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Posts posted by Dominii

  1. 29 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

    Sorry but why did Michaela cry after Zeke was voted out?

    I think it was a combination of hunger and exhaustion along with losing who she thought was one of her only friends and allies out there. I get the feeling that Michaela has been holding in so much emotion for so long that it finally came pouring out of her. Even if she knew that Zeke was *Not* her friend (which he definitely was not), she may have still wept just as a release.

    • Love 7
  2. "As long as it wasn't Andrea, Cirie, Michaela, or Aubry, I'm good with the vote." I agree, Lady Chatts, except for Andrea. She rubs me the wrong way. Too much hubris -- it seems like she feels superior to everyone (except Sierra, who considers herself to be the Queen of the Universe). I must say, though, Andrea is a challenge beast. I have to give her kudos for that. She deserves to win more than most of the other players, but I will definitely have screaming toddler conniptions if she actually does take home the million.

    I would still love to see either Cirie or Michaela win -- Cirie because she's just cool and intelligent, and Michaela because it would be a HUGE surprise. I can't even be upset that Michaela wept over Zeke's ouster, because she's young and she's green and for some silly reason, she thought he was her friend and ally. Cirie needs to sit down with Michaela again, and give her some advice on how to stay calm under pressure and make it to the end of this ordeal.

    • Love 2
  3. Thanks piequinn! Now that I know they got to the top of the poles with a kind of ladder thing, my mind is at ease. These types of stupid questions allow my girlfriend to call me a doofus. She derives great pleasure from that.

    I've changed my mind about wanting Troyzan to win (which was a joke anyway), although I think he's a fine man. I want Michaela to win. I don't think she has a chance, but it would be something to see if she did! If not her, then Cirie.

    I've seen almost every season, but I don't remember an African American woman winning. Who was it?

    • Love 1
  4. How did the players get up on those giant poles for the immunity challenge? Did a crane-like contraption hoist them, or did they have to climb? I'm a strong person, and those poles looked really daunting to me. After this many enervating days outdoors, climbing would be so, so hard!

    Maybe they should protest some of these terrible challenges.

    • Love 2
  5. Oh crap, Ozzy was voted out. He was my last great hope. I was all pouty last night until my gf finally sat me down and said that Ozzy wasn't a GOOD player; he was just a STRONG player. So all of you were right. Ozzy would never make to the final three, and, once he got there, he wouldn't know what to say.

    My significant other is still a Cirie fan, but I thought her strategic game last night was really lacking. She threw her vote away by voting against Sierra (or was it Aubrey)? Ozzy might still be here if it weren't for those stupid nowhere votes.

    So now, I have to find a new hero to win it all. Andrea is a good player, but she's got an annoying ego problem. Sierra's is even worse. Zeke is so uncool--he turns against everyone and can't be trusted. Tai is a loose cannon; Deb is crazy; Culpepper is a dick; Sarah who? (and Aubrey too!) This leaves Michaela and Troyzan. I like Michaela, but I don't think she has a chance. Wouldn't it be awesome, though, if a black woman actually won?

    So, this leaves Troyzan.  Good ol' Troyzan. Troyzan, the middle of the road, don't make any waves guy. He's everyone's favorite older dude. He looks like an older version of Jesus. So, now that I can't have Ozzy with the Jesus hair, my new favorite is Troyzan, with the grayer Jesus hair. If we can't have Malcom or Ozzy, Troyzan will have to do. Long may he survive! 

    • Love 5
  6. I agree that the Varner outing was despicable, but since that has been commented on ad nauseum, I'd like to ask an unrelated question: am I the only Ozzy fan here?

    The dude rules in challenges. There's no one that can beat him physically. He provides food for his tribe mates and helps out around camp. Also, he seems to be a pretty nice guy. Why aren't there more people who want to see him win this thing? Am I missing something?

    My gf is a big Cirie fan, and I like her too, but I'm hoping Ozzy gets the big bucks this time.

    • Love 10
  7. I'm sure that the Busby's make plenty of money per episode, so it seems really fake for them to keep talking about financial woes. They were able to afford a giant house that is much nicer than mine, and I make decent money. Kate Gosselin and her kids have been on tv off and on for years because they want the free trips and the income.  The Busby's will try to do the same thing if they can. 

    There are several things that bug me about this show. The first one is Adam and Danielle's stupidity about Hazel. It has been obvious from the outset that she has developmental problems, and yet they hadn't even considered occupational therapy until now. And, even stupider, Danielle still didn't want it during this last episode! Hazel should have started working with an OT when she was a tiny infant. Maybe some of her siblings can use therapy too, but we know THAT'S not going to happen.

    Mimi is annoying, but Danielle is worse. She was awful to Adam during this episode, and I really felt bad for him. He earns the money, so if he wants to buy a drone, let him! In addition to flying it for fun, he wants to use it to take pictures of the kids. He can post the photos to increase their fan base, which is all good (including financially). Plus, he enjoys photography. Why doesn't she want him to have a hobby? I think we know the answer to this: it's all about who has the power in their relationship.

    And then there's Danielle's impulsive desire to open a cycling center. She doesn't know anything about the demographics of the area -- whether the center is something the community wants. (I personally can't stand spin class, so if I lived there, I would never set foot in the building). Adam really needs to do his homework before investing in something so pricey.

    I can see some cracks forming in their marriage. I'm not digging Danielle very much at the moment, and I wonder if Adam feels the same way. If Danielle continues to try to control Adam, he will become more and more rebellious. She needs to back off and let him enjoy life.

    • Love 2
  8. On 12/7/2016 at 9:58 PM, MattDuffysCat said:

    Will looked like he walked off the set of The Brady Bunch at the second TC.

    "When it's time to change, then it's time to chAaaAnge (voice breaking like Peter's). Now Will speaks only in basso profundo because he's THE MAN!

    I've changed my mind. Because of some stupid moves on Ken's part, I'd like to see David take it. He's a great social player, and he deserves to win.

  9. On 11/25/2016 at 6:26 AM, Haleth said:

    I thought I was the only one who didn't get the Ken love.  Yeah, he's nice to look at but in my book that doesn't deserve a win.  He really hasn't done anything strategic that I can remember and he hasn't shown himself to be good at most challenges.

    Are you kidding? Next to Chris, he's the best at physical challenges. He already won individual immunity, and I'll bet he wins it again. Earlier in the game, whenever there was anything involving strength or endurance or throwing at targets, Ken was always the go to guy, and he'd get it done. During one challenge, he was the ONLY person throwing the ball for his team. Everyone else just stood around like a bunch of lazy asses and watched. Also, Ken is one of the few people who actually works around camp. My gal oohs and aahs when she sees him chopping coconuts because of the pectoral action. It's enough to make a guy jealous!

    On 11/25/2016 at 4:37 PM, Stinamaia said:

    My problem with Michelle is not that she is a Christian. It's that she is a creationist.

    And she believes in dragons and probably fairies and trolls and little tiny green men too! Not missing her AT ALL!

    • Love 10
  10. 1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

    Ken 2020!!!

    Absolutely! I'd vote for him. He'd HAVE to be better than our soon-to-be president.


    2 hours ago, dolphincorn said:

    Jay sort of looks like Richard Ramirez.

    Yes, he kind of does! He creeps my girlfriend out. She thinks he looks like a demon with a little Charles Manson mixed in.

    • Love 6
  11. Quote

     And I laughed when David offered Ken the hammock, as though winning immunity made Ken King for a Day.

    Yeah, I thought that was funny, too.  Hell, Ken shouldn't just be king for a day, he should be king for a year (or longer). I really like that guy.


    11 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

    I thought Bret might speak up - he saw Taylor stealing the food and would have not seen Adam participating.

    It's good he didn't speak up. It may have put a target on his back, since he knew about Taylor's theft and didn't tell. Actually, Bret is playing a pretty smart game. He's trying to stay under the radar while still being a go-to-guy in challenges.  He needs to be more careful, though. He easily could've slipped-up about his job when he was drunk, and I thought I heard him say the word "culpable" or something similar. That's police-speak. 

    • Love 4
  12. Was Taylor dropped on his head when he was a baby? Good God, he has to be the biggest toddler on the planet! Unfortunately, we'll have to see his moronic grinning face at every tribal from now on.  Ugh, Taylor and Figgy have to be the worst players ever.

    Ken for the win & still liking Chris too.

    • Love 2
  13. On 11/11/2016 at 6:11 PM, LanceM said:

    So why not target Taylor?  If breaking up the "power" couple was the smart thing to do why target the female?  If as you said women targeting women early on is not a smart thing to do. Also, as stated above I am not sure what right trajectory that Mari had when she could only muster 2 other people to vote with at tribal council.  And why is it Michelle's fault for not trying to align with Mari?

    Okay already, you got me! My false equivalency is just not working no matter how much I try to bend it my way. In spite of my stupidity, I still think Michelle did the wrong thing by voting Mari out. Why was she so committed to an obvious loser like Figgy? Any moron could've seen Figgy's ouster from the get go. But then again, it was early in the game and Michelle aligned herself with what she thought would be a strong alliance.  Pooh -- I'm still trying to get over the Mari ouster, and dammit, I need someone to blame!!! (((sigh)))

    Taylor wasn't targeted because he's a dude. It's always brawn over everything early in the game. He'll be gone soon enough...

  14. 19 hours ago, violet and green said:

    I am very  pleased to see Michelle gone. Didn't like her from the start, and was furious that she orchestrated Mari's boot, though it's all gone a bit blurry; she seemed pleased with herself and over-rated to me throughout the show.

    I totally agree. Michelle wasn't all that brilliant, although a lot of this is personal because she voted out my girl Mari (who is an amazing gamer, btw). Why would she align herself with Figgy the piggy instead of playing a better social game and getting on Mari's good side? She did the wrong thing, because Figgy was conceited, stupid and rather despicable, so it was inevitable that she'd get an early elimination. After Figgy went, the Taylor/Jay/Michelle/Will alliance could no longer stay strong unless they could pull in a couple of other millenials. It's often hard to get other people to ally with you later in the game since they're entrenched in their own little cliques, and they may dislike some of the people in your alliance (like Taylor). So, it was only a matter of time before Michelle went. Still not sad to see her go.

    16 hours ago, LanceM said:

    Just curious if you apply this same logic to Mari. Was it a dick move for her to try to vote out Figgy?

    No, Mari was on the right trajectory until it got all f#*ked up by Michelle! Figgy was an "easy out" in baseball parlance. She had made herself into a threat by coupling (ewww) with Taylor, and her hubris put even more of a target on her back. Buh-bye Figgy, buh-bye Michelle!

    I still feel like it's a very bad thing for women to vote each other out in the early stages of this game. The men will always vote against the women first, because of the strength disparity. I don't think it's misogyny (at least most of the time). They want to make it to the merge, and the stronger and faster players help them get there. After the merge, the physicality of the game changes, and women have a better chance. So why do they keep voting with the men against such great potential female allies in the early stages?  I guess they want to make it to the merge too, but it's to their detriment...

    • Love 1
  15. Not upset that Michelle is gone. I haven't forgiven her since she persuaded her tribe to vote out Mari. It was a dick move. Survivor is skewed against most female players simply because of the physicality of the challenges. So, it's always disheartening when females vote against each other right out of the gate. It puts them at a disadvantage right away.

    It seems like women have been losing a lot lately, and in much bigger arenas than Survivor. More's the pity.

    Chris or Ken for the win, with David a distant third.

    • Love 3
  16. Can't wait for the merge! I can see the Xers coming out on top, because the Millenials keep eliminating their own people. I hated to see Michaela go, but it had to come because she's a powerful woman, and guys are intimidated by powerful women. I'm not a Jay fan, but he was right to get rid of her before the merge.

    My new favorite is Chris. He's an alpha-male powerhouse, and he won both challenges practically on his own. Players should see him as a huge threat because he's very intelligent and he's just so freakin' strong. (The same can be said for Ken, albeit to a lesser extent on the physical challenges).

    I'm thinking this will be the season of the big dudes. The poor women don't stand a chance.

    • Love 1
  17. On 10/29/2016 at 8:24 PM, hincandenza said:

    As an aside, I will literally die if post-merge David suddenly reveals himself to be some kind of Ozzy-level challenge beast, and he really was throwing challenges this whole time. :)

    There's no way David is a challenge beast, although he is a decent strategic player. If David wins, it'll be because he used his brains, not his brawn.

    • Love 2
  18. Quote

    And note to Figgy, no one voted you out because you were such a threat to win.  It was to break up a power couple.  And you are irritating.

    THIS. THIS. THIS! And Figgy, sweetums, you are no Rob.  You aren't even close. Rob is (as he would say it) "wicked smart," and you, dearest Figgy, are definitely NOT.

    Who I'd like to see in the final five:

    1.Michaela; 2.Chris; 3.Ken; 4.David; 5.Adam. Any one of these 5 can win and I'll be satisfied...

    • Love 2
  19. Why do people like Michelle so much?  Sure, she's good at puzzles and she's smart, but so are some other players.  To me, she's just "meh."

    Am I the only one who kind of likes Chris?  Sure, he's a bit arrogant, but he's this gigantic red-haired super-strong guy who may go a long way with individual immunity challenges if he lasts until later in the game. (Actually, his name should be Finn McCool.)

    • Love 2
  20. Did you notice "Tayl's" stupid bug-eyed scream before he participated in the reward challenge? It made me want to punch him, seriously. Ugh. There's something about that guy and his insipid girlfriend, Figgy, that makes me want to hurl (as in throwing-up and/or throwing a heavy object at the tv.)  It's a real problem, and I may need to get some professional help!

    Current favorite -- Michaela

    I also like Dave, although he should play smarter. I think it was too soon to use the idol. Voting Jess out would've been no loss for anyone.

    • Love 5
  21. Quote

    14 hours ago, Maya said: 

    I can't believe they can all keep saying "Figgy" with a straight face. 

    I know, right? She's my least favorite player. There's something disingenuous about her, and I think "Piggy" is going to become much more arrogant as time progresses. When she said she's more than just a pretty face, I had a rather severe GERD attack. She's average looking at best, and she's not accomplished either. She's a bartender, big whoop! Her hubris is such a turn off.

    Wow -- I haven't had such a negative response to a contestant in a long time!  My current favorites are Mari & Zeke.

    • Love 4

    Everyone else is so spotless, of course. How dare a young woman not be obsessed with meeting beauty standards when she is in over powering heat and humidity, digging in sand, sleeping outside. The men with filthy fingernails? Well, they're dudes. No need to fit woman-hating stereotypes.

    Hey, I'm not woman hating at all.  I just think Julia is currently the most disgusting of the bunch, male or female.  I believe she is even worse than Kyle, and THAT'S saying a lot.  When they showed a close-up of her reading letters in the shelter, it was a huge shock to us, especially to my 13 year old daughter!  The filth was incredible.  Look at that part of the episode again, and you'll see what I mean.


    It doesn't matter what gender you are, take care of yourself.

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