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Posts posted by UncleChuck

  1. Quote

    He was definitely humourous and a little delusional.  He loved to talk about how people made a "big mistake" so I was waiting for him to sit there in the final words with that storytelling tone as he announced that he made a "big mistake".

    "Q" has been making the rounds on the podcast interview shows today wearing a t-shirt with "BIG MISTAKE" printed in huge letters.  

    I like to dislike "Q" but dammit, he can be very entertaining to listen to.

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  2. Quote

    That was Tiny Tim singing in the beginning sequence, right?

    OMG that was annoying.

    Believe it or not, at one time, folks actually listened to him ON PURPOSE.

  3. 3 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

    ...The only missing link is how Nell got the letter with airfare to the courthouse with no notice.

    Well, obviously--Nell has become the "new Hetty" and has somehow inherited Hetty's mysterious powers.

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  4. Quote

    ...I did like the scene with Dr Linklater explaining who Carmen Miranda was

    I enjoy the scenes with Dr. L, as played by Ed Begley Jr.  I remember when a much younger Ed Begley Jr. played a young intern on "St. Elsewhere" and he was trying desperately to impress the curmudgeonly chief heart surgeon, Dr. Craig.  Now Begley is the curmudgeon.  What goes around comes around...

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  5. Seems like Emma could make a smarter choice about her living arrangements.  As a super-secret, as in super-super-secret spy working for a fake, super secret organization, the LAST place she should be living is at home with nosey, buttinsky, helicopter mom.


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  6. I thought the episode was OK, but the timelines on these shows just are so unrealistic.

    The crazy ex-prof had NO way of knowing that famous actress Chloe would be attached to the NCIS, much less actually showing up at his crime scene (as he pretended to be innocent bystander), yet...

    Even as he was busy building another guillotine, ordering the new blade, kidnapping the Hansens and building a new bomb he somehow managed to find out ALL of the Chloe's secrets, including the secret location in Toledo, Ohio where her mother lived.  He even explained that he was able to find all that secret info by going to Ohio and watching, watching, watching and being patient.

    How could he do all that travelling, watching and waiting in the few days it took for this case to proceed from first head discovery to the end???????


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  7. So let's see...

    Sam's friend is attacked by at least 5, perhaps 10 trained mercenaries--he kills several and takes off into the woods of Utah with the baddies in close pursuit.

    Meanwhile, Kensi and the other OSP troops are located on a Saturday, they make their way to the boatshed, eventually they get briefed on the situation in Utah, Kilbride assigns Kensi and the DEA agent Austin  (who has also been dragged into this and fully briefed) to travel to Utah and save Sam's friend.

    Then they would have to drive through LA traffic to an airport, then fly from Southern California to Utah, transfer from the plane to a SUV, then drive out to the original assault scene way out in the woods (or mountains).  For some reasons, the crime scene has not yet  been cleared so Kensi and Austin take off tracking Sam's friend.

    Hours and hours after the original assault, Kensi and Austin (using Magical? tracking powers I guess) catch up to Sam's friend BEFORE the trained assassins who even have drone and infrared camera assistance could find him. 

    Through the magical lens of a tv show, the good guys save the day once again.



    • LOL 3
  8. 14 hours ago, Maverick said:

     I did get a chuckle when in Part I McGee says he hasn't been to the OSP 'since they moved into that Mexican restaurant."

    Not to mention when Sam (or Callen) tells the out-of-towners about their "TOP SECRET" boat house that they can use as a Safe House.  It even has a secret entrance that they can come in from the water and they use  fake Kilbride to lure the baddies to the scene.

    Balderdash!!!!!!!!!!!  The OSP team has brought every suspect, witness and victim to that boat house for years now.  Bad guys, good guys, and weird guys have been shown that location in every episode.  Unless they bring them in with a hood over their head.

    That stupid boat house has bugged me for years now.  Not only is it Not secret anymore, but it is apparently quite remote from the (also secret?) HQ and surrounded by water on three sides, with multiple civilian boats docked just a few feet away.  That is likely the most un-secure spot in all of LA.


    • LOL 1
  9. Quote

    And when she saw her mother in the barn? Why didn't Jenny take 30 seconds to call for back-up before going in?

    Why?  Because this is "Big Sky" and she is "The Amazing Jenny".  When has anyone on this show ever called for backup before rushing in to save the day?

    Well, well, well...Seems like Cassie forgot what show she was on when she actually called Pops and the other sheriff deputies to help her save Jenny and her mom.  Although it does seem strange that dozens of police cars could arrive at that farm without anyone in the barn hearing something.

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  10. Quote

    Derek actually did a Roadblock, shocking.

    On their YouTube show, Derek and Claire said that their strategy was to save Derek for all of the Roadblocks at the end of the race, as they were often the most physical.  So Claire did almost all of the early ones on purpose. 

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  11. Quote

    I still maintain my position about Derek and Claire being a fake couple, and perhaps Derek is actually gay.  Claire seems way more into him than he is into her

    Derek and Claire host a weekly podcast discussing each leg of the race, and have a great fun time doing it.  They do live together and seem to be a real couple, although I have no clue as to how they manage their sex life.  Claire openly admits (several times) in the podcast that she is bi-sexual and Derek just laughs.  None of my business really.

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  12. Quote

    Racers have even completely jettisoned their packs to run the final leg unencumbered.  I've always wondered whether Production scoops their stuff up and returns it to them, or if it's still in, like, the airport Lost and Found.

    In their weekly podcast, Derek and Claire said that they saw Michael and Marcus tossing a bunch of stuff into a trash can before this megaleg started.  The brothers were trying to lighten their load with unneeded stuff, but Derek was amazed that M & M had been carrying a pack with extra sweaters, hoodies and even an extra pair of shoes.  Amazing that they are strong enough to carry all that extra weight and make it so far on TAR. 

    Since Derek said the brothers were tossing it into the trash, it implied that they were abandoning the stuff, and no production assistants would be dumpster-diving to salvage anything.

  13. Quote

    YAY! To a postcard with a picture of the location of the  clue.

    I was hoping that one of the teams would have seen "MEGALEG" printed on the postcard and then spent twenty minutes looking at a map for a location named MeGALeg somewhere in Spain. 

    I was also not sad to see the brothers Philiminated.  They were good racers, but often acted like they just assumed they would be FIRST every leg, and were butt-hurt whenever they were not first.  Their cockiness brought them down.  Along with a big plexiglass puzzle.

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  14. Quote

    if people quit cable in droves in favor of subscription streaming because of too many ads, then.......

    I don't understand this.  I still prefer my cable because I can DVR everything and even when I watch "live" I give a show a 20 minute head start so I can FF through the commercials.  When I watch streaming services, they FORCE me to watch the damn commercials and FF is not allowed.  I admit I am old AF but I do not like streaming!

    As for the actual show, I do prefer watching the non-Sheldon characters trying to navigate through life and figure out how to deal with new problems.  They are all trying to figure out the best way to deal with loss of a job, loss of a church, teen mean girls and boys, a pregnant "girlfriend" and a horny old geezer (or two or three) sniffing around.  Sheldon does not ever attempt to learn how to adapt to new situations--he just demands that everybody and everything conforms to his demands. 

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  15. What was up when someone was talking to Catherine about the problems with children, and she made a reply about her own daughter?  I remember that in the original early seasons, Catherine's daughter was a bit of a handful, but she showed up at the end as a CSI level one--just starting her forensics career.  Are we supposed to forget all about CSI daughter or did something happen to her that has Catherine parent-worried all over again?

  16. Quote

    Boy, I’ve missed making fun of Rex Ryan. 


    Team T-Rex took their Phillimenation well, and joked that their buddies back home will certainly be ready and willing to tease them about their yodeling, bell ringing and etc.  But imagine how their pals from the football and law enforcement worlds would "give them the business" if Rex and his partner had danced a wedding dance together!

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  17. Taylor's final speech was outstanding!  As I listened to her "challenging" the jurors, I watched their body language and facial expressions.  The women on the jury, and some of the men were nodding and smiling as she made her points. 

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  18. I think I like Tonya returning as a full cast regular, and no telling how dark she may turn before she is through, but with this announcement, I feel that Travis is not long for this world, because he knows that she killed Bryce.  There's no way she can be an effective villain if the former(?) cop knows of her guilt. 

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  19. Quote

    I liked this episode. Sheldon’s minimal screen time made it better, but no hot dogs in the spaghetti, Brenda??

    Good for Brenda.  She didn't cave in to Sheldon's "cut-up hot dogs in the spaghetti" and she just fed him the same plate she prepared for everyone.  Of course, he had to fuss about it, but in the end he sat down and ate it. 

    Her reactions to Missy and Sheldon speculating about their dad with another woman were spot on.

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  20. I do feel like I hear Martin Short and (possibly) Steve Martin who have been working together for years, but I think the third guy, if there is a third, may be Nathan Lane.  All three star in "Murder in the Building" which is filming season 2 and you know how this show likes to pop in celebrities with something to plug.  A better third head might be Selena Gomez, who is the third co-star with Short and Martin, but she would likely only appear if she could REALLY sing and compete, and not just be a novelty act.

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