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Posts posted by Mindymoo

  1. To my nice fam here in the prayer closet, I don't know what to do. My beloved cat Figaro was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. He's being treated with a loop diuretic and a calcium channel blocker, both of which seem to be working, but I am having a hard time with it anyway. I can't get mad at him for the stuff I normally mad at him for, like jumping on the table and trying to eat my food. He's already acting better, he's not in pain, and he's not unhappy. Yet just typing about him, I get tears in my eyes, like it's the worst thing in the world, or as if he is already gone. I know most of you have worse problems than a sick cat, but this has been my therapy cat since I started getting sick, and my whole world would crumble if something happened to him. If you could keep Figaro in your thoughts and prayers, I would be eternally grateful. He is 13 years old, and I want him to have another happy, healthy 13 years with me if possible. He's stuck by me through every hospitalization, even visiting me at some of them, and my heart is in pieces right now. It's hard not getting upset for his sake, but I do, and then he looks at me like "Mindy, why are you so upset?" So please, keep my little buddy in your thoughts. Next to my wife, he's the most important person in my life, and I want him to be okay. He's my best friend in the whole world, seriously.Any of you with cats know what I'm talking about. So yeah. Please keep my baby in your thoughts. I honestly don't think I could cope with the real world without him.

    • Love 18
  2. He is most certainly listed as father on his birth-cert, so yes, it's not as simple as one paternity test can remove all his paternal rights immediately.


    However, Ray has other issues that have already restricted his visitation rights. Hence why he's also being drug tested.  And she hasn't turned him in for it, but she also knows he brass-knuckle beat a kid's father at Chad's school. We don't know if anything happened between them when they were married. But Ray certainly has more than a little temper and it wouldn't be that hard to argue that he's a threat. We've seen him yelling at Chad and scaring him early on in the season. I'm no lawyer, but if it also turns out he's not even genetically his child, I'd have to think they could come up with a pretty slam-dunk case to take away most, if not all, of his paternal rights.


    Furthermore, Chad believes Ray's his father. Take that away and Ray's not much more than this scarey guy that yells at him at his Mom/Step dad want him to stay away from. Chad's just a few years away from being able to make some decisions on his own about if he wants to spend time with Ray or not.

    I get what you're saying, it's just that I've known biological fathers who, aside from killing people, have done much worse things to their own families and children, and it is hard as hell to get parental rights taken away. Perhaps it was the jurisdiction they were in, but some of these folks were downright terrible. Chad seems like he loves Ray, but is terrified of him at the same time. It's a very sad situation.

    • Love 1
  3. Isn't Ray's son his by law though, if they were married at the time his wife gave birth? There are a lot of men who pay child support for children that aren't biologically theirs, but raise them as their own, and will continue to support them even after a divorce/separation. That's what I'm confused about.  Not that it's the case here, but it's normally the father that will try to get out of paying child support/visitation when this comes to light, not the mother trying to sever ties. And it often doesn't work out that you can just drop your connection to that child.

    • Love 1
  4. I'm sorry but really - they can work!  The only thing that is stopping them is their parents.  As other's have said, their life was going to be what it is no matter what.


    Jill and Jessa are in their 20's, grown women; they shouldn't have to depend on daddy.

    Exactly. Get a job and, I know this may be hard for them giving their Gothardism brainwashing and all, but only have enough kids as you can comfortably afford on you and your husband's salary. Most young women don't have reality TV shows and do just fine.

    • Love 21
  5. I don't know if this is a popular opinion as much as a general weirdness, but I tend to find a lot of horror movies to be sad as opposed to scary. The Babadook, El Orfanto, The Devil's Backbone- all of them movies that are labeled horror, but tend to just fill me with sadness and existential dread instead. Even the movie Shaun of the Dead, which is a horror/comedy, was incredibly sad when both Shaun's mother and best friend Ed get bitten. And if horror movies aren't depressing me, they are making me laugh my ass off at the sheer absurdity of it all.

    • Love 5
  6. I recently watched a documentary on the Children of God cult. You want to talk about people doing abominable things in the name of Christ. While the sick, vile, degrading, extremely illegal things the COG were preaching are not comparable to the Duggars, true, I can honestly say that I found the COG quite a logical extension of Gothardism, just more extreme. There were quite a lot of parallels, starting with women molding themselves in the image most pleasing to the cult leader.

    I was just about to mention the COG/Family International! What they have is basically a harem. They also send young, attractive women out to go have sex with men and bring them into the cult, in a practice called "flirty fishing." Child rape and molestation is rampant, as is encouragement of procreation. The women are just pleasure and procreative tools for the men, but aren't slut-shamed for having sex with a ton of people. It's completely bonkers, and if you leave, you are cut off from your family. (Kind of like Scientologists and their "suppresive person" thing.) David Berg was way worse than Gothard, but they are cut from the same cloth for sure.

    • Love 2
  7. I was pondering the prevalence of redheads in this season: Jordan, Blake (Frank's henchman who was MIA), Ivar (Russian), and Chad (Ray's son). Then I remembered another character who is a redhead and it made me pause....Caspere's assistant. IMDB says the character's name is Erica Johnson and she's played by Courtney Halverson (there's a pic here if you don't remember the character - http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3096701440/nm1237541?ref_=nm_phs_md_1).

    It made me think about where we've seen her character. The detectives first interviews her after Caspere's death and then they ran into her again on the movie set when they were looking for the car. Now I'm suspicious of her.....but I haven't gotten much farther than that as to my theory about what she may be up to....

    Perhaps the whole thing is a conspiracy of gingers wanting to take over the LA transit system?

    • Love 3

    "Some (bad) acting and music reminds me of Twin Peaks, but TP made sense. What does that say...." To quote my own earlier quote, and try to better explain: Specifically it is when some characters (VV's wife comes to mind and the entire closing sequence) and there is an awkward delay between the characters when they should be speaking to one another and instead they are just kind of looking at each other and then say something silly. Oh, and reading a book in the dark. :)


    I got ya. Perhaps if someone put a fish in a percolator, and we got 12 dozen donuts, we could figure this whole thing out.

  9. I find it funny they feel the need to explain the obvious, "is that an e-cig?" every time one appears on screen. Yet nearly everything else is inexplicable. Can someone please tell us who the hell Stan is? Why are they looking for a driver? What car? That's him (the guy who lit it on fire)? Who (The killer)? The pliers sure were handy and on stand by. Vince Vaughn's wife can read in the dark. The Scarface mansion stepmother was ridiculous. Ugh.... I am confused...I have read the forum comments, rewatched and still am perplexed. The dialogue is tragic but I keep watching hoping to have an epiphany and the story will come together. Some (bad) acting and music reminds me of Twin Peaks, but TP made sense. What does that say....

    It reminds me of Twin Peaks when they doubled the episode order against the Lynch and Frost's wishes, and David Lynch left the show for awhile to go shoot "Wild at Heart", and Mark Frost didn't give a fuck. The big mystery was solved, and everyone just sauntered around. It was jarring and made no sense. That's what this is like: David Lynch-less Twin Peaks.

    • Love 1
  10. Okay, you're my hero.


    In some households, though, kids are likely to think it's far too dangerous to carry on the revolt openly, and I think the Duggars may be this kind. Mine was, so I had my revolution internally, and that does seem like cowardice many times, even to me. But in my household it looked way too likely that someone could trip a kid on the basement stairs so that her death from a cracked head on the cement seemed like a tragic accident about which some people would cry but not mean it. I got suicidal at 8, with repressing everything I thought a big cause of it, I suppose. But it wasn't really depression, just steeped fury, so I managed to think my way out of it, mostly, plotting the escape I could make some years down the line after I had a high school diploma and a little money from working as many jobs as I could get. If I had been a Duggar, without the possibility of that diploma or those jobs, I don't know what I would have done.

    We'd be having a "Free Churchhoney" rally in your honor. I knew kids kinda like the Duggars. They went to public school, but everything was church, church, church, god, god, god, all the time. One girl, a Mormon, was abruptly removed from school and sent to live with relatives in Utah when she was caught kissing a black boy in the broom closet. We also had a lot of these churchy girls getting pregnant from trysts in said broom closet and disappearing for a few weeks, and coming back magically without child. A lot of these girls are saddled down with multiple children, a divorce or three under their belt, and not even thirty. Many didn't even make it to graduation. I went to a Pentecostal youth group with a girl who was an acquaintance from the school rock band that I was the lead singer/guitarist of because she wouldn't stop bugging me about it. Because the place scared the hell out of me and due to their bashing of gays (which I am) Catholics (which my family is) Muslims and waiting for the rapture, I refused to go back. She started telling everyone I was a demon because of that. I'm a lot of things, but I'm a nice person, and even if I don't believe in an afterlife, I'm not going to let you condemn my Busia, the best person I have ever known, to hell just because she's a Catholic. They also said stupid stuff about how Jesus wouldn't go near AIDS patients without wearing rubber gloves- and they weren't joking. A lot of these people would use the phrase "I will pray for you" as a code for "fuck you". Very judgmental, but they were raised that way and I hope that some grew out of it.

    • Love 5
  11. The best part of it all was when I became an altar girl. I was the best damn altar girl there ever was, because the more times you served mass, the more of a discount you got on the end of the school year trip to Cedar Point. I got to go for free, and since the priest trusted me so much, he had me serve funerals and weddings. And I got PAID. $15 per funeral, $45 per wedding. At an old Polish parish where a ton of parishoners kept dying off, I was making bookoo bucks. We switched churches and schools when I started sixth grade, and since they didn't have those perks, I quit being an altar girl. I did a lot of religious research, liked nothing but some Buddhist teachings, but still am an atheist. (Okay, I did get ordained as a Dudeist priest.) I also told my parents that if they made me get confirmed, I would stand in front of everyone, tell them that everything they believed in was bullshit and that I worshiped Satan. My brother and his friend kept telling me that if I got confirmed I'd make a ton of money, but I refused because it was against my principles. My parents never made me get confirmed or go to church outside of a wedding or funeral again. I wish that one of the Duggars would have that kind of a revolt against their parent's teachings. I pissed off a lot of nuns back in my Catholic school days.

    • Love 8
  12. My cousin was 18 and she committed suicide. She had severe mental issues, along with a history of physical and sexual abuse that we didn't find out about until after she died. They wouldn't bury her in the Catholic cemetery next to my beloved Aunt Lulu because she was a suicide, and I heard distant family members whispering about how she was going to hell. At the age of five, I said to myself "this is garbage: a loving god would not send my cousin to hell just because she committed suicide. She was sick and wanted to end her pain." (I was an enlightened child, a depressed child, and had been suicidal myself.) That's when I realized what BS it all was, and stopped believing in god.

    • Love 12
  13. I don't need a 19 year old in a sideways baseball cap telling me what I ought to be doing with my vagina. Especially since said 19 year old would take one look at me and dismiss me as a lost and hellbound harlot quicker than you can say "Nike". Too old for purity balls and promise rings, too old to breed eleventy million kids, divorced. I'm worse than worthless in their world. Seriously, fuck these people and their loving Instagram posts.

    Same here. 28, a lesbian, infertile due to a hysterectomy, raised a Catholic until I became an atheist at the age of five. No way in hell would anything this clown has to say apply to me.

    • Love 7
  14. Yeah I'm not really buying the whole they were sleeping story either.  I think they were probably scared, not knowing if it was their fault, not knowing what to do about it, not wanting to get in trouble, not feeling comfortable going to JB and Michelle and just confused and left to try to deal with it on their own.  That's just my opinion it was probably really hard for the girls to cope with.  Jana didn't do any interviews which I find interesting.

    When I was sexually assaulted by my friend and her sister, and by my brother's best friend, I was in my bed "asleep." In all actuality, I was playing possum, waiting for it to be over. It could have lasted 10 or 20 minutes, but it felt like hours. The "they were all asleep" story doesn't wash much with me either.

    • Love 13
  15. More likely, though, several of his behaviors would result in his being involuntarily hospitalized and properly diagnosed with a severe mental illness.  Hopefully the meds and therapy would help him live a more sane life so as to limit the possibility of being the creator of a religion based on a person's mental illness.  Bad enough that we have several major religions designed from these roots.

    Watch "Black Jesus" on Adult Swim. Jesus came back, he's black, and he lives in Compton. He smokes weed and drinks 40s, but he is passing his message of love and acceptance (and healthy eating) along to those who believe in him. Without revealing too much, he ended up in a 51/50 hold. It's a great show, absolutely hilarious.

    • Love 4
  16. Yes, streamed it -- it's excellent.


    McKinnon is also in a 2009 movie based on a short story by William Gay.  Gay is one of the best "southern" writers around.  Scott Teems directed, and Walton Goggins is in it too.  Here's a link to the Amazon DVD -- http://www.amazon.com/That-Evening-Sun-Hal-Holbrook/dp/B003UM8T12-- and it's also available for streaming.  Hal Holbrook plays a man who flees a retirement home to go back to his farm, only to find out that his son (Goggins) has rented it to trash (McKinnon).


    ETA:  This season of Rectify looks different on my TV.  It's not "fat" anymore -- no more black space on the sides -- I don't know the technical word.  But it looks great, much more natural.

    Do you have DirecTV? Because they updated Sundance to HD a few months back from SD, and now the show looks much better.

  17. I just want to know what everyone has against e-cigs! Paul and Ray tease Ani about it in their scenes with her... I mean, they don't make you reek like smoke, they don't have all of the chemicals that cigarettes have, and they help people quit smoking! My aunt smoked since she was a teenager, and just quit in her mid 50s using an e-cig. I even use one (sans nicotine, since I was never a cigarette smoker) because I like to vape the flavor of Cap'n Crunch Crunchberries without all of the calories! Did Pizzalatto's nephew get poisoned while drinking a bottle of e-juice that had 18mgs of nicotine in it thinking that it was Kool-Aid or something?

  18. With my health issues and genetic disorders, even if I still had a uterus, I would never have been able to survive a pregnancy. My mom had a full breech with my brother- he came out butt first, and they wouldn't call in the anesthesiologist because they didn't want to wake him up. (This was in 1982.) They had to keep him wrapped tightly for the first few weeks of his life because when they'd unwrap him, his ankles would fold back up to his shoulders. My mom had to have reconstructive surgery, and it's amazing she ended up having me at all, though my birth wasn't nearly as traumatic. I have to give it to you moms, even if I was capable of giving birth, I don't think I could ever do it.

    • Love 1
  19. I'm never having kids (had a hysterectomy in March for adhesions and menorrhagia, and my fiancee doesn't want to carry a pregnancy either) but if I did, I would want to have it done the way my Busia did it: knock me out for about four days so I don't feel a thing and am not even conscious, and give me the baby when it's all cleaned up and cute looking. Which is probably why I'm better off raising cats, bunnies and sloths.

    • Love 8
  20. Thank you everyone! We are going to have it a little unconventional. A mix of Polish food (homemade pierogi, since I am the pierogi queen), Japanese (sushi), Thai (summer rolls and pad Thai) and Indian (Samosas and chicken korma.) Probably a salad and some crudites. It's at a winery, so wine and beer will be offered. It will be casual, other than the saris and caftans that the bridal party and my parents/Busia are wearing. Frankly, I'm inviting everyone to wear a sari or caftan if they want, because they're so comfortable and relatively inexpensive. The one I'm looking at is under $100. We're doing henna, too. We're not having a DJ, because I have a PA system and I'm going to have a mix of nothing but Rush, Pink Floyd, Frank Zappa, The Who, The Grateful Dead, Yes and The Beatles. Maybe a little Sinatra since me and Busia both love him. I'm singing and playing the guitar for my wedding vows to Cindy, and they are the song "Here, There and Everywhere" by The Beatles. The venue is a winery on Lake Erie, but it's not the gross icky part of Lake Erie- the water is actually blue! We went wine touring when a wedding was taking place, and it was just the loveliest thing. The song first song we're dancing to as a married couple is "Love Reign O'er Me" by The Who. I haven't chosen a song to dance with my dad to yet, he'll probably choose something by The Dead or something. I'm going to have a dance with my Busia too, because she's just the best, and is the most supportive woman ever. My aunt and uncle from Florida are going to be a prominent part of our wedding, because although I'm an atheist, he is my godfather and I came out to them right after I came out to my Busia. They've been nothing but loving and supportive of me and Cindy's relationship, and I want them to stand up for us at the wedding. I just want everyone to have a nice time, and when the evening is over, we're heading over to the casino, since our hotel is Caesar's Windsor. We thought it would be cute to have the wedding party take pictures in our attire in the lobby, and maybe play some roulette or something on our lucky day. It's so nice to look at our day in realistic terms, instead of "if we are ever allowed to get married, it would be nice to do XYX".

    • Love 11
  21. Thanks everyone! When the news came down, it took every ounce of self control for us to not run down to the courthouse and get married on the 26th. (Ours was prepared, already had paperwork that said "applicant one" and "applicant two", it was approved by the city and there were ministers and justices of the peace willing to do the ceremonies. We didn't have jerks refusing to hand out licenses like they have had in other places.) But we decided to wait and just have the celebration with family and friends. It's great to finally have the right, and to see all of our friends' wedding announcements coming out in droves. I thought this day wouldn't come for a long time, but it's so nice that when we do get married, it will be the same as everyone else's in the eyes of the law. It won't be a huge lavish wedding, but it will be a hell of a party and a celebration of our love.

    • Love 11
  22. At the very beginning of the pilot, Jackie says, "What do you call a nurse with a bad back? Unemployed." I've always assumed that she started taking prescription painkillers for her back, and became hooked on them, and began relying on them psychologically.

    I remember that well. It could be a BS excuse, but a lot of people start out that way. I've known many. (I'm personally very lucky because I have a genetic disorder that makes me immune to the blotto side effects of opiod pain killers, so they help my pain, but don't make me loopy. I was on morphine and fentanyl for seven years, and went through the hell of withdrawal at the end, but was never addicted to them. I was just hospitalized for a really bad DVT and was getting 2mg dilaudid every four hours, and it didn't make me "high" at all. It just treated my pain. If it wasn't for the awful swollen leg and the pain, I'd have been safe to drive afterwards. A couple of beers, on the other hand...) But many, many people start taking them legitimately, then get addicted like Jackie. With DEA regulations becoming stricter, a lot of people are no longer getting the actual medications they legitimately need and are turning to the streets so they don't go without, and that is turning people into addicts. A lot of addicts keep taking them and don't even get high anymore, they just take the drugs so they don't go into withdrawal and get sick. (And let me tell you, withdrawal is absolute misery.) There were times where Jackie was using and seemed completely with it and okay, and others where she seemed high as a kite and dangerous to patients. It really depends on the particular drugs, if the are instant release or controlled release, and the dosage.

    • Love 3

    Mindy, I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing that.

    You just never know with addicts and the mentally ill. (And since addiction is a disease and all.) My great aunt was bi-polar, or what they called a manic depressive in those days. She poisoned herself with exhaust fumes in the early hours of the morning of her daughter's first communion. My Busia ended up raising three of her seven children because her dad was a bit of an absentee father and he remarried quickly and the woman was a rotten piece of work who treated the children like garbage. With Jackie, I have no trouble seeing this as an intentional overdose. Heroin wasn't her drug of choice, and while it is an opiate, she had been mostly clean for awhile. A lot of addicts end up overdosing when they start using after a period of sobriety. Their tolerance goes down. Not to mention the fact that she took a ridiculously large amount of heroin. Everything and everyone was moving on without her. Sure, she got the job at Bellevue, but Zoey wasn't following her, her daughters didn't need her, her ex-husband was happy with his new family, O'Hara seemed done with her, and Eddie was going to prison. She had nothing left. So why not? If there were *literally* no drugs left in the hospital pharmacy, there would be no narcan to save her ass either. So she took herself out. I don't find that too hard to stomach.

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