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Posts posted by TheodoraK

  1. shit, where is jon snow when you need him? to shoot an arrow at Shereen and spare her from being fucking burned alive?????????? the only person who has the balls to try to stop that travesty is someone who has no balls? and who doesn't even like her daughter. isn't there a kinder gentler way to kill someone? at least chop her freaking head off. it's done in a second. i'm a hypocrite like many others because i had no problem with Drogon -- i was so glad to see him again -- burning up all those golden head people. but like others i am deeply concerned that a few spears come close to taking him down. i also had no idea that he was so fragile. which means the other 2 are also. i need them to be invincible so they can wipe out all the freaks we keep having to deal with: the boltons, stannis and his red whore, those gold mask people, the whitewalkers... never mind. they seem pretty much unbeatable. the dragons better eat their wheaties. feels like it's going to be them against the walkers. and i want them to win.


    i'm so glad that next week is the finale because i can't take any more flaying or burning or torture or raping. which means the whole last episode will be full of that. i'm done with Outlander. i don't want to quit this show. but there has to be someone else besides jon snow and dany to root for. so when they are knocked off, there are some backups.

    • Love 7
  2. this was outstanding story telling and tv. wow. just wanted to say how much i love the Giant. i only know the bare outlines of what goes on, so are the giants pals with the wildings? and who are the Thenns? (i didn't like them either.:)) i need my dragon fix ASAP. that's what got me in to the show, those adorable babies. and i cannot wait for Tyrion to meet them. Dany's finally in good hands. Tyrion knows what's what. so glad to have Peter Dinklage back in good form. he's so handsome and such a fabulous actor. not to mention great comic relief.

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  3. i am beyond grateful for this Heads Up about this disgusting episode. i will not watch it. i will not watch the show again unless they start going back to the future where no one gets tortured and/or raped. something is seriously wrong with Diane Gabaldon. seriously seriously wrong and/or whoever wrote this godforsaken storyline. not sure why i can tolerate GOT and not this. it seems more integral to the overall story and it's not always the same person. maybe. which doesn't mean i don't get horrified.

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  4. i'm so glad that so many others are tired of the Torture Porn. i watch Game of Thrones and that is about all i can take of that. i did not read these books so it's on me that i thought this was going to be something different than it is. i thought that claire would be going back and forth in time and that is the show i wanted to watch. so that disappointment is on me. i do wish someone would write that story because i really liked her husband and i liked her with him and their friends. the sense of humor, the lightness she displayed there? she never smiles now. there is never a light fun moment. i know that life was brutal back then but still...

    when i realized that the show was not going to be about time travel, then i was okay with it being part Bodice Ripper -- because the chemistry between them is amazing (and i hate that word but when the shoe fits) and he's one of the most gorgeous men i've ever seen -- and part Highland tales leading to horrific war. i was not prepared for this kind of gleeful violence. the writers and directors seem to savor it, dragging it all on and on... which is not only sickening but completely lacking in creativity. and of course soldiers Rape. its' about power and violence and that is what war is about. but to have it be the same innocent couple and the same sadistic perv over and over and over again... it's just not interesting. there is so much torture and sadism on so many shows now. we just don't need any more. and then knowing that this is leading to... i'm sad about it but this is not for me.


    btw, speaking of not original, Homeland did the awful hanging by the neck and choking and struggling because the neck didn't break with Damien Lewis's character. just let them die quickly if you need to show so many men dying that way... just keep the assembly line going. that is plenty horror on its own.






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  5. i don't know what is wrong with me. i hate that i even try to watch this crap. well, i guess i'm hate watching. partly it's morbid curiosity to see if Ryan Phillipe can manage to display a facial expression that isn't just "I am constipated and pissed off but mostly really constipated. also, i am a 6 year old brat trapped in an idiotic man's body. and, oh yes, i'm really really constipated. being accused of murder is rough on the digestive system." and i also watch to see if Cornell ever gets any help with the Terminal TMJ. if clenching your teeth and causing the jaw bones to stick out in a creepy way is an acting choice? then juliette lewis should get an emmy. i need to go to IMDB and see who is responsible for this travesty.

    • Love 6
  6. i feel like a pollyana not being snarky about christina but i thought she looked gorgeous tonight. like a real woman and not a Sex Doll. i love her hair down. the blue of that jacket was gorgeous on her and with her coloring. she's probably had work -- and she was smart enough to get good work done. they all have work done. and they are starting earlier and earlier so they don't look so radically different having a total re-do later in life.


    i'm such a sucker for this show. i read what you guys say and i think, oh yes, that did suck or it was all boring, etc. but while i'm watching, i'm so moved. i love that these are people of different ages and sizes. i love the judges' banter. i love people who deserve it getting to hear wonderful things about themselves.


    i'm too old to remember the names but i was thrilled for the 2 who got stolen. makes me cry. i know, i know...

    • Love 8

    CWB-Craig Wayne Boyd all the way.  He knows how to perform.  I think I'm really biased because for some reason I am inexplicably so attracted to him.  He's great though.

    i have a thing for him too which is embarrassing because i'm beyond cougar territory.

    i'm usually a huge sucker for this show because i love blake and country music, in moderation. but overall i found the performances meh. that Beach Boys song? seriously? he didn't deserve to be saddled with that. so it's CWB for me.

  8. "When I first saw her updated group pic I didn't understand why they invited Seth-Aaron back for a third time. Seriously, those two could be related."


    thank you so much for this. that is exactly what I thought when I saw her. oh my god. Seth -Aaron looked hideous in this hairstyle and she looks even worse. I sort of liked her and her clothes in her season but she doesn't hold up over time. i'll be hate watching her for sure.

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  9. i had some faint hope about the Megan Boone character but i saw her on Fallon a while back and she is a complete idiot. she giggled through the whole thing, acted like a 6 year old. it was kind of disturbing. there is not one ounce of gravitas there. there are not any reservoirs of intelligence for her to draw on. there is no there there. which makes me sad because this show will never get any better. the creator and the casting director should be ashamed. deeply ashamed.

    • Love 3
  10. i swear to freaking god, between Scandal and this show, i am so freaking tired of women drinking large glasses of red wine and never being the least bit drunk. at least Alicia's glasses were not Full. it's enough already. not sure why this is bothering me so much. yes, i am sure. but this is one of my favorite shows, one that i look forward to, and i don't think i can watch it anymore. i'm not interested in the Gangster storyline. it's just creepy and stupid and boring. every other tv show now is full of evil and torture porn and fear and suspense and blah blah blah... i can find that anywhere. what i was interested in is what i signed on to with this show. a drama about legal shenanigans and compelling characters in complex situations that challenged and entertained me every week.Will died. that was horrible. it was ugly and evil. that's enough of that. and i am NOT AT ALL interested in the running for office crap. i enjoyed the Enfant Terrible thing but the rest of it? i'm bored already and it's barely started. i was intrigued by the New Firm scenario. there is plenty of conflict there, even without the case of the week, to carry through this season. the Cary thing was tolerable as long as it was the only such storyline. i am furious and broken-hearted and frustrated.

    • Love 6
  11. Why can't they just text each other? The GRs, I mean. Against technology? No money? This reminds me of The Newsroom, which also took itself much too seriously and was a massive failure when it didn't have to be. And what kind of freaking assholes stalk a woman who lost her whole family? To see if she kills herself? And invade her privacy? There is no one to care about. No one likeable. Were the people just too shell-shocked to take in the dogs when they were abandoned? There had to be some dog lovers who would have at least fostered some of them. This went by really quickly but nothing happened. Tom Perrota's a great writer. So the complete lack of humor and humanity has to be due to Lindelof and i have not forgiven him for Lost as many other have not. Very bad choice of a partner, Tom Perrota. Very very bad.

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  12. Wow, I feel like a complete idiot. I've watched this show since the beginning and I often don't know what the freak is going on. But when they have battles in the dark that I can barely see and when I've somehow missed how the wildings and giants were able to get so close to the Wall never mind scale it and I don't know why they didn't use that giant anchor thing over and over again to wipe those jackasses off the wall over and over again? Well, it pisses me off. What about pouring boiling oil on them? I apologize because I'm sure this was all made clear before. But I was bored and annoyed because there are all these other characters and storylines I care about and I will be so angry if they don't resolve the Tyrion situation next week. I'm with everyone about the ridiculous time spent on the Jon/Ygritte good-bye. All that I cared about was the 6 of them reciting their vows -- I had tears in my eyes over that one. And Ghost!!!! But why was he snacking on a dead body instead of killing some live enemies? And Jon not taking him with him, never mind a weapon, when going off to find Mance? For the rest of you who are lucky and understand this show, how does this make any sense at all? Is this part of the Night Watch vow, to commit freaking suicide after kicking giant -- literally -- ass?

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