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Posts posted by goodbyeglittergirl

  1. Love this new season. Was ok with who sashayed last night - though she was beautiful and I thought they did not pick her best picture to show.


    I liked Bob a ton from the Meet the Queens videos but was surprised to also really like Kim and Thorgy last night as well. Kim's makeup work is amazing and there's just something about Thorgy that I find compelling and entertaining. There was no one I hated, though I will not be sorry to see Naomi or Dax go, to be honest. 

    • Love 1
  2. I was shocked Olivia was sent packing - not because she was great, but just because I thought the show was in love with her. However, now we're stuck with Tristan for another week. She seems like a nice girl but I just hate the way she sings and I don't think she's cut out for this.


    I thought Harry sounded awful tonight. I did not like his song and in the beginning especially it sounded like it was coming off of the rails. 

    • Love 2
  3. Tristan was awful. Please stop with this charade. Please let her go home.


    Geneve, in case you are reading this: You looked lovely last night. That was a beautiful look for you, but still held true to who you are trying to be. So much better than a giant hat.


    I thought Dalton was lackluster last night. 


    Kelly's performance had me full-out sobbing. Her dad's a real ahole. 

    • Love 2
  4. I hope Teretha continued to find success and is now walking, etc., on her own. She seemed like a nice, bright, capable lady - it's hard to believe things got that bad.


    I thought Dr. N was kind of short-sighted in his insistence that she stand - clearly she had a lot of leg issues going on, combined with being bed-bound for 18+ months. She needed a ton of physical therapy. 


    I can't imagine being hospital-bound for SO long just to follow their low cal diet and be monitored, etc. That was a freaking long time. 

    • Love 1
  5. BBM

    Wow. nothing wrong with being southern... rural .. and/ or grannies...And, for me,  I wouldn't characterize any segment of people as, " not the most progressive."


    Clearly you missed the memo - the only people it's cool to still make fun of are fat people and southerners. As a fat southerner, it's a blast. ;-) 


    Manny won't go through because he's pedestrian at best - but he did have that awesome shirt that one time. For that, my fat southern self salutes him.

    • Love 6
  6. Please let Jeneve go home. She seems like a good kid but she is out of her league and honestly, I don't even think she'd be happy being the Idol. Let her go home and fade into a normal life.


    Also Tristan. She's suffered b/c she's been pushed down our throats since the beginning, and viewers hate that. And she's just not that good. She has good MOMENTS, but not great performances. And I think she believes she is amazing. Please go home.


    I would like to know how long it took Blosil to de-bedazzle her eyebrows.

    • Love 1
  7. "Don't let this neck brace fool you!"


    I would have liked more back story into why Elmira didn't raise her own daughter and instead give her all into raising her step-daughter.  I guess that's not why we were there.


    Agreed - Mira said that the grandmother didn't want her, and I wanted the daughter to say "but why didn't YOU want me?" 


    I am not sure that a simple apology will be enough to heal the wounds of Kathy's family. I felt very badly for them. 

    • Love 5
  8. Did anyone happen to see Wendy on Dr. Oz? I was in a waiting room and they had it on. She was like the audience floater and would take the microphone to take questions about heart health for the experts on stage to answer. It was awkward. People kept trying to grab the microphone and she was flipping out about it, and people were "how you doin" her and she was ignoring them - I guess because it wasn't her show. It was a really weird segment and if I knew nothing about Wendy I would be left wondering how in the hell she got that gig.

  9. I agree that Dottie could use some support. I hope there's support around her that maybe we just didn't see. Her husband seemed nice, but her sister did not and I hope she has a few good friends in her life to prop her up and keep her going. She deals with a lot. 


    As someone with fertility issues myself, the people I resent having babies are people who abuse their kids, kill them, lock them in closets, allow them to be put in positions where they are harmed, etc. I do not resent Dottie's ability to get pregnant - just because she's fat doesn't mean she somehow doesn't deserve a child. 

    • Love 7
  10. I felt a lot of sympathy for her, too. She has a lot to deal with. I also feel like she wasn't educated enough prior to trying to lose on her own - using salad dressing like that because she thinks "at least I'm eating a salad!" I feel like a few days with a nutritionist helping in her home would have set her on her way to success much more quickly. I honestly think she didn't have a concept of serving sizes. I wish her a lot of luck and hope she has a ton of success. She seemed like a big-hearted, kind person.

    • Love 4
  11. How oh HOW did the carpets wind up so wet and gross? Is there not a point where the crews come in and look around that they could say...NOPE. I always feel bad when the crews work their tails off and the house winds up being structurally damaged to the point of needing to be torn down. 


    The dead animal lady needs some real help. Her hoard - between the animals and the poop and the soggy carpets - is the first time I've had to watch on fast forward so as not to gag. YUCK.


    I hope Ed's medical condition stabilizes so that he can have more years with his boys.

    • Love 1
  12. I just cannot with Jordan Sasser. I don't get the appeal. His voice is ok but he's irritating as crap.


    I was really off last night - I would mentally choose people to eliminate and they were put through (green hair-ed girl, Michelle the mega fan, etc) and then the people I loved were booted. 


    PS - Dude with mono: You are screwed. Even if you make it through groups you are going to feel so shitty for so long. I feel bad for you.

    • Love 3
  13. I love Dorothy the organizer and Dr. Chabaud, and I think they both blew it this episode. Their inability to remain professional and separate about the "discovery" was ridiculous. Unless there was something monstrous we didn't see (kiddie porn, etc), what we did see what nothing to get all whipped up about. I am hoping (b/c I have always liked them both) that maybe the two of them did eventually behave correctly and that footage was just left on the editing table. But it was disappointing to see their reaction to this fellow's sexual preferences. 

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