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Posts posted by Haleth

  1. 12 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

    I hate the commercial for the No.7 face cream.  Using that tired old line “I’ll tell you but I’d have to kill you”, makes no sense in terms of lotion.  Plus, the woman doesn’t look all that great.  And if you want to sell me this product, use models who aren’t old and use massive Botox.  Get some 85 year olds and then show me how your stuff works. 

    I hate this commercial too.  "But I'll have to kill you" isn't as humorous as it was 30 years ago.

    • Like 4
  2. I admit to skimming a lot of the posts but I have not seen anyone give credit to the best thing about this episode - Queen Charlotte's wig with the swans a-swimming.  How were they powered?

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  3. Rebecca is repulsive.  Lying to the Virks and exploiting the kids so she can write a book is vile.  I suppose in some twisted way she cares about Warren, but only as a stand in for her dead brother, so again it's all about herself.  Did the real Rebecca think we'd relate to her or be sympathetic to her pain?

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  4. On the other hand, cats are so finicky you have to pray you can find something they like.  I can't tell you how many brands and varieties I've tried and she turns up her li'l pink nose at all of them except for 2 flavors of Science Diet.  Cat food commercials are a waste.  They can try to influence what you buy all day but the cat has the final word.

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  5. I was also wondering how Violet did not know Lady Danbury has a brother. They've known each other for decades, it never came up?

    I thought Benedict was gay?  Maybe that's too controversial for the author?  Who is Sophie?

    I'm surprised the actress playing Francesca is 29!  And Nicola Coughlan is 37???

    Does anyone know if there's a site that lists all the music?  I love the classical renderings of current music but can't always put my finger on what the songs are.

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  6. All the talk about whether/how Pen knows about sex makes me wonder how she hasn't slipped up as LWD, writing something that gives away that she's very young and sheltered.  She would have to have a mature woman's knowledge (and Julie Andrew's voice) to not out herself as a teenager.

    Also, Cressida's coiled hair makes me think of Medusa.

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  7. 2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    Wait a minute! Are you saying if there is a tie the goat who gets no votes gets to pick the winner?! That's insane! Absolutely insane! There has to be a better way to decide a winner than leave in the hands of a loser who usually has no business being in the final three.

    Ben had a hard enough time picking which one would make fire with Liz. Being responsible for who won (and who lost) Survivor would have sent him into tailspin. 

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  8. No, she hasn’t done that in a long time.

    I don’t think Whoopi disrespects guests, she only gets frustrated with stupid hot topics. Can’t say I blame her. I don’t dislike Whoopi like some of you do. My biggest beef with her is when she refuses to accept that sometimes she is wrong and she gets argumentative. 

    • Like 7
  9. Not the worst outcome for a terrible season but I would have preferred if Charlie won.  Remembering how badly the game began for Kenzie, her terrible team, makes her win ok though. Still, love her or hate her, Maria was the best player of the season, until she wasn’t. Not sure if she would have beat Kenzie even without Liz’s help but it’s too bad she didn’t get the chance. 

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  10. I’m almost sorry that Liz didn’t do it because she’ll forever think she would have won it all. See?  She just said so. I bet her question is about how she would have beat them. 

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  11. Just now, iMonrey said:

    I suspect she'll get the same number of votes as the other jury members. Because that's where she's headed.

    I hope you’re right but I have an awful feeling she’ll smoke the fire.  (No pun intended.)

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