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Posts posted by Yokosmom



    And the googly eyes on the rock along with Raccaccoonie will always slay me.

    I absolutely loved the rock scenes.  Did anyone else think that Joy's relationship with her upbeat, sweet girlfriend, echoed her mother's relationship with Waymond?

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  2. Well I wanted a discussion of those legs as they looked life threatening. What were  those encrustations? Why were they turning black later on in the episode? Also, how has she not died from a bedsore by now? Three years in bed? I had a wheelchair bound relative killed by a bedsore and believe me, he was clean and well cared for. 

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  3. Wait, what? She actually started college before and then dropped out? I thought that she decided that she wasn’t up for going the first time.

    Could have skipped the breast removal surgery. Jazz does seem energized by her internship, but I don’t see her having the stamina for medical school. 

    Don’t believe Jeannette when she says that she is tired of monitoring Jazz. 


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  4. All this talk of cameos (the X-Men!, Fantastic 4! etc., etc.) is getting me a bit worried.  Maybe half the crowd follows all of those series and maybe the comic books, but the average person, who just follows the MCU, will have no idea who some of these people are, much less their versions in an alternate reality.  I'm hoping that this won't turn into a hot mess.  The latest Spiderman movie is an example of how to do this the right way.

  5. Re Noelle, from what I’ve read, those comments were absolutely correct. According to her own social media accounts, she has also been diagnosed with autism. The show rarely shows any friends of Jazz—Raymond popped up in this episode seemingly out of the blue, but some of that may be down to people simply not wanting to be on tv.  (Too bad—I would have liked to see more of Raymond on the show). Jazz’s mental health issues and college delay haven’t helped things. Hopefully she’ll make some good friends in college. 

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  6. Quote

    Can someone let me know what Jeanette's plan is?  Is she planning on living in Boston the entire time Jazz is in school?  Greg is ok with this?  Actually, does he really even have a say in the matter/in any matter? Just curious how it's been explained on the show.

    Jeanette's plan is to go up with Jazz, see that she is settled in, and then stay there indefinitely until she is sure that Jazz is doing ok and not struggling. She makes it sound like it could be a few weeks on up to a year, though no time period has been mentioned. And no, Greg is absolutely not ok with this.  He wants her to go up with Jazz, stay a day or so to get her settled in and then come back home again.  You know, like most parents do when their kids go to college. He wants Jazz to be more independent and feels like Jeanette is coddling/smothering/helicopter parenting her. The word "co-dependency" was mentioned, I think. I assume that he would also like for his wife to not be gone for an indefinite period of time that could turn into months, if not longer.

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  7. Ugh. This episode. Thoughts.

    Jeannette is insisting her 20 year old daughter shave her legs? And the camera angle of Jazz on the floor with her enormous breasts almost blocking out her face was…unfortunate.

    Raymond gave Jazz and Jeannette some good advice. Why hasn’t he been in the show before? Interesting that Jazz is looking forward to dating and exploring that side of life. I know that we sometimes slam her as being immature, but I view it as a good sign that she wants to get out there and meet people.

    Noah, like many trans people (not all) can’t accept the fact that many people simply have no interest in a sexual relationship with someone that is trans. It doesn’t matter how much they argue, and say it’s bigotry, or not fair, whatever—people want what they want.

    Not much Sander this episode—I found Griffen equally annoying though. Sander is still pretending that he could ever have a romantic relationship with someone like Hope, even though he made it obvious last episode that the lack of bottom surgery was a bridge too far. 

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  8. I'm ok with this show, but damn, they are moving things along so slowly.  The episodes feel so short, especially when half of each one is flashback.  They need to flesh this world out a bit more, as well--get to know some of the other characters on a deeper level rather than "gambling parlor hostess", "thug of the week", "generic war lord underling". 

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  9. This read like a finale episode, but apparently not.  I am very sick of Sander's whining.  Of course his family doesn't respect his career.  His TikTok videos, at least the ones that I've seen, switch between overly earnest PSAs and moronic "family fun entertainment" aimed at elementary age children.  No wonder he hasn't dated in five years. Can he support himself doing this? Is he living at home due to the pandemic, or can he not afford his own apartment?  And why didn't he tell his siblings, who were sort of bragging about their lives being more regulated than his supposedly footloose and fancy free one, that being a freelancer has its own difficulties?  That's what I would have said.  He comes off as a bit of a dim bulb, but I'm sure that he is genuinely hurt.  He is so annoying though, that it is hard to feel much sympathy.

    Way too little too late, but yay to Greg telling Jeannette off for smothering Jazz and for her co-dependent relationship with her.  He is very much not down with her moving up to Cambridge with a one way airplane ticket.  

    Sander gives Hope the "let's be friends" speech that she was no doubt expecting.  I'm sure that she has heard it many times before.

    Next week's episode look interesting...

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  10. Florida's covid regulations are lax to non-existant and the lack of masks on the show simply reflects that.  This episode seemed very short to me, but maybe that was because nothing much really happened. The only scene that stood out was the one between Jazz and her mother with the clothing choices.  I wonder if the family is so fixated on Harvard as they seem to be.  There are a variety of options beyond Harvard.  State college, community college, etc.  They don't seem to pick up on the point that you aren't a loser if you don't go to an ivy league school.  Surely, it would have been better for Jazz to be enrolled in a state college and then drop out if/when she got her Harvard acceptance. Waiting until two weeks before school starts sort of ruins that option.  Perhaps they think that offering options other than Harvard would make Jazz think that they don't believe in her? Oh, wait....

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