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I agree 100%. That was my point, but that damn sarcasm font keeps disappearing. ;-)
This is a pretty common nickname for that part of Florida. I don't think that Joe originated the term, nor do I think that the folks there find it particularly insulting. What would be the point? You can't expect him to appear before anything less than an adoring crowd. <<insert eyeroll>> I'd personally like to see him in a town hall with a politically (and hey, racially!) mixed crowd. I must have stepped out of the room when all of the Buchannan love began. What brought that on? I just started watching the show again a few months ago, so I would hate for good ole' Pat to return, I'd rather not see him and I have no interest in his opinions. ROLF at Unhappy Days, @millennium
I do! I do! Unfortunately, he is a comparatively reasonable Republican, so he's doomed.
Mika approached the "Sessions shaming" like it just happened yesterday. I only watched the first half, but it was pretty much all devoted to Sessions. I know that she was out of the country last week but this is a little bit of old - though not fake - news. Yes, the president seems to be ratcheting it up, but I would have appreciated at least a little discussion about the ban and a lot of discussion about what the hell is going on with the healthcare vote. The Sessions tweets have become so ridiculous and comical, that they could be included in the funny breaks that they show at the top of the hour. I know that Mika doesn't get to pick the direction of the morning discussions (does anyone know who does?), but I thought this was a bit of overkill.
I don't believe he was upset, I believe the word he used was "confused". His point being that Sen. McCain's vote contradicted the speech he had just delivered so eloquently. Joe's response was way overboard (though not a surprise), and I hate that Eddie didn't defend his original point when given the chance. Eddie never said that McCain should vote the way Eddie wants, Eddie never mentioned what he wants. Joe was way out of line, and I had hoped that Eddie would be a little more assertive in his own defense.
DITTO! DITTO! DITTO! Every time I hear "Midwesterners think (insert ass-backwards assumption)" or "women think..."or "Black people think..." I want to pull my hair out, and I hear that on this show more than any other. Here's an idea, get a panelist that actually lives in the fucking Midwest!
Saw some of Joe/Mika's appearance last night, only three (terribly shallow) comments: 1) Not a fan of Joe's music, the band and backup singers are great however. 2) Joe added extra pomp to his Pompadour...looks a lot like my hair in the '80s. I required electric rollers and a ton of gel...we both resembled roosters. 3) Mika's tanned legs look awkward with the platform pumps (also not a fan of platform pumps) especially since they were the same exact color as her legs. Probably looked less odd when she was standing. Less shallow, I've been waiting to hear Joe claim that he was leaving the party. He has been so critical, and so eager to call out other, less-critical Republicans. I expect him to be a IINO (Independent in Name Only), because his politics are firmly set in the Republican clay. He really just seems to want to distance himself from the shit storm of the moment. I agree with Oakville, he will come running back as soon as the party regains its dignity...or begins to lose the stain of Trump. I wonder if Joe is so independent as to actually endorse Democrats as well as Republicans.
Oakville, I absolutely LOVE how you sneak these little tidbits of humor in your daily recaps! Don't think I missed last week's reference to Joe's constipation due to his being full of shit! Trump manages to act like an adult for exactly three consecutive hours every month, and people act like he's a changed man. Remember all of the praise after the SOTU address? Remember when it took him 3 or 4 days to shoot that goodwill to hell? I agree. I think his tweets are dangerous, not to mention petty, childish and unpresidential. I see fashionable jackets all over the place. Can't Mika have an assistant pick up a couple for her? I didn't get your drift, so I thought you were taking about Joe's son! LOL!!
I think that to Joe Scarborough, coaching baseball and teaching/attending church/synagogue are synonymous with Americana; particularly Southern, republican Americana. It wouldn't surprise me if Joe taught Sunday school and coached baseball just to lay the foundation for his political career. To Joe, If Ossof had been a "good 'ole boy" then he could have won that district. That, by the way, is the point of the exaggerated accent. He uses that same fake accent for James Carville and Haley Barbour (neither of whom are from Georgia...but whatever). "Good ole boys" have that accent, according to Joe. Someone should tell Joe that he isn't that great at impressions.
I thought I might hit a few nerves with that one. I'm 55-years-old myself, and I've done the whole long white dress and veil thing, so my ideal wedding is a few close friends on some faraway beach. It is my nature to project my preferences onto others. :-) No offence intended. Hell, I'll even offer my services as organist if they want me. Um...of course she is. If I didn't know better, I'd think Joe was a little envious of the man's youth. He kept making these repeated reference to "50-year-old businessmen"...blah, blah, blah... Joe was just full of movie references today, wasn't he? I'm sure a young lefty like Ossof plays lacrosse; that bastard!
I'd watch that. Joe is entertaining on some level some of the time, and I've grown fond of some of the "regulars". I really liked "With All Due Respect", maybe the Game Change Boys could bring their act to morning TV. Ugh! I think at their age (and under their circumstances) a small, elegant affair is in much better taste. I wonder how high Joe's hair will be?
HA!!!...and this is how I shall refer to him from this point forward.
I applaud Mika for her grace and professionalism this morning. I didn't really expect her to be on the air, yet she memorialized her father beautifully. I also appreciate that after the rather lengthy tribute was over, she went right back to the political issues at hand. I appreciate Joe's ability to laugh at the "stunningly superficial" line now, but I can't imagine that he took it that well (off camera) when it was said. I might as well weigh in on the hair too. Perhaps the platinum is exaggerated because of the stage lighting, but I think the honey blond was much more attractive, too. Also, she could lighten up on the tanning...just a bit.
Mitch Daniels - for all of his marital woes (and the stories I hear are more worthy of the Real Housewives) - was a far better governor than Pence and I'm a democrat! That said, when he was in Congress, Pence gained a lot of name recognition here, he appeals to the state's conservatives, particularly those that like religious zealots, and his opponent ran a very weak campaign. Funny thing is, when the votes were all counted, he won by a much smaller margin than anyone expected. As mentioned above, Joe liked Daniels, not sure if the feeling was mutual, however. Just kidding...who doesn't LOVE Joe Scarborough?!
100% correct! Pence is almost worse than Trump. We all know Trump to be a crass, tasteless con man, but people actually buy that cornfed earnestness and Aw Shucks demeanor that Pence displays. Not looking forward to being hit over the head with his staunch morality and religious ideals...again.