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Posts posted by Vinyasa

  1. Quote

    Oh, God, not another week of Jedi and Candace together. Lord have mercy. Why can't Jedi or at least Sara sit out for Sunny when Candace is there??

    CCB all week?  Her appearance quota should be up by now!! I can't take her and airhead Sara together.


    Is Sara maybe getting a little better? Admittedly the bar is low, but she seems to be getting a little more comfortable in engaging. I might be able to tolerate her. Jury's still out. 

    Ummm, no!  She continues to have that blank, confused look on her face. Seems they only use her for the "View Your Deal",  picking a number from that wind machine and stupid stuff. They need Sunny back!

    • Love 4
  2. 14 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    hate that we can never get a break from Jedi. At least Whoopi is off for a day, Raven is never there, and Candace appears one week every four months--but Jedi is much worse than any of them.

     CCB is either there endlessly or never. Hopefully, she has a number of shows in her contract and most of them have been used up.

    Jediblahblah, who is a "contributor" and not a perm co-host is glued to that chair. I would like some days with her and a day with out airhead Sara would also be nice!

    • Love 1
  3. Quote

    I agree, it looked great.  I think that's pretty much what Sara does: Looks cute.   It's her "talent." 

    Airhead Sara is such a flake. During the email discussion, she is on the edge of seat and says "Raven has question". She is like a little kid in class that can't get a word in.

    She can wave and follow the blue cards, but she is always trying to catch up to what they are talking about.

    She sits with  her left elbow on the back of the chair, like she is just sitting back listening and not part of the conversation.

    • Love 1
  4. Quote

    Do they all have those ear pieces? I thought it was just the moderator.

    They all have ear pieces.  If you closely watch airhead Sara, you can tell she is listening for something.

    Why do they all now have iPads along with blue cards? Are they that glued to wifi?

    • Love 2
  5. There is zero affection between Nick and Sonia. If he wants her to move back in, why isn't he giving her any reason to think he is interested in her?

    I still don't believe they had sex. Nope!   I think the producers were grabbing at straws to spice up a dull couple and dull season.

    • Love 2
  6. This show is getting so predicable..........

    Whoopi starts with a topic, Jediblahblah is always the first one to ramble on (isn't she?), then Sunny gets into it. Joy will make a relevant comment. Airhead Sara sits there looking confused. It seems like they have rehearsed it all before they are at the table.

    The interview with Tim Kaine & wife was definitely rehearsed! Guess that is to be expected.

    • Love 4
  7. I will always question why Nick was allowed to endlessly wear his company, Section 8, t-shirts and hats.

    Maybe he did or maybe he didn't pay a promo fee, but it clearly seems like it was a reason he did the show. I blame the show for agreeing. It is just all wrong!

    Why didn't we see Nick's mother on the "in-law" episode?  Does anyone remember about his father?

    • Love 3
  8. 1 hour ago, qtpye said:

    I will take Sean being "Christian Grey Sexual" by eating moon pies and assembling Legos with Davina over any of these jokers any day of the week.

    Oh, I forgot about the Legos.  Doubt there will be a "message in the bottle" this season either.

    All we got is a bus!

    • Love 1
  9. 14 hours ago, tenativelyyours said:

    Sara is a joke.  Is she so afraid of having an opinion on most things because she thinks it lessens her career choices in the future?  To the point that she avoids picking up even the most basic facts like dog shit on the bottom of your shoe when people don't curb?  Or is she trying to squeeze every last drop of young inexperienced naif out of her career. 

    Ha! If you watch her closely, she is very glued to the blue cards or an iPad and her earpiece.  She follows something to know when it is her to turn to talk but she has no idea what to say!

    • Love 2
  10. Quote

    Anyone else notice how much sexier Sonia is dressing now that she's not living with Nick?  That's an interesting choice.

    I  say no. The green shorts she wore for the golf driving range did her no favors.

    • Love 2
  11. Just when I thought it couldn't get any more boring that last week, it did.

    Nick and Sonia just need to call it a day. Since Heather and Derek were a bust, now we're stuck with Nick and Sonia dragging it out. And the worst part it, there really isn't anything to stark on. 

    It is official, I miss Sean and Davina! At least that train wreck was fun to watch. They couldn't even get glow in the dark stars this season.

    • Love 5
  12. Quote

    And Sara is stupid. She didn't know just "what" about that gross "interview" bothered her? Not the words, oh no, no, no. Not what he was saying he could and did do, nope. But it was the "power" in it. Say What the FUCK?

    Airhead Sara can't put a complete sentence together.  She is glued to what she sees on twitter and can't form a single thought of her own.

     She is second in line to Bitsy for talking in word salad. I don't know how much longer Joy is going to tolerate her. 

    • Love 5
  13. Where has Len been? Is he coming back? I'm just so tired of Julieanne.

    Maureen's dance was beautiful. No backup dancers,  flowers, umbrellas or park benches. Just two people dancing on a normal dance floor!

    • Love 1
  14. What part of Hillary knowing that Bill was having affairs didn't airhead Sara understand?  This is not anything new! I think Joy was about to smack her.

    At least she didn't have much to say and of course her big focus is what was posted on twitter!

    • Love 3
  15. Quote

    When will sara be taking a day off...she might be less prone to having a bervous breakdown if she took a day off.

    Airhead Sara wouldn't be noticed if she wasn't there. She doesn't say anything for the first 20 minutes, looks left and then looks right, waves and reads a tweet.  She must be bored doing that every show!

    • Love 1
  16. Just watched Tuesday's show about Trump's taxes and airhead Sara didn't say one word during this segment. Just keep her for picking a card from the wind machine.

    Why is she always hitting Joy's arm? I'm waiting for Joy to hit to hit her back!

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