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Posts posted by drafan

  1. 2 hours ago, lascuba said:

    THIS! With every new statement, my first thought is, "OK but what would you have said and done if he were acquitted on the same evidence you all heard?"

    That God has spoken through that jury! Nothing to see here. Move along. New TLC show : "Soldiering On". Jessa and JB grinning like goons. Joshley and Anna back as their smug selves.

    Ugh. I just made myself sick.


    34 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

    Imagine if that child had been hit by a car and killed. People would be screaming for consequences. If charging her with endangerment now means everyone in that house will be ultra careful going forward, it’s worth it IMO.

    Or worse.....kidna**ed. (Makes me ill to type that.)  Hope they will be more careful, but somehow I doubt it. Their motto seems to be " Just don't get caught."

    • Love 2
  2. 4 hours ago, LilJen said:

    One wonders why M&JB never received charges, probably on a higher level, for documented proof of losing a kid and laughing and filming other time when their kids were in peril.🙄

    They would just claim it was staged for filming purposes.

    I don't think Jana does all this kid-raising, home-remodeling, gardening, etc. I think it's just JB's twisted sales-pitch to marry Jana off.


    1 hour ago, lascuba said:

    They really have the meanest sense of humor. When Erin Bates was getting married, the Duggars arrived en masse with a gift basket organized by Jill. She was thrilled to show Erin the fire extinguisher she included, because Eric was known to be a bad cook. 

    I've been to showers like this...one was to contribute to a "recipe box", but instead of recipes, it was cards with addresses, phone numbers, and menus of restaurants and take-out places.  Actually, a fire extinguisher is a pretty useful gift. (Yes, I realize JB was probably braying in the background, which does taint the whole thing.)


    Petty thought: That horizontally-striped dress is not doing Jana any favors, if the original point was to find her a (Fundy) guy.

    (((Right now I can't with any of them. If Josh were released on a technicality, they would probably all be down at the county jail with welcome home banners.)))

    • Love 7
  3. 59 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

    Hope Jim continues to support the M kids. It would be a shame if Anna and M kids became homeless!

    It might be the best thing that ever happened to them. Anna would have plenty of support elsewhere. Unfortunately, she's probably busy trying to figure out how to get pregnant in the next four months.

    Yes, Hilaria's hand was getting sharpened up to claw her way onto reality TV. She's worked so hard in such a short time!

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  4. 3 hours ago, MMEButterfly said:

    If they did, they could be as non-interesting as Kate Gosselin in 7 years. 

    Not without one last stab at fame on Dancing With The Stars.

    Hmmmm...who will it be???..........Jeremy or JimBob?  Mullet cant be touched by another male...but it would be epic to see her modesty-paneled costumes and blacked-out knees.

    • LOL 22
  5. On 12/4/2021 at 8:46 AM, GeeGolly said:

     And is that supposed to be Josh, in the middle, facing the judge?

    Seated guy, third person from left? I thought it was John-Boy Walton.

    Glad to see Sam at the public library story time ...they can't read Noah's Ark every time. (Or probably not any time.)

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  6. 19 hours ago, Portia said:

    I hate to admit this, but with nearly every photo I see of Jinger these days, my kneejerk reaction--just for a split second-- is that I'd like to slap that smirk off her face.

    All my virtual slaps are saved for Joshley's smug puss.

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  7. 23 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

    Shrek and Smugjilla relaxing in their kingdom of freebies 


    OMG...so they did get themselves pleather recliners from Big Lots. I'm sure they're reserved for Hunk and Hunkette. Look how Hunk is caressing that broken knee of hers. And filthy thrift store booties to remind us that she's still an invalid!

    I was trying to decide what I would pretend to eat at that feast. I would take a paper plate and a napkin (Big Lots!) from the middle of the pile...then put a few pickles on it, oops, nope, they're out of the jar.....well then...I guess nothing.

    • LOL 5
  8. 1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

    I thought Josh wasn't allowed to attend any events where he knows children would be. He had to know Josie would be there.

    And they're not going to allow a chaperone. Josh has to police himself.

    He wouldn't try anything at this wedding. Joshley likes to work on the "sly" (tm: brag from Jessa).


  9. 20 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    Hannah looks lovely but what in discount store hell is going on with those bridesmaids dresses? One girl is in sequins and another in orange velvet. I don't know if the slightly varied shades were intentional, or the gowns were ordered cheap off Amazon and arrived mismatched. Either way, I'm befuddled.

    The bride's gown looks like convent nightwear. And not flattering at all.

    All the bridesmaids' dresses are awful...is that Lauren next to who we think might be Josie? She has bordering-on-Nike sleeves. Tsk. Tsk.

    All their hair is absolutely awful. Josie's might be the best.

    • Love 9
  10. 3 hours ago, quarks said:

    Yeah. If Jim Bob gets on the stand, I think he essentially has five options:

    #6  Act like a backwoods goober who has no contact with the outside world. They should stick Mullet on the stand...she can pull the sweet, innocent, baby-voiced act like it's nobody's business. Notice I said "act".


    3 hours ago, merylinkid said:

    None of the sisters who are still in JB's control will be good witnesses.   While Jill may want see her siblings and her nieces and nephews again someday, she is probably the best witness.   She's had therapy, so she is in a better place to tell them that JB controlled the whole family, there was no way she could speak up when it happened or later when it came out.  

    Never going to happen. Jill essentially had a gun to her head during the Meghan Kelly debacle. She would have to move far, far away and never go back.


    31 minutes ago, sue450 said:

    32,555.68 m

    The longest gum wrapper chain is 32,555.68 m (106,810 ft), and was achieved by Gary Duschl (USA) in Virginia Beach. Virginia, USA, on 10 January 2020. Gary has been constructing his gum wrapper chain since 1965.Jan 10, 2020

    This may become Joshley's new hobby.

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  11. On 11/18/2021 at 12:27 AM, Tigregirl said:

     Obviously a picture is one nanosecond point of time but what’s the point of posting this? 

    Photographic proof that Jing is never moving back to Arkansas.


    15 hours ago, galaxygirl76 said:

    Things that make you go mmm...I gave that organization a goog and found out it's a non profit that supports kids with an incarcerated parent.

    So do we send the check directly to Anna?

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  12. 20 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

    Part of me wonders if in private Anna is not keeping sweet, is actually furious and scared, and picked the name to remind Josh of his past sins.  

    Nope. She is an arrogant moron. She's too busy trying to figure out how she can get pregnant with M #8.


    Edited to add...

    I don't mean pregnant before Joshley goes away...I mean having M#8 in 2023, right on schedule, just like nothing ever happened. I'm sure she'll figure out a way....

    • Love 12
  13. Some really WTF moments:

    Mullett water skiing in a swim-schmatta with her knees blacked out.

    Some Jboy with a bowl of chopped-up iceberg lettuce from a bag pumping 25 rounds of junky ranch dressing onto his "salad".

    JB yapping about Eye-talian food.

    Mullet's reconstructed (ruined) vow renewal dress with JB requesting "leg-o-mutton sleeves".

    Mullet feeding some Jbaby pureed vegetables straight from a can.


    And the worst ever:

    Making Jill and Jessa go on TV and defend Joshley. And the follow-up episode with Jill, Jessa, and Mullet attending the seminar on abuse "in case they ever need it".

    Ugh. Enough. 100 dollar bills would have to fly out of my TV in 5 second intervals to ever get me to watch any of them again.



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  14. On 11/3/2021 at 6:07 PM, GeeGolly said:

    I haven't watched the video, but filming in a car is definitely a thing for influencers.

    Every influencer video I've seen (and it's not many) is posted from a car. I thought it was a must. Maybe it's to hold your attention while you see where they're going.

    Jessa may love plants, but the landscaping around that mold house is either run down, trampled , or nonexistent.

    • Love 7
  15. 6 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    I could see Jill covering an entire wall in plastic flowers from Dollar Tree and using Aqua-Net to make them stick.

    This was actually done by Hildi , but she used a staple gun to attach them, making them next to impossible to remove.


    52 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

    That is a terrible picture of Ma Keller .

    Was there ever a good one?

    • LOL 8
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