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Posts posted by KnitsWithRaceCars

  1. From the article that willpwr linked to.  I spoiler tagged it because it's a quote from tomorrow's episode.


    How in the world does Off His Rocker think that Natalie looks like a man??? That's a huge stretch, even for someone as delusional as him.


    ETA:  Week 2 power rankings.  This week Spencer insults J'Tia and President Sarah.



  2. That link does not go anywhere and I tried it with both Chrome and Explorer.

    I just tried the link using Firefox, and it didn't work.


    I don't know how Nadiya thinks she's so great.  Has she blocked out last season of TAR or something?

  3. Ellis' suicide attempt was revealed in S4, as choclatechip45 said.


    Richard's alcoholism was revealed in S2 or S3 when a patient named Ollie turned out to be Richard's AA sponsor.  It became a major story arc for him in S6.


    I was convinced that the helicopter was going to crash ala ER.  That was the first thing out of my mouth when that scene started.


    I'm loving Mer/Alex, and cracked up at Mer kicking Jo out of bed.  Memories of Cristina kicking Derek out of bed to talk to Mer.


    Did Geena Davis' mouth move at all when she spoke?  Her face looked to me like it had been carved out of wax.


    Still don't like Maggie.


    Sure hope that Alex gets the seat on the board.  I've been over Bailey for several seasons, which makes me sad because I used to love her.  Did anyone else notice her pull out hand sanitizer and wash her hands after she shook hands with Alex in the "may the best surgeon win" sequence?  Classic OCD behavior which leads me to wonder if that storyline will rear its head again and be a factor in the board seat storyline.


    The whole episode was like season 4 redux to  me:


    Ellis' suicide attempt revisited.


    Car wreck="Crash Into Me" ambulance wreck


    Last, but not least...  Anatomy Jane!  So cool to see young Mer with her!  Nice continuity on TPTB's part.

    • Love 4
  4. I thought Wes asked Rocker if his last name had 5 MORE letters, not just 5 letters.


    I was so hoping that Keith? would out Rocker to Val when they were on EI!


    I wonder if the winning loved one can send him/herself to EI with the loser, and if so, why Jeremy didn't do it.


    Val is a cop.  I doubt she needs Jeremy or any other man to protect her on Survivor.


    I'm not sure who was worse in their comments about gays, Nadiya or Brad Culpepper.  I guess at least Culpepper's "4 guys and a gay guy" comment wasn't made to Caleb's face.


    I was over the surfer dude brothers the instant the word "sick" came out of one of their mouths.  I despise that word as slang.


    One twinnie down, one twinnie and Rocker to go.  Thank God for no RI!


    ETA:  Whichever contestant said they'd never seen the glasses/sun method of starting a fire work clearly has not watched enough previous seasons of Survivor.  I didn't remember that BB did it, but I did remember it being done in Fiji and S21 Nicaragua.  Jane earned the nickname "Survivor Mcgyver" for doing it in S21.

    • Love 2
  5. Culpepper got his law degree from the University of Florida.

    That explains a lot.  According to the article about his law firm, one of his relatives was the first Dean of Florida's law school, and I think it said that he had other relatives in high places there.


    The article's description of him as an attorney make him sound like Tom Cruise's character in "A Few Good Men."

  6. I receive Social Security Disability benefits.  I don't know if the Feds work with percentages like that, but I do know that many private disability insurance companies do.  Your percentage of disability determines how much money you get.


    As far Brad being an attorney...  Does anyone know if he went to an accredited law school?  Also, regardless of that, what blows my mind is that in the first ep of his Survivor season, in an early TH, he couldn't even correctly count the number of people in his alliance.  Simple, first grade arithmetic.  And before the starvation and sleep deprivation of Survivor.  IIRC, he made a number of other mistakes of the same nature while he was on the show.  It blew my mind when Monica said that he's an attorney.

  7. As a legitimately physically disabled person, I am with you 1000% @cooksdelight.  People who try that kind of crap are despicable.  I would love it if those who are caught would be forced to work for free for truly disabled people as payback and to show them what it's really like to be disabled.

    • Love 1
  8. Dammit! My fastforward button is going to get a lot of use this season then.

    I moved at the end of May, after Survivor had ended.  The apartment building I live in now has Bingo every Wednesday from 6-8 pm.  I've always liked Bingo, and have been playing here almost every week.  I have no intention of giving that up, with the possible exception of if the finale is on Wednesday again.  This means that my fast forward button will be getting a lot of use too.

  9. I need to add Alex from Fiji to my least favorite list.  That guy is the worst kind of dick.  He is the unmitigated, infallible hero in his own deluded version of reality.  If another person makes the exact same move that he makes it is evil, but when he makes it then he is just playing a game and it is nothing personal.  That is one of my biggest peeves in Survivor.  His exchange with Cassandra at the final tribal council was disgusting.

    I rewatched that episode last night to see what I had forgotten, and I am with you 1000% about Alex at FTC.  What an [Expletives deleted]!  Poor Cassandra!  I remember that her social game was really good.  I'm not saying that she should've won.  My ideal F3 would be Yau, Earl, and Michelle (Cassandra out at F4), with Yau winning.  But Cassandra did not deserve the treatment she received at FTC.

    • Love 1
  10. Must be a very loose interpretation of blood if boyfriend/girlfriend is in the mix. At least I hope so.

    It was in the first BvW also.  Tyson/Rachel:  Dating.  Hayden/Kat:  Dating.  Caleb/Colton:  Engaged.

  11. Sneak peek for ep 29x01:




    Looks like they did the "Day Zero" like they did in the first BvW. 


    And of course Jeffy did his (IMHO) stupid "What's your name" act with some of the players.  I realize it's for the benefit of the other players.  It wouldn't seem so dumb to me if he phrased it differently and didn't act like he doesn't know their names.

  12. Sneak peek for 11x01...




    To me, it looks reminiscent of S4's "Crash Into Me."


    ETA:  Per Spoiler TV (link in the "Media" thread--thanks @Chas411), ep 11x02 is Maggie-centric.  Why, Shonda, why??  As of right now, I am firmly anti-Maggie.  I will note, though, that I was also firmly anti-Lexie and that changed over time to me liking her a lot except with Mark because I never liked Mark.

  13. IMHO, Stephen robbed himself with his dismal FTC performance.


    I finished watching The Amazon earlier this week and have now seen every season at least once.  In Amazon, could Jenna and Heidi have been much more shallow and horrid?  And Rob C was quite the horny toad.  I had difficulty seeing how much of a strategic player he was because he spent so much time obsessing about women.

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