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Posts posted by CentralTexas

  1. OMG, I love you.


    This girl seems to be under some serious delusions.  I mean, she clearly knows she's fat.  Or um, curvy.   Yet when we're about to see two episodes where one of the big women on the show talks about her being fat (and probably with all of them) and she starts crying again.  


    The bad kissing I get.  I dated a couple of bad kissers in my past but some are trainable.  If it is slim pickings for you, maybe give him another chance and teach him how you want it?

    Can you imagine Jen giving kissing instructions in that voice? Makes me shudder.

    • Love 4
  2. It's no wonder AJ always seems so disconnected when Renee tries to talk to him, she's a total head case, every conversation escalates and gets ugly with her, we rarely see her happy about anything.

    On a superficial note, that damn Junior can't write for shit! Was he in Juvie the week they taught penmanship?

    Cue the Intervention theme song...This show affects me negatively in the following way: for a few hours I'm walking around calling everyone and everyTHING an effin' jerkoff.

    • Love 2
  3. Making an ass, showing her ass.... Kenya's stock in trade.  She even did it with her finale project manager job on Celebrity Apprentice.  What an ASS!!

    Oh yes, a huge epic ass showing!

    The look on her face when The Bobb said he didn't have time for her, was priceless! You can't fake that blank look of " WTF. Huh?..."

    Oh how I laughed!

    Phaedra was pregnant before marrying Pipe Laying 'Pollo, that's why Kim and the rest of the girls questioned her ( cough) Premie baby, who came out gnawing on a pork chop, she couldn't even come up with an answer when Kim asked her how far along she was, or her due date...it takes a special kind of stupid, to get caught in a lie by Kim...damn, I miss her!!! Heh!

    • Love 2
  4. I'm really confused as to why they can't go to Jefferson's house? Kristi strikes me as a very selfish mom, all about her love life and not about her daughter at all. Walking through the apartment it was all about sex with Jefferson. No I can see my daughter having do much fun in this room, or I can see us cooking together and enjoying mommy and daughter time. I see her moving put but her daughter spending a lot of time with grandma and grandpa. As it seems she already does. I had to go through the single mom time and when I met my now husband we dated for a year before he even met them. I also only really saw him when they were with my ex. Made our courtship much longer and complicated but those little people I made trump all. Burns me when parents don't see that.

    As for the rest of them besides Sabrina, no. They all suck.

    Jefferson probably lives with his parents too, or worse one of his three ex-wives.

    I wonder if he has kids as well.

    I was a single mom for over 10 years, and although I dated my daughter never met any of the men until I introduced her to my then future second husband, extreme? Maybe, but I took patenting very seriously, and I'm happy with my choices as a single mother. Those years were hard at times but also the happiest, I never pawned my kid off on anyone, I enjoyed every minute of our time together...I feel badly for Layla, if she ever sees this mess she will feel like an after thought, and like she's a burden, not a priority to Kristy. Thankfully she has her grandparents, and hopefully a good dad.

    No, Jessica thinks she's a 180 lb Beyonce. Remember the 'magic mirror she's always looking into ?  lol

    I died when she said she felt petite next to the pottery class guy. Jen also referred to needing to feel dainty, when she quit peddleling and let her date do all the work...Oy!

    • Love 2
  5. Why don't these women make an effort to lose some weight? J

    They eat so much crap. Mostly bar food and fried junk.

    Then there is Jessica, who according to her magic mirror is wasting away and we get to hear about it at least 50 times per episode

    She is so bitter and bitchy when other people eat, I'd rather she stuff her face and be pleasant, than a hungry, deprived bitch on rails!

    • Love 4
  6. Christy, speaking as a Texan, even when we go to the Stockyards or Rodeo, we don't dress up like Jessy on Toy Story, she's ridiculous.

    I'm embarrassed by her desperation, having just met Jefferson she thought it was o.k. to drag him home to have sex with him while her parents and child are just steps away, I guess she thinks she's being a responsible parent now, getting a place of her own, to bring home random bar flies.

    Mar, I just can't with her trashy wardrobe and inappropriate behavior, she didn't care that she was making Sabrina uncomfortable as she sucked face with her date, and even had the guy lick food off her leg at the table...damn girl.

    Jen, I had to FF through most of her scenes, especially in the paddle boat...eww.

    Jessica, I laughed when she almost fell, I know it's mean but that girl needs to come down off her high horse.

    They all need to stop referring to themselves as curvy, STAT.

    • Love 5
  7. OMG just watched the first few minutes of tonight's show, and I can't un-see the horror that is Mar in her double date outfit!

    What in the hell is she doing? They had to blur out her crotch in the cab, then she gets out and has to pull that tiny half a dress down, just to barely cover her ass!

    Her shoes are worse than the dress, and she can't walk in them anyway, so why????

    O.K back to watching and cringing.

  8. Gawd, I used to watch those types of scenes and wish I could get some of whatever Jeana might have been taking to be in a state of perpetual zen.


    Or a zombie-like state.


    Either way it would sure come in handy sometimes. 


    In the last picture I saw of Jeana, she looked absolutely amazing.


    I wonder how Tawdry Tamra reacted to this news.  And if Eddie just kept browning his ground turkey while she bitched about it.

    I would pay big money to get some of Jeana's Zen Juice in any form, for the times I am forced to be in the presence of some of hubby's family.

    Hell, if browning turkey can make Eddie so calm he can stomach Tams, I might just carry a little ground turkey satchel in my bra to sniff at family functions.

    • Love 3
  9. Knowing Mellie, she will don a precious nickname on her girl too like she did "Fat Bastard" on poor baby Richard. What will it be? Fat butt? Big Butt Brandy? Heaven forbid " Fat Bitch"

    How are we doing on the tie Mellie's tubes fundraising effort? ;)

    • Love 4
  10. I wonder if the PMS thing started with Christine using it as a reason/excuse for her tantrums, and Kody went along with it. Gee, I wonder if he consulted the source that gave him the hormones transmitted while kissing bullshittery?

    I think Kody said they've been having problems for 5 years, and they just discovered that PMS is the cause a few months ago, oh these people and their ignorance...keep walking Janelle!

    • Love 4
  11. Christine will beat that apology horse no matter who she hurts, even her kids and everyone else on the trip.

    She has such a Princess attitude, why is she acting like a Diva now? She's not even close to being the favorite wife, I think she's number four due to her bitchy attitude, at least Janelle doesn't give El Douche much lip.

    I think she's trying to put on a show for attention/ratings, but all she's acomplished is showing her collossal stupidity, and in that family it's not easy to stand out and win the award for the biggest asshole-dumbest ass. Christine, you win.

    • Love 3
  12. Remember Meri saying that some of the wives would not be happy living so close, something about not wanting the others to know what really goes on...I can't recall the exact quote, but what the hell was she talking about?

    I just saw a clip from the commitment ceremony, how did she not see how bad she looked? that dreadfully tight lime green dress made her look nine months pregnant coming and going! I will never understand her love of too small clothing, it labors MY breathing to see her in jeans, the hell?

    Overall, she looks unhappy this season, not her usual bratty unhappy, but miserably unhappy about her life in general.

    • Love 1
  13. Sabrina's dates were good entertainment, she seems good natured and nice. At the meet and greet she was dressed way better than Jessica, oh excuse me Tyra Banks...who thinks she's skinny, I'm all for high self esteem at any size or age, but come on! She was talking about the others like they were hideous, next to her.

    • Love 2
  14. OMG!!! Why does Jessica keep calling herself "skinny" ?


    Talk about Delusional.  LOL


    I'll have to watch this show with the remote in my hand so that I can hit mute everytime the chick with the cartoon voice starts talking.

    OMG! So much Word! to both of your statements!

    Jessica, no just no you are not skinny, you're beautiful but your attitude is ugly.

    Girl with the childish squeaky voice...maybe that's why you're not having success dating, she's very immature.

    • Love 1
  15. When Princess Mariah was leaving for college, Meri said that she would never send her to Utah without a car.  Unless I am mistaken, Maddie wasn’t accorded the same consideration.

    YES!!!! Thank you for that reminder.

    Poor Maddie is going to be fending off rapists at ever turn, every single day according to her Douche, way to make your kid paranoid before leaving her alone for the first time.

    I hope they also discussed other topics with her, you know like grades, enjoying the experience, less morbid crap, geez!

    I love how she could not wait to get them the hell out of her place, she's heard all of our "Run Janelle" cries, too bad her mother hasn't.

    What does Meri need to apologize for ?

    Her tighter than tight jeans, her hair, her shitty attitude, wet bar-gate, the dress she wore to the re-commitment ceremony...oh wait, did you mean to Janelle? ;)

    • Love 9
  16. Just watched the latest episode. Lather, rinse, repeat, I'm tired of the Natalie/Ratalie storyline, she has no place on this show and her mob connection is not even verified, they white out her supposed mob member cousin's name...why is she there????

    She's insane! She talks and acts crazy, and this season she's been packing on the pounds, but has not adjusted her wardrobe to allow for her expansion...those shorts? Ugh! I feel sorry for her son, and not just for his unfortunate name, but for having this disgusting wretch of a woman for a mother. I hope his dad is at least a good guy.

    Anyone else bored with the Victoria Gotti appearances? What's the point? Can't these supposedly grown ass women handle their own lives...oh wait, never mind

    • Love 5
  17. She said once she was mad how MTV only showed a brief scene of the wedding. I guess because they spent all that money and they didn't focus on her!!

    I'm sure she thinks she deserved a wedding spin-off show.

    • Love 1
  18. When I was Chelsea's age, if Dr. Drew had said to me what he did to Chelsea-- that is, being all down her pants about what kind of sex she's having with every tom, dick, harry, and magic wand-- my Dad would have been pretty upset.  Not at the suggestion of me having sex, but because a guy old enough to be Chelsea's father pressuring his daughter into answering sexual questions she obviously wasn't comfortable answering.  I mean, what GIVES, Dr. Drew?  Are you warm for Chelsea's form?  It isn't just "hope you are using birth control and wearing condoms every time" (and why doesn't this show focus on STD prevention too?)


    At my age now my Dad would let me handle things, but Chelsea is still pretty young.

    I thought the same thing, I got a pervy vibe from his curiosity about her sex life. He also commented on how good she looked a few times, creep!

    • Love 3
  19. I think Leah is definitely having some issues with pills.  Cory seemed like he was trying to not come out and say it but clearly he noticed that something was off with her.  I also couldn't believe all the BS about Ali's physical therapy.  The physical therapist would know what is the best thing to do for Ali if she was feeling tired and if the physical therapist felt that it was best to skip those days then they wouldn't be after Leah for missing so many appointments!

    Yes!!! I thought Cory was hinting at Leah acting loopy for more than a week, I don't believe a dammed thing shifty eyed girl says.

    I think Leah should take Ali to therapy even when she says she's hurting, they can access her issue, and modify the treatments on the days shes in pain. That's a part of therapy for any injury or condition, Leah is not doing her any favors by skipping the sessions.

    Dr. Drew is such an enabling, coddling sap, he was more concerned about finding out how long ago Chelsea slept with Adam, than calling Leah out on her bullshit.

    • Love 2
  20. Everyone has touched on all of the points I have, the only things I have to add are, Tyler seems to have been really affected by his lack of proper raising, with Butch as his "father" I'm sure he's seen a lot of crap and he has seen the ugliest side of marriage/relationships, maybe that causes his fear of marriage.

    Apparently no one taught Kail to sit like a lady, I know that may be petty of me to say, but for sakes! You're on TV big girl, keep your legs together, or wear pants!

    We could have done without the street peanut gallery, especially the praising of Janelle.

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