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Posts posted by apinknightmare

  1. Lazarus Pit!


    This better not be the end of Sara, or they've completely ruined that whole episode. Maybe the whole season.


    I'd generally think yeah, maybe, but that'd be twice she came back from the 'dead.' Not that it would matter on this show.

  2. I don't know, breakfast pizza just sounds so wrong to me. On the other hand I wouldn't have to stay up late to watch the 8:30 game.


    Yeah, it's not the early start I want so much as the early ending.

  3. Dear East Coasters,


    I am so jealous that you all get to watch the S3 premiere in several minutes (3 hours earlier than me) when I am practically vibrating with anticipation at finally having Arrow back. I'll need to leave the internets soon to avoid all the gifs and reactions that I'm sure will overwhelm this place, tumblr, twitter, and all other social media sites. Can't wait to read everyone's thoughts. I hope the show does as well as, or close to, The Flash's pilot's ratings.



    An anxious West Coaster


    We are the preferred time zone for normal television viewing, but not the preferred time zone for sporting events (I would love for football to start at 10AM on Sundays).

    • Love 1
  4. That would be the guy playing Komodo...the assassin.

    Which is what I said, people are convinced that the only path Sara has, is to die therefore everything becomes Sara is going to die.


    Yeah, I revised my original comment.


    You wrote that at this point you didn't think that the fear of Sara dying was based on any spoilers. I was actually agreeing with you.

  5. Isnt Sara in Starling with a mission, tracking down a killer in episode 2?[fquote]

    Yes, and she's in episode 2 because Emily, Caity and Katie were filming overnight which is why they missed part of comic con.

    We also have the fact the something happens that brings Sara/Roy closer.

    I've gotten to the point that I don't even think the Sara dies speculation are based on spoilers, they seem to be based on a pre-determined outcome, so everything that comes out means Sara dies.


    I thought the mercenary tracking down the killer was a guy - did I make that up? I can't remember his name, I don't think I had ever seen him in anything before. He posted a pic of himself reading the script on his Instagram? Is this familiar to anyone? ETA: Nevermind, maybe he was the guy they're hunting, oops.


    I don't think there have ever been any spoilers indicating that Sara would die, I'm just afraid it'll happen because she's got to get out of the way somehow if Laurel's going to take her place (IF Laurel is going to take her place). So I worry.

  6. Isn't it 3x02 not 3x01 where people are predicting she will die? 


    I don't think she'll die, but I do think she goes missing or gets kidnapped or leaves or something. I refuse to believe she dies. But it would make sense if there's cliffhanger having something to do with her at the end of this ep considering the next ep is named Sara.

  7. So, there's this:




    And this is interesting:



    8. A Jaw-Dropping, Can't-Miss Ending: We're about to be super vague about this one (and for good reason!) but we need to stress the importance of watching the entire episode. Something BIG will happen in the final minute of tonight's season three premiere, and it will shock Arrow fans to the core.


    Sara, it's Sara (it's always going to be Sara in my mind until something actually happens to her).

  8. I'm really curious about 2x02 because apparently Emily, Caity, and Katie were all filming (together I assume), & that's why they missed comic-con. I'm guessing Laurel gets injured in that episode.


    I really like how she paired the jacket with her professional looking blouse. Very Lawyer street chic.lol


    Maybe Sara gets kidnapped or taken in any way which doesn't result in her death, and Laurel puts up a fight, then wears the jacket to Ted Grant's gym to ask him to train her for VENGEANCE.




    She looks like a detective after a bad day, like she's gonna whip out her badge and start calling people 'perps.'

    • Love 1
  9. He's an ex boxer, not sure that in anyway qualifies him as someone that could go one-on-one with Oliver

    That Jacket doesn't fit her.


    I think it fits, it's just weirdly cut and the cut isn't as noticeable on Sara because she wears it with skin-tight leather. It goes up really high in the back, probably for ease of movement purposes.

  10. Well, Andrew Kreisberg did say she was a lawyer with a cool jacket... figured we'd see it eventually. I'm going to hold judgement on Ted Grant until I see him, but I wish they would have cast someone buffer. I mean, isn't he supposed to be able to go one-on-one with Oliver? Guess it doesn't really matter, I just hope the actor is good.


    I think we'll probably see the jacket tonight, too. And yeah, he doesn't look like he could hold his own in a fight.

  11. I am now wondering if the hospital hallway kiss is actually real or a fleeting side effect of the Vertigo 2.0 drug because of this picture. Perhaps, the real, actual kiss has not been spoiled yet and occurs earlier. And this is Oliver imagining what he's giving up by choosing to be the Arrow rather than trying to be Oliver Queen,


    Yeah, his hand placement in that pic makes me think the real kiss happens at another time, and that one's either a side-effect or his imagination.

  12. UC7st5g.png


    LMAO, of course she's wearing the jacket.


    So, what happened to her? Was she out trying to fight crime on her own and got hurt and then went to Ted Grant to train her?


    Also - Daddy Diggle gives me the pitter pats.

    • Love 1

    I don't like the idea that he sought her out just to screw her over


    Yeah, hopefully it doesn't go that way - if so, they're starting off on the VERY wrong foot for a love interest, but these are the same people who came up with Oliver and Laurel's backstory, sooo....

  14. I wonder if Felicity maybe unknowingly sold Ray the remote administrator tool he needed to hack into QC's computers (since they meet at Buy More first), and/or explained to him how to do it?

  15. Hahahaha @Danny Franks it's good to hear from you. What MG said is so disheartening because it's exactly what Oliver and Felicity aren't. I'm really hoping that they mean that just for this season because otherwise it's such character violation. I don't mind angst as long as it makes sense. Break ups to make ups don't hold my attention, they annoy me.


    I wonder if it's just a figure of speech considering they are both together and apart during the first few eps this season. Maybe it won't be an on-going thing, just something to temper expectations for them this season?

  16. Yeah I watched the video, not sure why but people have already started labeling Ray as using Felicity based on that quick clip.  I really couldn't hear what she said in answer to Oliver's question about how did he get into our computers.  


    It seems very odd that the EPs would play up Ray/Felicity romance and LI and then have Ray's first action be to use/lie to/manipulate Felicity.


    I wonder if that gets the ball rolling on Felicity accepting his job offer. Her getting hacked off that he managed to circumvent something in the QC systems and getting curious about what he's up to since he's all ~nefarious.


    When Oliver asks how he got into their system, Felicity says, "Something tells me he deployed a remote administration tool."


    And yeah, I'm placing my bet that's exactly why she goes to work for him. He comes off as really smarmy here, btw

    • Love 2
  17. more like annoyed, if i was able to hear what he said properly (sadly i'm at work so i couldn't turn the volume up), Oliver was asking Felicity how Ray managed to get access to QC computers and the numbers and she said something about computer mainframe or something like that, which is when he pulled the unhappy face.


    Hopefully he doesn't blame her for that, which in turn leads to that angsty display when they were walking down the stairs outside together. Not that he really could blame her since she's not working for QC (unless that changed).

  18. Yeah, Oliver's really pathetic sometimes...lol


    He really is. And he does stupid things a lot, but I think I find both of those things kind of endearing about him, IDK.


    And @KenyaJ - I think they were filmed at the CW upfronts in May.

    • Love 1
  19. I think he looks more confused than anything else. 


    He's in a boardroom, so that goes without saying. :)


    I can just see it now, Ray parks his helicopter on the roof, shows up with an actual plan and presentation, and Oliver just stands in front of the board like, "I'm Oliver Queen. People thought I was dead, but I totally wasn't. I'll do better this time, swear! voteforme"

    • Love 7
  20. You know, I find it interesting that the EPs don't specifically say Laurel is taking steps in becoming BC. It's not supposed to be a huge secret because we know what will happen to Laurel. It won't be a surprise to see her become BC whether the EPs say it or not. So why are the EPs being so coy about her arc this season when there's no point in being coy about it? I personally think it's because Laurel isn't going to become BC but another hero. But that's just my opinion


    I think Laurel will get a "test" identity first - that they'll have her be someone else before they have her become BC (if she ever becomes BC at all).

    • Love 3
  21. Not that I've watched it several times or anything, but in that graveyard scene there are like, five people standing around and shining a flashlight on a headstone. What in the actual hell?

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