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Posts posted by ketchuplover

  1. the Padres were a game over .500 and their manager was fired, and yet Ryne Sandberg (and Ruben Amaro) still has a job. Even though (my beloved) Phillies are the worst team in baseball and have scored three runs in the last 4 games and are on a 7 game losing streak and have only won one game in the last 11 games. I know the expectations of both teams are completely different but I am not sure why the Phillies GM and Manager still have jobs.

    The Brewers aren't the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you believe in miracles?  Yes! Yes! Yes!

  2. The anachronisms are starting to bug. No one said "word salad" or "Yahtzee!" in the 1960s. And "bundling" is a very modern practice to get around campaign finance laws, of which there were none in 1969. No one, absolutely no one, would have been a "bundler" then. That's just an idiotic mistake.

    Still not believing this Charlie. When people would angrily confront the historical Manson, he would dare them to kill him right there, sometimes handing them a gun. Not a hug-it-out kind of guy, the real Charlie.

    Yahtzee was invented in 1956

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  3. groovy baby

    Rookie Chris Heston just pitched a no-hitter against the Mets.  It's his second complete game shutout of the season.

    Complete game?  What is this "Complete game" of which you speak?

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  4. Born to be Wiiiiiiiiiild

    If you know you're not a 3-D fan--or at least it doesn't really add enough to justify the extra $$$--then I wouldn't do it. The preview made it seem like it was a movie that at least does 3-D passably well, but not that it's a must. (Very few movies fall into the latter category for me--Avatar and Interstellar are the only two that I've really made a concerted effort to see in 3-D.)

    Gravity wasn't too bad imo

  5. Hannibal's biggest "dick move" of the episode: serving escargot in the shell to a one-armed man.

    Good grief I missed that :(  I heard talk of (part of) a leg missing but didn't see that either :(  Hope I didn't miss seeing hoe Quinto died

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