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Posts posted by AnnieF

  1. Westerns can never draw me in. Something about the milieu makes my brain go "ugh, no" and then it's too late, I've checked out. I tried to watch "Deadwood," and you'd think it'd work for me (Jim Beaver!) but no. I could NOT get past the fact that it was a western. That's part of why I couldn't get into "Firefly" either (along with all the other reasons; I know people love it but meh). Space western was just a genre too far, heh.

    Yay for not having to fly and fire people, Erratic! What an awful combo, blergh.

  2. There's no way chiropractic could keep you from getting colds, but some people do swear by it for muscle/skeletal problems. The thing is, you have to be really, really careful when finding a good practitioner, because while the good ones are pretty much a type of physical therapist, the bad ones promote woo and try to sell you herbal crap. The more like an actual medical practioner they are, the better.

    I would never go to a chiro, myself, to be honest. Find a physical therapist. Less risk that way.

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  3. I was relieved to be able to skip "Frozen." I can't stand that kind of singing. "Let it Go" might even be a good song, but I couldn't say, because the way it is sung makes me want to rip my ears off. Similar to Broadway-style singing (oh god make it stop) which is also a rip-my-ears-off noise.

  4. So I think we may have peer-pressured-by-example our neighbors into doing something about the (yikes! So bad) state of their yards. We are two houses up from the corner, and I think that because this house sat unoccupied for such a long time, the neighbors just didn't think about it or care too much. When we moved in I seriously thought that the house on the corner was abandoned, because it is a falling-down wreck. But no, a guy lives there, he's just apparently very weird, according to my next-door neighbor (so, the person between our house and the corner). However, since we moved in (and put some more work into the yard, frelling erosion) the next-door neighbors have done a ton of cleanup in their yard, and today, like a miracle, there is a crew of dudes doing major cleanup work on the corner. Amazing. I am choosing to believe in the positive power of shame. Heh. ;)

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  5. I'm heading over to the polls pretty soon; the weirdest race on our ballot is the Reno mayoral contest. The incumbent is term-limited out, so we've got a choice between a guy who my stepdad knows professionally (stepdad's opinion? Dude's not very bright) or the younger sister of a high-school friend of mine. It's weird, to think that this person who I mostly knew as "annoying little sister" could be the next mayor. I'm voting for her; she never struck me as stupid, just irritating the way younger siblings are, heh. Smallish town politics are weird.

    • Love 1
  6. Do I? Huh, turns out yes. Well, how the hell did you pull that out of your memory, Darkpool? I don't care about birthdays anymore, so feel free to ignore mine, everyone (that's what I was doing without even thinking about it). And when I ignore your birthday, all y'all, remember: it's not personal, I just don't care unless I gave birth to you. :P

    i remember weighing 115 pounds. Ah, the late 80s, what a time that was... ;)

    • Love 2
  7. I'm in for SS.

    We had zero trick-or-treaters, and I'm relieved. My new house is in a hilly area with twisty narrow roads and most importantly, no sidewalks. I was concerned that maybe there would be some stupid people who risk it, but happily, it looks as though everyone goes a ways up the road, closer to my old house. That's where my kids went. And because the weather was getting kinda crappy, my boys ended up with SO MUCH CANDY. I think Chyna posted something about that in the other place -- people worry that they'll get stuck with leftovers if the trick-or-treaters stop coming because of weather, so they give out very generous amounts of candy to the early kids. That was defs true for us.

    Today we visit Mr F's grandma. That's it, that's all the plans. I like days like that. ;)

    • Love 1
  8. I'm done talking about sportsball until April, since my team won, so there you go. We were hoping to maybe go to the parade, but it's tomorrow, so yeah. What a performance by Madison Bumgarner. Very, very fun to watch.

    Good luck with all the classwork and inspections, Erratic. :)

    • Love 2
  9. That was Kelvin Herrera. It was his first at-bat since he was 16 years old playing a local game in the Dominican. He struck out, but he was SO HAPPY just to make contact, heh. Giants pitcher Yusmeiro Petit also got a hit in game 4, and he's number 4 on the all-time worst list of batting pitchers. Baseball, man. ;)

    • Love 1
  10. Bumgarner won't start. He could end up pitching most of the game, though. At this point, Bochy'll use everyone he's got. But he's not going to make a panic move (different from a Panik move, those are awesome). If we see all the starters, so be it. Whatever it takes.

    • Love 1
  11. That sounds like an amazing, and yes, humbling experience. But like val and trudi said, you're not so shabby yourself, Erratic. I know I couldn't do what you're doing. It is truly an awesome thing you're undertaking, in every sense of the word.

    We are back from SF, and I have finally, on Saturday, witnessed a win for the Giants in the World Series (I'd seen a loss already, back in '02 when the Giants lost the Series to Anaheim, and then we saw a loss in the first game on Friday night, ugh). It was so much fun. We all screamed our heads off, I was sore the next day from clapping, and then they won again yesterday (our friends in SF who we always stay with went to that game), so we're going into game 6 up 3 games to 2. I am excite!

    • Love 2
  12. boo,the Royals are taking a beating

    The words are all in English, and yet... ;)

    My mom, who reads everything new and popular, told me that she thought Gone Girl was a big pile of "Bitches be crazy, yo." She really disliked it, which tells me something, because she can be very generous in her opinions about books, but she haaaaated this one.

    Vibes all around. :)

  13. Whee, my sportsball team has won its playdowns, and is going to the SuperCupSeries! I am very excited, as I have not been to a World Series game since 2002. Since the Giants have actually been winning these things, I haven't been to a game, so I'm really, really excited. At the game 12 years ago, I was pregnant, and very, very nauseated, all the time. The joys of pregnancy, woohoo. This time around will be better, just because no barfing, heh.

    I cleared the cache, and again, no joy (thanks for the suggestion, though, Endeavour. Hmm...

  14. Thanks y'all for feed back on editing.

    No editing issues for me today but I have had that same thing happen here in the past.

    Alrighty, I'm going to try it again. Let's see...

    No joy. And can I just add that having the poster returned to the first page of the forum if they cancel edit is, well, stupid. Why would I need to go back to page one? Argh.

  15. Erratic, I hope your job pays for your car. 600 kilometers over two days? Wow.

    I was wondering about that too. I sure hope that you're not paying for fuel, Erratic. And what about wear and tear on your vehicle? Do you get any compensation for that?

  16. And you know there's going to be no insurance payout because "act of God". I'm sad.

    Ugh, that sucks. Those poor people.

    In better news, Tiny C seems adorable and someone who isn't afraid to be different. I'm a fan.

    Me too! Go Tiny C with your bad self!

    AnnieF, sorry about the vacuum, but how are the new digs otherwise? Is your old house on the market yet or are you waiting for repairs?

    I just got off the phone with the contractor; they're putting in some tile today, cabinets are on their way, amd paint will happen next week. Soon, we'll put it on the market, and see what happens. Hopefully it'll sell quickly.

    The wind was gusting up to 70 MPH last night; kept me awake a good part of the night. Still a strong wind advisory in effect right now. Blergh.

    And again, I can't edit. Is this happening to anyone else? I get to the edit page, but can't actually get a cursor or do anything. Anyone else?

  17. Marriage equality is legal in my state now! It is awesome, and yet I am said for my friend Justin, who never lived to see this day. We used to talk about this stuff, waaaay back in the 80s. In 1985, this day seemed impossible. Literally, we couldn't see a future like this. And now it's here. Rest in peace, my friend. I wish you'd lived to see it, but it's here. The day is fianlly here. :)

    Hmm, it won't let me edit. Anyone else having that problem?

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