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Posts posted by sasha206

  1. 9 minutes ago, procrasstinator said:

    Rose knew Ed was cheap since the time they went shopping and he bitched at her about leaving a vendor a 20 cent tip.  She didn't walk away until he told her he didn't want any more children.  And yes he doesn't want any more kids because they're so expensive.  Is it the money Rose is really looking for or the kids?


    Tries to scam his daughter into believing she's his world too.

    Isn't the thought if you procreate with your ugly American creep that you'll have an "anchor baby" and therefore can remain in the states even though the marriage has ended?


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  2. Just now, greekmom said:

    I read the comments and first thing that struck to me is people saying Rose is a scammer.  Depends on the definition of a scammer.  Did the girl go to find someone to get out of her poverty? Yes.  But did she ask for anything? I don't think so. Ed sent all that stuff out of his own free will. Even the "money" that her sister asked for Ed either was a) made up or b) was a small sum of under $100.  Rose wanted to get out of herself and her kid out of poverty.  She wanted to marry.  If she was a true scammer, she wouldn't have given a shit to Ed's demands, met them and pushed for a ring and a K1 visa (and skimmed him out of a few bucks in the process). The fact that she dumped Ed on their 'holiday' is telling alot.

    Ed on the other hand is a scammer.  He never wanted to marry Rose and made sure Rose would fail. He sets up this girl with demands and insults (STD test, shave the legs, rude comments on tv about her breath).  He could have (as pointed out in the tell all) brought an STD test and/or gone with her and they could have taken the tests together.  Ed was in my opinion, not only a sex tourist but a famewhore for going on the show to promote his brand -himself.


    Of course Ed is a scammer; he's using that green card as a carrot  to get himself a much younger woman to marry.  Anyone that goes overseas  and picks themselves up a foreigner who they could never get in the states is a scammer.  See Lisa, see Nicole, etc.  They could all get their physical equivalent in the US but they don't want their physical equivalent.

    That said, Rose went from poor impoverished girl looking to get out of her conditions to someone who is scamming and then playing the innocent card. She realized the man is CHEAP and dropped the score.

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  3. 15 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

    I used to be team Avery until this show.  No man can stand a chance with her. She's looking for a perfect soulmate who divulges every single detail of his whole life and, by God,  he better not miss a thing.  

    She's exhausting.  

    I think she's looking for a soulmate that she can trust.  She can't trust Ash.

    Now I don't understand that many breakups though.  

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  4. 1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:


    Rose, I have no pity for her, she was going for the long con with Ed, step one endear her kid to Ed by having him call him Daddy, step two, tell Ed that your income from a family store is in jeopardy, step three, get Ed to send gifts (that mysteriously "never arrive") and secretly sell in said store and hope that he continues to send stock/gifts unfortunately he showed up in person. There is no way either one of them thought they were in love, no way at all.  Rose can turn on the water works a little too easily for me to believe any real feelings are behind it, it seems like this is not her first rodeo with an American.  They both deserve each other.





    Yes, what I got from tonight is not to feel sorry for Rose.  Of course none of us thought she was in love with Ed, but I felt sorry for her. Tonight, I got seasoned scammer.  I also thought the waterworks were extremely fake.   She knew she wasn't going to be able to squeeze money from that cheap mother fucker, so onto the next score.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Adeejay said:

    I think if Rose was a scammer, she would have stayed with Big Ed.  He was still ripe for the picking.

    Actually I don't think he was ripe for the picking.  He's fucking cheap!  

    2 minutes ago, Chloe Dog said:

    I love this quarantine format!  I hope they can do something similar in the future.  We actually got some entertainment, I'm sure they wouldn't have spoken to each other in person this way.

    That's true!  I doubt a lot of them would break bad for fear they'd get their ass kicked!  

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  6. Tom is doing all he can to keep his 90 day fame going isn't he?  I bet he lands on other reality shows once this dries up.

    Darcy and her revenge body!  I love her.  I wish someone would give her a make-under and remove the fillers.  

    Rose.  She's a scammer.  I did not believe the tears at all.  Ed should be sentenced to a lifetime of her screeching monotone.

    Stephanie is an idiot.  Erika is delightful.

    Lisa's cackle sounded like she smoked 3 packs of Marlboro's before she got on.

    1 minute ago, Adeejay said:

     It's hard to understand how after seeing the show, Tiffany had the nerve to say Rose was deceitful.  Perhaps she was jealous and angry because her father was willing to risk their relationship to reunite with Rose.


    I felt bad for Rose on the show, but watching her on this episode made me think she's just a scammer. 

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  7. On 5/27/2020 at 8:58 PM, ladle said:

    Funny, I kept thinking that Linda Cardellini looks so much younger here than she did years ago on Mad Men (which I happen to be concurrently watching). Whatever filter or makeup guru that’s happening here is a dream (not that she isn’t attractive in MM!)


    She looked AWFUL in Mad Men.  I think she looks bad in this too; I hate the hairstyle.  I think she needs a softer style; her face is hard to me.


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  8. On 5/12/2020 at 12:05 AM, marshmallows said:

    Does anyone on this forum ever like the shows they comment on? Just a general theme I have observed in the multiple shows I go in to read about.

    I loved this season. I was actually surprised at how good it was especially after coming off of such a solid and near perfect first season.

    I would 10/10 recommend this show to anyone who likes dark humor.

    It is funny that Laguna Beach seems to only have like 10 people in it when we all know the population is much larger and all these coincidences probably wouldn't happen. But, it's fiction not real life. I liked all the twists and coincidences TV shows love to do. It helps push the story along and create more drama. It's fun.

    Loved all of the cliffhangers. They are going to have so much to work with for s3. Hopefully they can get back to filming soon.

    I loved this season too!  I loved that she gets hit by a drunk Ben who then runs away, setting up the next season cat and mouse.  I didn't know how they could actually have a season 3 but that makes it interesting.  

    The thing that bugs me the most about this show is Judy's hair. 

    Also, I love James Marsden so much.  I would totally do him.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Picking crabs is more social than eating, lol. I do love a crab cake too, we should have a Maryland Chapter of HW's crab cake club, I do solemnly promise to sit at the table and not embarrass myself trying to pick up a man that is not interested in me at all.


    OMG I love this idea!

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  10. 8 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

    Tinsley quit the show with 5 weeks left of filming because Scott issued an ultimatum. The show or him. Google box it. 

    So she's basically engaged to her mother.

    I'm with you on that.  Honor the contract you signed.  That fucking guy can wait.  I bet HE doesn't quit a job early.  And he wouldn't for her.

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  11. 5 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

    Unlike Dorinda and everyone else, I could care less if Tinsley is dating Scott. She met Scott through Carole, who wants to play down their friendship, but at one point Carole was hopeful Adam and her would work, and she would do whatever he wanted to seem cool to him. Scott is an obsessed Kennedy collector/ historian, so he would have done anything to hang out with Carole. I think once Carole and Adam broke up, Carole lost interest in Tinsley, and then Scott lost interest in Tinsley.

    I actually wouldn't be surprised if Scott broke up with Tinsely to date Carole, and when that didn't work out, went back to Tinsley. All conjecture though.


    I find people having a fascination with the Kennedy's odd. I mean, the various tragedies are of interest, but the patriarch of that family was a pig.  And the men were pigs.  I remember years ago on this board saying one of Carole's attributes that attract people to her is the fact that she married into that family.  That's probably not fair to her as she was intelligent, accomplished, well traveled, fun person.  But I'm sure the Kennedy mystique has helped her.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

    OMG.  This just gave me flashbacks to Vicki on RHOC!  Her daughter's husband was transferred to Oklahoma and Vicki bitched and bitched about no one living in Oklahoma and not even knowing what people in Oklahoma ate.  Sorry, OT!  If anyone was wondering, in Maryland, we eat crab and Old Bay.  Only crab and Old Bay.

    I love my fellow Marylanders!  And I'm probably a bad one b/c I only like my crabs in a crab cake.  My daughter is the picker!

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  13. 23 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

    I don’t know....Scott has money but I don’t think he’s any great prize. There’s something about him that I just don’t like. I don’t think they are going to make it all the way down the aisle tbh. 

    ETA: I think he’s kind of gross. His jeans look like he’d been wearing them for a month before accompanying Tinsley to her Big Apple Circus event. And the toes of his shoes are completely scuffed through. Unpolished shoes are a huge turnoff for me (my dad taught all of us to take care of our shoes and keep them polished). Plus Tinsley...Kluth just doesn’t have the same ring to it. I know that’s shallow. But she can’t very well keep Mortimer if she’s marrying someone else. Unless she goes back to Mercer which I could see happening.


    He looks like he's lost weight in this photo.

    Nevertheless, if this guy was a government worker, Tins would not have been falling on the floor for him.  


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  14. 15 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


    Luann looked untouched until 3 years ago?  Luann and Ramona have completely different faces than they used to.  Plastic surgery has become so mainstream now that we're supposed to ignore like 50% of it and pretend it isn't happening? 

    The original point was that "Leah and Sarah could only wish to look like Ramona at 61".  I don't think they have to wish at all when they could just call the same surgeon.

    I also do not hold "muppet" or "Kylie Jenner" as the too far standard.  A lot of these women passed too far a long time ago.



    LuAnn  looks pretty much the same to me.  Younger with baby fat and she had had her teeth fixed.  Maybe her nose was whittled down, but she still looks like LuAnn. I've seen photos of Ramona in her youth.  She looks like Ramona.   

    You started out by saying "anyone would look good with that much work done."   There are plenty of women that just don't.  I think you have to be fairly attractive to begin with to look great.  Kylie really wasn't.  Now she's had her face reconstructed and, don't let her photoshopped pictures fool you, she looks like a muppet.  She does not look pretty.  So yes, she's young and looks like a muppet.

    There are also the women like Courtney Cox. She had natural beauty then she fucked it up with plastic surgery.

    I think Ramona and Lu are overdoing the fillers now yes.  To me, it's making Lu look masculine.  Her nose looks about the same now that it does in the nursing photo.

    But I still think Ramona and Lu looked great for a long time.     

    I think Leah and her sister are both very attractive.  They could very well look incredible at Ramona's age.  






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  15. 4 hours ago, sadie said:

    I’m fascinated with the talk of age shaming and older women flirting. I’m 52 and there is nothing wrong with flirting, even with younger men (which I’ve done on occasion), the issue with Romana and Sonya is they aggressively flirt and aren’t paying attention to the social cues the guy is throwing back at them. Flirting and being sexual at any age is great, but continuing to “flirt” when the other person is clearly not interested is desperate, and that’s for men and women of any age. I know within about a minute if a man is interested, Romana emabarasses herself because she’s so self centered that she isn’t paying attention to the other person. She just thinks she’s so cute and flirty that it’s okay to keep going and going, when sweater guy is looking at his phone and turning his back on her it means “not interested”, but that’s where a self aware person says “so nice speaking to you” and exits stage left. It’s the “tone deafness” with which they flirt that is the problem, not their age. 

    I'm 52 as well.  There is nothing wrong with flirting to me -- provided they are age appropriate (I'm talking legal and hopefully at least 30). Remember a few years ago when Sonja was flirting with the 20 year-old boat Captain?  

    The funny thing to me is I get young men flirting with me.  There's a 24 year old that plays hockey in my league who sends me flirty messages all the time. I found ever since "cougar" term came out, that there are a lot of young men that seem to feel free to hit on older women.

    I thought Ramona was kind of cute with Courtland.  Which is why he wasn't as rude to her as he was Leah and her sister.

    What I have a problem with is when they basically sexually harass staff.


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  16. 36 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

    Yup.  Probably a guy just sitting at the bar having some drinks with his friends.  Then Bravo comes along, he signs a waiver to agree to be filmed / on camera.  Now he’s been tracked down on this forum as a douche.  Whatever.  Fuck.  I can’t say if I wasn’t sitting at a bar and was told cameras were coming in I wouldn’t do the same and sign a waiver.  Cheesus help me if anyone dig up my past and broadcast it.  Now he’s a villain and all he wanted was a drink at the bar.  

    Amen.  I look people up to but it is scary how much you could look someone up just bc they happened to say okay to being filmed!

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  17. 42 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

    Ramona has had plenty of "work" done over the years. 

    Leah has already had a lot of work done. Nose, lips, eyebrows. Fillers. 

    The work Ramona has done looks pretty damn good for 63.

    There isn't anything wrong with getting work done as long as you don't end up looking like a muppet.  I think Ramona, like Luann, have looked relatively untouched up until the last three years.  That is pretty miraculous compared to most women in the public eye their ages.

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  18. 6 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Anyone can look like that with the amount of work Ramona's gotten?


    Well, here's Kylie Jenner at 18.   She's had a lot more work done and looks much older than her young years as a result.  2F6AD75A00000578-0-image-a-54_1450260285


    And here's the Courtney Cox, before a natural beauty, who is 8 years younger than Ramona.


    So I think Ramona looks pretty fucking good for her age.  She's 63 and is just *now* looking like she's had a lot of work.  At 55, she looked like she just had some really good skin.  Other than the huge boobs, Ramona has taken care of herself and has aged really well.  The work she has done, has been pretty good compared to the above wealthy women.

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  19. 21 hours ago, magemaud said:

    Lisa and Angela both work with hospice patients. (What are the odds) When Lisa met “Mommy” she explained that her job was working in the medical field but Usman translated it as Lisa being a doctor (I guess in terms his mother could understand)

    I can see Angela being caring with her patients. I can imagine Lisa abusing them and taking their money.

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  20. 1 minute ago, RealReality said:

    Varya is a "handsome woman". She isn't pretty, per se, but you're right, she takes care of herself and she has a unique sense of style.  These are some of the things I appreciated about her.  She wasn't trying to be sexy in the Darcy way, it wasn't over the top....it's all fairly understated. 

    But she sucks now 😞


    I can't even imagine what Darcy sees when she looks into the mirror.  It sure as shit isn't what we see.  And at this point, what quality guy would be attracted to that?

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  21. 3 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    I thought Leah and her sister going to talk to the guys at the bar in order to get them away from Luann, Sonja and Ramona was so mean-spirited, and I thought it was horrible of Tinsley to encourage it.  Maybe they look better than some women, maybe they look worse than others.  It’s not all about looks, it’s about how you feel about someone, obviously, given the way the guy was conversational with the older women and had no time for the comparatively younger women.


    Leah and her sister are attractive, but it will be interesting to see how they look when they are Ramona and Sonja's age.   She's 61 here.  


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