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Posts posted by Lebanna

  1. I took that moment to be him misconstruing the word to be English slang, perhaps something young people were saying these days, or a local word that she had learnt when she was young in Oxfordshire. Kind of 'never heard that before, but I get your meaning and I totally agree'.

    I could be projecting - since most of my life is spent speaking a second language, I do that exact same thing sometimes.

    • Love 1
  2. I thought Callen already had a girlfriend? He's getting another one? Maybe this one will actually appear for more than three seconds. Please just let it not be Nell, as I never need to see the sort of dumb whining they'd have Eric doing.

    Speaking of love triangles, can Talia disappear soon? I don't believe for a second that Deeks would pick her over Kenzi, so that whole thing is just pointless and irritating.

    • Love 1
  3. That wistful 'happy endings' line just kills me every time. The others may see justice or saving future victims as enough, providing them with their happy endings to dark stories, but Gideon just didn't anymore.

    Perhaps he thought about killing himself, but in the end, he still believed that one day, as unhappy as he was, he would get better and find something worth living for, as he had before. On a personal level, the first time I watched it, I was in a bit of a sad place and it actually gave me hope, which is silly, but there we go. It's actually one of my favorite character departures from any show.

    • Love 3
  4. I don't know why anyone is worried about the girlfriend comment, because from what I saw, Missy is totally and utterly evil. She thinks she's his girlfriend, but she's very much not.

    I loved her dancing about like a nutty witch in her weird version of paradise. She's clearly going to be either the Big Bad, or Big Bad Adjacent this year.

    And although I assume we're done with River, I wouldn't mind her coming back just once more to kick Missy's arse and to tell her to keep away from her man.

    • Love 7
  5. Aw, monkey cuddles! That level of adorable is so wrong for this show.

    What is it with these people and torturing Benson? We just had a whole season of this. It has been done. We're bored with it. Leave the poor woman alone. She's not the specialest of all special victims. Give us someone else's angst. And more Barba!

  6. I didn't enjoy the Reid addiction arc at all - except for how Hotch and Gideon handled it. While it might not be a realistic reaction for two FBI agents, that talk about 'do you want to keep doing this job that you love? Because you need to decide what you want more.' and getting him help him without getting him into official trouble on the understanding that he needed to follow through, both were a good recipe for a positive outcome. Really good boss stuff.


    I thought it was a nice bit of bonding between him and Gideon too, since Gideon knew what having a breakdown (I know, they don't call it that anymore) felt like, and saw that Reid was heading that way.

    • Love 1
  7. Tough single mothers of adorable genius children, teen girls with uncomfortable crushes on Reid... This stuff is almost certainly never ever happening on the show, but it would make some lovely fan fiction.


    I hope you guys are writing all this down, because I would definitely read it.

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    Nolan and Plageman have said she is not connected to Decima.

    Aw, poor Fred Weller.

    I know, actually they specifically said she doesn't work for Decima, and not that there's no connection at all. I'm having fun with semantics here. I'm thinking that she's not working for Decima at all. She's working directly for Samaritan, just like Root doesn't work for Finch, she works for the machine. Hence the similarity. The daughter thing was just because the bad guys are all British, and I guess that could be how she and Samaritan were introduced. 'Darling, have you met my new Evil Overlord?'

  9. Wait, where did we find out she's raising her niece? I completely missed that.


    If so, then I agree - it's already unusual that Hotch's sister-in-law is basically raising Jack while Hotch constantly leaves for days at a time (I mean, it absolutely happens, but it's usually a tough situation for everybody to cope with sometimes, and they never show us that side of it).


    JJ's situation is more regular, although the idea that either she or her husband are always home when they both work more than full time jobs with changeable schedules seems unlikely. Again, they make a big thing out of JJ being supermom, but they never show us the problems she might be facing any more.


    So if this is happening, then whatever they come up with is sure to be pretty unrealistic. Although I'll jump for joy if Kate's significant other works part time so s/he can be home at two to help the kid with her homework.

    • Love 1
  10. Not only that, apparently he's a 'major part' of Hannibal season 3. Honestly, I'm thrilled as Chilton is so delightfully awful, but I really do hope that we get all our requisite Barba this year too. Last year he was missing so much, it was disappointing. There were a lot of moments where you just had to think that it didn't make much sense for the character to be absent.


    Not that I want the actor to get overworked. But I still think it could turn out okay, as a lot of the secondary characters in Hannibal are played by people with full time jobs on other shows and they have to schedule round them.


    I'm also hoping we get more snippy, sassy Barba back too. Fewer cases with horrible child abuse or his friends nearly being raped would probably help in that area. When he was around, they kept giving him stories where the character's natural tendency towards snark would have been inappropriate under the circumstances. I mean, it's nice to see Barba being sweet, but it's better when the sweetness is in contrast to the bitter!

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  11. Looking forward to seeing Chilton's eye patch, and/or whatever amazing scar makeup they have in store for him. This is such great news, I knew that little bastard couldn't be killed off that easily. 

    • Love 1
  12. I couldn't agree more. I actually love Densi, but it does feel like a bunch of other, potentially more interesting storylines have been squandered this year to big them up. Sure the show's all about explosions and gun fights, but without spending time on each character and valuing them individually, they're limiting just where they can take them.


    And yes, Sam and Callen are what I loved about the show from day one, and they seem more like secondary characters sometimes these days. 

    • Love 1
  13. I'm not sure if this is good or not. It seems similar to Blake, as in apart from García they all knew her before we were introduced to her, and she had a long FBI history. 


    I am glad that Callahan's not going to be confused about the procedure and we won't have to listen to any explanations of how it all works - it's been ten years, we get it. Plus, having an established dynamic between her and the other characters should make it more seamless and cause less disruption emotionally and professionally.  But it also might be rather understated and less interesting.


    Plus, she's another tiny tough asskicker... let's hope they don't have JJ be jealous of her or anything idiotic like that, or I will kick something. I just hope the girls get along and back each other up. I liked the way JJ and Prentiss related to one another.


    I like that she's a psychologist and hope that they give her some serious credentials - the only other psychology graduate is Reid and if I remember correctly, it was only one of his degrees, not a doctorate. It would be great to see a real expert at work.

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  14. The whole episode is here http://www.azteca7.com/capitulos/elhormigueromx/216956/matthew-gray-gubler--programa-del-17-de-julio . At one point he even does a little card trick.


    Yes, at the beginning the ants are asking him to work out who stole the last chocolate, being a famous crime fighter and all. No cats (gatos), but you may be thinking of how they get distracted a lot by how handsome (guapo) he is, which we can probably all agree with. 

    • Love 5
  15. And his drawings of the ants were really good - he caught their personalities perfectly!


    I watched the whole show on that site and he did it all pretty much perfectly, being sweet to the audience, joining in with all the goofy dances and daft experiments - he really got into the happy spirit of the thing. I don't think he could have done better, honestly.

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