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Posts posted by QuelleC

  1. Try watching the show sometime.


    Kate always seems to be channeling Chrissy Hynde for me. They're both fabulous.


    I pretty much hated Belle for saying i wrote a list for my assistant and I don't have an assistant!  Entitled much?  Having said that I don't hate Belle or Ciara.  She's as stiff as her mother.


    TB is too skinny and makes a duck face. 

    • Love 2
  2. Not that I'd want to see Kayla fired.  But hell, you can be fired on suspicions these days or for no reason at all.  Anyway, I think the scene sticks with me because it was rather out of character for Kayla who for the most part strictly follows rules.  At the time I was disappointed that the only repercussion Failure would have is a justified firing yet it's seen as harsh. Or Days did a great job wanting us to pile on Sami just as Salem has done all these years. It's pretty brilliant when you think about it.  As if we were Salemites, Failure's guilt was put aside but I remember lots of criticism about Sami threatening to send the donation somewhere else. 

    • Love 3
  3. OK, I forgot about the Dimera donation she said she'd direct to a different hospital.  That's after Kayla refused to follow hospital rules. But it was more than that, she was propping the damn Failure.  You don't like Sami, that's OK too.  I just don't think she's the evil.  All her tricks were about finding love Robomar withheld.  Failure?  Just wants dick as far as I can tell.  Sami is way more honest with herself. 


    ETA I was very disappointed Chad got her job back.  It's not like being back there was any kind of plot point other than to get her to look at him again.  It was just more propping from this show. So in the end she was pampered and had no repercussions at all from the affair with EJ.

    • Love 6
  4. Sami had no power at the hospital and she didn't switch records or do anything untoward.  She scheduled a meeting with the chief of staff.  I wish she'd done more.  Much more. Cheeses, as I recall, Failure marched in and had the gall to slap Sami in the face and she bit her tongue and wouldn't stoop to her level. This is after she was trusted to watch Sami's kids and confided in Sami about a pregnancy scare - With EJ.

    • Love 5
  5. Sami had just found out about the affair and after dealing with EJ she went on to Abifail.  Sami respectfully put forth the facts to Kayla at a scheduled meeting in her office.  She didn't just grab her in the Horton Square or anything and start shouting at her.  When Kayla refused that's when Sami got serious.  The firing was entirely justified and yes it was a slap in the face to Kayla fans when Kayla took Failure's side.  As far as being vindictive, this was the least Sami should or could have done. Her attention was on EJ and blaming him primarily, and this was just a mess she was cleaning up.  I could watch her toss it over Jenn's stair rail over and over and over. 

    • Love 7
  6. I read back in the day that CC admitted to going through some depression drinking and/or drugs to explain her behaviour.  As a PR pairing I liked her better than Billie although I didn't like the way she forced herself into the home and had to be rescued from herself by PR.  OK I sort of liked Billie too.  She made me forget PR was on the screen.  When I realised how much I really really dislike PR I began to like Hope.  Except for the Gina with an accent shit. 


    I think all the Bo torture scenes that went on for a month were probably shot in a day and Corday isn't above retaliation and destroying storylines.  PR as I understand wouldn't take the pay cut everyone else did and that's why he walked away. 

  7. Then she better get checked out soon.  Anyone who can pass gigantic baby with a rounded head and not need medical attention after that either has the magic hoo ha or things she hasn't seen in years will just start dropping out of her. Honey, don't sit there!

    • Love 7
  8. That's because although Anna is still mentioned occasionally/rarely, Mar always advocated for saint Carrie in the teen years, and Belle is Mar's daughter after all.  Yet another way to gang up on Sami. And all of it with Sami trying to adopt Belle out.  I'm probably repeating, but Mar encouraged Carrie's emotional involvement with Rafe over the fact he was with Sami.

    • Love 2
  9. If anyone saw SNL last night they had a new character named Deenie show up on Weekend Update.  She was talking about her soap using nicknames that she'd been watching for 30 years and didn't know the characters' names.  So I'm on the edge of my seat.  I wasn't expecting anything as brilliant as what John Oliver did, but the only soap mentioned was Y&R and the nickhames were all made up.  Damn, SNL.  Remember your last NBC soap that just celebrated its 50th anniversary?  It would have been brilliant and the joke would have been more than about she eats out of tupperware.  A gift to soap lovers and haters alike.

    • Love 4

    So that we can have an actor who is so bad he makes Drake look like a grade a talent?


    They're equally bad.  Really though, Shatner is good at what he plays.  I'd like to see him as the slimy prosecutor at Hope's trial if there is one but I'd be thrilled to see him as the dad.


    Jawn really fell into the hoarse whispering thing again this week didn't he. How about looking for Sami instead of Adam and Eve you idiot.  Ha!

    • Love 1
  11. Steve speaking for the audience by calling Justin out on being a pompous ass. hooray!  Plus we get Chad cutting off the simpering trollo!!!  As great as his 'you couldn't get enough of me' slam down a few months back.


     Kayla standing up to Ava from the get go. Steve knew right away Joey was being prompted by someone else.  He will put it together.  But if his goal was to reunite his parents, that's been accomplished.  SMDH at him texting her who's in the house.


    Nice scene with Hope and Ciara although I wish we could have seen them and Chase pick out a tree since Days sprung for a tree set. It was very strange scene to have her spend all that effort cheering up Hope only to have Hope send her 16 yr old out the door to tote the tree home by herself. Watching the Steve, Kayla and Joey pick out the tree made my xmas, if I celebrated. 


    I'm floored by the new sets, especially Kayla's stunning house and Theresa's townhouse where you see actual light coming in!  All in all a great episode. 


    I don't find Rope so much rushed as annoying because of Rafe. Rafe has been into Hope for a long, long time but that golden moment passed about a year ago.  I could go on and on about Rafe having to visit her house 5x a day yet can't get off his ass to find trollop so he blows off Chad's warnings and sends out a rookie.  Sue the hell out of them, Chad.


    I dislike Jawn and Ed although together they make up something resembling a storyline. Miriam,  seems even more unnecessary than Ava. I'm getting a little tired of Mar.  I'm in the minority that  I don't mind Belle because she can act. If you ignore the frown, her eyes tell you exactly what she's thinking.  Not that I always like it.  When she was introduced to Theresa, the woman her brother is living with, she averted her eyes for a second.  Extremely rude, having never met the girl before, but well done. I cannot stand her with Philip. Or Philip.


    Practically everything about the Andre storyline is stoopid except for Chad's acting today. I was trying to figure out what war in which century inspired that jacket.  Ugh.  Anything to break up Chabby is fine with me so I guess I'd rather have this than having Stephono back and everything happening off screen. It's sort of interesting that both Stef and Vic have detestable heirs running things.  Although Andre appears to be interested in the money, not the business.


    Piecing the money together it looks like Sami stole 500M and gave Belle 250M out of it.  I thought she had given Bell all of it to throw the Dimeras off the trail but if not, this is extremely stupid.  As many of you have pointed out there are much better ways for Andre to go about this as many of you have mentioned.  Presumably Mar would know more about Sami than Belle. 


    Trollop.  I didn't expect to see her the day of Chad's brainwashing.  When her face popped up I had a physical reaction and shouted no.  I mean, this was all reflex, having forgotten for that second it was a flashback.  While I enjoyed the Clockwork Orange aspect a lot, it still counts as a trollop appearance. 


    And the reason I started this rant.  Theresa.  I understand her irritation with Kate because a) we all know how Kate can be b) Theresa's sole intention was to be a designer, admitting she knew nothing about business and needed a partner for that skill as well as capital c) Kate was supposed to be a silent or semi-silent partner.  At first no one would look at T's sketches at all until Kate told her she could work with an experienced designer.  T reluctantly accepted that.  When Kate and Nicole confronted her with where are your sketches, T stepped up and worked on them.  Now we've got Kate demanding she work on the business end of things.  "I got the damned email"  Ha!  Is Kate trying to set her up for failure, knowing T has no business experience?  We all know when Kate is involved with something she wants complete control. When T has creative suggestions or about models she is shut down.  I don't blame T for being frustrated. 

    • Love 6
  12. Crickets.


    It really was that bad.  I liked Theresa until she did a pointless 180 about how he should never have quit his job!  Glad I had a baby pre-monitor days.  I never left the baby once, ever.  But generally I like rehabilitated Brady and I love Theresa.  See, Brady isn't naturally stupid offscreen, while KM...


    I can't stop looking at Philip's crevasses and can't stop sitting up suddenly over Belle's haughtiness.  And she's a lawyer, dammit!  She doesn't look back, does she.  How about if she looks for her daughter who's been missing for two weeks and maybe enroll her in high school. She gave him an up and down look yesterday and I thought there was some hope there but nope.  Cheeses Phillip, Bo's funeral was Belle's business?  He's your half brother and Belle's father in law.  Hitting head on desk now.


    SORADS - soap opera rapid degree syndrome.  When Lucas, Lexi, Belle, etc take off and come back with professional degrees.  Heck, even Will for being an accomplished journalist.


    So poor Kate is further descending into sleeziness encouraging her rotten son and flirting with AM.  She had a son expecting he would take over Vic?  I'm so confused about Kate right now.


    Muting Chabifail failed when I unfortunately turned it back up only to find out she was the effing princess of his fairy tale.  Nice to know you, Chad. For recent viewers we've discussed how Chad will never be allowed to meet Theresa.


    Even JJ and Gabi seemed awkward today.  Talking about people you're not good enough for?  So they're settling for each other?  My head is spinning.  Not sure how they managed to destroy the spark that was there.  Maybe they're dating.  That usually does it. But it's not a date even though you all see my bare fanny under the expensive white lace dress. 


    Wasn't that Steve and Kayla's sex bed yesterday?  ok....

    • Love 6
  13. Eh, I don't mind the time shifting too much.  I liked today's show a lot other than when I had to mute the Hope shrieking.  At least the abduction didn't last that long.  I thought the Vic/Hope scene was very nice both acting and writing.  He said I should have visited your house sooner.  I was touched he'd stay and watch over Ciara even though he knew she'd go do something stupid and I'm glad he hired guards.  I like Vic's stepping up in this storyline. 


    I get it now why Brady was rehabilitated.  To go up against Skeezy Phillip.  I don't mind MM at all as Belle.  She gave a great subtle glance up and down Philip now didn't she.  Her scene with Brady was excellent other than the Sami trashing but that's all about the writing.  Sheet I love AS for making Ken want her back so much he's writing her in anyway.

    • Love 2
  14. I just realized that Corday thinks stirring up shit makes ratings.  And he loves KM because she doesn't have a clue that her role is to destroy the show.  It's kind of funny in a meta way because he's stroking her for two years now and she believes it.


    The Weston family was a huge shit stick dagger to this show. Don't forget about killing EJ, the dragging down of Kate to where it looks appropriate she's after Ed now.


    Do the writers even talk to each other?  We liked happy Hope and we like Steve and Kayla and now there's TB? 

    • Love 7
  15. It depends on how much you want to know.  My dr told me with a big smile that I'd get all the periods I missed.  After an hour a nurse comes in and literally punches your stomach to get the uterus to contract and deliver the afterbirth.  It's worse if they don't let you pee for 12 hours and you can't because you're injected inside with novacain so they can either cut you or let you tear.  After mine I couldn't leave the house for almost a month because standing made my stitches sore and if you're nursing, it takes way longer than a bottle.  So if they say to feed a newborn every 2-3 hrs that's just the start time.  No way Abs is having a casual day at the pub.  She'd be sore and leaking.  Early on you have to nurse a lot to get the baby's needs in sync with your production and gawd help you if you miss a feeding.  Oh and they poo as often as they feed when you're nursing.  So baby huey needed a dozen diapers a day plus something to absorb Ab's various liquids.  So...six weeks, yes please. At about 2 mos they start smiling and traking with their eyes so you feel a little more able to take a shower or something.

    • Love 2
  16. The man Abifail pretended to love and almost married (and currently thinks is the father of her brat) turned out to be a serial killer who murdered the cousin she claims to love and framed the current man she supposedly loves for multiple murders and put him in a coma after bashing his head in. All to keep her. Then she and the man she currently supposedly loves were almost burned to death after she gave birth to a three month old demon baby and the poor women forced to help her was murdered for her troubles. She should be wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more devastated and screwed up than she is right now. I blame the writing and KM's "acting" choices. KM should have paid attention to KA's acting after Aiden tried to kill Hope and then was killed himself. 

    This is brilliant!  Sadly, we can add Chad to the list of people who pet her and tell her it's not her fault...   So Sad for Chad.  Belle seems too old for him though. 

    • Love 5
  17. If I had known that fully half this episode would be Chabifail having the same conversation over and over again I would have skipped it.  All the me, me, me.  She and Will were close.  Only Chad mentioned the victims by name.  I love Billy but I didn't think it would be quite this bad when they got together I'm almost to the point of anger with her. He tried so hard. 


    I don't like a single thing about the Hope storyline either.  Plus they're destroying the hint of real chemistry she seemed to have had with Rafe before Aiden was brought on.  Because at one point I was for it and sparks flew between Aiden and Kayla.  Oh well.  Have to keep the women celibate in case their ex turns up years later, right?


    Has anyone seen Claire for the past week? 


    Steve and Kayla are so gentle with each other.  Eww to Steve and Joey sitting on the sex bed though. 


    I'm liking the reflection we're seeing in the writing, even if it means flashbacks.  Beeen breaking down broke my heart.  But in trollop's case flashbacks were necessary because it would be perfectly like her to appear to forget the whole thing because we'd never see it in her acting.  Oh, did you see the tear today?

    • Love 6
  18. We need a finish to the Been/Oppie Jordan  Creepy saga.  There's something he said about his mother leaving that day...   Payoffs are rare on this show. 


    He pretty much acknowledged he got the shit beat out of him, and Jordan took him away because she could take it on herself but wanted to rescue the kid brother.  That's been a constant that she was rescuing her brother.  Jordan would have been appreciated back for a couple of days.

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