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Posts posted by missyb

  1. 11 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    I think the big difference is that Vanessa always had to come up with a reason...to do what she was always going to do ANYways. It made her look kind of weird in the house and I think it ended up alienating people in a way that she shouldn't have (the end result was not cultivating enough of a relationship with Steve that he would take her to the finals). However, her reasons were never her ACTUAL reasons for doing stuff, just the bizarre excuses she came up with to allow her to do what she wanted to do. 

    Christie, on the other hand, actually DOES make decisions based on the batshit "reasons" she mentions and since her reasons make as little sense as Vanessa's did, then it leads to bizarre, non-strategic decisions. 

    But yes, Christie did an amazing job arguing for her to stay over Analyse. 

    Thats exactly what I wanted to say , only you said it much better !! VAnessa never really owned her game! She always had those contrived "reasons" regardless if they were based on other peoples lies.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Lamima said:

    People comparing her to Vanessa...no way. I liked Vanessa. She was calculating and smart gamer. Christie has lucked into playing decent game because she is THAT person IRL and it's helpful in this game. Vanessa worked hard and was thoughtful in her moves. Christie is just...Christie. 

    Vanessa was brilliant. But, her deal was always, I need a reason. Go get me a reason. She needed a reason to put in her logic equation.  And that ,in a way, prevented her from legitimately owning her moves. She could blame it on some "reason" that someone leese gave her. And she did break into tears a lot. But watching her argue, boy, she is probably an awesome lawyer right now( she got her degree).

    Christie is not as "elegant" as Vanessa but she does argue quite well. 

    • Love 3
  3. . It is just so hard to listen to Nick when he is ADD'ing. He was nominated by Holly and he nominated Christie. He always sends so desperate and whining when his back is against the wall and he is defending himself. 
    And, I am sure he thinks America loves him, as do all the houseguest ( which he cant help if everyone loves him).

  4. 3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    They don't know yet. They only know that there is a Prankster. They should be calling people into the DR to find out soon, if not already. But since voting just closed an hour ago, they'll probably start calling people in within the hour.

    Nick is campaigning to Holly, it seems. He's ratting on Christie, saying that they made up and she offered to throw HOH to him (not sure how true that is).

    Cliff was called to downstairs DR. FOlks said there is your prankster. They will be watching him closely when he comes out !

    Just now, Ellee said:

    Folks ... as in other houseguests? 

    Yes, the downstairs peeps.

  5. Just now, Lady Calypso said:

    So...no blindside at the nomination ceremony, besides who the nomination is. That's disappointing. It's supposed to be a prank, Big Brother! 

    But yeah, it's less complicated this way.

    BB always finds a way to take the air out of a surprise.

    • Love 10
  6. 3 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

    Same here; muhfucka would get their nutz cut off!

    Interesting that Nick is sleeping in the same room as Christine....did they make up?

    He started in the target room but I think there was some moving around after the 3:20am pie pranking incident.

    CLiff is tickled as all get out about this.

    There will be constant sheet washing this week.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

    The only reason Christie blew up Nick’s game was because Tommy was in a flirt Showmance with him!  She got VERY jealous!

    I think you have a point there ! And Nick with Sis.  Not her her her.

    • LOL 1
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  8. 1 minute ago, Nashville said:

    My primary knock against Anal - and Nicole too, to a lesser degree) - is this: you’ve actually managed to get onto Big Brother, so why the hell aren’t you PLAYING Big Brother??? Talk about opportunities squandered.  The vast vast majority of people will never have the opportunity to make it into the BB House, and most of those who do make it there will experience it exactly once in their lifetimes.

    So for somebody to actually land one of Charlie’s Golden Tickets to this once-in-a-lifetime experience - and then just sit there and watch the game passing them by with glazed eye, while a little bit of drool starts to run from the corner of their slack jaw...?

    Pisses me da fuck off, man.

    I agree about Sis but differ on Nicole. Sis is your typical BB contestant that gets cast. Attractive, athletic, showmance potential ,etc.  Nicole is your male nerd that gets casted. Yet she has worked harder to fit in and go against her type then SIs.  She is not athletic, has not done well in comps ( nerves) but has managed to make herself useful as a vote. She has not been the "go to" nominee and that is unusual for her character type.

    Go Nicole.

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  9. 10 minutes ago, vb68 said:

    But Nick seems like unless he wins HOH (which seems unlikely), he's basically ready to give up. He knows Sis is likely to leave because of him. And I do think he genuinely feels guilty as hell.

    This whole turn around has a whole lot to do with Nick. He never once stopped reflected and thought, hold on, my strategy of honesty and transparency is putting the spotlight on people I like.  That is not good in Big Brother. But his ego and this ridiculous mission to earn back trust, made him look sketchy, pathetic and the enemy. Oh, I see, Its Tommy Nicole and Sis. Not me. You got to go. And that person on the block will do it. Bye my beloved Sis. So sorry I out you in this position. 

    Now, for entertainment value Nick could win the HOH or Holly or really anyone. This game is all over the place.

    ETA: It was only later in the evening that Nick realized what ihs loud loyalty did to the people he cares about. It ended up with his whining, Sis shouldn't go.  Yes she should. She adds nothing.

    • Love 1
  10. This season took a big turn after Jack was evicted. Each week, HG's went crazy Wednesday up through eviction. What more can you ask for from a season? When you think there will be a predictable outcome, poof, it changes. My opinion of the season has perked up considerable since Jack left.

    And, I am not attached to anyone in the house. Anyone could go and I would not be upset ,except maybe Nicoe. I just adore her. Scared, defiant, wishy washy. I love her as a cast member. So different and refreshing.

    Thursday nights and crowning of new HOH as been a must see event.

    • Love 10
  11. 8 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

    Nick is telling Nicole they Christie said she would put up Nick and Nicole if she Christie won HOH. 

    Is that true or is Nick lying?

    Christie did say that. She would be a pawn and Nick would be her target. She also said if the vote is 4-2 should be have her targets ( nick and nicole).

    • Love 2
  12. 8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I wish!

    I am so down for Christie staying. There's virtually no chance of any drama if she goes but if she stays there's a ton of chance since she is literally the only one who has provided any fun drama all season.

    But also I hate her so if she goes good and I don't care lol.

    I guess they're having a cereal party or something. All I know is I'm definitely gonna have to go buy some cereal tomorrow.

    Entertainment value very high of she stays. Never give up , never surrender ( galaxy quest).

    • LOL 2
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  13. Really good talk. Jackson really says it like it is. In a straight forward manner ( sometimes spattered with Jacksinisms). Nick just whines about his honesty and screws peoples games up. 
    I'm glad Christie's told her about Nick saying he had Nicole in his back pocket. Good that Jackson tells her about appearing wishy washy but this is the time to show you are not.

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