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Posts posted by Mindymoo

  1. Catherinewriter, Malvo had the presence of mind to wrap a belt around his leg to use as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. That was a pretty brilliant maneuver to slow down the blood loss, so I can buy that he didn't bleed out. Besides, that was a really bad leg wound with a compound fracture, but it wasn't like he severed his femoral artery. 

  2. Shannon L, I echo the What About Bob love. That movie is one of my favorites. It makes me laugh hysterically every time I see it.


    Two movies I love despite how ridiculously stupid they are are Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison. Adam Sandler movies have been awful ever since (except for Punch Drunk Love, though that doesn't count as stupid) but those two are freaking hilarious. Perhaps some of the love is because I saw them first as a kid and I still remember them fondly because of that, but I love those movies. Especially Steve Buscemi's character in Billy Madison, when he is listening to ELO's "Telephone Line" and putting on lipstick after wiping Billy's name off of his list of people to kill. Those two movies were deliciously weird and stupid.

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  3. Questionfear, though it would kill my Babcia if she wasn't already dead if I told her this because you know how the Poles feel about the Russians, and she and my Dziadzio were concentration camp survivors who hated Russians more than they hated the Germans, she sounds like a bit like my Babcia did when she was still alive. I think that Kate Mulgrew is doing a decent job. Maybe not perfect, but passable. And the actress is so phenomenal that she somehow became my favorite character this season, which I never saw coming.

  4. I finally finished the second season, a bit later than everyone else. So, so glad that Vee is dead, even though it was telegraphed a mile away. I found Vee to share a lot of characteristics with Dr. Narcisse from "Boardwalk Empire." Both preyed on young, disenfranchised people, manipulated them, were able to talk an amazing game, and were able to get them to do some really, really repugnant shit. (Which I guess makes Poussey Chalky White, as she sees through Vee's bullshit, and Taystee is Daughter Maitland, since Vee is her evil mother figure.) Did any other BE fans make this connection? I am just curious.


    I was glad that Rosa got away, and the transformation back into her younger self was quite remarkable. Since this is clearly the end of the line for her, I am really going to miss the actress.


    Nicky and the heroin really worries me. I don't want her to end up like Trischa. Red needs to get well and back on her feet so she can take care of that shit once and for all. I know there will always be the chance of some prisoner bringing in contraband in some way, but I don't want Nicky going down that road again.

  5. Catherinewriter, though I hate to compare shows in this way, he is almost like Walter White. Walter White always had Heisenberg in him, he just needed a certain situation to bring it out. It's the same thing with Lester. That darkness in Lester has been brewing since day one, Malvo just helped him let it out.

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  6. I am really enjoying this season so far, especially in comparison to last season. I just liked it last season, but was sort of "take it or leave it" with it. This season, however, I am really into it. All of the episodes have been really great, and the dispatching of Jen so soon was a pleasant surprise, as hard as it was on Marc. This last episode broke my heart though. That poor cat deserved better.


    Marc can be a neurotic mess, but his love and compassion for animals really endears me to him. Since I tend to be a neurotic mess half the time (my wife sometimes lovingly calls me the female Woody Allen) and am a huge cat lover, I get him.

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  7. I actually did enjoy Ice Cube a bit last night. I thought quite a few of his answers were pretty funny, and his facial expressions were priceless. I wasn't expecting much, but he pleasantly surprised me.

  8. I think watching weekly is the way to go. I watched both "The Sopranos" and "Breaking Bad" weekly. As much as I love BB, I still feel that "The Sopranos" is the superior show. My wife watched "Breaking Bad" weekly, but binged "The Sopranos", as that aired before we lived together and she didn't have premium cable. As much as she liked it, she didn't understand what the fuss was about, while she couldn't wait for every week to happen with BB, and for the new season. I tried to explain to her, imagine waiting two years between certain seasons of "The Sopranos", and watching it in a weekly format, instead of six or seven episodes in an evening. It is an entirely different experience.


    I've also found that people who watched "Dexter" from the start are far more critical of it than those who binge-watched it. People who had time to stew over the hot mess the show became after the second season, and wait week after week and think about what bullshit plot developments were going on, view it much differently than the people who just sailed through eight seasons in a few weeks. The people I knew who watched it weekly, for example, knew in season six that Gellar was dead the whole time. But the people that I know who binge-watched it? Didn't see that coming AT ALL. It kind of blows my mind how you don't pick up on these details when you watch things en masse, but it happens somehow. And it blows my goddamn mind every time I ask someone how they didn't see some very obvious plot point coming.


    The latest couple of series I have enjoyed stewing over are "Fargo" and "True Detective", and I don't think the experience would be the same if I had just waited until they finished airing and watched them in one big block (even though as of now, "Fargo" isn't over yet.) I like discussing individual episodes as they air on here and The AV Club, rather than just go "Hey, remember when such and such happened in the last season of 'Breaking Bad'?" It brings back the "watercooler discussion" aspect of shows that has been lacking ever since people have been binging on Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO Go, DVDs and whatever else. So I kind of love the discussion you guys bring forth, since not everyone wants to discuss the TV shows I watch.

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  9. I've known addicts to do a lot of terrible things in my life, in my family's life, but watching Jackie do that to Antoinette was pretty cringeworthy. You knew where it was going, and it made me scream "cunt" at the screen, which made it cathartic when Antoinette screamed it at her too. She's been going on having no redeeming characteristics whatsoever for some time now- I mean, come on, her nursing skills even seem lacking lately- but this just takes the cake. Getting someone ten years sober to drink just to get them into rehab and off of your back? Her behavior was out of line, but what Jackie did was just disgusting.


    So, how is it that Jackie can so easily get her hands on birth control pills, which are by prescription only, a week before she takes her daughter to the gyno? Or are birth control pills now OTC in NYC? What was the point of that? Why not just tell her she was taking her to the doctor for the birth control? And wouldn't it be smarter to get a teenager put on Depo Provera, considering many of them are irresponsible and can forget to take their pills, and the shot is something that covers them for three months at a time?


    The Akalitus stuff pisses me off. She is an old pro. She should know better.


    The DEA agent stuff pisses me off. He should have a stronger bullshit detector than that. Considering he is an addict himself, he should be better sniffing out who is lying to him about what.


    I felt bad for Thor with the movie thing. Or maybe I just hate Dr. Roman and her stupid, vapid face that much.


    Hopefully Zoey will be at a university that won't require her to get a graduate degree instead of a masters degree to become a nurse practitioner, as most universities are now requiring by 2015. Nearly every university in my state has eliminated their masters NP program and are requiring a PHD now.

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  10. I howled so loud during the Right Said Fred ending of tonight's episode that I scared my kitties. That was absolutely hilarious and brilliant. This show is firing on all cylinders for me. Bravo, John Oliver. Excellent show tonight. Very enlightening on the FIFA situation, too.

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  11. Did anyone think the bounce house case seemed like a scam? The plaintiffs knew that they were going to leave the gate open, and who else knows how to deflate one of those things and store them better than the business owners themselves? I think it's likely they stole it themselves, and scammed the defendants for the cost of the "stolen" item.

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  12. My Floyd is the king of the hair ties. He will hunt them from night until dawn, and it doesn't matter where we hide them, he will find them. I swear, when the little one meets his maker, if we do a necropsy, he will have a belly full of hair ties the way a sperm whale has a belly full of undigested giant squid beaks. Figaro couldn't be less interested in them, but Floyd just LOVES them.


    I also had no problem whatsoever introducing the two of them. I read up on Jackson Galaxy's tips for introducing kitties, and kept Floyd in my room for about a week and introduced them via smells. I would feed them at the same time through the door, with Floyd's cat box in my room. Even after he was dewormed and had his shots, we would only give them short spurts of play time together, and after about a week, they were dying to be together. I put soft claws on him so he couldn't do too much damage to Figaro with his kitten claws, and they became inseparable from the get. I've known people who just throw their two or three new cats together and let them fight it out, but I wanted my boys to have a good relationship, so I went with Jackson's advice and dare I say it, it worked!

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  13. Yeah, that dream sequence was all kinds of nonsense. As someone who went through withdrawal, (I wasn't an addict, I was just on very high dosages of morphine and fentanyl for seven years) they put on you VERY high dosages of benzos and those knock you out so much that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. I started Monday. Two weeks went by and I thought it was only Tuesday. No hallucinations, no dreams, just a feeling of nothingness. Maybe there was something else in her drug cocktail that made her hallucinate, but that was straining credulity to me.

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  14. I can say as someone who was never a junkie, but rather was on very high quantities of morphine (450 mg MSIR every 4 hours, 600mg MS Contin every 12) and fentanyl (1100 mcg every hour) for a legitimate pain disorder, that I was able to take those drugs, function 100% normally, and never become blotto whatsoever. (I had a very unscrupulous doctor who experimented on me and gave me way too much medication.) It is very possible for Jackie to do so as well. It's likely she's taking them not to get high at this point, but rather to stave off withdrawal.

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  15. I brush my cat's teeth. I have a little silicone toothbrush that I wear on my finger, and I put a malt-flavored toothpaste on the tip of it. They actually love it, and it is cutting down on the breath stink department. In Jackson's book, from what I recall, he actually did somewhat advocate a raw fed diet for your cats. But just like he doesn't advertise his Spirit Essences on the show (which actually have worked wonders for my Floyd) I also don't see him advertising the raw diet here either.

  16. I have two kitties, Figaro and Floyd. Figaro is a twelve-year-old grey tuxedo cat who is the sweetest boy you will ever meet. He follows you everywhere, cuddles, sleeps with you, and we've never had any sort of issue with him except for his thyroid. He came to our home when he was about six months old, pawing at the back door to be let in on a cold night in October. He somehow knew he belonged in our house. I never had a cat before him, but I fell in love with him as soon as I laid eyes on him. Floyd is something else. He is an almost two-year-old tabby, and he was found by my mom's brother's ex-girlfriend. She brought in a momma kitty and her babies, and he was just the cutest little shit. We brought him home and he bonded with Figaro immediately. He sort of likes people sometimes, but is still pretty skittish. He is sweet sometimes, when Figaro is not around, but I think that he feels that he either needs to act tough around Figaro, or doesn't want to make Figaro feel like he is taking all of our attention away. (Figaro is very possessive of us.) He's breathed a new life into Figaro though, and I thank him so much for that. I can't imagine a life without kitties now! I was always a bunny person before, but now I am a cat/bunny person.

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