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Shannon L.

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Posts posted by Shannon L.

  1. I saw Back to Black yesterday.  I knew nothing about Amy Winehouse and only knew two of her songs, although, someone would have had to tell me that she was the artist singing them. I only went because a friend I hadn't seen in a while invited me and had gift cards.

    Wow. It was not good, even beyond the portrayal of Amy herself (the actress was good, though, and did a great job covering her songs).  There was nothing engaging or even interesting about it. There was very little sympathy shown for her. They showed very little of the outside forces in her life that may have made you feel a little bit for her (at best, they touched on her deep love for her grandmother-those were some nice moments). She was mostly portrayed as pushy, conceited from the beginning, and as a violent drunk.  I've scanned 2 or 3 articles and according to them, the movie was fairly accurate.  My son, however, claims that she was treated horribly by the press (they did show some of that) and taken advantage of by the industry by forcing her to perform knowing that she had a drug and alcohol problem (you didn't see much of her manager or other industry people). 

    I just don't know what to think. It was just a bit boring and I left not caring much for her at all.

    • Like 1
  2. @Bastet I was thinking of starting a topic on Terms of Endearment because I saw the last half of it a couple of weeks ago and I was struck by how many sad, but amazing, moments there were towards the end of that movie.  "Give my daughter the shot" rocked, but the way Shirley McClaine broke down after Emma died was a masterclass in acting.  The way she accepted comfort from her son in law, who she didn't particularly care for, and the fact that he offered it was touching.  When she was going through the ordeal,  her neighbor, who'd dumped her because he was afraid of the commitment, shows up for a few days to support her.  When Emma is saying goodbye to her kids ::sob::.   Her neighbor taking her granddaughter's hand and talking about dance lessons, then telling her grandson that it was ok to leave the after funeral gathering to go see his house and pool.  Such understanding from a man who was afraid of commitments.  The whole movie was great, but that final act was brilliant.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, AngieBee1 said:

    Wrong Ryan. It's the superior Ryan: Gosling.

    Oops! Thanks for pointing that out.  As for superior, I their both great in different ways 😀

    • Like 1
  4. I liked it, but it did have it's issues. It really could have been much shorter--a few scenes went on way too long--but overall, it's a nice love letter to Hollywood stunt men and women. Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt are charming, as always, and Ryan once again shows off how good he is at humor. And there was something about that I can't quite put my finger on, but it was reminiscent of an 80s type of movie and that made me smile. It was good, silly, fun.

    Edited: Wrong Ryan. ☺️ I fixed it.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

    I see what you mean about her looking like a mean girl. I've only seen her playing Princess Margaret in the Crown and in that it works, as she plays a petulant party princess well.

    Funny that you should say that because I also that that was the perfect part for her.

  6. I wish I could explain it, but for some reason I don't like Vanessa Kirby. I think maybe because, imo, she looks like a mean girl (for lack of a better explanation). I was disappointed that she was back in the latest Mission Impossible movie and, as a Marvel fan, even more so when I heard she was cast in Fantastic Four. It's not bad enough for me to not see a movie she's in, but she does rub me the wrong way.

    • Like 1
  7. I have mixed feelings over the commercial. I love animals, but would never put them above people,  especially kids. However, I grew up in the 'rub some dirt on it' generation.  My parents would've come to me if I couldn't come to them, but if I sounded like the kid in the commercial did, they wouldn't have been in a big hurry. If they were in the middle of something, they'd have probably asked if I could get a bandaid or did I need help, then said, "ok, hang on a minute " if I said yes. 

    • Like 3
  8. We finally finished Mr. and Mrs  Smith.  It did not get better. In fact, by the next to last episode, we were still so bored with it that we decided to skip the finale for a while until we could get into the right frame of mind to watch it. If there's a season 2, we will not waste our time with it. 

    • Like 1
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/rust-armorer-hannah-gutierrez-reed-170926648.html

    “Rust” armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed blasted the jurors who convicted her of manslaughter charges in recorded jail phone conversations as “idiots” and “a--hole...


    Those crude comments by Gutierrez-Reed were among the revelations made by prosecutors ahead of her sentencing on Monday. Gutierrez-Reed also said she wants Alec Baldwin, who was handling the gun that fired the fatal shot on the movie set in 2021, to go to jail, too, and that she won’t testify at his upcoming criminal trial if subpoenaed.

    • Mind Blown 1
    • Angry 9
  10. I like the movie Erin Brokovich, I really do, but the more I watch it and the older I get, the more I can't stand her (as she's portrayed in the movie-I know it could very well have been exaggerated for entertainment). How dare she treat Ed and the other employees and the lawyers they partnered with that way? And I'm sorry, but her clothes were very inappropriate for a law office (not that I think skirts and boxy blazers are necessary, but she could have done a little better). She's lucky she was so good with the clients and discovered there was a problem. I also don't blame her boyfriend for dumping her. Sure, she needed to see it through-the job was important- and I don't think it was fair that he asked her to quit, but she could've been nicer and more appreciative of him. 

    • Like 3
  11. 2 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

    No kidding! Out of curiosity I just did it. Didn't say anything at first, was curious what it was, there was something about the way he looked in my eye (seemed to be) that just made me want to talk. I actually got slightly emotional and I wasn't even sharing anything big. 

    What a great idea that was. 

    I got emotional, too. I even teared up.

    • Hugs 6
  12. We're watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith on Prime right now and I hate it.  There is nothing about it that I find interesting or funny or even cute.  I don't see any chemistry between the leads (and I really like Donald Glover) and don't buy them as a couple in a real marriage. I'm only continuing to watch it because my husband likes it a little more than I do and wants to see how it ends.  Maybe I'll like the last three episodes more, but overall, meh. 

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  13. So simple, but so effective:

    Steve From “Blue’s Clues” Just Checked In On “The Kids He Raised” After “Quiet On Set” Exposed A Dark Side To Their Childhoods, And People Are Seriously Emotional

    In his new TikTok, Steve looks directly into the camera as though he is speaking to the viewer in real life and gently says, “Hey, I’m checking in. Tell me, what’s going on?”

    He then sits in silence for almost a minute, seemingly giving his followers a safe space to off-load their feelings while he “listens” attentively. 

    This mirrors how Steve hosted Blue’s Clues, as he always paused to give young viewers time to answer his questions.

    Steve’s face is incredibly responsive in the TikTok, and he appears sympathetic as he nods along, with emotion visible in his eyes.

    As the minute draws to a close, he simply says, “OK.” After another beat, he adds, “Alright, well, it’s good to hear from you. And you look great, by the way.”

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    • Love 8
  14. Protocol with Goldie Hawn.  It was so bad that when I quoted it here in our movie quote thread, no one knew what movie it was from or had ever heard of it.  But, there are some cute scenes, imo, and it's a guilty pleasure of mine. It was made in 1984. The first AIDS case was discovered in 1981, so the pandemic and the fear and hatred of gay men was in full swing.  This movie has a gay couple. They aren't main characters, but shown a few times.  There are no awful comments made about them, neither are a stereotype, although, one is every so slightly more effeminate than the other and he gets excited about a fan letter Sunny, the main character, gets from Liza Minelli, but not in an over the top ridiculous way. They are shown laying in the same bed, one shirtless.  When Sunny is confronted about living with two men, she matter of factly says "No. I live in a small portion of a house with two men who live together. You understand the difference."  That was the final word.  No more comments or nasty looks. 

    For a movie made in 1984, I think that's pretty awesome.

    • Like 8
  15. I'm just now learning that he and I grew up in the same town. It makes sense that I didn't know because he was 11 years older than my parents and we moved to town when they were 27, so he was long gone by then, but it's still cool to learn that. 

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