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Posts posted by AnnieF

  1. I was in with newWho until they did what they did to Donna. Then I was out. I still have my 9th Doctor DVDs. Eccleston is the only one I really buy, anyway. *Shrug*

    Happy work vibes for Endeavour, and working water heater vibes for Earl. Not having hot water is teh übersuck.

    • Love 2
  2. Of course it's #notallboomers; I just get annoyed because my FiL is far from the first Boomer I've heard say something like that. Or "well, go to your union rep." Ahaha! Sweet person, there is no such thing! Boomers did a whole lot of good, no doubt about it. But a certain portion of them have been trying for the last 30 years to turn it all back, and sometimes there can be some obliviousness there. I'm sure Gen X is annoying too. ;)

  3. Well, there's always the "huh" reaction. Whatever she says, your response is "huh." Perhaps followed by "actually, I'm pretty sure that it's X, but maybe you're right, could be Y. Anyway, how about this change of topic?"* She sounds insecure, which is not an excuse (abso-fucking-lutely not) but is something you can use to your advantage. If she does this to get a certain reaction from you, you can try not to give her that reaction by becoming extremely boring. Your reaction can become really predictable ("huh" "interesting" "I never thought of it that way" "could be" "you never know" "that's a new one on me" "I'll think about that") and really dull. Maybe, if it's the attention or reaction that she's looking for, this'll help.

    Do your concerns about how she does her job directly affect how you do your job? If not, I would try my hardest to let that one go. It's your boss's problem, not yours. If it does affect your job performance, then you need to do...something. I think ask a manager dot com is a good place to look, and also captain awkward dot com.

    I hope others have some good advice. This situation sounds sucky. :(

    *This occurred to me a few minutes after I posted, but also! When you do change the subject, change it to something work related. Every single time. Even if she never catches on consciously, she may twig to the fact that dusky is really boring to talk to, because all she ever talks about is work. Maybe? Argh, I feel for you, dusky, that is a crappy situation.

  4. Oh and speaking of clueless Baby Boomers*, the last time my brother-in-law was in town, he told us about a convo he had with his dad in which his dad was shocked, shocked to learn that BiL does not earn a pension at his job, and was further shocked, shocked to learn that almost every job does NOT have a pension anymore. He then proceeded to tell BiL that he should've become a schoolteacher like himself, then.

    So, that's my father-in-law telling my brother-in-law that he shouldn't have bothered with the PhD in physics that he earned (hey son, who cares about dreams and passion and stuff!) because a teacher earns a pension. At that point my BiL was so frustrated that he walked away, so my FiL still hasn't been corrected on that last bit of misinformation -- teachers today don't earn the kind of awesome pension that he got. Nobody gets what you got, Boomers. You sucked it all up for yourselves.

    *I think that to be considered a true Baby Boomer, you have to have been born before 1960. Technically that "generation" goes to 1964, I believe, but c'mon. Boomers were born in the 50s.

    • Love 2
  5. I woke up and forgot that it's Labor Day, so I've got that going for me so far today. ;)

    Big huge vibes to Barphe. Big, big vibes that never get tired and never wear out.

    And vibes to Chynette's friend; I remember reading about toxicity in airbags years ago. I guess it is still a problem. :(

    We've been visiting Mr F's grandma in the senior living place where she moved -- it is waaaay closer to us than her old house, so it's way easier to get there every weekend. She is doing SO much better; she likes the food, she says all the "girls" who work there are nice, and there's always something to do. "You can get on the bus, doesn't matter where it's going, you just get on and they take you someplace! Sometimes they drive downtown, sometimes out around in the neighborhoods -- I've seen places here that I didn't know existed and I've lived here 60 years!" I think they actually do tell you where the buses are going, but she can't read it on the sign and her short-term memory isn't too good, so there you go. Her goal has always been to make it to 100 years old (she's 97) and I think that having better care might actually help her get there.

    So it's awesome for her. On a societal level, though, it freaks me out (also because I think Barphe can relate, maybe). Because the only reason that she can get decent care, and live in a place that isn't horrible, is because she can afford to pay for someplace decent. And the only reason she can afford it is because she's got both her own and her late husband's Social Security benefits, and she has a small pension from working as a teacher. Pretty much all of her monthly income goes to pay for her current living situation, which requires 24-hour on-site care. How many Baby Boomers have saved enough money for this (very few, alas)? We've got some real social problems on our horizon.

    Um, happy day off? :P

    • Love 2
  6. I am so happy that you've finally got an assistant, Anne. Yaaaaaay!!! :)

    Thanks for letting me off the hook about the shower. I have this convo in my brain every time (so, like three or four times a week): "This showerhead really needs to be fixed! But it is so awesome! Gragh!!" Heh. The childhood indoctrination about not wasting water really took hold, apparently. ;)

    Happy weekend, everyone. :)

  7. I also feel vicarious glee, Harvester. If that makes me small, we can all be small together. :)

    I need to confess something insignificant that is nevertheless making me feel guilty; in the locker room at the pool where I swim, one of the showers got a new showerhead that clearly does not have the flow restrictor in it -- water comes out of this thing in a torrent. I told three different people about it, including the general manager and the facilities engineer, but so far, they seem to be happy to just leave it. Which is bad, but also awesome? Because for this particular purpose, it is perfect. It makes rinsing out all my gear (swimsuit, goggles, cap, paddles, earplugs, etc etc swimming sure needs accessories, jeez) really easy and fast. So I haven't followed up, which is kinda eating at me, because I am a child of the desert, and water coming in a rapid crushing flow out of a faucet is a thing I have been indoctrinated to believe is wrong and bad. (Because it is. So much waste!) but I did my due diligence already? Y/N?

    • Love 2
  8. Vibes to dusky for the car and the keyboard. We think the world of you too. :)

    Vibes to romantic idiot for the big work trip, which sounds like it will be exciting and challenging. You are going to rock it. It's going to be great. I hope you have a wonderful experience. :-)

    • Love 1
  9. They're not actually called truant officers, but there defs are school police, and they will stop you and ask you what you're doing out of school. There aren't a lot of them, so the F-ster's likelihood of getting stopped is pretty low, but it's one of those things where you make sure that you got both schools' ID cards, just in case. Bureaucracy, bleh.

    I was anxious about him walking from one school to the other, just because it was the first time, and while it's an easy straight shot up the street, it's a 15-minute walk, and I just wanted to be sure that it was all going to be okay. I swear I am only like this about my kids. I'm kinda laughing at myself, 'cause damn, I can sure be a Nervous Nellie sometimes. And of course it was all fine. Now we just have to get him a phone (not w/a data plan or anything, I'm talking burner-from-the-corner-store phone). So that's this weekend: get a phone. Oh, and rent a violin.

    Yep, 'cause the F-let has 6th-grade music, and he has chosen orchestra, which means strings. Because of course he wouldn't want to try an instrument that we already own (a clarinet and a flute). Nope, gotta strike out, try the violin. Whee? ;)

    • Love 4
  10. Today's the first day the F-ster will walk from the high school to his online school's physical location, which happily is an easy walk from the high school. He has ID from both schools, so in the event that a truant officer happens to see him, he can explain why he's walking there. He's going to do his work in the computer lab, since he's getting hella distracted at home. I am all anxious, still, just because it's the first time we've tried this. I'm sure it'll be fine. Deep breaths, heh.

    I kinda can't believe I'm saying this, but I will really be happy once the F-ster can drive himself. I have to drive the kids around a LOT, which, duh. But if I could offload some of the driving, that would be sweet. The mom of our old carpool partner (a classmate of the F-ster's) told me that since her older son is a junior, and her daughter is a freshman, she doesn't have to do any driving down to school anymore. And then she taunted me, hee hee. But someday, I will also be in the position of telling my older kid that he has to give his younger brother a ride to school. Can't. Wait.

    • Love 2
  11. Vibes all around, as needed (mysterious vibes may also be there, but it's hard to say. They're mysterious. :P).

    The F-ster had his first class at high school; it was "fine." The teacher? "Fine." Your classmates? "Fine." Ah, adolescence. What a wonderful time of life it is.

    I've never had a problem remembering people's real-life names, but sometimes the online handle just slips out. And I remain glad that I chose a handle that I'll respond to IRL; makes it easier at meet-ups. :)

    btw Portland is awesome, I haven't been there in years, and it's an affordable flight for me. Just sayin'. :)

    • Love 3
  12. We had DirecTv for years, and liked it, but yeah, snow. If we hadn't been able to reach our dish with a long broom so that we could knock snow off, there would've been many times in the winter where we'd've been stuck without service. Being whereabouts that you are, Harvester, that'd be my question to them: can the dish be installed in a place where you can easily reach it for snow removal?

  13. I wanna meet Chynette and Tiny C! And Chyna, but wevs. :P I'm glad y'all got to meet up. MM meet-ups ftw.

    I'm trying to get my 14-year-old high-school freshman going, argh. The F-ster is doing the district's online school, so he's at home all day. I'm working on getting him into Speech and Debate class at our zoned school, so that he has one actual class, where he will probably, hopefully, meet his peers, and get involved in an extracurricular activity out of the house. He suggested debate class himself, which fits perfectly, because this apple did not fall from the tree (Debate team was the entirety of my high-school social life). I just keep being anxious about "making" him do this activity because I did, back in the day. But I'm not; it was his idea. Blergh. I wish it were easier to get this all set up, 'cause right now I'm in the middle of email back-and-forthing. Whee.

    • Love 3
  14. Ours is called the "Balanced Schedule" (with capitals and everything) and this is the second year of it. The main problem I have with it is the winter break, which is now three weeks long. Too much. Two weeks was long enough, and I'd swap that extra week in January for another week of summer in August.

    • Love 1
  15. I absolutely cannot stand Chicago-style or deep dish pizza. I hope the real thing is better than all its imitators.

    Me too. My reaction to Chicago-style pizza is always "Ew, what? No, wrong." I have never had the real thing, but I have a hard time imagining that it's good (I mean, it might be? But I have trouble seeing how. This could of course simply be a failure of imagination on my part :P).

    Today is the first day of school. Now begins my nine months of driving the F-let every day, whee! :)

    • Love 2
  16. Ditto to all that ^^^. Darkpool is a very fun conversational partner. And I'm jellus of all y'all. I hope you're having a great time. :-)

    On another note completely -- composting? I finally have room and can do composting (I could've done it at the old house, but there were all kinds of rules in the CCRs and it was more trouble than I cared to take). Bol, I know you do composting, yeah? Anyone got tips or warnings?

  17. Squirrels! Racoons!

    Vermin! :P (I only kind of kid; raccoons are the worst. Getting into garbage cans, making enormous messes, stealing any other food you might be foolish enough to put outside [if you have raccoons you can't have any other pet food outside]. They will also raid your fruit trees. And then there's the rabies. Yay raccoons! Heh).

    Seriously though, I hope you have a great visit, trudi, and I'm jealous of all y'all who are meeting up. Take pics! :-)

    • Love 1
  18. I don't know how to find interesting music anymore. I know I was able to find it when I was a kid but now, I'm flummoxed.

    It's almost backwards, but it was...simpler, maybe, to find the new cool music back in the day? For me it was super-simple -- we went to Mirabelli's Music City (in the mall, of course) and checked out the latest imports from England. Usually cassette tapes, sometimes albums, and always expensive, because they actually came from England. PHYSICALLY. So freakin' weird to think about now.

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