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Posts posted by PinkRibbons

  1. I love that Linda and Bob have specific dynamics with each of the kids. Louise and Linda are a favorite pairing of mine because the two are literal partners in crime. I mean, Louise did get her crazy from Linda's side of the family. (One of my top 10 moments from this show is Linda being accused of this and saying "You think I don't know that?!" followed by maniacal laughter.)

    I like that this episode showed that Linda and Louise both work at their relationship. Linda learns to trust Louise and Louise appreciates Linda's company.

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  2. My ick at the idea of Beef discussing hooking up with his minor children was basically subsumed by how absolutely hilarious Judy was. My mom used to complain that she tried to give us frank discussions about sex (which she didn't get to have) but my sister and I would run screaming from the room. At some point apparently we told her we'd learn what we needed to know on the streets like normal people.

    • LOL 1
  3. My only question that remains: what THE FUCK was the point of Zara? I was hoping she was only introduced to eventually double cross everyone, but instead she just ended being the random Cousin Oliver added at the last minute for no real reason.

    I LOVE that no matter what happens, Archer and Pam are together. He and Lana were always a disaster, and not just because of Archer. Lana could not handle a relationship with Archer because she just could not trust him. And it makes more sense for Archer to continue on banging random chicks and having Pam being the source of love he really needs. Also, I assume Alessia is going to continue to be a presence in Pam's life, so she gets the romance she deserves.

    I wonder if the showrunners ever knew who Papa Archer was? I tend to lean towards it being Nikolai Jakov or the guy in Italy Malory mentioned. I know he was supposed to have met Archer when the latter was a young kid, but that may have just been a hallucination from snake venom.

    Also Slater's threat of having deleted the DNA results is kind of silly. Archer should try an ancestry website. Doubt his dad is on one, but who knows about siblings or even cousins?

    I can see this show getting a theatrical follow-up. I mean they left enough loose strings to pull if they want.

  4. From what I've read, it's been renewed for a fourth season, but no premiere date has been set. I do think the mid-season replacement theory is probably right. I also doubt that Krapopolis got a full 20+ episode season order for the first season, so maybe we have to wait out a 10-13 episode run of that first.

  5. Hmm. Introducing a last-minute, overpowered and overcompetent character who almost everyone on the cast instantly likes and outdoes the best agent with her hands literally tied behind her back? Did they write Zara from a manual titled "how to write the most hated character possible?" Next thing the whole cast will be acting like she'd always been a part of the team and is the best thing since sliced bread.

    Seriously, this is like they tried to tick every fan-enraging box on a character list.

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  6. I strongly suspect Hader has blinders on to his own natural lovability. I would say he's charming, but it's more that he projects a lot of sweetness in both his real life persona and his roles. Barry to me was like a rabid puppy - so sweet and cute but dangerous beyond words, and with no help to be had.

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  7. I found Hank's death so fascinating, because he looked so terrified at the end, like he was seeing the Angel of Death and it was not wearing its peaceful face.

    Were they implying that Sally and John ended up in Canada? All those "Theatre"s made me wonder.

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  8. Usually right after a season ends I try and make a prediction for which episode will be submitted for the Emmys, but season 13 is an interesting one. The majority of episodes were meh to great, but there are more standouts than I realized. So I predict that one of the following will be the submission:

    Show Mama From the Grave (Finding Lily's Grave)

    The Plight Before Christmas (That song and Louise's poem!!!)

    Oh Row You Didn't (Guy who was rowing around the world. I don't think it's the best, but it was a milestone episode, which might make a difference)

    Radio No You Didn't (The Spy Radio story - I think this one could win, honestly)

    Amelia (the season finale)

    I also think These Boots are Made for Stalking will become a quiet classic.

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  9. I think Jim Moss was providing empty landscapes for visuals and letting his narration, the drugs and Barry's own brain plug what he found most precious into the picture.

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  10. I assumed that Lone Moose is one of many fishing towns that serve the whole USA, not just the one town. Interesting. Although fish from a vending machine is so icky!

    Yeah I don't like that Kima and Judy got a "lesson". If they had at least been taught something about the job (such as, I dunno, why they keep the equipment where they do, what it's for specifically, maybe something about HOW FIRES SPREAD MAYBE?) then I would understand this as an educational program. Instead they conned two teenagers into being unpaid maids.

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  11. Count me in on finding this episode profoundly boring and kind of depressing. Word from the prestige podcast actually has Bill considering this one of the funniest episodes of the show. Funny how different perspectives work.

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  12. I feel that, as a life-long Angeleno, I have to crap on the Soho Hank idea because YOU DO NOT COMPARE THIS CITY TO NEW YORK. NoHo stand for North Hollywood (what I think of as The Valley although technically more the gateway to The Valley). There's a West Hollywood, which is its own city, and an East Hollywood that's...east. Then there's just Hollywood, which is an actual neighborhood that, while it does have the Hollywood Sign overhead and the Walk of Fame, is for the most part a very normal place. There actually is no South Hollywood, and therefore no LA SoHo.

    On the helicopter thing: it's actually pretty regular background noise in (physical) Hollywood (although less so since the Pandemic). Movies still do grand openings there, as well as the Oscars and unveiling Walk of Fame Stars. You could say it's a shorthand for celebrity. I do however think that in this episode it was a police chopper searching for him that's meant to symbolize the idea that Barry could literally be anywhere.

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  13. From Linda's birthday episode, we know she's in her 40s.

    I was about to guess that maybe Bob's grandfather went over to aid Europe before the US officially joined, but Alice does talk about the war effort (not to mention the boatyard building ships and...the whole plot of worrying about a Nazi spy), so yeah, Bob probably is at least a year off in remembering the story.


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  14. I'm not sure I understand the connection that happened in Sally's head that had her running off with Barry and ditching acting entirely. She just got a really decent chance at coming back to it (not to mention serious money to help her lead up to reentering the acting scene) and her belief in herself as an artiste has been so firm I don't quite see what if anything else she would ever consider doing. So what was the thing that made her decide, "fuck it I'm done"?

    (I do make a point of listening to The Prestige Podcast immediately after each episode and it was said that she knew she was out as soon as she heard about Barry having escaped, that when she said goodbye to her actress student, it was actually a goodbye to the whole industry. I still don't quite get what snapped in her where acting is concerned.)

    Cristobal was introduced as a pretty dangerous crime boss; although in hindsight they really emphasized his interest in being enlightened and cooperative. That being said I find it hard to believe he could be so naive as to think partnering up with every gang in LA would lead to a legitimate business. Guess he wasn't meant to be a crime lord, especially thinking he could just walk away from it all. Was it just me or did anyone else not notice/hear the killing gunshot? That was an interesting choice. They did do a bit of a fake-out with the Chechen guy who walked in to apologize to Hank being dressed so similarly.

    Never thought I'd feel sorry for Fuches, but man that was some convincing pain acting.

    I think (or hope) Gene just winged his son. To me it seemed like he hit the shoulder. Looks like from here on out we'll be 8 years in the future (again, that's the number they gave in the podcast). My guess is Noho Hank rules the LA Underworld, Fuches holds some power in prison, and Gene is hopefully not raising his orphaned grandchild. If Jim Moss is still alive I'm sure he's still looking for Barry.



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  15. I genuinely though I was above scatological humor, but I just had one continuous laugh throughout the episode, especially with Wolf eating moose food.

    I am deeply unhappy that they replaced Crispin's VA with someone who is not trying at all to match the original performer. He used to be soft-spoken, very supportive and kind of dumb in an endearing way. This episode he was weirdly forceful and kind of harsh. I guess that was a fault of the writing too.

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  16. I know I shouldn't like this so much because the show goes so out of its way not to glamorize violence, but I really enjoyed being reminded that Barry actually has skills. Not even so much his taking out the sniper, but him reading the other guy's expression straight into a calm declaration that that guy was there to kill him. Funny how the sanest Barry has seemed in a while was when he was spotting an essentially out-of-nowhere (for him) assassination attempt.

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