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Posts posted by Vinyasa

  1. Fox is going to be paying close attention to every word Rosie utters on The View and looking to pounce on it, as well as going to Bitsy for her "analysis" of it. Hell, they might as well make it a regular daily segment on their morning show. It can be called, "What Horrible Thing Did Rosie Say Yesterday on The View?", and then Bisty can have a one-sided debate spitting out her word salad.


    It will be a daily segment. Maybe even an one hour evening special. Bitsy will be lathered up more than ever!

    • Love 4
  2. Since reading here I have changed my view on Whoopi and Rosie at the same table at the same time.  They are both professionals and would of course get along fine.  I have a question in that case though, is who would be the lead moderator?


    I'll be Whoppi stays the moderator and Rosie gets BW's chair. One on each side of the table.


    If they hire a guy, I won't be watching and I do want to see Ro and Whoppi.

  3. not that Im on Sal's side or anything...... but something to think about...... Since we know that Sal was the one who filed first..... isnt it odd that he filed now if his plan is to take custody of a child that doesnt exist yet as his meal ticket?? Why wouldnt he wait until after the baby was born to set his plan in motion??


    Even though the baby isn't born yet, it does exist. They aren't planning the baby. That ship has sailed.


    Since Sal is so slimy to do this, he is slimy enough to start before the baby is born.

    • Love 4
  4. If Sherri refuses custody of the surrogate child..... does that invalidate the prenup agreement since that was part of the agreement


    I just wonder if she really can refuse the child? She probably has to "adopt" the child since it is not her bio child. So if she signed the  papers for this surrogate child is that any different than if she was adopting  a child?


    This case will keep lawyers busy for a long time!

    • Love 1
  5. I hope Sherri lands on her feet.  Bitsy did and that annoys me but at least I don't have to watch her.


    Also, I hope Sal get kicked to the curb with only his prenup $60K. But I do hope Sherri has learned her lesson and realizes she doesn't need a husband.


    She needs to resolve things with x-Jeff and they both need to support Jeffrey.

    • Love 7
  6. And, please, Dancing with the Stars, Sherri is not an all-star.  I don't want to see her there again.


    Neither was Bristol Palin but she was back on for the all stars.


    Not even sure if they are having another DWTS All-Stars. I think the first one wasn't that great.

    • Love 1
  7. So, since Sal recently made a big deal over the fact that Sherri had better be at the birth next month even though she has some work commitment booked near the time of the due date, then doesn't that mean that Sal better be getting back to NJ soon in case the surrogate goes into labor?


    How do we know the surrogate is in NJ?

  8. I'll never accept that Bitsy landed on her feet. 


    I hope Sherri does much better than "Lizzie". I'm  sure Sherri knew she would be leaving and probably another reason to sell the house. Need to check if it is still for sale.

    • Love 3
  9. Jenny sounds pissed.


    "If Sherri goes... I go too. #sisters." She followed that with, "My View will be changing too. As will with many hard working folks. Thanks to everyone at the show for your dedication and an amazing year."


    Her contract was only for one year and it wasn't renewed. So how can she say if Sherri goes, she goes?


    She was going regardless if Sherri left or not.


    She is making it sound like she had the option to stay and is leaving because Sherri is leaving. Am I right?



    • Love 4
  10. Public records show that the guy earned a whopping 30K in the two years before he married Sherri and of that, almost one-third of it was unemployment.

     I doubt anyone's income is a public record. W2s are not  public so just how are Sal's earnings known?


    What are these "public records"?

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