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Posts posted by YaddaYadda

  1. 5 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    I assume he wants name recognition. Being Drew Quartermaine, the son of the late Dr. Alan Quartermaine and thus a member of the prominent Quartermaine Family which started the company ELQ, sounds better than orphan Drew Caine. 

    He's dumb. He'd be more relatable as Drew Cain than Drew Quartermaine. In his case and his brother's Quarterbrain, because they're irredeemable morons.

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  2. 1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    If Monica agrees to this, it's on her.

    Honestly, I don't care if Monica agrees or disagrees with this. The writers just genuinely suck for this. It wasn't enough to have Carly barge in like she owns the place, now we're going to have Mini Me cruising around the place like she owns it. Never mind that Joss has money coming out of every orifice because she's a trust fund baby.

    Get a condo that daddy will pay for.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Stinger97 said:

    As Joss said, Michael would do anything for her, and Monica would do anything for Michael. It was simply a formality.

    This is why I hate Joss so much. Infinite privilege with people either bending backward for her or just giving what she wants.

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  4. 54 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

    Has he though?

    I don't know. But it's the only thing that makes sense. You can dislike someone and be cordial to them because they're family. That would make TJ a hypocrite, but he had zero problem badmouthing Kristina to Molly when Molly decided that her sister was the devil. TJ apparently had all these negative thought about Kristina that we didn't know about.

    There is nothing worst than this type of writing where we're trying to figure out a character's motivation and this isn't just about the baby.

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  5. 10 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Honestly, what has Kristina done that is so terrible?

    That's the thing. She's done nothing to warrant all this venom. But Kristina is so irresponsible! She is so flighty!

    The only thing that makes sense is that TJ always disliked or hated Kristina. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I don't understand why they are writing TJ this way. He's awful. If I were Kristina, I'd be tempted to do everything I could to annoy him (without hurting the baby, of course) simply out of spite. Just wait until TJ has to parent his kid. Nothing will go the way he thinks it will. That poor kid.

    TJ has had a whole personality transplant. He was borderline abusive today. Who talks to their partner like this, especially knowing how much hurt Molly was and is clearly still in over not being able to have her own child? 

    I know! Maybe the beatings TJ took when Cyrus had him kidnapped changed his personality since we're going down that route with a couple of characters who deserve a lot less grace than TJ does. But the character is unrecognizable.

    Didn't Heather also kidnap Danny and give him to that OLTL character?

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  7. 59 minutes ago, ciarra said:

    Too subtle.  If you want to honey trap, you can't be dressed from head to toe in a nun's habit.  Show some skin, lose the towel ring on your swimsuit.

    And she would have been called a slut if she'd done that.

    TJ should be beaten to death with a bag of eggs.

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  8. 34 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    If Jagger wasn’t playing Sam, he’s got to be the dumbest man alive. He knew who Elizabeth and Danny were but were supposed to believe he wouldn’t recognize Sam, who coincidentally was telling him about her ex who just came back from the dead?

    I think he knew because he seemed to actually feel bad.

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    And I hope you all ducked to miss the anvil where she said it's so nice how there are no secrets anymore (since, of course, it'll all be Nina's fault that Drew is screwing her).

    Honestly, this is none of Willow's business who her mother is sleeping with. She and Drew are unattached, so neither is cheating.

    I wonder how they're going to make Nina the bad guy. 

    Willow: How dare she sleep with him when I wanted to!!

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  10. @driver18 my condolences on your couple. I don't think the writers were ever interested in writing for them, but I still think they did them dirty in the end. 

    Can I interest you in pre-emtpive condolences for Daemon and Rhaenyra?

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  11. Of course Jason needs to be involved in this Elizabeth storyline. She doesn't need rescuing.

    The extra and Finn did more touching in 30 seconds than Chase and BLQ in however long they've been together.

    Finn spiraling out is in character, I think. Where in the hell is Roxy?

    The pool is embarrassingly shallow. And why are people swimming with their shirts on? Spinelli and James yesterday, golden spawn today.

    Joss has been doing everything except work. I'm assuming she would have given Nina the stink eye if she'd seen her.

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  12. 3 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

    No way will they allow Trina to beat out Carls Jr. for this guy. 

    Probably not. Because she's a Carly. But I thought he and Trina did have good chemistry from their little interaction. 

    And this guy is a crazy talented violinist. 

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  13. 38 minutes ago, MarciNJ said:

    She also has 2 other grandkids - Rocco and Charlotte (though Charlotte comes with a whole other set of issues....)  But, Rocco is local and an easy enough kid.

    Charlotte is at boarding school in Europe and Rocco is a non entity, plus he still has one parent, so Laura is not required. I mean Sam had to ask Laura to go see her grandson after Dante was shot.

  14. The most terrifying Cassadine is also a big fat moron with that burner situation. 

    I feel sorry for Kristina. For people who want her to follow all the rules, the way they've been treating her is unfair. If this were me, I'd keep the damn baby.

    That conversation between Ava and Natalia was so unbelievably cringy, which I know was the point of it. Just call yourself a homophone and be done.

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  15. 27 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

    This - they've very thoroughly written off all of her family - but personally I suspect it's because they're using Laura to "lead" the audience/convince us to buy this 'Heather is good' BS. Laura's one of those moral compass type of characters, generally speaking, and we're supposed to believe that if she likes Heather then heck, maybe we should too! 🤢

    I don't even mind Heather's brand of crazy or scenery chewing, but I am so tired of this whole redeem a murderer for X health issue. Franco had a tumor, Heather had cobalt poisoning, Sonny's meds have been tempered with. Or this person is a villain because their parents were terrible, or they had some tough breaks.

    Well boohoo. Sometimes a shitty person is just a shitty person. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    At any rate, Laura is well aware of what Heather did. I think she's misguided, to say the least, to get involved in seeing if Heather can get some relief—that's for a lawyer, to deal with, not the mayor of Port Charles—but the writing has done a decent job of showing her conflicting feeling. She's Heather's relative and has her power of attorney, she's horrified at Heather's actions, she's somewhat sympathetic to the cobalt poisoning affecting Heather's past actions. 

    I feel like Laura is doing this because she has no family left outside of Ace. Lucky is exiled somewhere, Laura is in a coma, Nikolas is in jail, Spencer is dead. Of course, she has Aiden who we will never see now that he came out to his mother and Jake doesn't really seem to rank all that high. Cameron is in California enjoying life.

    But this whole storyline is dumb. They should 86 Heather. The character ran its course.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    The writing for Molly is giving me whiplash.   One day she and Kristina are besties again, the next she is saying as soon as the baby's born "Kristina and her drama will be far away from me."  Firstly, how is what her father did immediately assigned as Kristina's "drama?"  Kristina was minding her own damn business at a wedding and just getting a gd piece of cake when she walked in on Sonny beating up Dex.  I guess it's her fault for...leaving her apartment?  Secondly, now you're going to keep  the baby away from her?  No good deed goes unpunished. 

    Molly sees Kristina as nothing more than her incubator. If she didn't, she wouldn't behave like this. I used to want TJ and Molly on screen, now I wish I had never wanted that. They suck really hard. They've also made zero effort to try and bond with the baby as far as we know. 

    What happens when the baby grows up and turns out to be a lot like Kristina? Are we going to return them to the incubator or blame Kristina for not having enough kale and eating cake at the wedding reception?

    This storyline is really bad. 

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  18. 19 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    You know, I could kinda understand Ava blaming Alexis for Julian’s downfall. It’s completely deluded and misses the point of why Alexis left him but she’s said before that she thought Julian was still in love with her when he died and maybe he would have felt more motivated not to pull the crap he did if he still had her. However, where she lost me is claiming to care enough about Julian to want to harm Alexis yet mooning over and trying to play house with the guy who actually murdered him. 

    This is why it would make sense if Ava had entrenched herself in Sonny's life to bring him down, but I don't feel like the show understands the opportunity they have and this big justification.

    Also the whole a good woman can save a guy trope is played and should die the painful death it deserves.

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  19. I find that Gregory's death and this sort of tribute this character is getting is better than what we got with Epiphany or Bobbie in that they're really allowing the story to breathe. I think the main difference is that the actresses died in real life. I like how the whole thing has been and is being handled.

    So when are Willow and Drew going to bang? 

    Ava/Nina, Nina/Maxie, Ava/Alexis, Alexis/Finn were all really good scenes.

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