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Posts posted by SunnyBeBe

  1. On 5/27/2024 at 2:20 PM, zoomama said:

    it has solidified my thoughts about moving to texas...i think that's a no-go for sure. my weekend there in april during this season of storms was enough to make me rethink all those ideas. it was really stressful to be on guard all the time. its enough for me to keep up with the weather there and worry about my grandkids from out here in 'safe' cali (use that term loosely). to literally live that way every minute, nope.

    I can relate.  I grew up in NC and we have very scary weather.  It’s quite unnerving and I’ve considered relocating due to it.  Every summer it’s weekly if not daily storm, flood or tornado watch/warnings.  And, it seems to be increasing in frequency and intensity.  

    • Mind Blown 1
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  2. 2 hours ago, Not Buyin It said:

    Ah, well. That's sad then. The stand off between Her Fabulousness and Dr Now would have been well worth the cost of my satellite subscription, all by itself.

    Congulations on your success. I also recently lost some 30 pounds without medical means. But I don't think people would want to follow my method: Lyme Disease. Just one li'l tick bite and those pounds just "magically" melted away.....


    No, Lyme Disease does not sound good at all!  I’ve read that is really debilitating.  Hope you are okay.

    I’m now down 80 pounds.  I haven’t used Ozempic or similar meds, but would if I needed to.  My recent weight loss hasn’t been that difficult, but it used to be.  I’m not sure what happened to me.  I’m writing a book about it though.  

    I do look forward to the new season, but haven’t seen any previews on TLC. 

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  3. On 5/25/2024 at 1:10 AM, Jeanne222 said:

    Is Liz baby a little person?

    I’m putting that in spoilers.  


    So, apparently others here have read something different from me, but I read the baby was a little person. I’ll have to look for the link.  If anyone has one, will you post it in spoilers?  


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  4. On 5/24/2024 at 12:00 AM, endure said:

    Here’s Chantal at her workplace….. https://www.instagram.com/p/C7DWiJjt4Om/?hl=en

    I recently ran across some Family Chantel episodes….oh man….I realized why I used to detest her character.  Ugh….one of my least favorite characters.  Good to see that she’s putting her training to use.  Lol. I’m not kicking it. I’ve gotten cosmetic procedures before and will in the future, hopefully.  

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  5. I watched most of it, but I was preoccupied with a personal matter.  Think I missed quite a bit, but it is a very annoying situation. So much wash, rinse, repeat…..Who would want to go through those senseless drama escapades over and over?  Just absurd.  I think the slump in this season is that this cast is so unlikable.  

    • Like 4
  6. 17 hours ago, A.Ham said:

    Yup, I had tears streaming down my face several times. Then again, I can be a softie. I still slightly resent what they did to Melendez (yes, it's been years, I know). And then Asher most recently. But I did like the finale, so much so that I rewatched it today and yup, tears again.

    My best wishes to everyone involved with the show. 

    Yeah….Shaun gets to be President, Chief, or whatever….a family and 2 televisions, and Claire got her arm amputated.  Okay….that was the hand she was dealt. Please pardon the pun.  

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  7. I’m trying to get an update on Winter.  From what I’ve seen, (not sure if updates not on the show can be discussed outside of spoilers, so….)



    The photos I have seen, seem to show some weight loss, but she still appeared to be substantially away from her goal.  Anyone know if she got the surgery?  I haven’t followed the series regularly.  I did see a clip of her talking to a bariatric surgeon.  


  8. 56 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

    So glad to see a posting for this show. 

    I keep looking for new episodes as I really enjoy seeing Dr. Lee do her surgeries to alleviate situations like yours in a very professional and efficient manner. I wonder if the show has been renewed???

    As an aside, I had a small lipoma for over 20 years and it never grew much.  My derm always mentioned that he'd aspirate it out if it every bothered me. 

    For some reason, it's disappeared.  I keep checking but there's nothing there! 

    Also, I lost 100 lbs 17 yrs ago and have kept it off, so it seems counter-intuitive that I didn't experience the need for surgery as you did after a sizeable weight loss.


    I’m getting a funny feeling that the show may not return.  Hope I’m wrong.  I really like it.  Relaxes me.  Lol. 

    Congrats on your accomplishment!  That’s impressive.  

    When I first got my lipoma many years ago, I was thin.  I saw a surgeon at the time, then showed it to my plastic surgeon who did my botox and blepharoplasty.  He said lipo wouldn’t work and I didn’t want a scar, so I left it. Years later, I gained weight and could barely tell it.  Then, at my highest weight I did a complete change and lost 78 pounds so far.  Have a few more left to reach my goal. But, this time it’s hurting and more noticeable, so I guess it has grown a little.  There’s no fat there to pad it.  

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  9. Well, I just scheduled my lipoma removal with a general surgeon.  I saw my primary about it, who said I need a general surgeon.  I saw my dermatologist about the same time and she agreed. They took measurements and photos.  I was hoping he could do it in his office, but no. He said it’s likely gone under the muscle, so it’ll be done in the hospital. Sigh.  Don’t laugh, but it’s been there over 20 years!  It never bothered me until lately. I lost a lot of weight recently and now it’s protruding out and hurts when I sleep on my right side.  

    I have seen Dr. Lee remove many larger than mine, but I’m going to listen to all the doctors I have seen.  I’ll have sedation, but not general anesthesia.  It’s out patient, but have to get a driver and fast for a day.  Hopefully, it’ll heal well.  I have type 1 diabetes, but my numbers are good.  

    Now, I’m trying to view as many lipoma removals on the side as possible. Mine is like a small third breast on my side, under my arm near ribs.  I really wish I had it removed long ago.  

    • Hugs 3
  10. I like the Asher/Ripley romance, but it’ll be trouble. Lol. 

    The sick kid’s father was very upset. He will likely return at some point.  Is next week the finale?  

    I wonder if the show will show how difficult it really is to care for a person with dementia in the home, once they reach a certain level…..it’s brutal.  Goodwin seems very uninformed.  Getting someone to come into the home to help sounds easy, but it’s not easy.  Often the patient is resistant to care.  This can be very difficult to manage outside of a facility.  Add that to bizarre behavior, incontinence, aggressive behavior, wandering, refusal to bathe, sleep disturbances (up all night rambling throughout the house), delusions, hallucinations , etc.  She has no idea.  If you’ve ever tried to care for someone with those symptoms, you know it’s a job for 3 shifts  of professionals, with backups in a place where they are trained to care for people with cognitive decline and security provisions.  

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  11. It seems odd to me to see a hospital wedding for a patient with a brain ailment.  Lol. Your mind needs to be really clear.  

    The gown must have had sentimental value.  It reminded me of mine….from the 90’s!  Stylish back then.  

    I had to fast forward through some parts.  Immature adults wrecking things is not amusing, imo.  



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  12. 15 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    Guys be approaching me irl. Great right? NO! Either homeless or looking to use me in any way they can. Also why ask if I have kids when they look for hook ups. Or where I live/who I live with. Most are too old on top of that…


    One guy is interested in me but he’s disabled, at least he isn’t homeless/no kids. 

    Does it matter what type of site you use? What about paid sites?  It seems those who are serious about dating would be motivated to join those.

     I have no issue with someone with health issues. They may have a lot to offer.  I’m not sure how much I should  offer about myself.  My photo looks really healthy, but I manage a couple of things well that might not be apparent, like T1 diabetes.  It could be a turnoff, I suppose.

  13. On 5/3/2024 at 3:09 PM, monagatuna said:

    I really appreciate hearing how others experience midlife (and beyond) weight changes. I've been fit all my life (exercise was my therapy for ED recovery and still is), but I hit 40 a little bit before the pandemic, and between getting Covid, getting older, and getting over the bad pandemic-related habits I formed during the early 2020s, I've got an extra 20 pounds I'd like to lose. I'm a runner and always have been, but long Covid messed up my pace and endurance. Last year I had my first DNF during a marathon and it was a wake-up call. I was drinking and eating too much and running too little. I snack a lot, especially on things like crackers and nuts. On a bad day I probably consume 500 extra calories from snacking. My wife, on the other hand, eats three meals, no snacking, and has cut back on alcohol along with me, and she's almost at her goal weight. She exercises, eats and drinks the same as me, just no snacking. True, she's younger, but my healthy habits in my teens-thirties should give me a bit of an edge against perimenopause and aging. So I just have to stay the course and put away the crackers.

    Thanks for letting me ramble. I think about this a lot--I'm not happy with my aging body and I don't want to live my life hating how I look. It does me no good to hate my body while stuffing it full of Cheez-its. That's not loving or kind to my body, which has honestly served me very well. I'm healthy despite a lengthy eating disorder in my teens and 20s. I recovered fully from Covid. I've never had cancer, diabetes, or any other major diseases. My body's been good to me and deserves to be treated well. And so do all of yours. <3

    I’ve been diagnosed with post covid syndrome. It involves several issues since covid last year, one being smell/taste disorder.  I’ve still had to fight to get the weight down.  Snacking was my issue too.  I’ve had good success with keeping it to nonfat yogurt and carb smart bars.  I’ve cut way back on alcohol too.  Just a couple of glasses of wine on the weekends….and sometimes I skip that.  Something I hope to resume once I lose my last 20 pounds.

    I’m not male, but was curious about your approach to ED therapy. Exercise worked?  



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