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Posts posted by Jac

  1. I'm not doing it.  Nope.  I cannot bring myself to listen to any of his music.


    I didn't want to but my sister, to be evil, played one of the songs from Soundcloud at such a volume that even sticking my fingers in my ears and shouting 'la la la' couldn't drown it out. It wasn't great or even good but it wasn't completely embarrassing or outright bad either. That said I have no desire to hear more. 

    • Love 1
  2. Who knows? Maybe she's seen the script and that changed her mind? *shrug*


    I don't mind it if it's handled well. As long as the kid isn't used as the next gen bee, and things aren't melodramatic.


    As for "Ways to Ruin XF for Me":


    Mulder as Jesus and William as some sort of savior

    M & S broken up


    Soap Opera

    William as a bee

    Have M & S be like they were back in the 90's (meaning FBI work, etc. -- don't mind banter and such, just make it relevant to where they're at NOW)

    CSM is alive

    Three words: The Fowl One

    A woman or a man comes between them

    Teasing or any other similar kind of BS


    As I have said elsewhere, I don't want William any where near the revival. Also, I do not want to hear that Scully and Mulder have even entertained the thought of having more children after William, biological or adopted.


    I wouldn't mind The Fowl One appearing briefly so that someone can off her for good, on screen (in my fantasies, the offing would be performed by me.)


    I would prefer the M/S relationship to be, they are together, they can show that they are together by being affectionate with one another in the way people who have been together for 15+ years and in their 50s are affectionate with each other. I have no real need for a sex scene or even much in the way of kissing, I know a number people around M/S's ages in long term relationships and they don't really display their affection physically that much, showing affection becomes more subtle with time. If the writers do go for a sex scene, I don't want it interrupted by bees/aliens/phone calls/anything else, either go there and do it properly or don't go there at all.


    I hope that CSM is used in flashbacks only and for the love of God, please don't clone him.


    I have no desire to see any former romantic partner of either Scully or Mulder ever again.


    I hope the writers have been repeatedly watching seasons 1-6 and repeating the mantra, this is how to write a good episode, over and over again.

    • Love 1
  3. I am fairly early into my rewatch of s6, my last episode was Terms of Endearment but I can say one thing for sure. In my head Mulder and Scully were definitely together by Triangle.


    Also, I am enjoying s6 way more than I remembered, I was getting hugely pissed with the mytharc by this point and that coloured my original viewing but the MotWs are so much fun!

    • Love 2
  4. This is going to be really stupid and petty of me, but I'm sad her hair is going to have to be long for X-Files.  Mentally, Dana Scully has shorter hair and I can't quite shake that visual.  It's dumb, and I can appreciate that it's dumb, but I still miss her old Scully hair.  Something about her hair in IWTB just didn't work for me.




    I completely understand this. In my head Scully has a red bob. I known that people do change their hair all the time (hell, the the last five years I've had shoulder blade length black hair, pixie cut brown hair with blonde highlights, pixie cut black hair, pixie cut blonde hair, red bobbed hair and presently, pink, purple and blue bobbed hair) but over the nine years of the show Scully had nothing but red, bobbed hair, there were some slight variations on a theme but essentially the same. I never think of Scully looking any different and have difficulty imaging it, even after IWTB.


    That said I would much rather have Scully with long hair, hell, I'd probably even prefer a Blonde Scully, to Scully in a bad wig.

    • Love 2
  5. ...but I'm having a hard time thinking about how that would work with only 6 episodes. But I think it's a good decision to not make it completely mytharc.


    In my head it will follow the standard season format that the show used, just truncated to suit the six episode format. Eps 1 or 1 and 2 will be mytharc, eps 2, 3 and 4 or 3, 4 and 5 will be MotW (hopefully, a funny one, a scary one and a 'weird' one) and eps 5 and 6 or 6 will be mytharc.


    I don't think Fox would have allowed them to make a totally mytharc based series, I think Fox must be well aware that making a totally mytharc based series would have alienated a lot of the existing fanbase who lost faith in the writers to tell the mytharc and would mean that there was virtually no hope of drawing in new viewers who could in no way be expected to catch up with a nine season and one movie spanning mythology. 

  6. Just finished season 5 in my rewatch. I liked this season waaaay more than I remembered. Actually I loved it. While there are some really bad elements, FOWLEY and Scully's hair, which I hate in this season, for example, overall it is a very strong season. I feel the mytharc is on shaky ground by this point but most of it is still enjoyable and there are some classic MotWs.




    Detour - Complaints about the wearing of overcoats in Florida aside, this is a super fun episode that bring much needed levity after the cancer arc. Joy to the World makes me squee and 'I fell down a hole' never fails to make me laugh, Gillian nails the delivery of that line.

    Post-Modern Prometheus - I understand why people have an issue with this episode but I love the tone of it and the I think it is extremely strongly played. It is a fun watch for me and I love, love, love the dance.

    Chinga - Scully-centric, which is always nice, especially at this point in the series. I like Stephen King or at least early-mid period SK, SK is probably the first horror author I read, mainly because my mum was a fan of his early-mid period work. I found it quite scary.

    Bad Blood  - Is there anyone who doesn't love this episode. It is so much fun. Gillian was great as a totally over it Scully, I loved seeing things from Scully's perspective, that she found Mulder to be a complete PitA too, because he was being obnoxious. 

    Patient X/The Red and the Black - By far the strongest mytharc episodes of this season, a really solid pairing that advances the mythic in a sensible way. I would have been perfectly happy if after The Red and the Black there was a final mytharc episode to tie everything together and the mytharc concluded there. It felt then and now, like a good place to conclude.


    Lest favourites


    Redux II - Feels like a letdown after Redux I which I really enjoyed.

    Christmas Carol/Emily - I find these episodes frustrating because it feels like they were never sure what to do with Emily in the larger scheme of things, is she part of the mytharc? Was she supposed to be and the writers changed their minds. It feels like a big dead end. Gillian, though, was brilliant in both episodes.

    Kitsunegari - Unlike Tooms which was an excellent follow-up to Squeeze, this was a letdown after Pusher.

    Schizogeny - I saw this three days ago and I barely remember it. I think that says everything I need to say about this episode.

    The End  - Effing Fowley. That is all.

    • Love 2
  7. I see. 


    Still kind of feel the opposite myself though, since they're unknown quantities at this point. Chris is a pita at times and I'm a wee bit worried there. But more so in regards to writing quality than the MSR.


    I'm worried about both, I thing to some extent they play off each other. I'm worried that CC will break them up for no good reason and we will get six episodes of unnecessary conflict before an inevitable reconciliation; or worse we get six episodes of CC dancing around an M/S marriage because he can't write a romantic relationship to save himself.


    The reason I was fairly ambivalent about the canonical MSR back in the day (I couldn't get enough of MSR fanfic) was a lack of faith in the writers not to use it as a crutch. IWTB bore out a lot of those fears. M/S have such an interesting relationship, romantic or not, I hope the writers don't ruin it.

    • Love 2
  8. But he also wrote The Field Where I Died.


    I like a lot of his older work, but that one NOT so much. It made me VERY frustrated to say the least.


    From this amazing and incredibly detailed interview with Morgan and Wong:


    Morgan was also going through some personal changes. His marriage, which had been unhappy for a long time, finally failed, and he became embroiled in divorce and custody proceedings. Morgan’s regrets about the divorce and loss of everyday contact with his children were reflected in his scripts, as far back as SPACE’s “The Angriest Angel,” which revealed that McQueen felt had once been married, to the enraged James Horn, suffering the guilt of a custody battle in Millennium’s “Dead Letters,” to the tormented Ed Jerse of “Never Again;” first seen signing divorce papers in court. Around the same time, Morgan’s friendship with Kristen Cloke, the female lead of Space, had blossomed into romance, and his feeling about that relationship inspired the writing of “The Field Where I Died.”


    Based on this I give Morgan a pass on the shitshow that was The Field Where I Died, which I feel was his only really major misstep. 


    I'm WAY more worried about what CC might do with the MSR then Morgan's writing ability.

    • Love 2
  9. Not entirely sure whether to discuss this in the speculation or spoiler thread but it has confirmed information re, production and casting so I will put it here - Interview w/ CC in the Vancouver Sun.


    • James Wong and Glen Morgan + Darin Morgan are confirmed by CC as being on the writing team.
    • Frank Spotnitz is unlikely to be involved.
    • All episode will be 43 minutes in length, no double episodes.
    • The stories are agreed on, CC is presently drafting ep1, with his wife.



  10. Yeah - CC is as delusional now as he was then.  And thus I hope he's strictly an Exec Producer, and not a writer, for the revival.





    As for what any of my babbling has to do with nitpicking ... I've got nothing.  Just that the mytharc was one of the many reasons for the "conti-what?" joke popular on the newsgroup, referring to the idea CC and the writers were unfamiliar with the concept of continuity.


    Agreed, re. CC's continued delusional understanding of who people became massively frustrated with the mytharc. I think I might move the rest of my reply to the speculation thread to keep this on topic.

  11. Detour is set in western Florida, albeit in November and Scully spends the first third of the episode in a pants suit and OVERCOAT. Several characters are wearing parkas in the daytime. I get that shooting in Vancouver in October neccesitates the wearing of warm clothing but having everyone running around in their winter best really pulled me out of the episode.

    Maybe *shrug*. They figure that they can pull things out of their butts and people wouldn't notice the difference. Wrong :P. They did.

    Exactly. The story of Scully getting her cross being changed by the writers deliberately by the writers because 'the opportunity was too good to pass up' or something to that effect gets on my nerves almost as much as the writers changing the Samantha abduction story.

  12. I have no issue with leaving some things open, after all I want as much X-Files as I can get but I am well and truly ready to get answers to all lot.of the questions this show has posed over the years.


    How far are they with adding the HD eps? I'm thinking I'll have to go back and watch some of S1 again.

  13. Just finished my S4 rewatch (and am now taking a brief break to get caught up with Orphan Black).


    This is a really strong season, though in hindsight the wheels of the mytharc train are beginning to wobble ever so slightly. It feels like the writers are starting to throw elements at the mytharc and keeping what sticks. That said the mytharc is still very enjoyable at this point in the series. This season also has some truly excellent MotW episodes, though the quality across MotWs is a little more varied, in comparison to S3 where even the weaker MotWs feel strong for the most part. 




    Home  - one of the only XF eps that has truly scared me.

    Leonard Betts - a rare, sympathetic MoTW in Leonard and an excellent plot twist at the end that would shape the second half of the season.

    Memento Mori  - Really strong mytharc episode and I like how the writers actually acknowledged hoe close Mulder and Scully are by this point in the series.

    Small Potatoes - Hilarious.

    Elegy - Poor Scully (pretty much sums up all of S4 actually.)


    Least Favourites


    Teliko - Felt like a half-developed plot idea that could have gone somewhere interesting but didn't.

    Sanguinarium - I don't dislike this episode as such but other episodes are, far, far better. 

    The Field Where I Died - This episode was trying to be deep and philosophical and just came off as irritating.

    El Mundo Gira - One of the X-Files biggest weaknesses has always been taking on non-Anglo myths, this was a particularly bad attempt at doing so.

    Kaddish - see complaints re. El Mundo Gira.

    • Love 3
  14. Simon Says is an enjoyable episode of Cheers but it probably isn't even in my top 50. Other episodes are far more Canon worthy in my opinion.

  15. Count me in as being a product of Catholic schools and Jesuits.  They taught us to think and reason things out rather than follow their line because they said so.  This critical thinking is now out the window at our universities in favor of following the professors' agendas.


    Another product of Catholic schools and the Jesuits here. In addition to being taught how to reason, I was also taught about the value of service be it in the ministry or in a lay capacity and be it within the church or the broader community. This has had a strong positive influence on my value system and on my career path (public interest law), I am presently a law student and I volunteer at a number of community legal centres, I will continue to volunteer and perform pro bono work once I am admitted to practice. 


    I find the insular nature of fundies in general and the Duggars in particular to be infuriating. Not being out in the community and not servicing others seems to fly in the face of my understanding on Christianity and Christian values. The Duggars only ever volunteer or serve others when they can get publicity out of it. 

    • Love 9
  16. I wonder how long Josiah and Marjorie were in courtship before it was publicly announced, or the courtships of any of the other Duggerlings for that matter. You would imagine that Jim Boob would want to be fairly certain that the courtship was going to work out before allowing it to become public. A failure or multiple failures may result in the discrediting of courtship as a method of choosing a spouse. Courtship is after all just arranged marriage going by another name, at least as far as the way the Duggar's practice it is concerned.

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