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Veronique Bette

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Posts posted by Veronique Bette

  1. 21 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    It's so nice to take a quick look at the tabloid sights and entertaiment news shows and not see Kim and her tits front and center. Or any other Kardashian ass, or Kanye's grimacing face. 

    The public is fickle, another couple weeks and no one will care any more. Ironic, Kris Humphries told her as much. Different reasons than he thought but same outcome.

    Kris must be desperate to find a way to be sympathetic to Kim and yet get the golden goose out in public again. 

    Nah, it will take more than a couple of weeks before the public forgets about Kim & Company, and before then, Kim will make her dramatic reappearance, maybe having taken advantage of her hiatus from the cameras to do some further nips and tucks. Love them or hate them, the Kardashian/Jenner clan plus their various significant others/hangers-on have captured the public’s attention like no other family in recent history has done. They’re not going anywhere any time soon.

    • Love 4
  2. 42 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    If Kimmy lies about little things, like being in love with Kris Humphries, she'll lie about big things.

    Kanye's back on tour already.

    I believe that Kim and her whole family are perfectly capable of milking this incident for as much publicity and money as possible via television and magazine interviews and increased ratings for their show. As the saying goes, “It’s an ill wind that blows no one good”. But I don’t think Kim, Kanye or any of them are dumb enough to stage something like this that will be thoroughly investigated by police and insurance officials. It’s not a crime to lie about cosmetic procedures, or who one is in love with, or what might or might not have been said about one’s child, but it is a crime to file false reports with police and other officials and risk being incarcerated, fined or banned from a favored foreign country. Even Ryan Lochte’s incident was a case of impulsive stupidity rather than premeditated chicanery and look how that turned out. If this was an inside job, I don’t think Kim or Kanye had any knowledge of it.

    Kanye is contracted to fulfill his tour schedule. People were already criticizing him for cancelling the performance on the night he was informed of Kim’s robbery. I’m sure she’s emotionally stable enough now that he doesn’t have to sit around holding her hand.

    • Love 7
  3. 12 hours ago, iwasish said:

     Odd for middle age white men to take up armed robbery.

    The Pink Panthers, a well-known gang of jewel thieves operating in France as well as other European countries and Japan, is made up mainly of Serbians drawn from paramilitary circles in that country. Some of them have been active in these robberies since 1993. The below picture is of one of these thieves, a man in his early 40’s, after he was extradited to Japan to stand trial for armed robbery of a jewelry store in Tokyo’s upscale Ginza district in 2007. During this robbery, the thieves sprayed tear gas at the store clerks, grabbed the jewelry and fled on bicycles. Kim’s robbery is still under investigation but the modus operandi here does sound familiar in part.


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  4. 14 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    The saddest thing about all of Kylie's plastic surgery is that she was a cute teenager before. She has good skin, thick hair, and a slender build; she didn't even need much makeup, let alone all those invasive procedures. It still boggles my mind that Kris and Caitlyn signed off on all that stuff while she was still a minor. Even Kim didn't start with the major procedures until she was in her 20s.

    Yes, they should have used that money instead to seek therapy for their young daughter who was so insecure and lacking in self-esteem that she needed to erase all traces of her own personality and appearance while morphing into a bizarre clone of her famously “sexy” older sister.  

    • Love 9
  5. 7 hours ago, iwasish said:

    What does Rob do in Vegas? I wonder if he's following in Lamars footsteps?

     I find it gross the way Chyna is always talking about "giving Rob the booty" or " giving Rob some sex" as if it's a reward, He even acts like a puppy getting a treat for being a good boy. 

    Since Lamar is not one of the "family and friends" who are collecting a paycheck to participate in this tawdry show, I don't understand what he has to do with Rob and Chyna or what Rob and everyone else in the world who goes to Vegas might be doing there. But morals aside, horny Rob might have been better off with legally paid-for “companions” in Nevada than saddling himself for years to come with a woman whose agenda is not as straightforward.

    • Love 1
  6. 39 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    Who are they suing? Unless this apartment building had some kind of written agreement with owners of the individual apartments as to what kind or level of security would be provided,I don't think they have a leg to stand on. 

    In such a high profile case, the building owners might choose to quietly settle if sued, rather than draw even further negative attention to their business, which has been built on extreme discretion and privacy for their clients. But I agree that it’s unfair, as Kim and company could easily have provided their own security, both for Kim inside the residence and Kourtney and Kendall out in the clubs. A single shared bodyguard made no sense given their celebrity and wealth.

    • Love 8
  7. 9 hours ago, iwasish said:

    Kim is talking to a therapist to deal with this?

    Interesting. She didn't believe in therapy to help her conflict with her brother, didn't think he needed therapy, just needed to get off his ass. But she needs therapy to deal with the loss of some jewelry? 

    I think that Kim is as shallow and self-centered as they come, but I can hardly blame her for seeking therapy if she needs it. It’s not for the loss of some jewelry that she’ll be reimbursed for anyway; it’s to try to recover from the fear that someone is about to sexually assault you and/or shoot you in the head.

    16 hours ago, toolazy said:

    Kourtney strikes me as being the most human of the entire tribe.  

    While to me it seems that as a 36-year-old mother of three children, she needs to make better choices than to pose nearly naked in full view of passersby on a Paris street.

    Kourtney paris.jpg

    • Love 7
  8. On ‎9‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 1:50 PM, iwasish said:

    Did they ever find Lamar's jewelry? That little drama died a quick death. I'm betting Lamar or one of his buddies took it.

    I have never thought that Lamar had anything to do with it and I am glad that he is far enough from the family now to avoid being dragged into anymore of their drama because he has enough of his own to deal with. I personally suspect that all of these break-ins are due to the direct actions or loose lips of members of the family’s household staff or other employees.  In addition, they all need to beef up their security measures and maybe now they will, given what just happened to Kim. They also need to be more cautious about what they post online. Just recently, Kylie foolishly posted that she was home alone. This is a teenage girl advertising her vulnerability and she would be in danger of losing a whole lot more than jewelry if someone were to break in and overpower her.

  9. 2 hours ago, MsDiva2007 said:

    I guess I don't understand if you don't like Kim nobody is forcing anyone to watch KUWTK, nobody has been forced to follow her every move! I manage to avoid the entire Manzo family by not watching their show and not following them on social media.

    You folks who don't like her and follow and discuss her every move are why she is famous!

    As far as I know, it's not mandatory to like everyone on every program you may watch or discuss. And it’s pretty hard to miss the Kardashian/Jenner clan and their 24/7, all-news-all-the-time media/social media coverage. Unlike, say, the Manzo family, who are pretty much unknown to most of the world and of no interest to the paparazzi.

    • Love 13
  10. 32 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    If I were Taylor I'd buy a whole bunch of tickets and  send a boatload of her fan club members to his concerts and heckle the hell out of him.

    Nah,Taylor should just ignore him completely as if he is beneath her notice. That would bug him even more. I don’t believe this has anything to do with Kris; Kanye just seems totally obsessed with Taylor, like some deranged, delusional stalker.

    • Love 19
  11. 1 hour ago, iwasish said:

    I do think she cares for him. But I don't believe that the kind of person she is, tough and ambitious, is going to tolerate his flakiness and immaturity.

    I wouldn’t want to deal with a flakey, immature man that I had to coddle like a baby either.  So guess what? I wouldn’t purposely choose to be with someone like that, much less make sure to become impregnated by him only weeks after our first real date.

    • Love 3
  12. 2 hours ago, luvly said:

    Lmao, there was no gold for her to dig with Tyga. She'd already been name-checked by Drake and featured in Kanye's video for Monster by the time she was in Tyga's video for his only hit, Rack City. She danced at King of Diamonds in Miami which got her more video girl gigs and she eventually opened her own salon and cosmetics line.

    Being name-checked by Drake, being just another ex-stripper video vixen or “friends” with Kim Kardashian or even having a salon and cosmetic line does not give one access to a multi-million dollar fortune such as the Kardashians have. But having a child who will be an eventual heir to this fortune and even better, marrying into the family will do the trick. Yeah, I’m cynical as hell and there’s no way I believe that Angela magically fell in love with emotionally messed up, overweight, sloppy Rob and decided then and there to make him her husband and father of her child while altruistically helping him get his life on track. Girlfriend had an agenda and she’s working it.

    • Love 10
  13. Wardrobe is not witless Rob’s most crucial problem at this moment when he’s being led like a lamb to the slaughter. If he had any working brains cell left, he would cancel the wedding and at least foil half of Chyna’s master plan.  He could then just concentrate on being the best father possible to the poor innocent child soon to be born into this messy set of families and not complicate his life even further with crafty would-be Mrs. Angela Kardashian and company. Doesn’t anyone in his family and friends circle care enough to try to advise him or at least not join in and profit from this depressingly insane and seedy exhibition?

    • Love 5
  14. 7 hours ago, GaT said:

    Kim has the lowest Q score of any celebrity

    Um, no, that is not how she markets herself LOL

    Kim markets herself as “Look at me!” She relentlessly courts attention, positive or negative, controversial or sympathetic. She couldn’t care less about Q scores as long as she is being featured and photographed. I shudder to think what she will come up with to stay in the headlines now that the Jolie-Pitt divorce is top news.

    • Love 7
  15. 2 hours ago, iwasish said:

    It is their job. Show up, spend three hours in makeup, strip down, make sexy faces and go home. They do travel a lot (first class) and take a lot of "meetings" to discuss deals and give their opinions on products and approve packaging etc. They have had at least 3 or 4 luxury vacations this year alone and have assistants/nannies and hangers-on to do all the daily errands the rest of us have to do. It's a busy life, but its not hard work. (maybe having to deal with Kanye, and Kris is though).  

    I wouldn’t want to deal with either Kris or Kanye in my worst nightmare, but keeping it real here, Kris is the one who had the original business savvy and willingness to sell her soul and the Kardashian name to the devil in order to promote her daughter’s sex tape and launch this multi-million dollar family empire. Without her, the rest of them would be nowhere and that goes double for most of their boyfriends/girlfriends/baby mamas and baby daddies. As for Kanye, I believe that Kim (and her family) would have faded from sight if she had stayed married to dull-as-dishwater Kris Humphries instead of linking up with nut job Kanye who, despite his crazy rants and horrid fashions, helps keep Kim and crew in the headlines. Even Kendall with her modeling career seems to lack any kind of personality, in my opinion, anyway. Kim is too dimwitted and vain to realize that Kanye is putting her out there in her near-nudity like any “working girl” and her “manager”, but on the other hand, which one of the Kardashian/Jenner crew and their hangers-on, including Rob, have had the integrity to walk away from this circus instead of continuing to feed off the lucrative Kardashian teat?

    • Love 9
  16. Is there anyone in Rob’s family/friends circle who genuinely is trying to “help” him? And I mean someone off-camera who is not getting a paycheck to act out a storyline and get their mug featured on screen. I know Rob willingly signed on for this show but he is so pathetic that I just don’t see how anyone who really cares about him could take part in this exploitive exhibition of someone who is clearly not well. And speaking of storylines, how many times are they going to recycle the “panic attack” theme? First it was Kylie, who couldn’t do appearances without Kendall, next it was Kourtney panicking because she was doing a press tour without her sisters, and now it’s Kendall. Well, I can predict that this whole family will have a group panic attack for real when the ratings for their crap shows fall low enough to cancel all of them.

    • Love 9
  17. 1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

    According to the article, she spent four hours total playing with them. It's like Downton Abbey - "yes, but it was an hour *every day*".

    Maybe that’s why, in these pictures from that Mexico vacation, Saint is giving Kim a skeptical, uneasy look in one shot and clearly reaching out for his nanny in the other one. Even a little baby knows when he’s just being used as a photo-op prop for some strange woman.


    Saint 1 Mexico.jpgSaint 2 Mexico.jpg

    • Love 10
  18. 20 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    My brother's girlfriend came over to bitch about my brother to my mom and my mom told her " if you don't like the way he acts or treats you, then dump him and find someone else", "he isn't the only guy out there"

    Exactly! Your mom was keeping it real.

    • Love 3
  19. 26 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

    Kimmy was still married to Kris Humphries when North was conceived. And BC seems financially stable enough with or without Rob.

    I was referring to the "500 times a day sex" statement, which Kim made when they were trying to conceive Saint.  And my feeling is that Chyna has no intention of being financially stable on her own ever again and that was her game plan with Rob. But time will tell.

    • Love 2
  20. 34 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    Flash backs to Kim and her "I'm having sex 500 times  a day" "I'm ovulating and Kanye had to come to my photo shoot and fuck me in the bathroom" 

    Kim and Kanye were at least married at the time and more than financially stable. Whereas, did naïve, infantile Rob even ONCE ask himself why Chyna was so hell-bent on getting pregnant with his child a mere few months after they started dating? They barely knew each other. And this was at the same time she was supposedly helping him deal with his depression, diabetes, weight issues, joblessness, lack of motivation and reclusiveness, while embroiled in an ugly public feud with his sister. What in the world made him think that this would be the perfect time to father a child and get engaged, in that order? He had no clue or suspicion about what she might be up to? There’s a famous saying from back in the day that surely applies to Rob: “Life is hard, but it’s harder if you’re stupid.”

    • Love 6
  21. Instead of this scripted mess, I would love to have seen the real (off-camera) meetings and conversations among these family members on how to spin the Rob-Chyna situation to their advantage plus their hardcore negotiations with E and Chyna to exploit and monetize unstable Rob’s predicament. Let’s see now…Kris and Kim are being paid as producers, Chyna is savoring her celebrity and Karda$hian family member status and Scott is earning an additional Kardashian paycheck as cast member for this train wreck of a show. Rob, as usual, is just following along dazedly with what his womenfolk have ordained for him to do. And all the while, poor baby girl Kardashian is nestled innocently in her mother’s womb unaware of the circus existence that awaits her.

    • Love 3
  22. 1 hour ago, iwasish said:

    The cartoony openings to each segment strike me as some kind of artsy touch.. maybe Kanye giving Kim artistic advice?

    Sounds more like a continuation of E’s cutesy attempts to present these tacky Kardashian shows and spinoffs as amusing pseudo sitcoms.  They have been doing this since Day 1 of KUWTK with no input needed from Kanye.

    • Love 4
  23. 4 hours ago, iwasish said:

    i recall when Scott and Rob had an appointment with some business people regarding Rob's sock/menwearline. Rob showed up in his black sweatsuit and cap. Scott was mighty annoyed  and even the other gentlemen made several digs about it.   But Kanye gets a pass, WTF.

    I don’t think the situations are comparable. Although most people would not wear a track suit and sneakers, however expensive, to a “gala”, it was still a magazine party, a social event, and this is Kanye’s trademark look, as everyone knows. He was not risking anything. Rob’s appearance was actually an insult to the professional men assembled to meet with him in a business environment to discuss his career opportunities. I believe this was Rob’s passive-aggressive way of sabotaging that meeting because he didn’t actually want to take on any responsibility at that time despite his complaints of feeling useless.

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