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Posts posted by goodbyeglittergirl

  1. I am not a huge Asia fan but I LOVED her performance at the reunion. I loved her sort of taking Ru to task on some level and I had to wonder if that killed her chances at the crown. I was shocked that Eureka was so quiet - maybe she was mouthier but got edited down. The whole reunion, though, made me realize how much I love Monet. She's the best. I know her drag is not top dollar but I think she is a STAR!

    • Love 6
  2. I miss Monet.

    I hope Eureka pulls off the win. I think she's been pretty consistently good, and I think she's at her best when she's just off the cuff - she's more sincere and enjoyable and seems just naturally sort of funny. 

    I was underwhelmed by this whole episode!

    • Love 4
  3. So sad to see Monet go. Should have been Aquaria in the bottom two with Kameron. What a bummer. 

    And yes - girl Frankie was also giving me some Bianca del Rio - something about her gestures and stance.

    FWIW, I HATE the "loaf" hairstyles. I understand using one once in a while, but Eureka pulls them out too frequently and they are just not my thing. 

    • Love 4
  4. I watched The Office while I was in labor with both of my kids - that's how much I loved this show. However, I didn't watch the last 2 1/2 seasons of The Office (which happened post-children) b/c my then-husband would never agree to watch them with me but did not want me to watch them without him, and then he deleted them from the DVR. Now that Comedy Central is running them all, I finally had a chance to watch the final seasons.

    I was disappointed that the Jim/Pam tension just sort of got poofed away - I don't think it was truly resolved and was just sort of set aside. However, I loved Dwight's ending and was happy to see Michael for the last episode, even though he was under-utilized there. 

    I felt like Catherine Tate was WASTED on these scripts - there were only a couple of episodes where they really let her shine. She's SO funny - that's a missed opportunity.

    • Love 3
  5. 2 hours ago, AnswersWanted said:

    But they aren’t unique in being self centered and self absorbed in their own ways, so are most people who enter into relationships with other people, because no one dates or marries freely because they’re being a selfless martyr that is going to stay with someone out of the goodness of their heart regardless of how bad things get most of the time.


    If someone is not getting something out of the other person they feel is worth sticking around for then they are often inclined to leave.

    When I married my husband, I did so with the knowledge that I was taking a risk. That he could get sick, that we could live in poverty, that any number of things could happen to change our lives from what they were when we married to something else. But that's why they are marriage vows - you are promising the other person something, that you will stick together no matter what and that you are joining your lives together. Your description of what marriage is is EXACTLY what most people see it as today, but it's not what it's supposed to be. It's supposed to be a vow, a promise, a sacred commitment.  (And now, before the mods step in, I will extract myself b/c I know we're getting off topic. Sorry!)

    1 hour ago, DrSpaceman said:

    The thing I found most interesting in this episode, and has been pointed out by others, is the power Aunt Lydia seems to have.  Not just over the Handmaids, but the wives.  Her scene with putting out the cigarette was very telling.  She has more power in some ways than any other female, and she knows it.  And uses it seemingly to control everyone she can. 

    I would LOVE to see a really well developed Aunt Lydia backstory. I find her fascinating and would love to know how she landed in this position, etc. 

    • Love 4
  6. 2 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

    To be fair, I don't think most people go into marriage thinking it's going to implode. Most people marry when they are still in the last stage of the relationship and aren't thinking about any cold, hard facts about a committed relationship. It probably happened to Luke and Annie, along with possibly marrying young and without having had any other variety of experience in relationships, two big killers in relationships. 

    No, I totally agree with you - but IMO that's why the vows are what they are. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. We have no guarantee that the person we are marrying might not get cancer 2 years in, bankrupting us and leaving us widowed. But that's why they are VOWS. They are serious. They are a promise. Or they were supposed to be. They mean nothing nowadays b/c people think it's okay to leave if they are not happy, if they are not getting enough sex, if someone else makes them feel wanted, fill-in-the-blank-here whatever. 

    • Love 7
  7. 13 hours ago, AnswersWanted said:


     As sad as it can be just because you marry someone that does not mean that you will stay married to them, people grow apart for all number of reasons, she did mention that he made vows to her, and at the time when he made then he could very well have meant to keep them, but human beings make all sorts of promises they actually can’t keep or won’t.  

    People who feel that way should not get married. There's no point in a vow if it's predicated on "you know, if I continue to feel like it, and things don't change, and I don't meet someone else, and etc."

    I had a hard time with this episode b/c A) it was hard to see June get tamped back down, and B) as someone whose marriage fairly recently imploded due to infidelity it's just hard to watch June's backstory and not get a stomachache. I enjoyed Annie confronting her and thought Luke showed his true colors once again by being such an asshole on the phone to her. I wish we hadn't seen Annie again at the end of the episode slinking away with her pain. 

    • Love 11
  8. On ‎5‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 9:12 PM, chocolatine said:

    I wondered that too, but if the woman is still too traumatized to speak after three years, I don't know that she would able/willing to have sex again. 

    I agree with that part. I'm sure he's had casual hookups if not more serious relationships.

    I subscribe to once a cheater, always a cheater, so I'm SURE Luke has had hookups if not more. If actual vows to an actual wife didn't stop him, the presence of a maybe-dead, definitely disappeared wife will not have stopped him, either.

  9. I feel like Mayhem was being punished for being a pretty decently well-known queen and for trying out for the show a zillion times. I also preferred her lipsync AND I liked her chocolate Judd getup, maybe because I flipping love the Judds. Mayhem, I will miss you.

    • Love 1
  10. 17 hours ago, Nessie said:

    This non-book reader hated it, but I hate cheating story lines in general.  It certainly made me think less of Madeline, and it was really weird to me when she confessed it to her daughter.  That's just...not a thing you "connect" with your children over.

    I super duper hate cheating storylines, especially when they are thrown in there for flavor like it seems this one was. And ditto to her sharing with her child about it. WHAT? Ugh. 

    • Love 1
  11. On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 5:26 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Its clear that there is no way she could live alone at this current weight.  I read that she has gained 100lbs since the show started. Jillian Michaels has PCOS - so I dont buy the weight excuse, she is lazy and over eats - end of story.

    PCOS is a syndrome which means it's a collection of symptoms. Not every person gets every symptom. Some people with PCOS have all of the symptoms; some people have only one or two. So it's completely possible for someone with PCOS to be skinny - just less likely. But there are plenty of "skinny cysters," as they are called in the PCOS community, who still deal with some of the problems like irregular ovulation but who don't have the weight issues.

    For those snarking on the story Ashley told about Whit and Ashley being on the same diet and Whitney not losing weight - I fully believe her. This is part of what PCOS can do. People like to preach that it's calories in, calories out, but when you have PCOS that is just NOT the way your body works. It doesn't mean you cannot lose weight, but that it is MUCH slower (and thus frustrating) and you can drive yourself crazy comparing your weight loss to the weight loss of someone without PCOS. Also, Whit had ED in high school, which messes with your metabolism. So I do believe that losing weight for her is not as easy as going on Weight Watchers or something.  The combo of a shot metabolism and PCOS absolutely would slow weight loss to a crawl even when following a diet to a T. 

    I find the snark on Whitney's dress so frustrating and also amusing. You hated her swimsuits. You hated her leggings. Now you hate this full coverage dress. Maybe just be honest and say that you hate her body in general and nothing she would put on it would please you? 

    I hope poor Heather has some counseling and finds some peace about the Buddy stuff. She's still so caught up in it in this reunion show. He is NOT a good match for her situation with 2 small kids, etc. 

    • Love 1
  12. I was glad to hear Angele is in counseling. She could use it. I think she's a kind person who is just starved for love and attention from childhood issues.

    slasherboy, someone posted a link either here or in a related thread that revealed that Jaclin's first child was smothered in the bed while sleeping with both parents. So sad. I hope SHE is in counseling because when she talked about not feeling like she deserves anything good in her life b/c of that accident, it broke my heart.

    Stephanie is a piece of work. I cannot find anything redeeming about her. I am interested in next week's follow-up episode, but if it's just more of what the previews showed it will be everyone justifying their behavior.

    • Love 6
  13. 14 hours ago, mybuddyspence said:

    Aw, the dance class ladies were so sweet. They deserve a Richard Simmons, not the queen of denial.

    When the show first started, one of the ideas was to franchise "BGDC" and at a cost, train other trainers who would then be licensed to offer this type of class in other places. The same sort of deal as Zumba or Flirty Girl Fitness - you pay the money to join the franchise, take some training and pass some tests, and then you are a licensed provider for the class. I don't know why this idea was dropped. I think it's a GREAT idea b/c as we saw from the Charleston class, there are women out there who really want to do this sort of class but feel ostracized from your average Zumba or Cardio Funk class based on their weight. I think a Whitney/Todd traveling class is fine (The Fitness Marshall is doing that successfully) but they can't be in all places at once. 

    • Love 4
  14. I thought Wendy was not nearly as kind and thankful toward Jerry as she should have been on today's comeback show. She sort of dismissed him and honestly, he stepped up and did her a solid taking over for a bit. That was disappointing.

    I like how Wendy wholeheartedly pointed out to Dr. Oz that she did NOT get DEPRESSED or GAIN WEIGHT. Ok, we get it girl. We get it. 

    • Love 6
  15. 12 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

    Maybe I’m just a cold hearted 25 year old but I really wish Danny Brown would have actually Did something or gave them the tickets to that group of 19-20 yr olds with the loud music,under age drinking & weed. They are all old enough to know better,why should they get a break? 

    They will just be back to doing the same shit next week and I’m sure this wasn’t their first time. 

    I wish he had actually done something, as well. And to be honest, my first thought as he was letting them off was "this would be 100% a different situation if all of those young people were African American." 

    • Love 2
  16. Shangela's runway gown was my favorite look of the whole season from anyone. It was stunning. She looked amazing. Given her full season performance, she was robbed. However, I think she will still be AOK. But I did think her feelings were hurt and I can't blame her. 

    I like Trixie. I am going to see her soon. I've seen her before. But I don't think she deserved this win. 

    On the Kennedy situation. I've seen Kennedy twice, the first time as part of one of those multi-girl tours. I paid extra for meet-and-greet at that show, but there were probably 12 girls and only an hour to meet and greet, so you had to spend your time wisely.

    My top 2 people I was dying to meet were Latrice and Jujubee. Once I finished their lines (both so sweet,) I went to see Acid Betty, Trixie, and Milk (MUCH nicer than you might assume given this season.) I still had about 10m left in meet and greet time, so I looked around to see who else I might want to see...Kennedy was there, as was Mimi Imfurst. (There were a couple of other girls there, too, but I'm drawing a blank.)

    Anyway - neither Kennedy nor Mimi had a line, but both seemed SO irritated and unhappy to be there that I did not feel comfortable going over there to talk to them. They both were just throwing off the WORST attitude. And I will say, having seen Kennedy twice now (several years apart) that in my opinion, her act is the same stuff over and over. I am not a huge fan of that. I thought she was super funny this season - I enjoyed her much more than her past season - but I still didn't think she deserved a top spot.

    • Love 4
  17. 19 hours ago, doingthejackal said:

    I'm glad you mentioned the cruelty in Shangela's LSFYL in your recap, Mark. I could tell that there were funny elements to it (who doesn't love the running man), but that meanness was too much. I felt humiliated the whole time watching it, knowing that it was using overweight women--like me--as a punchline, and hearing the judging panel die laughing was...hard.

    Yep. Agree 100%. I was disappointed.

    • Love 3
  18. 2 hours ago, Emma C said:

    Not that this is ANY reason to have a baby, but it does make you grow up, fast.

    It does if you are a decent human being. Sadly, I know many parents who failed to grow up with the birth of their children.

    3 hours ago, MyBigFatFakeLife said:

    I think it’s not that hard for women with PCOS to conceive as it is for women with endometriosis, which is what I have and that’s what my gyno told me, he does IVF treatments and most of his patients have endo (or both), while women with PCOS *could* - although this depends on the severity of the condition and the patient’s general health- be more easy to treat. I know several girls with PCOS who have gotten pregnant with less invasive treatment  or without it. However, they aren’t morbidly obese. 

    But life has a way of shocking us or throwing us little surprises. Maybe we would be surprised to hear Whitney is pregnant, but again, crazier things have happened.

    I don’t see her as a mom, she comes off as too self centered 

    I have PCOS and endometriosis (LADY PARTS LOTTERY WINNER!) and honestly, it's so different individual to individual with either diagnosis. PCOS is a SYNDROME so you have X out of Y number of symptoms - some lucky ladies get all of them, some are barely affected. So whether or not you can easily conceive with a little help with PCOS is just luck of the draw. Some PCOS patients conceive on their own. Some PCOS patients pop a Clomid and immediately get knocked up. Some have to go all the way up to IVF and even that doesn't work. You just never know. There are so many factors involved.

    This DOES bother me about Glen's pushing the kid thing, though - with Whitney's weight AND her age AND her PCOS, he needs to realize she may never have a biological child. 

    • Love 11
  19. I hope Angele takes whatever money she got from her stint here and uses it for counseling. You could see it when she first entered the facility and everyone was fascinated by her - she was SO HAPPY to have all of that attention and "love." Same for her bday party - she was genuinely so pleased that they would do that for her. And then, of course, the Gabrielle stuff. Angele is SO in need of love and affection and attention that she was unable to step back and consider anything else. That her "love affair" might just be circumstantial. That girls in jail love any excuse for a party. Etc. 

    • Love 9
  20. This is not the first time we've seen Dr. Now belittle a patient's pain. It really bothers me. I was in pain for EIGHT YEARS and saw probably 16 different doctors before finally seeing a doctor who diagnosed me with endometriosis. The other doctors? They said things like, "there's nothing wrong with you. This is all in your head. You are convincing yourself you are in pain." I have a REAL problem with denying a patient's pain. Now, should he hand over the opioids - no, of course not - but he could have treated the pain in a different way or at least made an attempt. 

    • Love 5
  21. I hope Ben has not burned any bridges with RuPaul with this move. I couldn't tell from Ru's expression at the judge's table if she was mad, sad, upset, surprised. I totally understand Ben's motivation, but selfishly now we are left with a bushel of lackluster queens in comparison. I guess I'm now team Shangela. Going in I was all for Trixie but I don't think she's performed well.

    I cannot stand Morgan (sorry) so I was bummed that she was the one brought back, but as I suffer from many of the same issues as Ben, I knew that's who would be brought back b/c she was the one Ben sent home. Now Ben can look at it as a neutral - she sent Morgan home, she brought her back - and not have any guilt. Morgan is so abrasive and I just don't like the harshness of her looks/performances. I was hoping for Aja - she really stepped it up this season - or for Thorgy b/c even though I know she has issues I find her really entertaining in talking heads.

    • Love 2
  22. I was so sad for Taylor's update. What a shame. I hope her sister finds some peace and escapes her mom. Their mom is a piece of work.

    The police officer who helped his friend go into treatment - I loved him. When he teared up as she accepted treatment - ugh, my heart. 

    • Love 1
  23. 4 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

    I have a genuine question, and please don't hate on me for it, but it's something that just occurred to me from reading the responses to this episode.  Quite a few of the posters to this show have said they are somewhat-to-significantly overweight.  And there is lots of advice given about what Whit's family should do to somehow get her to lose weight.  But I'm curious if any of that ever worked for you, and if it hasn't, why not, and why should it work in Whit's case?  Likewise with the physical state that Whitney is in...it seems that people are saying that she should be taking such-and-such event as a wake-up call that she needs to lose weight.  But what are those posters waiting for in terms of a wake-up call in their own lives, and why have other events not caused the weight loss decision?  I have sincere curiosity and would hope to get some sincere answers. 

    I weigh in at about 250, and am 5'9". I have gotten down to 180 before, but it was with very nearly disordered eating and constant exercising, and it was not sustainable once I no longer had 5 hours a day to put into exercise. I have been as high as 285 but it was not comfortable and limited my activity - however, that was about 6 months after my husband left me, so I was doing a lot of comfort eating. 

    What I THOUGHT this show was going to be about was a situation like mine - I am active, I have a life, I travel, I exercise, I swim, I go to the beach, I do yoga, etc. - but I do all of that as a fat person.  I have PCOS, just like Whitney, and so I KNOW from experience that losing weight for us is not a clear calories in/calories out equation. Our bodies work differently. It doesn't mean you can't lose weight, but I have had to come to terms with the fact that I will never be what society determines acceptable: skinny. I will always have these muscular legs and large shoulders and etc. and I'm going to have to find a way to be okay with that. That's what I thought Whitney's show was going to be: watch me live my life as a fat person and realize that fat people can and should be allowed to live their lives without constant disapproval. (**if you think that's not what it's like to live life as a fat person, you are wrong. I am not even a supersized fat person, so I can't imagine HOW MUCH WORSE it must be for them.)

    I was looking forward to THAT show. 1 in 10 women has PCOS. Unfortunately, that is not the show we got.

    • Love 15
  24. The continued snark specifically targeted against panic attacks here saddens me. I get your doubt, but this sort of thing is what leads doctors to say things to anxiety sufferers like, "everybody has problems - you need to suck it up." Which is a for real quote from when I had a panic attack and was in the ER. Anxiety is a for real, actual thing, and something that you have no control over. I had a panic attack in the middle of a luau in Hawaii myself - there was NO REASON for that to happen - but it did. We eventually figured out that my panic attacks were linked to hormone issues, which also could be happening to Whitney. Once you've starting having panic attacks, the fear of having a panic attack is enough to trigger another one sometimes. It's terrible. On this front, I really feel for her. 


    I am interested to see what we see next week WRT post-8K activities in Hawaii. I would imagine her feet were SHOT after this and made anything other than a short walk downstairs in the hotel impossible. I did a 5K 2 weeks after I tore my PF (I was in a boot) because it was for our school and I promised my kids I'd do it with them and it was A MISTAKE. I took a boatload of ibuprofen beforehand and still had to take a leftover Percocet later because I was hurting SO badly. I hope she is seeing a doctor for that mess and not just treating it on her own with ice and stuff. 

    It was nice of hip surgery girl and military dude to give her some words of encouragement.

    Buddy becomes less likable every week. I hope Heather, if she had not already gotten the memo, watches these episodes and sees very clearly that she's better off without him. 

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