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Posts posted by JenLily

  1. I don't believe for a second that they went out to dinner as late as the show wants us to think they did. There were lots of other diners in the background and I doubt that so many people would be out eating dinner at 11pm, even if they're on vacation. It's Tucson, not Vegas. I think they could've gotten their point across about Angelina being inconsiderate without being so over-the-top dramatic about it.

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  2. I just lost my mother three weeks ago so this was a difficult episode to watch. I really identified with Gregory as I haven't wanted to talk much about my mom with people, despite the concern and sympathy I know they have for me. I would've been just as overwhelmed by the demonstrations of love and support by Barbara and her family and I, too, would've had to extricate myself from that house, hopefully as gracefully as Gregory did. I'm dreading this Sunday. Maybe I, too, should head out to Topless Golf and spend the day alone with my thoughts. It actually looked kind of pleasant.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    If you're on a date with someone you don't know that well, it's probably unwise to assume what they do (or don't) have in their pockets.

    I haven't been on the dating scene in an age but when I was it never once occurred to me that the person I was on a date with could have a gun on them. I guess I find it a sad state of affairs that the default these days should be assuming that they might be armed.

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  4. 9 hours ago, UnknownK said:

    I would guess on a coffee date the first thing a women would ask is what do you do (because asking for the last 5 years of IRS returns is frowned upon). So, she would have known he carries a gun.

    Just because he's a FDIC security guard, I wouldn't have assumed that he was carrying a weapon on a date unless he actually told me he was armed right at that moment.

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  5. On 3/31/2024 at 6:18 PM, Bobcatkitten said:

    Running a test early is one thing. But she wasn't following established protocols on the temp and then was going to take him up before 24 hours of "brain dead." She was just barreling through not caring at all. 

    All I kept thinking was, it's exactly that behavior that causes some people to be afraid to identify themselves as organ donors. My mother refused to indicate that she was an organ donor on her driver's license because she believed that doctors wouldn't work as hard to save her if they thought she had organs they could use.

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  6. This was an utter waste of an episode. Just an hour-long commercial for Uncommon James, Daniel Diamond and Snooki's shop. If you're going to force Sammi (and your viewers) to deal with Ronnie, just bring him on the show and get on with it already.

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  7. On 3/27/2024 at 12:07 AM, possibilities said:

    He was basically negging her for not liking olives, for godsake! I love olives, but his tone with her was really condescending. Olives are not for everyone, okay? Let her know herself and stop trying to convince her she doesn't!

    I despise olives. You could deep fry them and serve them with bacon and I'd still turn my nose up at them.

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  8. 11 hours ago, raeb23 said:

    He also was in Miracle Workers with Quinta.

    Oh my gosh, I completely forgot he was in Miracle Workers! He's hilarious there, too, but for some reason the one episode he was on Brooklyn Nine-Nine is imprinted in my brain so deeply that that's what I immediately thought of when I heard his voice.

    • Like 4
  9. 15 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    That guy he was hooking up with is cute, go for it, Jacob :D

    He was Captain Holt's honeypot in Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I was delighted to see him again.

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  10. 13 hours ago, dwmarch said:

    Also, how does he remember a scent from back in the day before he developed his superpowers? I remember what the popular cologne was in high school but I'm pretty sure I have no idea what it smells like now.

    Many moons ago, I dated a guy that wore Acqua di Gio. I can identify that scent from a mile away and will always associate it with him. Scent memories are very strong.

    • Like 4
  11. I don’t know why but I thought the person offscreen saying, “Yeah, Cheryl,” after Lexi told the girl complaining about sitting on the floor to shut it was absolutely hilarious. I burst out laughing and rewound it so I could watch it again. 

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  12. Y’all, I absolutely gasped when that choir lady made the disparaging comment about Barbara’s lipstick. Mere seconds before, I was swooning at how good she looked in that lipstick color and wondering if I’ll ever be able to figure out what brand/shade it is. She looked STUNNING!!!

    • Like 10
  13. 1 hour ago, illdoc said:
    13 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

    I hope they remember to make a room for Tank too.

    Tank? Does Tank still exist? I remember him being with Raines outside of the building (as a cover), then Raines rushing to the building just as it exploded. I have no idea where Tank currently is!

    I'd be happy if they said he went to live someplace far away where he's safe and happy. Every time I see him, I spend the entire episode worried something's going to happen to him.

    • Like 1
  14. 15 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Two puppies is probably way too much work for an elderly person, but it might not be so awful for her to have one companion animal since nobody in her family ever seems to visit. Not sure she has the wherewithal to take care of a pet, but is she in some kind of nursing home or assisted living facility? There was mention of a nurse, so as long as someone is checking in on her regularly it might be OK. 

    In the residence that my mother is in, the memory care residents are forbidden to have pets. Even in the Assisted Living section, the residents can only have pets if they have the ability to fully take care of them. The place is very clear that their caretakers are there to care for the people and not any animals that might be living there.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Katie111 said:
    16 hours ago, dizzyd said:

    These cocktail parties go on for a few hours so why can’t 10 women get 15 minutes?

    This is what always totally confuses me too.  They seem to only talk for about 5 minutes and maybe a few minutes of make-out.  I know they have to meet with producers as well to do their talking heads but why can't everyone get time?

    When Jess confronted Maria, Mr. Lily clocked that she said, "It's a little early for you to be stealing time when you have a rose," which he interpreted to mean that we were seeing a little bit of editing trickery and it was actually earlier in the evening than the show was implying. Which means that, yes, Jess wasted time being a bitch instead of just pulling Joey aside herself.

    And speaking of bitches, ugh, Lea. She's revealing herself to be a truly awful person. The way she spoke to Madina about having "higher standards" made me want to slap her. I'm glad Madina chose not to entertain her nonsense and just walked away. She didn't deserve to be talked down to that way. Lea's behavior now casts her choice to throw away her "steal a date" card in a far more negative light. I'd thought she was truly uncomfortable with being able to do something like that and now I believe it was merely a tactic to manipulate Joey into viewing her a certain way. She's icky.

    I really like Lexi and Daisy. They just seem very sweet and actually into getting to know Joey instead of hoping for Paradise. I hope I keep liking them.

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  16. 18 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    So Korto overcame the oppression of having people pronounce her name Core-Toe (you know, phonetically) and not Kah-toe! How did she drag herself out of bed after that?

    When she said that, it really resonated with me. Having your name constantly said incorrectly diminishes a person in a way that someone with an easily pronounceable name will never understand. I say this as a person with an extremely common first name who watched my father hear his ethnic name mispronounced until the day he died.

    I actually really like Korto's design. I thought it fit the challenge well. And I thought if other people were allowed to claim their fabric choice met their requirements (Bishme with his sweatshirt fabric and Brittany with the sheer fabric), then they should've given her the same grace with her fancy brocade fabric. Instead they dinged her for it. I agree with everyone that said it was her mouth that got her kicked though. I think there was a way she could have effectively defended herself and her vision but she emphatically chose a different route.

    Speaking of Brittany, I don't think she met the requirement AT ALL. Sure, it was a full-length, long sleeve, high-neck dress but being able to see the model's ass cheeks completely negates the "modest" aspect. Prajje was right: that's a dress you wear when you want to get laid.

    I felt bad for Bishme. He knew he wasn't sending out his best work, you could see it in his body language on the runway and he fully accepted the judges' criticism because he knew they were right. I'm glad he wasn't sent home because I've liked so much of what he's done so far. I think he had a good idea, I just think he let it get away from him.

    I don't have much to say about Prajje's look. I didn't much like it but I didn't outright hate it. I agree with Nina, it was just sort of there for me.

    I loved Laurence's look and I think there were elements to it that maybe could be seen as trendy (the strong shoulders, the moto aspect of the pants) but at the end of the day it was a leather jumpsuit. Classic for sure but not particularly innovative.

    Rami's dress was beautiful but even he knew he was full of shit with the cape thing as his oversized element. If he'd made it more dramatic, more billowy, more MORE then I think he could've gotten away with the claim but as is there was nothing oversized about it.

    I'm most interested in seeing a Rami/Bishme/Laurence final runway so I hope they don't muck anything up between now and then.

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  17. On 8/11/2023 at 6:07 PM, Spartan Girl said:
    On 8/11/2023 at 6:03 PM, chitowngirl said:

    There’s an error in The Final One. When Ross decides to go after Rachel, Phoebe tells him to “get your coat”. He’s looking around frantically for it. “Where’s my coat?”. Then Phoebe screams at him, “you didn’t bring one!”  Why did Phoebe tell him to get it when she knew he didn’t bring it?

    You could chalk it up to her being an airhead

    She was distracting him long enough to grab her own jacket and purse and then offer to drive him to the airport in her cab.

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  18. On 8/4/2023 at 4:26 PM, mojoween said:

    Seems silly that Phoebe and Joey waited over AN HOUR at her birthday dinner.

    My family once waited over 45 minutes for my stupid sister and her family to show up for dinner because they kept saying they were "almost there." Only difference was the restaurant refused to actually seat us until they showed up. Needless to say, we were furious when they finally got there.

    • Mind Blown 1
    • Fire 2
  19. 20 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

    There's no way they would have given Dean the lead with only a few days/a week to go before opening night. I get it's a sitcom/TVLand, but I am not willing to roll with it. That's too far for me. 

    Mr. Lily related *hard* to this part of the plot. Apparently the exact same thing happened to him when he was in the sixth grade. His class was putting on Tom Sawyer, he was playing the part of some secondary character, and then a week before opening night he was told he had to play Tom Sawyer because the kid that had the role couldn't remember any of his lines. He said up until then he never studied so hard for anything in his life. 😂

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  20. 19 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    I should have suspected Gabriel was going to die after he got so much time to work on his relationship with Carlos and was all excited for the wedding, the poor guy might as well have announced that he had two weeks until retirement.

    I laughed out loud when I read the bolded. I always twitch when a character makes that announcement, it's almost always a harbinger of death. Either that or they just find out they're having a baby.

  21. Mr. Lily and I howled - howled - when Ava clocked the very real threat that Vanetta was sending her way and then turned tail and ran. "The key to never getting your ass beat? Knowing when someone can beat your ass." Indeed, Ava.

    Did anyone else notice that Taraji and Quinta made the exact same face when Ava was talking? I loved that little acting detail - people who live together really do adopt each others' mannerisms.

    My heart absolutely broke when the camera swung around to show that Janine heard the conversation between her mother and Barbara. All I kept thinking was, she must be so embarrassed. It's one thing to have to deal with the messiness that comes with your mom and to tell yourself (and others) whatever you need to just to get by. But to have someone you love and respect bear witness to that dynamic? There's nowhere to hide anymore. I don't believe for a second Janine would've been able to set those boundaries if she hadn't witnessed their exchange and been forced to confront her relationship with the clarity that came with Barbara's eyes.

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