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Posts posted by winsomeone

  1. I laughed when they had Adam pretend to worry about whether or not to go into that new business venture. Daniel wanted it, so no way he would be able to say no. She sure wears the pants in that family. Last week, she said if they did it, it would give her a 9-5 job, and she could help with the family income. So, is she done raising the quints already then? She will have to hire a nanny, and that sure would eat into any profit she makes. I think Adam is odd too..that high twangy voice, odd hair do, and poppy eyes. Hope the girls take after their mother in looks.

    • Love 1
  2. I was glad to see that Hazel is finally getting PT. It just seems like she should have gotten it a while ago though, as she is definitely developmentally deplayed, and now is the time to work on it. I didn't like that her mother was using bits of food as a reward though. She is having balance problems it looks like, that go hand in hand with her eye condition. 

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  3. Maddy had to lose 20 pounds to fit into her wedding dress? And she still wasn't what you could call thin. I just hope that after a pregnancy or two, she doesn't end up heavy like her mother. As a teen, she was always the girl who seemed to watch her weight. The others are all over weight and have been since their  early teens.

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  4. I was surprised at the lack of English for both Anfisa and Alla. From the small snipets in the show, I thought both were more fluent.  Couldn't help either of their relationships much I wouldn't think? Bad enough to iron things out when you both can understand one another.

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  5. I am 76, and I have never been in a church that has a stage instead of an alter. Is this common? I thought the whole ceremony was on the odd side. From the big "V" to the sweeping kiss by Jill and Jeremy.

    • Love 5
  6. For the foreign ones wanting to come to the US for opportunities on this show, I think what many of them don't get, is that most people here work very hard for what they have. Many work 50-60 hours or more a week. The streets aren't lined with gold, but the sweat of the working people.

    • Love 11
  7. But Dani had to buy food and stuff with the stolen credit card, so that gives her a pass. I don't like Mo, but no one listened to his side of the story. His English makes it hard for him to get across what he means at times. Sounds like she is incontinent of urine when she has sex, but they didn't want to hear that. If so, Mo is right, she does need to see a doctor before having sex with a man.

    • Love 5
  8. "

    It's not uncommon to get married in a different church, at least not in my small religious community.  Especially if they need a bigger venue.  I got married in a different church, even though I love the one I attend."

    My catholic church is not rented out period..maybe the social hall, but the church itself?, never.  We have two parish churches, and you must get married in your own parish church. I can't imagine a Jewish or Muslim wedding taking place there behind our altar.

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  9. I don't understand...the Duggars don't belong nor attend any church except for the one in their own home right? Then why do they all get married in some big mega church? In my small community, brides marry in their home churches. If they aren't religious and don't attend a church, then they are married by a justice of the peace, or a mayor..some sort of non religious, civil ceremony. If their church is in their own home, then isn't that where the Duggars should get married?

    • Love 5
  10. Next week's preview showed Nicole eating with her family. They noticed she was eating less than usual and questioned if she were trying to lose weight and seemed to disapprove of her doing that? If so why? I wonder if they encourage her to be over weight and dependent upon them? Other wise, no matter what the reason, losing weight would be good for her.

    • Love 4
  11. My niece makes $8 an hour. She had bypass surgery at age 41,  bladder cancer at age 50, and glaucoma that  needed suregry at age 55. The cheapest Obama Care insurance she could get was $200 a month...it didn't include any of her three doctors, and there was a $5,000 yearly deductible, and that was the subsidized insurance. Now she gets the medicaid type of Obama Care, and is limited to working 15 1/2 hours per week. So, it encourages people who really need insurance to not work.

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  12. They kept saying that "Izzy talks Spanish." He was just 15 months at that point, and I didn't hear him speak English let alone Spanish. Since neither of his parents speak Spanish, and speak English poorly, I wonder how the he earned Spanish...through osmosis from the air down there?

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