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Posts posted by SiobhanJW

  1. Tyler did an interview with Reality Recaps today it was live- you can rewatch apparently if you are a You Now subscriber- but they will have it up on their site by tomorrow. But I found this rundown on another website. 

    • Regrets his GBM to Scottie
    • said his downfall was playing to get to the end with all the final 2's but not having a strategy to win
    • when him and Kaycee told JC about L6/C2C before finale, he told JC he knows he's probably not winning either way but he needs to stick to his day 1 with KC
    • admits to the strategy of hyping people up to giving bad goodbye messages
    • said whoever evicted him would have determined who he voted for if he got cut at final 3
    • said if they had a Level 7, he'd pick Haleigh (when asked if he would swap anyone out from the Hive into L6.)
    • said he would have thrown f4 veto no matter what because choosing between Kaycee and Angela would have weighed on him too much
    • never considered throwing the pie HOH to Haleigh
    • first thing he remembers hearing in the real world was Mac Miller's death
    • most surprising thing from the episodes was JC's flip vote
    • besides meeting Angela and winning AFP, his best moment in the house was after winning OTEV because he knew he was safe with the app, but he pulled out the win for his girls. Said he wanted to rewatch OTEV the most post season
    • biggest obstacle in the house was the Hacker twist, said that was the one week he knew he was completely gone if he stayed on the block
    • says he thinks he could have beaten Angela because the jury hated on her but is also unsure because she was targeted from the beginning, and says he would have voted for Angela because of that if he was in the jury
    • says he was relieved Kaitlyn didn't finish the puzzle, but it was also very sad to watch
    • said Kaitlyn never had bad intentions (with bringing up his dad)
    • said he was never uncomfortable with JC (with the armpit kisses and cuddling)
    • Angela still hasn't told him her goodbye message to him
    • doesn't think cutting Kaycee over Brett would have helped him win because loyalty (regarding what Scottie said when he voted)
    • if he we're to play again and he had to either be loyal to his alliance and lose or have a guaranteed win and be disloyal, he'd rather win
    • says he felt burnt out and that Angela helped him out. As soon as he started to feel bad, Tangela started to become real and she was his outlet to go to outside the game to make him feel like home. Says she was a blessing
    • says he doesn't think the jury was bitter
    • says he'd play BB again
    • says he'd do Survivor
    • says he'd for sure do Amazing Race. If he couldn't pick Angela, he'd pick Kaycee
    • says he doesn't know if he'd wanna do the Challenge, doesn't watch it
    • says he loves his fans because he really didn't expect to come out with fans, and people saying such positive things is amazing. Asks people to be nice to everyone including the other HG's, that no one deserves hate.
    • Love 14
  2. 4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I don't know if they'd ask Angela back, but stranger people have come back. I just think that, even with Tyler, Angela isn't a strong enough presence in terms of reality TV. They'd ask Tyler back for sure because he made for good TV. Angela....just doesn't. I could see them asking Tyler back with Haleigh, maybe. For some reason, Haleigh made good TV, I'm guessing with how eloquent she could be in the DR. 

    I guess it depends how strong Tyler/Angela are in their relationship by this time next year. I could see it going either way: they could either be engaged or married by this time next year, or they could be broken up. 

    I should have specified- they wouldn't ask Angela back on her own. If she's asked back it'll be because Tyler would be there. 

    • Love 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I will say the one thing that started getting me wary of Tyler was shortly after he left the house and he was asked if he would do the show again. His response was "If it's without Angela, then probably not." I get that he was finally getting out into the real world with Angela and had no time to process much, but I guess my expectations of Tyler were that he could separate himself from his relationship. 

    I kind of just rolled my eyes at that comment and was like well if he is asked back it wouldn't be for a few years anyway- if they even ask at all.  And he would probably have a different answer then. But he could also say he would only do it with her- if he really wanted too and they might oblige. Dr. Will did that for All Stars with Boogie (granted it's Dr. Will- so it's different- but also Tyler's pretty popular especially with the casuals as he did win AFH). 

    I would imagine Tyler would be one of the top people on their list from this season to come back, my guess is him, Brett & Haleigh- if they decided to do a duo twist like 13- then they could bring Angela back. 

    • Love 2
  4. 11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Perhaps, but he was replying to Rob, and critiquing all of RHAP, instead of just Brent. It's just a bad way to handle things and not how I expected Tyler to act post-game. I'm kind of disappointed in Tyler, though. I get he's in love with Angela and enjoying their time together, but with them getting a publicist and having posed pictures being taken of them to Tyler not wanting to talk game to this, I'm starting to think that Tyler may not be all that. Honestly, I haven't really liked Tyler post-game. I don't hate him and Angela together, but I found Tyler vastly more interesting pre-Tangela. 

    Tyler can be annoyed, but if he truly had some concerns and wanted to fix them, he would have DM'd Rob about it, not posted it publicly for all to see. 

    Tyler, boy, not everyone is going to like your showmance and not everyone is going to be nice about it. You can simply deny an interview with them....but maybe do so in a way that doesn't make you look like a total jackass. Again, it was Brent and not Rob who went for the direct attacks on Tangela. Rob and Melissa, for the most part, stuck to game stuff and simply thinking that Tangela is a boring couple. 

    Honestly I don't care either way- I was just theorizing as to why he doesn't want to do it, and I'm just going off some of the things he "liked" on Twitter. Also I do think some of the insane Twitter fans probably contributed to all this nonsense as well. 

     But I'm in the camp of- Rob, Brent, Taran & Melissa can say whatever they want- it's their prerogative too. And It's also Tyler's prerogative not like what they say and not do the show. Both can be true. 

    17 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I can admit that some people get worse when out of the house and others get better. I think it mostly bugs me because I expected Tyler to be fully invested in the BB fandom post-game and all he's done is take pictures with Angela. I would have loved more interaction with his fans, but he doesn't seem invested in that. It's fine if he wants to move on from the game stuff, but he's also using his fans for him and Angela and it's just...*sigh*.

    I'm not asking Tyler to bow down to his fans and act grateful or whatever, but I was hoping for him to talk about his game outside of the house and he's done so little of that so far. If he was such a superfan, he WOULD have no issue talking with people about his game. Instead, his entire post-game life is Angela, Angela, Angela...and Starbucks and photoshoots...with Angela. He can't become as bad as Elena was (and is), but he's certainly far from my favourite post-game. 

    I don't think his "superfandom" should be taken away just because he doesn't feel like talking much about Big Brother. He also seems to be the only one (besides Angela- since he's watching with her- that has actually watched the season back- he's almost done I believe- as per his Tweet from the other day). I of course wish he would do an in-depth look at his game-  as I would love to hear more about what he thought about specific moments during the house- and why he made the moves he did- and I love how Taran usually breaks it down week by week. But maybe he just isn't ready for that? I know a few of the ones that Taran has done with some of the winners and other players- at least for BBUS- didn't come right after they left the house, a lot of them were done a month/months later. 

    Tyler was my favorite this season that was no secret- and I probably sound like I'm defending him. But I guess I just don't expect much from any HG when they leave the house- as I don't think they owe "us" anything. Shrugs. 

    • Love 5
  5. 3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    So, a little bit of a Twitter feud with Tyler and RHAP's Rob Cesternino:


    Tyler is responding to a tweet not necessarily about him but another Tyler. Here is Rob's response:


    Sorry I can't get the actual links at the moment. It keeps imbeding the links every time I try to paste them as plain text. For those who can't see the tweets, Rob from Rob Has A Podcast (an infamous BB/Survivor/other reality TV shows podcast channel) was teasing the fans who have been asking for our Tyler and then joked in his tweet about getting the Tyler everyone's wanted....who is another Tyler, from Survivor. Our Tyler responded (very childishly, I might add) that he won't go on RHAP because either Rob or him talking about RHAP as a whole wasn't nice to him. 

    By the way, only a couple of people there (Brent, Rob, and Melissa, three of the main podcasters) have said something negative more about Tangela being boring. They've all been pretty nice about Tyler as an individual. So it's a very childish response from Tyler, which has put me off of him.

    Rob's response, by the way, was issuing a formal apology and asking Tyler to at least give Taran Armstrong (very pro-Tyler fan and has been defending him all season) an interview. No response from Tyler yet. 

    I don't think Tyler is annoyed with them because of stuff that they said about his game. I think he's put off by how rude Brent's been about Tyler & Angela on Twitter- personally and outside of the game. I think that's what he's annoyed about. 

    • Love 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Huh. So it's possible that Kaycee and Rachel are making out in this Instagram story from JC's account. It's hard to tell, but it looks like it's possible. 

    It for sure looks like they are. I remember during the season Bay said something about her thinking Rachel & Kaycee would hook up in the house. But then Rachel ended up leaving. Both JC & Tyler I remember were talking to Kaycee about Rachel the last week when they were all hanging out in the kitchen in their makeshift lounge area- telling her that the two of them would be really cute together etc. And Kaycee was blushing but saying nah. I think they might have even asked her if anything happened. She said no. 



    4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    That graphic sucks lol. I can't tell who is supposed to be who.

    Is that a fan thing, are the actual Level 6 people involved?

    A fan designed it- and Level 6 picked it out of a bunch that were sent in. I believe it's supposed to be Tyler, Winston, Rachel, Angela, Brett & Kaycee. 

    • Love 3
  8. 10 hours ago, Summerday said:

    She said her parents were helping her pay for it and that she was probably not going to renew the lease so that she could travel. I think she said that before the showmance officially began…so maybe she plans to stay there now that they’re living together. Tyler did say over and over that he wanted to move here.

    Does anyone know when they film the Amazing Race? I thought for sure that Tyler and Angela were a lock to be on the show, but they announced that they’re doing a meet and greet in Oct and Nov. I’m pretty sure Jess said that she and Cody had to leave for the Amazing Race like a week after BB ended so I wonder if Tyler and Angela weren’t invited on the show.

    I think what she meant by her parents are helping her pay- is that they were taking care of paying all of her stuff for her while she was gone as she couldn't do it herself since she was in the house. Not that they were actually paying out of their own pockets. 

    They have already filmed the next season which I believe airs sometime at the beginning of next year- with Nicole/Victor, Janelle/Britney, Rachel/Elissa- they filmed that in June/July. 

    If they were going to be on the season after that- I read that it will start filming sometime in November, going over Thanksgiving I read. 

    • Love 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

    There was definitely a video (maybe an IG story?) where she opened up gifts from fans. I remember quite a few were "Tangela" artwork including a dream board.

    Here's one link I found on twitter:

    Yeah that's the only thing she's ever posted regarding something a fan sent her. Everything else was stuff from her Big Brother box. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

    Not sure what exact gifts they got but Angela did an Instagram Live where she unboxed a bunch of presents from fans. Many seemed like housewarming gifts for Tyler who was moving in. I found that weird. I mean she has a place already that's furnished. And the gifts seemed more appropriate as a wedding registry than a gift for two people who met on a reality tv show.

    They've only done 2 Instagram Lives- one where they answered some questions while watching the first episode and then one over the weekend where they did an unboxing of both of their Big Brother boxes they got from CBS- which included props from some of the comps- clothing they got to wear during comps- they got their pillows they both used- their comic book cover etc. She hasn't done one where she opened up presents from fans. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

    Anyone find it weird when random people give BB house guests gifts? I know there are BB fanatics but the stuff Tyler and Angela have gotten seems ... expensive. Like people really spent money on them. 

    I think it's weird too- like I get letters and stuff if you felt some sort of connection (I wouldn't do it- but I'm not going to bag on people that do- that's their prerogative) but I don't get sending them money and gift cards etc. 

    What have they gotten? 

    I did see on Twitter that a bunch of fans instead of sending them money and stuff they don't need they bought bracelets in Tyler & Angela's name from 4Ocean which help clean the Ocean's from plastic- which is one of Tyler's favorite charities- and one of the bracelets he wore all season long. 

    I did see that Tyler & Angela are putting some of their Big Brother stuff up on eBay and donating all of the proceeds to various charities. 

    • Love 1
  12. 37 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

    I saw something somewhere about a P.O. Box where fans could write (send gifts) to Tangela and it was a Marina del Rey, California address.  An apartment or condo in Marina del Rey would cost a SHIT LOAD, trust me.  I know they just want to have fun with the money for now, and I don't blame them as I would too, but eventually they're going to have to both get jobs that pay very well to live in that zip code.  So, did Tyler go back to Hilton Head just to get his stuff then hit the West Coast?  Ah, young love.  I envy them this time.

    From what I heard her say on the feeds they live in Playa Vista, CA (I have no idea where that is in relation to Marina Del Ray--but I imagine not very far?). I think her business and modeling clearly supported her ability to live in the neighborhood she lives in- I think she has a 2 bedroom condo- she said she needed the space cuz she runs her business out of her house-which she can write off on her Taxes.  She also mentioned that she wasn't going to go back to work until at least January- so clearly she has some money saved up if she felt she was able to do that- and also cover her rent and expenses while she was in the BB house because they do not pay for that stuff. 

    I wonder if she will re-open her business or she'll sell it like she mentioned a few times. She said that she was over the 24/7 grind of the business and never having time to do anything she wanted to like travel etc. 

    Tyler hasn't gone back to Hilton Head- I think they mentioned in their Instagram Live that they are going to go back together soon- as he has to get his stuff and ship his car. And also to see family & friends. 

  13. 1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

    Both Hayleigh and Bayleigh just made Youtube channels and despite not having any content yet, Hayleigh already has near 6,000 subscribers while Bayleigh has just over 2,000.  If I ever get on BB...which is unlikely...I think I would stay away from that and just stick to my barely posting on Twitter

    Apparently several of the HG's are going to be doing You Tube video's apparently- just saw this on another site. 



    Swaleigh + Swaggy + Bayleigh

    Kaycee (she had one already- but I guess is reviving it) 





  14. On ‎10‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 11:31 AM, Growsonwalls said:

    Tyler and Angela have really been selling their couple-dom on Instagram in a way I wouldn't have expected. I always thought Angela was essentially a reserved person whose withdrawn personality made people think she was cold. But ever since the show ended her marketing of Tangela has been ... pretty aggressive.

    I don't see this, but that's just me. For me they seem to be in love- and are fine with sharing some aspects of their lives with the fans. But compared to other HG's they haven't posted all that much or done anything too crazy. I know the weekend in Vegas fans were clamoring for more stuff from the 2 of them- but most of the videos/photos were all from other people- not them directly. 

    I think with Angela she's madly in love with Tyler- and ditto with him. Also in the house they weren't allowed to express any of that in the open- so both of them are happy to be able to do that now. But I don't think it's anymore then what my personal friends and family do with their significant others. 

    Bay & Swaggy post a lot- and I'm sure once Hay & Fessy get back together this weekend we will see a lot of posts of them together. 

    I guess cuz right now I'm following most of the cast on Instagram (I'm sure by the end of the month- I'll follow like 4 of them- cuz I start to get annoyed) but everyone else posts A LOT more. 

    • Love 4
  15. 4 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

    If Swaggy is mad about Tangela it’s because it’s going to take away attention from his $howmance and money he can make as a BB couple.

    It's 100% why he's mad about Tangela- he kept saying that he didn't believe it was real and that it was all game, and then changed his mind after the "I Love Yous" apparently- he mentioned it in the interview that the Pre-Jury did with The Hollywood Reporter.  Neither Tyler nor Angela have said anything negative about Bay or Swaggy since they have left the house. Who cares what the fans/haters say- if you guys want to be Engaged then go on and be engaged- if Tyler & Angela want to move in together- then let them move in together. Why does he have to compare the two, or even wade into the mess by retweeing shit- let the fans fight amoungst themselves. Live your life! 

    He's been pissed about Tangela from the second if even looked like it was going to potentially be something. He knew Tyler was the fan favorite/mastermind of the show and already getting a shit ton of airtime and then him getting into a showmance was 100% making Production so happy. Then he wins America's Favorite Houseguest- and there are heavy rumors that Angela/Tyler  might be on TAR. He's probably losing his mind. 

    Just want to say that I do think what him & Bay went through with the miscarriage is a horrible thing that no one should have to go through. And I wish them all the best- but I just didn't really like him at all after he left the house. He was just an ass. 

    • Love 6
  16. 7 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

    I don't want to listen to him but did he actually say he knew about Level 6? Liar, Liar pants on fire!!!

    I think it was more that he knew they were in an alliance- but clearly he didn't know their name. 

    Tyler did say a few days before they left the house that whatever JC finds out he'll just say "I KNEW IT" even if he didn't actually know it.


    • Love 9
  17. 3 hours ago, Summerday said:

    Did anyone watch Tyler and Angela’s Instagram live? I still don’t see any chemistry or emotion between them, but…it’s hard to explain, like even though I don’t see any emotion, they do seem bonded. You can see a connection between them. I thought they were going to break up immediately, but now I can see them staying together for a while…like 2 yrs, maybe even married? Who knows?

    Angela talking in the Instagram Live kind of reminded me how she talked in the DR- kind of monotone- but I feel like that's just how she is when a camera is right on her face. Ditto with her Interview with Julie & even in the Finale when Julie asked her about what's going to happen going forward with her & Tyler. She gets all straight faced. I think we saw how much she cares about Tyler- and then obviously fell for him when they were one on one- you could see it all in her eyes and her smiles- yeah obviously there were cameras all around- but as they said they would forget about them sometimes. 


    3 hours ago, Summerday said:

    They were watching the first episode and Tyler commented that he aged 10 yrs in the house. It’s totally true, he’s looks way older than he did on the first episode, but probably everyone does after a weekend in Vegas and 3 months in the BB house…well except Kaycee, and Brett, and Haleigh. Idk why that house aged Tyler so fast...

    It's insane how different he looks now then he did in the first episode. I think he looks so much better now. Thank goodness he stopped with the creepy wide eyed look, maybe that was the issue. Haha. 


    3 hours ago, Summerday said:

    They made a point of saying that they love everyone in the house blah blah blah. I mean, why even bother if they’re not going to give us the behind the scenes details. They could at least say there is/was some tension with this person but we did/will talk it out. Angela said something about being slightly peeved about a post Rockstar made, but they quickly changed the subject.

    I'm sure that Angela would be perfectly fine never seeing Rockstar again in her life- ditto with Tyler. I think they are going with the approach of Rockstar can say whatever she wants- it's just not worth it for us to comment on anything she says. She doesn't really know either of us very well so she's just basing her commentary on assumptions. We are friendly with the people we are friendly with and that's that. We aren't going to be bothered. 


    2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Sam went home right after the finale, much like Steve and Rockstar. I never expected her to stick around, and we may not hear from her for a while. 

    I would be surprised honestly if we ever heard from Sam again. LOL. 


    1 hour ago, twilightzone said:

    The upcoming season of TAR (which has already filmed) is made up of alums from BB and Survivor.  So it would interesting if they would have any BB alums for the season after that.  That is, if there is another season.  TAR ratings haven't been that good and CBS hedged on renewing it.

    I saw somewhere that the next season of TAR starts filming in November. At first I thought they wouldn't want anyone from BB on it since they just had Jess/Cody and now they are doing a season with past TAR/BB/Survivor alums- but CBS has final control over casting- so I'm assuming they probably pushed for the BB/TAR/Survivor alums because it'll bring in ratings- they could do the same for another BB team for their next season. I don't know if Angela/Tyler will be on- but I wouldn't be surprised if they were on- just because of how popular they are coming out of the house. But then again- whatever they film won't be on until probably the earliest next Fall. 

    During Tyler/Angela's Instagram Live- someone asked if they would do BB again- Angela said she wouldn't let him leave her for 3 months- and he said the same thing and that he would do it if they could do it together. I wonder if he would ever do Survivor- that's only a month- and I could see him doing really well on it. 

    I know we've all been wanting an All Star season of BB- and at this rate I don't think we are ever going to get it- but I don't understand why CBS doesn't do it kind of like The Celebrity version. I think with the format it is now at almost 100 days- a lot of former HG's balk at that- especially if they have kids etc. But if CBS decided to do it instead of CBB one year-I could see them getting many people they wouldn't normally get for a 100 day season. 30 days is nothing compared to 100+. I don't get why they don't do that. 

    • Love 1
  18. 4 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

    I think the magic of this season was a combination of a few things:

    1.  A lot of the cast was there to play the game, not just make it to jury or get some TV time.  That was probably helped by the apparent change in financial incentives this season.

    2.  Of the people who were playing the game, half of them sucked massively at playing it.  Which led to a lot of blindsides and other assorted fun.

    3.  The cast was pretty subdued when it came to being outright cruel or malicious to people.  I think Sam and JC were the worst, but generally we were spared a lot of the ugliness of previous seasons.

    I agree- I think the incentive of money for different placements really gave people more motivation to actually try and make it to the end game instead of just saying they want to "make it to Jury" and then just wait to be taken out. 

    Mostly everyone- minus Sam a few times- wanted to be there- and were fighting to stay. No one really played dead this season. 

    • Love 4
  19. As per Tyler's Twitter- him & Angela are back home (at her place) and will be hibernating for the foreseeable future- which makes sense- they are all troopers going to Vegas all weekend long after getting out of the house. But before they do- they'll be doing an Instagram Live today. So I'm sure that'll be a shit show of weird questions. Haha. I don't know what time they are planning on doing it- or if I'll be able to watch Live- but if anyone does- can you do me a favor and ask Angela where she got her necklace? I love it and I want one! Haha. I would love you forever! 

  20. 27 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

    Swaggy's & Bayleigh's instagram stories they are at dinner and they have a camera crew with them.  No one else from the cast.  Are they getting their own reality show?!  o_O

    I'm going to go with No- only because they are literally owned by CBS for at least a year- so they can't really do much unless it's approved by them. 

    Josh (from last season) said that both Christmas & Him were asked to do MTV Fear Factor- Celebrity Edition (with Reality Stars) as a duo that aired a few months ago- but was filmed like 6 or 7 months ago that they weren't allowed since they were still under contract. 

    • Love 2
  21. 1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

    Damn!  Anybody else going through withdrawals? I've got so much time on my hands I don't know what to do with myself. Oh, I've got things to do, lots to catch up on, but I just can't get into them right now.

    Well there will be plenty of content this weekend as literally the whole cast of BB20 minus Rockstar & Steve- are all going to Vegas for this Reality Show thingy- yes Sam included! 


    • Love 1
  22. 2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    So, I spent some of my night just watching the pre-party stuff on Instagram. It's nice to see everyone sans Swaggy being friendly toward each other. Fessy was hanging out with Kaitlyn, Winston, Brett, Rachel, Angela, Tyler, and then later Haleigh and Scottie when they got to the pre-party at, I believe, Kaitlyn and Winston's place.

    JC didn't end up going to any parties. I suspect the backlash from the things he's done and said are coming back to bite him online. Not that he should be harassed and it sounds like it's getting pretty bad, hence why he skipped out on the parties. 

    Out of House Fessy is a lot of fun. He's enjoying making fun of himself. I like seeing these houseguests out of the house, because I get a better glimpse of what they're like when they're not under stress of the house. I do think the house can bring out the worst in people. I never thought Fessy was a bad guy; he's just really pushy and had a creepy control thing over Haleigh, but I think he's a fairly decent guy otherwise. He wasn't hanging around that much with Haleigh; she was with Scottie a lot of yesterday and both seem to be better when they're not around each other. I still think they're not a good pairing, and it was proven by them not spending that much time with each other last night. They'll probably end up being close friends after their attempted romance fizzles out. 

    It's funny because as much as Swaggy said him and Fessy will be the closest bros, outside of a few pictures, Fessy seems more comfortable around the Level 6 boys. He was having a blast with Brett, Tyler and Winston, and Fessy ships Tyler and Angela hard.

    I'm pleased that my prediction about the cast remaining close after the game seems to be true at the moment.

    I saw some of that stuff as well this morning- no one was really mean to one another- and I think they all realize it was a game - which is refreshing because we have people who clearly don't think that and get stuck on things (Ahem Swaggy & Kaitlyn), and in previous seasons people just couldn't get over it. 

    Brett & Winston picking on Fessy about the "Who Flipped" was funny- and Fessy taking it all in stride and even posting about it as well. It's cool that they were all able to hang out and just have a good time. 

    It's kind of funny how much Fessy loves Angela & Tyler together- it cracks me up- but then I do remember the conversation between Hay & Fessy in the HOH room when she told him she thought something was going on between them and he was all like aww that's so cute- maybe we can tell them about ours. LMAO. 

    Speaking of Angela & Tyler- they were all over each other in some of the photos I saw at the wrap party- but I guess when you have to pretend you don't like each other in front of other people for like a month and half and you can finally tell people- it's makes sense. It's funny though cuz every single time someone went "Live" in the comments it was "Where is Angela & Tyler", the rest of the cast knew that's the content people wanted- and obliged. LOL.  I wonder how pissed Swaggy is about how much attention Angela & Tyler are getting.

    Also didn't Swaggy have these grand plans of all the things Foutte/The Hive were going to do after the show- instead Fessy, Hay, Scottie are hanging out with Level 6. LOL. 

    I also saw on Twitter that Hay & Brett were hanging out a good chunk of the night at the party- but she still left with Fessy. I really don't think the two of them are going to last that long- I give it a month tops. 

    Apparently a bunch of them are going to Vegas this weekend for some Reality Charity thing- I know a few of the Pre-Jurors are going- but someone on Reddit said that Kaycee & Brett are also going- and Tyler & Angela aren't sure yet. So more photos and stuff to come. 

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