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Posts posted by tpplay

  1. 8 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    The writers finally tightened the light bulb in her head. 

    What pisses me off is that the writers have made Paige such a dim bulb for so long, that to have her all of a sudden say she knew what was going on along, to me just isn't believable.  Paige does not have a poker face.

    I actually thought she meant "I didn't want to know it but I knew it."  That lying was going on all the time.  That something was up.  I've had experiences like that when something has been revealed to me and all of a sudden - "I knew it."  So that's why that worked for me.  (Also, I actually think Paige does have something of a poker face, but maybe that's just her face."

    • Love 5
  2. 15 hours ago, Dminches said:

    Elizabeth is a monster but I am still rooting for her.  I guess that says something positive about the writing and character development.


    If it was possible, I'd jump through the TV screen and execute her myself.

    • Love 3
  3. Heh.  Glad I missed it.

    Except I would have REALLY been unhappy had that guy (why can't I remember his name?  because I dislike his mumbly singing so much?) won.

    Thanks, fellow posters.  Enjoyed discussing the show with y'all.

    • Love 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Ellaria Sand said:

    Yes, the season is still unfolding and I'm sure that it will all make sense once we get to the end of the season. It is hard to get invested in new characters and new twists week after week.

    With JJ Abrahms Executive Producing, I wouldn't count on anything making sense at the end.  Apparently, that's not his strong suit.

    • Love 4
  5. 1 hour ago, DakotaLavender said:

    Well, maybe many loved this episode but I found it unbearable and unwatchable. The show is all over the place and I just lost interest in the characters I loved last season. This show is a hot mess of carnage and slaughter and weak in plot. I hate it, I will watch but I just don't care about any of them. 

    I couldn't agree more.  Except I think I'm done watching.  Just awful gory dreck.

    • Love 4
  6. A redemption arc for Elizabeth at this point would be a real let down. 

    The idea that "there's such a thing as morality" has to be one that these two people who are spies MUST have discussed a trillion times before, if we're to believe they're not sociopaths.  (I'm not actually sure I do believe they're not sociopaths, given the remorselessness with which they've murdered people - including scores of innocent people who were just "in the way". But I suppose the writers would like us to believe they're not sociopaths.

    I loathe both of them although the writers have gone a fair distance to attempt to make Elizabeth "worse" this season.  (Of course, she's hands down the worse of these two parents.)

    I think anything less than these two people getting what they deserve would be a cop out.  Of course, it's on TV so who would that surprise?  I'm just hoping against hope.

    • Love 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Dots And Stripes said:

    Blake talking to Pryor was heart felt. He means it when he says he will stay in touch with Pryor, at least if past experience is anything to go by. I like that Kelly also mentioned she knows how Blake supports his artists after the show.

    Except Pryor?  Eeek.  That's not happening, Blake or no Blake.  I'm delighted that Pryor didn't make the finals.  I wish Caleb had.

    I have to say, I could barely understand any of the words Alicia's teenage boy sang in his save song.  I think he's a good singer generally but I HATE THAT MUMBLING SHIT.  Sing the song, Dude.

  8. Quote

    I think my opinion will be very unpopular. I am not liking this season at all. It is all too convoluted, hard to follow with all the different timelines, and the writers have gone down so many rabbit holes the series is beginning to resemble LOST. 

    There is way too much carnage and slaughter, guns are too accessible by so many, and it is all too far fetched even for this series which has a very implausible theme. 

    Season one was beautifully scripted, almost an allegory, but this is just a mess with too much packed into so few episodes so far I hope it does not end up like LOST, with more riddles than answers. 

    Right there with you.

    • Love 3
  9. I too found this episode beyond tedious.  It is reminding me more and more of "Lost" where one question piled onto another and no answers were forthcoming.  I really dislike the constant  - "let's spend five minutes just being cruel and gross for no reason at all except to be cruel and gross" - stuff.  I loved this show so much last season.  I'm teetering on the edge of giving up.  All the sense it doesn't make - I fear it's never going to make.  But I'm sure there will be lots more cruelty and grossness.  BLECH.

    • Love 5
  10. So sad that I thought throughout this episode "I can't wait for Elizabeth to die."  Which is what I've bene thinking all season.

    It distracts me from the story.

    I still love Stan.  I hope he survives.  He's going to be sad about Philip  Or maybe angry.  That'd be good.

    Also, poor Henry.  I can't imagine.


    • Love 15
  11. Of those three artists, I think Jackie is the best by a TON.  But then, I think she's a much better singer than Pryor too.  On the other hand - who isn't?  I don't even know who I hope wins at this point.  It sure isn't Pryor.  It sure isn't Adam's guy (both the other two African American male singers were far far far better).  For some reason, I just can't root for Alicia's teenage guy even though he's a good singer.  Maybe because he was a dick to his mother.  On television.  I do like Jackie on her team.  And I like the country guy on Kelly's team.  I'm totally perplexed about the little girl with the funny name on Kelly's team because I thought last week - she was not good at all.  

    Mostly I guess, I'm not rooting for Adam (as usual - because - He. Sucks.)

    • Love 1
  12. I liked both the Jackies last night and Alicia's young guy who sang the Ed Sheeran song (I liked him best of all and I haven't liked him before).  That's all.  

    Pryor is - just - not going to make it in country music.  At all.  And he's awfully arrogant.  

    I do like Kelly's country guy but last night?  Yikes.  So so so so boring.

    Help, somebody - what's all this sass talk about?  (I always face forward through the so-called critiques.

    • Love 3
  13. What?  That was the last episode?  (Or am I reading these posts wrong?)

    If so, I fear we're in for a ton of boredom at the beginning of the next season.  Carrie all demented???  Here's the problem with an actress also being an Executive Producer.  It's all about highlighting what interests her as an actress.

    And - perversely I guess - I was delighted that the Russian guard actually DIDN'T want to fuck our heroine.  Because that thing?  I am just over it.


    I think Beau Bridges has done an extraordinary job in the show this season.  I called the lady president's decision to resign and I like that twist a lot.  I feel hopeful that Beau Bridges will be back to play the president.


    Broken record-wise, was that really the last episode of the season??? Egads.

    • Love 11
  14. Random thoughts:

    I couldn't agree more with the person who said upthread (in different words than mine) that the core of Paige's character is that she wants to do something meaningful in the world.  She's pretty young when she gets so involved with religion but for me it was pretty clear that she needed something to "belong" to.  Elizabeth has never been portrayed as being deeply connected to her children.  Paige noticed her mother's pre-occupation with something outside her family for a long long time.  So she switched horses.  The basis of her character is - I think - clear.  

    Of course, that's different as her being written as a dumb but that's entirely on the writers.  And Paige isn't the only character being written as dumb.  At this point, so is Elizabeth.  (Oy.)  So is the entire FBI.  There's no one smart or even particularly complex here, except for Phillip and Oleg.

    I've hoped for Elizabeth AND Phillip's demise for about 3 years.  He doesn't kill people anymore but he sure used to, and without remorse (at the time, I mean).  The idea that a person would have sex with another person so his wife would not be mad at him?  Really??  So, yay, he made the right decision - finally.

    On another note, here's my confession.  I love Stan.

    • Love 4
  15. On 4/25/2018 at 8:20 PM, Shriekingeel said:

    Can we acknowledge Elizabeth as the monster she is yet? Abducting and torturing a child isn’t grrrrrrrl power, it’s a crime against humanity. The “she’s just a soldier fighting for her country” nonsense no longer applies when you’re committing atrocities. And that’s not counting the two horrific murders.  


    Phillip sabotaging the kidnap plot is his finest hour. 

    A BIG FAT "YES" to both of these statements.  I'm looking forward to the "heroine" of this show's demise.  Terrible mother.  Terrible wife.  Terrible person.

    • Love 2
  16. I - well.

    It was so beyond terrible.  

    David's death was just bullshit (I don't want a drink.  Oh.  Well, yeah.  I do remember that you threatened me but this has been a BAD week so yeah sure, gimme that drink.)

    The writing of this finale was AWFUL!  Can't we have Abby go after Cyrus???  

    And Rowan.  PLEASE.  Just.  Really, Sondra?  Your idea is hooray - a Black man got to secretly run the country for 30 years because first of all - secretly? - we've had a Black president.  That president I'm pretty sure didn't torture and kill innocent people in order to do - whatever?  What was Rowan claiming so much credit for?  "I killed lots of guys and tortured lots of  guys and therefore I saved the Republic"?  WHAT THE FUCK?

    And Jake lies contentedly in his jail cell remembering the time he was fingering Olivia?

    I HATED this finale.  I can't imagine how it could have been worse.

    • Love 22
  17. All I freaking care about is that Carrie is the WORST. MOTHER. ON. THE PLANET.

    The WORST.

    No way I could give a - whatever - about her at the last minute oh I've got to go grab my kid - shenanigans   She doesn't deserve to raise that kid and this episode ROARS its agreement.

    Geez.  What more does she have to do to prove herself the worst freaking mother in the world?

    Is there anyone out there who gives a fuck about whether she gets to keep her kid?

    I think any judge in the world would remove that poor girl from her mother's custody


    • Love 9
  18. With regard to the men we met tonight (sort of), compared to Arie, every one of them (except maybe Blake, although he gets 100 extra points for bringing Bradley along) is a catch.

    I think (and not just because of the finale) that Arie is really CREEPY from the way he looks, the way he kisses, the way he talks without saying anything.  All of it.

    Becca - may the force be with you.

    • Love 11
  19. I am so beyond over Olivia that I have attempted to finish watching this episode on two separate occasions and have not been able to stand it.  I haven't liked her for a very long time, but now I can't stand the sight of her and this redemption arc is absolute bullshit.


    Will I get through it?  Do I have to watch Olivia and Fitz go off into the Sunset in the end.


    Not sure I can do that.


    As far as hypocrisy goes - yes, there's been lots of dirty deeds done by lots of people and yes the people who worked with Olivia "Should know" lots of things.  But "Should know" is not hypocrisy.  So.  Olivia ostensibly allows Quinn to be killed (and that's never minding her stealing Quinn's identity in the first place).  Hypocrisy is one of the other people set Olivia up to be killed.  THAT's hypocrisy.  Like - you know- Cyrus does all the time.  I can't at all understand why anyone prefers Olivia to Quinn.  


    And Fitz as the arbiter of who is and is not acting in good conscience - OH MY GOD.

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