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Posts posted by Yokosmom

  1. Sander was even more annoying in this episode and I didn’t think that was possible. His TikTok videos appear to be aimed at 7 year olds. And he’s bragging about getting $50,000 raised over the past two or three years for his clients? Admittedly, I’m not a social media marketer, but that sounds sort of pathetic.  His parents aren’t going to have an empty nest anytime soon with that kid. Don’t blame Griffin for getting fed up with him.
    And Jeannette, Jazz is 20 years old—yes, she can pick out her own clothes to go college. 

    I agree that the producers are just trolling this season. At least this episode, they aimed at Sander instead of Jazz. He’s an easy target. I just find him so off-putting and ridiculous. 

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  2. She’s taking a heavy load of medication (17 pills!) a day. No mention that this may have an effect on her lethargy and weight gain. She is in no shape to go to a competitive place like Harvard. She should get her own apartment and see if she can handle community college. Get her feet wet, so to speak. She needs therapy, but I suspect that she’s depending on just the meds. I have no sympathy for her mom as she caused some of this situation ( in my point of view). It’s obvious that the family after years of exhaustive support, is over Jazz and her problems.  And damn, Jazz, you give up on weight loss after a few weeks?

    • Love 23
  3. Why isn’t anyone bringing up WW, or Jenny Craig or Noom or any other of those weight loss programs to Jazz? They’re bound to be better than her family constantly nagging her.

    Of course Jazz is going to say that she doesn’t regret bottom surgery—what else would she say to that crowd? Never mind that her massive weight gain took place right afterwards. She claims that they are not connected, but it is natural for people to make assumptions. 

    Please, no more discussion of nipple reduction surgery. Ouch. At least there wasn’t any dilation talk this episode. 

    I hate eating contests—I find them rather disgusting. The watermelon looked good, though  



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  4. I've looked at a few videos from students and alumni from Harvard and what it is like to go to that school.  It is a real pressure-cooker, and it's competitive to even get into the different clubs on campus.  It doesn't seem like a good fit for Jazz, who suffers from anxiety and depression.  Pomona might have been a better choice.   Jazz could use Noom or Weight Watchers or some other program to help her with the weight loss as it is very hard to do on your own. Back to the episode, I too wonder why Jazz doesn't use the pool more.  Much easier on her joints.  Could it bother her bottom surgery area due to chlorine, etc?  Jeannette should realize that the internet is filled with people who, uh, question her parenting choices re Jazz, whether she likes it or not.  The internet host's assumption is a common one. Don't get me started on Sander.  Every comment he makes comes out like a PSA and very fake.  Not looking forward to the dating episode(s).  And yes, everyone in this family seems to act inappropriately, though I truly don't know how much of that is genuine, and how much is just for the cameras.

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  5. Re Maggie and the flour—she told Noel that it was listed on the second page of their directions and she’d forgotten to look at it when mixing the ingredients.

    Didn’t Freya use butter in one of the earlier challenges? Perhaps it was a Technical though.

    i hope Matt leaves after this season—nothing against him personally but the skits have become coarse since he arrived, especially this season. He just isn’t working. I like Noel, but he needs a different partner.

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  6. Agree that Noel and Matt just keep getting worse in each episode and I’m not a fan of the inappropriate jokes at all. Each one needs a straight man—they don’t work well together as a duo. Freya’s vocal fry is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I had no idea that there were Brits with that affectation. Right now, I’d be happy with Jurgen or Giuseppe for the win. Still waiting for that “come from behind candidate” to appear.

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  7. Re Sander’s tic-tick videos. I do not follow his channel and have not seen them all. Some are PSA announcements re LGBTQI rights. Some are stupid games with most of the family involved, including the parents. Very cringeworthy.  There was one where he was pretending to be a 6 year old boy being dropped off at school which involved both he and his mother shrieking at the top of their lungs, and him throwing himself on the ground acting like a toddler having a tantrum. He does tiktoks with Jazz a lot, which aren’t as bad and at least show his support as a brother. Look, I’m obviously an old fart and not tiktok’s main audience, but most of his videos just seem infantile to me. For a guy that constantly bemoans not having a girlfriend, he might consider that a lot of people are going to be turned off by his social media. Jazz is not the only focus of his videos but she is a main focus. It will be interesting to see what he does when she’s not longer living at home. In a way, he’s the outlier in that family. Jazz is off to Harvard, his other siblings are in law and medical school and he’s living at home making tictock videos. He seems a little lost to me.

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  8. I have real doubts about her adjusting to Harvard. This is a person who couldn’t handle going (in person) to high school. She’s had repeated surgeries, seems to suffer from depression and anxiety and is leaving home several years after most people do. I hope that she takes advantage of any counseling services available. On the other hand, getting out of the house and away from home could really expand her horizons. Agree that the parents might want to focus on Sander a bit. The few tic-tock videos of his that I’ve seen seemed to be aimed at 6-7 year olds. Incredibly and disturbingly infantile.

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  9. I was pretty gutted when Bourdain died. I think that a lot of people found him very relatable and envied his travels. So many “if onlys”. If only he’d gotten therapy. If only he’d told the network that he simply couldn’t keep up that grueling schedule anymore, etc. If only that situation with his girlfriend hadn’t hit when he was already in a spiral.

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  10. Haven’t there been episodes where it is implied that Red has slept with various women? Wouldn’t this be risky if he’s really Katerina? No surgery is that perfect! Red would be opening him/her self up for some major blackmail there.

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  11. I thought that Chris’ design was a real mish  mash but didn’t hate it. Was sorry to see Justin go. He made beautiful rooms but they were usually a little soulless. I don’t think that I’ve ever seen a reality competition where the same two people are the only winners throughout the season. It would be ironic if Carmeon wins in the last episode.

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  12. I’ve been waiting for Vivek to get busted since season 1. I was sorry that they went with the cliche of him doing one last job before he quit. Interesting to see if the writers put him jail or just lose his girlfriend.

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  13. I'm sort of rooting for Chris, but I know that he won't win due to the whole social-media-can-you-be-a-host thing.  He needs to spend his time at home practicing his presentation skills on his phone.  I thought that the judges were pretty brutal with Eli, and I had the opposite opinion of his space.  Really liked the inside and thought that the overhead lamp thing was kind of cool.  His outdoor space though...   Not sure what possessed him to do that shape.  If he had done something like a Japanese tea room (greatly simplified), it may have gone over better.  Trying to imagine the judges' reaction if he had kept the yellow... I never really had a feel for Arriana's style.  Hard to guess the winner.  Eli is weak on accessorizing his space, Carmeon is really good and camera friendly, but goes overboard on the whole plants thing.  Chris has no social media skills.  Justin is better at decorating than the design.  If I had the money to hire someone for my own home, it would be Chris.

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