’s weird, but he’s still my people. Does that make sense?

  7. It’s a shame that John could only muster a few minutes galavanting in the guilt of Trump (along with a “We Gottem” picture in the credits), but I guess we need to see the megalomania abroad and how it can devastate the area around it. I don’t think John will stop talking about the problems Modi brings, even when he does it in that accent. This is a man that politicizes bulldozers. Bright side: we got to see Bob the Builder back dat ass up.

    Bright side: John bought a Red Lobster, and he’ll only sell the biscuits! That doesn’t offset Modi, but it will make you forget about friggin’ Kennedy and her prom night. My God, Jesse Camp is probably more coherent than her now.

    • Like 4
  8. Quote

    The qualifying rounds begin in Los Angeles with ninjas from across the country taking on the world’s most challenging obstacle course; the competition returns bigger than ever with two unique qualifying courses and a chance at the mega warped wall.


  9. I finally watched the episode. I don’t think I can add anything that hasn’t already been said. Lots of spookiness with political intrigue mixed in. Also, snow. Always with the snow.

    Where did the Doctor go at the beginning? Did he encounter the old day and get spooked off from Ruby? There are probably a hole of story holes, but that’s the one I’m most interested in thinking about.

  10. Quote

    Twelve elite ninja couples compete together on the world’s most challenging obstacle course with the winners taking home the coveted title of couple’s champion.

    I just found out about this today. Will anyone else care to watch?

  11. Decent episode. Yes, we got Randy in the main plot, and we really need a break from him, but it wasn’t quite that bad. Fun stuff with Cartman seeking to be thin, various South Park mothers abusing weight loss drugs, and a cartel of junk food mascots trying to maintain the status quo. Also: disrespect towards Lizzo for some reason. 🤷‍♂️

  12. At this point, is there anyone worth rooting for where you don't have to shower afterward? I'd suggest Steve, but he might be too weird for most people.

    8 hours ago, WInterfalls said:

    Nicole told Laurel she wanted to have another go and be exclusive. Less than a month later Laurel takes Nicole as her plus one to Jakk's (From Ride or Dies) wedding and Nicole proceeded to have sex with the best man's sister who was married to a man and had kids. Broke up that family and caused a lot of terrible drama in general. I think those two are still seeing each other. Laurel has been nuclear against Nicole on social since then. 

    Jeez, I can't defend that. How the hell can Nicole do that?!?

  13. 52 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Why does Jeff know Charlie lost the most weight if Charlie doesn't? Do they weigh them then not tell them?


    42 minutes ago, RockShrimp said:

    Obama speechwriter, podcast mogul and Mr Ronan Farrow. apparently they broke up 😢

    Apologies for posting this late after the episode. I just want to say that Jon Lovett might not be enough to bring me back to Survivor. Right now, I have this clarity that the show is never going to get better, and I'd probably be better off waiting on S50. Of course, a lot can change between now and the start of S47.

  14. *sigh* I might be done with the show. I wound up missing a good chunk of the episode that involved Maria's boot, and it'll take a little effort for me to seek out what I didn't see. Given this "new era," I have to wonder why I'm still watching. Snarking is fun and all, but I can't see Survivor going back to the days of relevancy.

    I reckon Kenzie deserved the win for putting up with the likes of Jelinsky, Bhanu and Q. Charlie looked like he was crushed in the aftermath. Sadly, I don't think we'll be going back to live reunions. Fuck it, CBS could record reunions and air them the week after the finale airs, same as what MTV does with The Challenge . . . but I know they won't.

    Kenzie's win doesn't merit asterisks, but there is the lingering "What If" of what could have happened had one of the four boobs had played their idols . . . or if Maria had found the idol.

    One positive was the final challenge, where it looked as if the "Dream Team" decided not to phone things in for once. Other than that, just a big ball of "meh" rolled up in the span of three hours. And the teaser for S47 wasn't a huge enticement to watch. Personally, it mkaes me upset to know that the far superior The Amazing Race won't have their next season released until Winter 2025.

    May this be the last we see of Liz. We saw far worse this season, and I'm sure she's a delight in "real life," but she was just too strange to have been cast. Naturally, Probst will probably insist on finding more as "unique" as her. Also, he'll probably keep interchanging "seven" with "several."

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  15. 1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

    Are we really comparing Jelinsky's quote (which was his own stupidity, not a clever catch phrase) to some of the best quotes and one liners in Survivor history?

    Yep. Because “New Survivor.”

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