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Posts posted by millennium

  1. On 12/12/2023 at 7:29 AM, SeanBug said:

    cannot believe they have Matthews on again. Wasn't he fired for inappropriate behavior toward women, Mika????

    Ha!  I'm not a fan of people being punished for poor judgment by losing their careers, retirement, etc.   Actually I think it's pretty decent of them to give Matthews another chance.   They did the same for Alexi McCammon, who certainly didn't deserve to be made a leper for stupid remarks she made in college.

    • Like 2
  2. I don't understand why Julie is so beloved.  She strikes me as entitled, vindictive and more than a little full of herself.

    Austin should have been voted out.   He deserves it for being stupid.  Stupid for getting involved with Dee in the first place, stupid for telling her about the plan to oust Julie.  In the end, which is easier to fix?  Your girlfriend being angry with you or getting voted off Survivor?

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  3. Nicole Wallace has been on maternity leave for the past couple weeks, but guess what?  Nicole Wallace made it a priority to come back to work for the day and be in the studio when Liz Cheney showed up yesterday.

    As I understand it, Nicole Wallace has higher ratings than MJ or any other show on MSNBC.  

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  4. 3 hours ago, Kemper said:

    I tuned in at 7 during the Liz Cheney interview; Willy and Jonathan Lemire were in studio with her. The conversation was excellent so I figured Joe had Taken The Day Off.  But wait! Here he is with Meeka in Florida. And he starts talking. All I can think of is Shut The Eff Up You Egotistical Blowhard. He just had to bring up his glory days in Congress. 

    Did Scarborough interact with Liz Cheney?   I didn't see the show but just caught a clip on MSNBC and it looked like the interview was with Geist and Lemire, which struck me as incredibly insulting.   The head of the January 6th committee, a woman who put her political career on the line for the sake of democracy comes in for an important interview and the titular host of the show can't be bothered to be IN THE STUDIO?

    Talk about not knowing a woman's value.

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  5. I haven't finished watching the episode yet, so haven't read any previous posts.  Forgive me if I am repeating things that may have already been said.

    For a show that went to ludicrous extremes to show how "woke" it was about gender, gender roles and pronouns -- "C'mon in, guys" -- it was a grotesque hypocrisy for Survivor to create two outlandish vignettes that were so incredibly offensive in their stereotyping of men and women, i.e., men are disgusting creatures that revel in farting and burping, while women are emotionally delicate flowers that weep and hug at the slightest emotional provocation.

    It wasn't fun or funny and both felt like they would never end, especially the guys version with the obnoxious 80s-movie soundtrack.   Never before with this show have I cringed so much.   Please go back to the standard one-hour format.   The extra time is only giving the production people excuses to show their asses.

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  6. 1 hour ago, AntFTW said:

    Umm... no thanks.

    You know you want to.   It's like driving past a bad accident.

    If you'd prefer a Jordan and Tori romantic singing video, we have those too, God help us, lol.

    • LOL 3
  7. 5 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

    It got old in the seasons where it was all hall brawl and the like all the time and that one beefy Brit gave Jay a concussion. (It was Jay, right? I think that was the year I still liked him, now he gets on my nerves). 

    I liked Jay then, too.  Now I long for Rogan to show up as one of the vets and give him another concussion. 

    Here, because I shouldn't have to suffer alone with this.  Warning:  you can't unsee it:


    • LOL 1
  8. This episode was so bad, so very, very bad, I can barely comment.

    Even Nurys' hotness can't mitigate this, because I can't unsee Nurys with Nelson.   It's kind of like when Jerry found out his new girlfriend had been dumped by Newman.

    Did they do all the confessionals in a single day?  Everybody has been wearing the same outfit in confessionals for the past few episodes.  Big T in purple, Nurys on the brink of wardrobe malfunction and that other guy (Cory?) in some kind of orange pleather vest that looks he picked it up at Build-A-Bear.

    Big T's confessionals are starting to give me a cavity.  

    The elimination was head-shakingly dull.   Kaz's loss (to Big T!) in the wake of Jordan's win was not a good look for someone billed as a "world-champion."  If anyone suspected Jordan was the engine and Kaz was the freight, this elimination did nothing to dispel those doubts.

    Show, please stop trying to make Michelle happen.  Her face (which I personally find fascinating but that's beside the point) is in almost every shot, whether large group, small group, or person to person.  We get it, you need to manufacture new "vets," but trying to brainwash the audience through repetition is not the way to win hearts and minds. 

    I hate them all.  Yeah.

    • Like 2
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  9. Five episodes in and we finally get 10 minutes of something that resembles the real Challenge.

    This season blows.   I don't care about these players, it doesn't interest me in the least when they argue, I don't give a hoot who stays or who goes home.  I can't even be bothered to learn their names.  What was BMP thinking?  Did they learn NOTHING from Challenge USA Season 1?

    Is Michelle now a co-host?  That's how it seems based on the amount of camera time she gets.

    Also the way the show builds in vet name-drops and flashbacks isn't the special sauce they think it is.   It's more like being taunted by someone who's holding out on you.

  10. 7 hours ago, tres bien said:

    Thank you this morning to Molly Jong Fast for basically telling the Dems to stop being wimps, put the gloves on and start fighting 

    I don't think they know how.   Is it that hard to find a good ad agency and make devastating commercials?   The material is already there, all recorded, tons of it.   So far all I have seen are very occasional commercials that collectively amount to "President Biden wants me to feel loved."

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  11. 7 hours ago, tres bien said:

    Where are black leaders like Rev Al? Why aren't they out there speaking up?

    I was asking the same question IRL yesterday, i.e., whatever happened to black leaders?   Where's the new Jesse Jackson?   There's no one.  Where the hell is Raphael Warnock?   He got elected and vanished from the national scene.

    On the other hand, there are no white leaders speaking out either.   No prominent celebrities.   No rock bands or other performance artists being defiant.   Activism is dead.  They all fear being canceled.

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  12. 7 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    That's what fossils do.


    Proud fossil

    Scarborough and I graduated high school the same year.   But he always seems to be looking backwards.   It's especially aggravating at the moment because what happened in the past means squat.   Especially the last 50 years.  Because the last 50 years are what led us to this moment of national crisis today.   Everything that happened in politics from about 1970 to 2020, or didn't happen, has culminated in America being pushed to the brink.   If the pieces of the past have added up to what we see on the news every day now, then those pieces cannot by nature be a good thing.   And certainly do not merit or deserve the never-ending "remember when" segments on Morning Joe. 

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  13. Nine panelists to discuss Roslyn Carter's passing.

    Naw, that's not overkill.  

    Hate when this show goes full-on political nostalgia.  I think they do it mostly to promote Mika's boring pedigree.   By the way, can't wait for that new book by Ed Luce derived from Dr. Z's diaries.  Snore.   The Carter administration was almost 50 years ago!  Bad enough we still have the fucking Beatles and Rolling Stones in our faces after half a century or more, now this.    If you're old enough, try to remember back to the 70s ... do you recall news shows doing twenty-minute tributes to political figures who died in the 1920s?    Hell no.   (And getting back to the Beatles and Stones, do you remember radio stations in the 1970s still playing big hits from the Gatsby era on a daily basis?  "And after the break, we're gonna play a block of Eddie Cantor!  Be sure to stay tuned for your chance to win Josephine Baker tickets!")

    The future is on fire and these fossils just want to wax poetic about the long, long ago.

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  14. 6 hours ago, jacourt said:

    At one point Michael Steele is making an interesting point and Joe interrupts and says this is my show wait til I’m done.

    He did more than that, lol.  He hammered Michael Steele's point of view into a fine powder, then Steele meekly explained that Scarborough had not heard him correctly. 

    I thought his take-down of Mike Johnson was great.  

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  15. A bit hypocritical for Scarborough to repeatedly ridicule George Santos' purple Joker jacket this morning, i.e., "What is he wearing?" when one of his frequent panelists is a personification of the Skittles slogan, "Taste the rainbow."

    • LOL 2
  16. 9 hours ago, oakville said:

    Joe's rants are very entertaining.

    I laughed when Joe told Vanderhei that he knew RFK Jr very well & called him a conspiracy theorist etc. Joe has tried to act like a Kennedy for several years by vacationing in Martha's Vineyard & adopting Kennedy hairstyle & clothes .

    I guess it makes sense then, that as an imaginary family member, he is suitably disgusted by his cousin-who-isn't

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  17. 9 hours ago, oakville said:

    Joe is happy that the Biden campaign is listening to him & using clips of Trump against him.

    The campaign should use clips of Joe.   It's a shame all that piss and vinegar is wasted on those who already mostly agree with him.

    • LOL 3


    People who get five million dollars after being HIT BY A TRUCK don't look anywhere near as good as you, honey.

    And construction guy in the safety vest who got 65 TIMES MORE THAN INSURANCE WAS WILLING TO PAY?  In real life, people who get that kind of payout are so traumatically injured that they are never able to work again. 

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  19. So this morning, Jim Vander-are-u-high stated that many Americans are supporting Robert Kennedy Jr. because they don't like Trump or Biden and want a more normal candidate.  And said Kennedy's candidacy will hurt Biden more than Trump.

    Thank goodness Scarborough handed him his ass, saying, "I know Robert, and there's nothing normal about that guy at all.   He's a crazed conspiracy theorist ..." and ranted for the next five minutes about how much in common Kennedy has with Trump's supporters.

    Meanwhile Vanderhigh sat there the whole time looking really pissed and didn't say another word.   When the break came, Mika bumped him from the panel.  LOL.

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  20. Personal note to Bananas:

    Quit the old man act.   You're 40 and in better shape than most twentysomethings.  You probably have another 40 or more years ahead of you.

    This "just finishing is a win" business is BS.   You lost.   Not because you're older than the other players but because you made a stupid and needless mistake with the rocks.

    Own it, learn from it.  Then come back and win again. 


  21. One of the least entertaining episodes of the Challenge I've ever watched.  During the daily challenge, I checked my email because I couldn't have cared less how it turned out.

    The show goes out of its way to advertise "no vets," then spends half the episode doing vet flashbacks and sound bytes, plus vet previews at the commercial breaks.   I guess that's BMP's idea of fan service.   For me, all it does is highlight how lackluster this current group is.


  22. Has there been a more repulsive Challenger than Josh since TJ took over?  He betrays people all the time, then goes around crying and seeking sympathy like he's the victim.   It's disgusting to watch, even more than his pretending to be impoverished and unable to help his parents.

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