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Posts posted by citychic

  1. I thought it was kind of crappy of Nettie to tell Joanne to let it go because Mellie was drinking. That's enabling 101 right there and Joanne's feelings were rightly hurt. It's just that Nettie didn't stop and just kept repeating how Mellie was crying and so sorry for what she had done. The next morning when Mellie ran downstairs and jumped into Netties lap like a child expecting everything to be okay and Nettie just grinning. Kind of sick really and very telling of why Mellie keeps acting like she does because she knows Nettie's going to coddle her like a child.

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  2. I did have to laugh when Chelsea was telling her friend about Taylor texting  her freaking out because of the pics of Jessica holding Paislee. Chelsea was trying really hard to complain but you could tell she was flattered that he was doing the same crap to Taylor that he did to her. I can imagine this was a payback for something and anything Taylor threw up in Chelsea's face when Taylor and Adam were together.

    And I just wanna say damn these girls have some nice ass houses and cars.

  3. Did I miss-hear, or were children left with Nathan... on his own?

    I caught that too. She said the kids so I was wondering if it was Jace and his own child or Jace and his cousin that Barb seems to have quite a bit lately. Either way, scary. Visions of both of those dogs stuffed into one small crate and the boys stuffed in another crate.

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  4. When Kayla took her daughters for ice cream, I was shocked at her daughter Danielle's ways of moving her body like she couldn't stay still. She was gyrating for lack of a better word and throwing her hair around, she resembled Mellie in a lot of ways. I wonder if there is something genetic in the family that makes them move that way or if it's just the culture they're raised in?

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  5. This episode was sad and annoying at the same time.  All that screaming got on my last nerve.  I want someone to explain to Mellie and Joann that all the stress isn't good for Nettie and her lupus.  It sounds like Nettie has been a mother figure for her younger sisters, and they should take care of her for once.


    Also, if you own a business and the producers of any show about gypsies seeks your permission to film there, your answer should be NO.

    Now we're starting to understand why all they were all  lying in the beginning when they were trying to rent wedding venues, and why so many vendors said no. Every single event ended with them being thrown out and the muskers being called.

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      I suspect that Kroy has a lot of power in the relationship as well.  If he does not like the overspending and/or children running amok, he will use his ace in the hole (a younger, hotter blonde) to get Kim back in line.

    Good point, I wonder if Kroy would play dirty like this against Kim. Heh, maybe the whole story is that he isn't quite as enamored by Kim as she is by him. Maybe the comment about what she would be doing for Kroy in the bedroom to earn those Louie bags wasn't so far off, the look on his face said a lot. I don't doubt Kim is a freak in the bedroom.

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  7. I have to start stalking their facebook pages again. oh lord, these bitches are so not smart. its actually becoming rather hard to watch. anyone else think Mellie looks a little rough? like "on meth" rough? i suppose that could be motherhood but dayum! she is so gaunt and pale... also im guessing she has an undiagnosed mental illness which might be taking a toll on her physically (bipolar?), i just hope she gets help for her son's sake. 

    I have bipolar and I am classic crazy, but Mellie's got me beat by a mile and a half. She has got something seriously wrong mentally, I don't know what but it's much more than bipolar.

    I see some calmness since baby Richard was born but time will tell because old habits die hard. Alcohol and drug use is sure to enhance whatever mental issues she's dealing with so she's got a long recovery road ahead no matter what but first she's got to want to get better before any treatment is going to work. Mellie is nowhere near ready to put any effort into changing herself.

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  8. Jackie did grow on me a bit this episode. She came along with Lydia for the ride and just enjoyed the day with laughs and no drama. The salsa class looked really fun, but Janet looked at the dance instructor as if she expected him to bed her right then and there!

    Gina is doing certain things just to get a rise out of Andrea, and she's playing right into her hand. The makeup in the bathroom, the tardiness and also wearing heels on the tennis court - all just to provoke a reaction. I'm just not sure why she's disrespecting the rest of the women in the process, maybe she's just over all of them and their antics.

    Andrea, as I said above is delusional. When she was talking to the contractor she kept reiterating deadlines that he was well aware of. The wrong color carpet and the like are all a normal part of any construction project. She talked to him in such a condescending tone, and her stupid assistant rolling her eyes as well.

    I was glad to see the instructors eyes roll so far up into his head as Lydia was telling him her plans. She really doesn't have a clue what she's doing, even the young student she spoke to was confused by her plans. When she dissed the instructor to the other student and said he doesn't know what he's talking about I realized she really doesn't care to actually learn anything, she just wants to be able to say that she took a class in interior design to show off. Frustrating would be a better word to describe her.

    Now compare that with sweet Chyka making dinner for her son and his friends. She's so nice and down to earth. Take note, because Chyka is a happy person inside and it shows on the outside.

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  9. I've been thinking about posting this since last weeks episode but I wasn't sure how it would be taken.

    I'm also the parent of a child with special needs, he doesn't need any mobility help yet, but it's possible someday.

    I've followed these girls since the beginning of sixteen and pregnant and last week was the first week I had a clear sense that Leah is pushing this wheel chair issue so hard because she wants attention for herself. I wouldn't go so far as to say Münchausen syndrome by proxy, but I really get a sense of how she's feeling that all she does all day every day is care for other people and caregivers/stay at home parents really do get lost in the shuffle of giving and giving but getting nothing in return.

    By being persistent with the wheelchair she gets to travel to appointments which gets her out of town and she gets attention from Jeremy, Cory and all of the doctors who all tell her she's doing a great job taking care of Ali. I'm not saying that Ali doesn't need the chair, she does.

    I guess I can see it because I kind of do the same thing. I love the attention the doctors and nurses show me because I don't get any otherwise from anyone. I think that's why she insisted on taking the chair to Cory and Miranda even though it didn't work properly. It was to draw attention to herself in the parking lot transferring the chair, people will look at her and say to themselves "Oh look at that poor girl taking such good care of her handicapped child." Her thoughts on taking the chair to the zoo is that it would draw attention to her and people would again feel sorry/admire her for taking such good care of her handicapped child.

    The thing Leah doesn't realize right now is that this care she's got to give Ali is for life. If she thinks she's tired out now just wait until Ali reaches 21 where my son is at and he still requires 24 hour care. The money and the cameras will be long gone by then and probably so will Jeremy. I wish she would get some counseling on how to care for herself before she self implodes.

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