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Posts posted by citychic

  1. The king and his queens, here's my take. The king is dom over all of them. When queen 2 shows up queen 1 then has to show dominance over queen 2 in order to show her her place in the relationship. The king enjoys watching his two woman fight for a place in his life.

    I have a story about how it can go wrong in real life though. Queen 1 was determined to get married when they all took a trip to vegas. She took the dress, shoes and all the accessories. He refused and they came home. The next morning queen 1 threw a fit and put her wedding dress into the kitchen trash in front of king. King the asked queen 2 to make him some more coffee, with fresh grounds. Queen 2 then got to go empty the  wet coffee grounds into the trash all over queen 1's wedding dress.

  2. Would they be looking for Kristianne? Given they found her at the restaurant with John so they probably know him, his truck and his house so why was she so comfortable leaving there with him in the light of day not even looking around to see if she was being watched?

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  3. 10 hours ago, magemaud said:

    The gynecologist in Nigeria said that she had "one egg" but that her uterus was in good shape so she could possibly "tote" a baby with an egg donor and that's when she made Michael ask Skyla for her "aig." Skyla turned them down. Then, despite not having a period for a couple of years Angela started bleeding and thought that meant that she was still fertile but the Georgia gynecologist saw no eggs on the ultrasound and believed the Nigerian doctor had seen a cyst. She also said it wasn't normal to start bleeding after menopause and from the ultrasound she determined that Angela needed a biopsy. She also said if Angela didn't need a hysterectomy based on the biopsy results, she might still be able to carry a pregnancy with a donor egg, but she didn't seem very optimistic. 

    Thanks for explaining, makes more sense now. I hope these two get settled sometime soon, they're both going to have a heart attack from the stress.

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  4. I'm confused about something. Angela keeps saying it's not normal for her to bleed at her age, that's why the cancer discussion.  

    But don't you need to bleed to have a period to have a baby? I might have missed something where she was going to tote a different way, is that why she asked Skyla? 

    I'm a year younger than she is and there is no way in heck I would want to start over with another baby and I don't think she really want's to either, I think she's pacifying Michael until they get married and he gets to the states. Especially the fact that she's a caregiver by job, cares for her mom at home plus all the grandbabies! Crazy.

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  5. I just want to laugh at Tom and the way he sets up all his scenes. When he and Darcy were at that restaurant he held his wrist up through the whole conversation so we could see his watch. Last night he had his glasses positioned along with the case and then his phone and watch.  He's in it for the screen time.

    • Love 15
  6. 2 hours ago, Shannah Banana said:

    Yes!!!  I use to hate Kate until I met Hannah, and now there is no comparison.  Ouch.  And for me, there is absolutely no comparison to Captain Lee and Sandy.  Double ouch.  I read where people are speculating that Captain Lee went "Hollywood" and I hope not.  I really do.  I don't really mind considering him the stud of the sea, as long as he is one :)

    I know, Kate can come across strong and bitchy but that's what it takes to do the job, Hannah is a whiny ass and cannot lead. There is no comparison between the two and I am ready for Kate's lovely centerpieces and beach picnics. Captain Lee expects this from Kate, he has other stuff to deal with and he doesn't have time for bullshit. I hope he didn't go hollywood either, he's so cool.

    • Love 16
  7. 8 hours ago, druzy said:

    The fillers age her. The lower lip should be fuller than the upper lip. Anyway, she reminds me of someone but I don't know who.

    You know who she reminds you of? The chick above and to her right in the picture.

    So many women have identical drawn on eyebrows, eyelash extensions and lips along with puffy cheeks, lips and pounds of hair extensions and they all end up looking pretty much like the same woman in the end.  

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  8. I'm noticing a pattern that the second wives tend to be much more outspoken and the first wives tend to be very quiet and obedient.

    Sophie is much more vocal than Tami and so is Sharis versus Vanessa. I would even say Meri and Christine of Codyland are the same way. Little Miss McGee would seem to be quiet but we all know what she's capable of.  I wonder if the first wife is chosen because she is quiet, capable and expected to manage the growing family.

    Speaking of, did you see Bernie squirming when she was confronting him on the sexting, he was sweating big time until he told her to drop it.  Those two are in this for very different reasons.

    • Love 4
  9. Dimitri and Mr. McGee are one and the same. It's all about getting laid.

      In every conversation they have with their wives they've got one eye on her face very carefully gaging their answers to see just how far they can push it this time.  Once the wife lays down a law the husband is all like yup, yup but in the back of their scheming little mind you know the end game is to get some strange but let the wife think that she's in charge.

    Dimitri doesn't even give two craps if the relationships work out in the end, that's Ashley's problem in his mind. Even if he gets in a little time with another woman he's happy to let her go and move on to the next one. Dimitri and Ashley are playing two different mind games but it makes them both happy. 

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  10. 3 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

    AAAAAAAAAACK! I can't believe Bristol Palin of all people posted it. Good thing I decided to start my diet today because my appetite is gone after seeing that mess.

    I watched that shit while eating breakfast.  

    Five years here will give you those special powers.

    • Love 9
  11. 3 hours ago, kicksave said:

    If what this person is saying about David and Jenelle planning on another baby in order to get David back in MTV is true, then that is really sick. And shame on MTV if they cave and allow this guy back on so they can have a story line...MTV is all about the money and getting viewers. Nothing wrong with that but if they take David back due to another baby being brought into this mess, then I have zero respect for them and will protest this as vigorously as possible and will stop watching. I am of the opinion that Jenelle should be fired and probably should have been fired when David was fired. This madness must stop.

    MTV wouldn't dare take him back, would they?  I honestly don't think they could pay any of those crew enough money to risk their lives to be around him again, filming Jenelle is probably bad enough.   I can totally see David selling Jenelle on the idea of another baby to see how it plays out and her just agreeing. He's go some hold on her right now, that's what's so sick. I would protest right alongside you, it wouldn't be right to bring him back.

    • Love 15
  12. 16 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

    He's a click whore like everyone else who makes a living off their social media accounts. 

    Exhibit B:

    Remember when women had babies because they wanted them and not because they wanted to continue to create content?

    Sounds so sick when you say it like that but they're certainly not the first idiots to reproduce for fame and money. Reminds me of a couple I knew back in '99 who deliberately got pregnant to see if they could have the first baby of the new millennium in 2000. 

    There are a lot of yahoo's where I live that stay on their land and play with fire and blow things up for fun. Honestly the cops don't do much about it, they just figure eventually  they'll get drunk enough and blow themselves up. I imagine the cops in David's area probably think the same thing and are just sitting and waiting to get that call to come clean up the remains.  


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  13. I followed him on Instagram, I have to see how this plays out. 


    Heh, I was just thinking about something. A couple of years ago my instagram got jacked by the Russians so most of my posts and followers are in Russian with only a few posts in English. He gets high and paranoid enough this could be entertaining to make him think he's secretly being followed.

    • Love 3
  14. Wait a minute, I get all the Ryan should get his shit together talk but why does Taylor get such a pass in this one? 

    Did he or did he not start the whole mess that ended in court by tweeting something that maybe he shouldn't have? Bentley is old enough to read those tweets about his dad coming from his step-dad. Then they are so nose in the air on the way to court like they didn't instigate the whole thing? 

    Not one time did I hear Maci, Taylor, Jen, or Larry say that maybe, just maybe Taylor was at fault and shouldn't have went there? 

    • Love 12
  15. 23 hours ago, Carly13817 said:

    I guess that was meant for the next scene with Paul and Karine at the hospital. They could have added that warning just after the scene with Michael and Angela instead.

    I know, Angela and I are the same age and every time they show her face and boobies up close I cringe because that's not how it has to be at our age. That ring exchange was one of the craziest things I've seen in a long time.

    • Love 4
  16. 6 hours ago, Rebecca said:

    I would like to hang out with this guy, I think. Also, I never thought I’d see a police officer using that filter, it definitely added to the hilarity! Thanks for posting this, I’m tempted to send it to Jenelle and David. ? 

    ETA: The officer’s Facebook has more snarky videos!

    You're welcome, glad you enjoyed it too. His video's are hilarious.

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