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Posts posted by iwasish

  1. Let's say we go along with the idea that being "on" is part of the job, and reality tv requires a certain amount of effort on her part. She really thinks the fact that she "just wasn't feeling it" that day was a reasonable excuse? Wait a sec - that should be a period not a question mark. This is Lindsay after all. And she's shown on any number of occasions that she has no compunction about skipping out on work becuase she didn't feel like doing it that day. Regardless of whether it was a real acting gig, or something she was doing for free. Doesn't bother her a bit that tons of people are standing around, waiting for her, or have invested tons of money in her project.


    I wish some huge director would call Lindsay up, ask her to audition for a mega A-list blockbuster movie, and tell her to be there at 2pm that afternoon. And I wish that director would decide to take the afternoon off, and let Lindsay, whenever she eventually arrives, sit there for hours, not knowing what the hell is going on. And not take her assistant's phone calls until the next day. And then the next day, tell Lindsay's assistant "oops, sorry!, I overslept yesterday. Let's meet today, shall we?" And tell her to show up completely in character, full hair, makeup, wardrobe, etc. And then not show up AGAIN. It would be sweet, sweet justice. Let her see what it feels like to get blown off after you've gone to all that effort to prepare.

    I so wish that would happen to her. Better yet, have Oprah summon her and then let her sit outside at the gate in her car for hours while her assistant texts Lindsay's assistant with 30 minute updates on Oprah's status.. asleep.. having a cup of tea, washing her face.. on an important call.... ending with Oprah just needing some time for herself..  "please  don't hate her!!",   come back tomorrow and we'll try again!

    • Love 2
  2. I never said the kids will fail, only that the odds are against them. That is a fact. Children of alcoholics are more likely to become alcoholics or to misuse drugs and or alcohol. The fact that the other three haven't been arrested or to rehab yet, as I posted is a good sign. It could also be the they just haven't been caught drinking and driving or that the behaviors haven't yet reached the point of a crisis. Dina may only have one DUI, but I'm betting it wasn't the first time she ever drove while drunk. 


    I never said Mike Jr was a bad person, just a dick. I stand by that observation. The times he has discussed Lindsay's possible relapse, his concern first and foremost was it's impact on her career. If my sibling had drug or alcohol issues, the last concern I would have is their career, nor would I use their celebrity,  at a critical time in their recovery, to try to sell my product.   He used her.  I get she wanted to help him, but he could have had his launch party in a setting less alcohol fueled or not indulged in the drinking as a symbolic support for her.  

    • Love 3
  3. Michael Sr. Is an asshole, but I give him credit for at least SAYING the right things regarding Lindsay's problems unlike Dina who has her head up her own ass.

    I hope the other kids turn out less fucked up than Lindsay. Sadly I believe the odds are against them in the long run. Genetics and the examples set by their parents and Lindsay along with exposure at a young age to the fast world of celebrity and it's pitfalls are going to work against them. I hope they rise above it. Only time will tell.

  4. Sad that Kris has sooo much sympathy for the golden goose, Kim, and her struggles getting a divorce. The inconvenience of it all and how poor sweet Kimmy just wants to get on with her life and how she carried this horrible guilt around for a year!!! How dare someone put roadblocks in her way to happiness and moneymaking! Yet poor Rob? He just gets told to get his ass in gear.

  5. It shows in Lindsay's own family. Her brother is 26, sister 20, and another brother 17 and none of them show the issues that Lindsay shows. In fact, they are all productive and without drama. So Michael and Dina, while not being good people, still have 3 children that aren't messing up their lives. Lindsay has failed herself up to now and has blown some of her chances to turn things around. But she can still change, she's still young. I don't think people should give up on her, some others in entertainment didn't turn things around until they were in their 30s or 40s.

    Not so sure about the youngest brother, isn't he the one who expects Dad or Lindsay to buy him a 40k car? I get wanting one, but expecting one from a father who doesn't seem able to support himself let alone a couple illegitimate kids or from his recently rehabbed sister isn't exactly a sign of maturity.

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  6. Her brother is not a dick. I think you're being way to harsh on him. He's actually a good person and looks after her. He's a very smart businessman and he's helping her out in businesses he's involved in. I know he said he fears a relapse and there goes her career but it doesn't mean he doesn't care about her health first, it's just how the interview was structured and maybe how it was edited. In the end he said he wants to see her happy and when she's struggling with addiction she's not and looked pretty somber about it. I thought it was good to see someone in her family different than her mother and father, had enough of them.

    I'm sorry but I disagree, if her brother cared about Lindsay, first and foremost, he'd have advised her not to be doing red carpet shit and appearances where alcohol is so widely available. Lindsay herself said the presence of alcohol made her nervous, contradicting herself, because she had also said being around friends drinking and in bars didn't bother her. She is a major fucked up girl, instead of lackeys and paid help, why isn't he there for her! Why not help her unpack all her shit? He's trading on her name as much as her folks. Not saying he doesn't love her, but his priorities are as whack as hers.

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  7. Listening to her order Matt to get the camera from the pap and demanding the driver run a red light just to amp up the drama that SHE created by first shaking her half covered ass out the window so the paps would see her and then thinking she was so artistically creative strutting down the street in white mom jeans(?) and making sultry fuck me faces for the photographer, made me want to puke. Bitch has no sense of consideration for anyone or anything. Who were those random Russians and how many did she fuck that morning? That's what she chooses to film on her own? There is something fundamentally wrong with her. I see her wigging out like Natalie Wood in Splendor in the Grass or  Frances Farmer, the crazy actress from way back, I think she ended up with a lobotomy or even Patty Duke in Valley of the Dolls. I think of that scene where they have her zipped up to her neck in the tub and she manages to make a hole in the canvas with her toe and tries to escape. She needs to be committed. Really. Seriously. But not till after this train wreck is over cause I can't wait to see how low she'll go.  Never have I seen a person with so little, none actually, consideration for others. It's all Lilo, all the time.

  8. The best part about this show is that they devote so much time to Lindsay and Dina trying to manipulate what the crew films. Dina is such a pro she can't figure out that just because she steps into the next room doesn't mean her mike isn't still on. 

    Her brother kept saying he just wants her to be happy. The poor sap doesn't see that everyone letting Lindsay do what makes her "happy" is what has made her the way she is in the first place.

    The editing on this show is really bad and choppy as hell. I assume it's because they probably don't have much decent footage to use.

    If her brother wanted to help her, he needs to get his ass over to her apartment and kick those Russian assholes out the door. But that's not going to happen because Lindsay doesn't want it to. If he tried, she'd be pissed as hell.  Regardless, he is trading on his connection to her to make a name for himself.

    Her attitude of entitlement and superiority is just mindboggling.  These people come from around the world to give her a chance and she just blithely fucks them over and then over again? And her smug little "word to the wise" for the photographer? He did miracles with what he had to work with. Greasy, dirty, hung over, out of shape and orange.. the lighting was the least of his problems. I wish she fell over the balcony. Her demise is inevitable anyway.

  9. She's a delusional fucking mess. Loved the Indonesian lady calling her a bitch! Too bad she didn't do it to her face.

    Her brother? Another dick. His big worry if she relapses? Her career. How about she might die you idiot!

    Lindsay filming herself? I bet she thinks she can use it as an audition tape. I can sit in my living room and whip up tears too.

    Oh and she knows all about photography and natural light and posing cause she's a pro. And a stylist! If it wasn't for her the shoot would have been an epic fail!! No interview, she has plans!

    • Love 1
  10. Another one bites the dust. AJ was pretty much useless but I think she tried. Lindsay is a bitch. Stone cold bitch. I can officially say that I care not what happens to her. It's not going to be pretty but I don't give a rats ass. She is a useless waste of space.

    • Love 1
  11. I saw the Todd, Mama Joyce showdown as totally scripted. I just didn't get the whole 180 from MJ. Too quick. I think whatever healing took place happened off camera and they recreated it for the show.

    And fuck Kenya for selling out Velvet's sad death for camera time. RIP Velvet.

    • Love 1
  12. Kris lucked out with her older kids steering clear of drugs. But the young two have had a lot more pressure on them along with the drama and angst over the parents split, I think they're much more susceptible to the lure of drugs and alcohol, especially since Kris is drunk half the time.

  13. At one time I felt for Khloe too. But then I realized she hid all the shit going in in her life until it was time to play it out in camera for entertainment. The convenient phone calls from an obviously fucked up Lamar, that happen to be timed for the camera?

    When all the rumors were swirling around she made sure to be caught out in public, with her sad face going to the gym. Who sits around in camera with their sisters and discusses the state of their marriage?and then when questioned about It on the street or by interviewers gets all pissy about her privacy?

    I am beyond sympathy for any of them. I do wonder about Bruce's health, but if all the stuff with him turns out to be just so much BS then my sympathy for him is gone too.

    Even Robs cry baby moaning is suspect. Coincides with their vacation, if pimp mom was concerned about him maybe forgoing the family vacation and spending some real time with him sans camera?

  14. As much as I like to snark on this family, I am beginning to be concerned over Bruce. He really doesn't look very healthy in some of the pictures I've seen. He seems kind of frail almost. I wonder if he is ill in some way. The lack of body hair and the almost feminine look to his skin? Could he be undergoing treatment for prostate issues? I know when my uncle was being treated, his beard became nearly non existent and his skin got very soft. 



  15. I saw a video of them with Kim pushing Stroller and as they reach their vehicle, Kim lifts the car seat off the  wheel base and brings it to the car. Kanye stands like a lump and lets the driver fetch the wheel base and Kim put the car seat into the car. He then walks away and Kim is driven home. What a dick.

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  16. She went to Cabo with Scott for his birthday instead. Which will be interesting to see how they spin it, since Scott hates every family trip and there's a fight everytime. May be they'll say he rather have a quiet birthday and not be around the family and Kourtney won't cave to the family.


    Scott might have wanted some time away from the in laws, he is mourning both his parents passing.

    I'm not sure how insta gram works but why would Kris exclude Kourtney and Rob from her insta gram and include the family members that are with her? Wouldn't she be sending the pics to those who aren't there?

  17. Why not marry and get all the free shit that will be thrown at them? They spend so little time together now that marriage isn't going to be a big deal. Her issues with Kris H started when she realized she had to make room in her life and her house for his stuff. Is there any known date for the new house to be ready? Kim was saying June but I've heard since that the place is no where near done. Until she has to live full time under the same roof as him I'd say they'll stay together. Once they have to share a place? It won't last very long.

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