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SoCal Mema

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Posts posted by SoCal Mema

  1. On 10/30/2019 at 10:17 PM, txvoodoo said:

    I would be so into a show that didn't go all "ooh family". Just fix up a house, please. Decorate a bedroom.  Whatever. I don't need the "feels" from a backstory.It's HGTV, not People Magazine tv.

    Call me crazy, but I miss Decorating Cents.

    • Love 4
  2. On 12/10/2019 at 3:57 AM, MsJamieDornan said:

    There are thousands of cases and Dateline and 48 Hours recycles the same ones over and over.

    Also, they're airing cases that have been covered in depth in podcasts.  And they are not covering any new ground.

    • Love 2
  3. On 11/4/2019 at 4:36 PM, sadie said:

    Without Lipton this is almost unwatchable. He had a way of asking questions and keeping the actor on track so we understood their craft. With this new format I notice the actors just ramble on and on, and maybe it’s because they have other actors interviewing them that maybe they don’t want to be too forceful or interrupt but the interviews just aren’t focused. I really wanted to hear from Pacino but he just kept veering so far off track that he lost my interest and Godfather is one of my top 5 favorite films. It may be time to retire this series if they can’t find a permanent host that knows what they are doing. 

    THIS, THIS, THIS.  I find the rotating hosts super annoying and the show has lost all sense of continuity.  The Pacino episode was a complete wreck, IMHO.  Lipton did have a way of getting things out of his interviews whereby it felt new and refreshing, and helped us understand the actors.  This setup now just feels like a bunch of "fan-girling or fan-boying" for the sessions.

    • Love 2
  4. 4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I really liked the Western Massachusetts couple last night. they were behind on bills, and struggling, when they won $4 million.     I love the home they picked with enough room, and a lovely back yard with a pool.    

    I liked the first house, in his home town, and it was very nice.  However, the place next door looked like one of the older huge houses that was turned into apartments.   

    The second home on over an acre with the pool, and some privacy looked wonderful, and I'm glad they chose that one.   

    The third house simply couldn't compare to the second one.  They would have been paying a premium for the location, and I thought it was smaller than what they really wanted. 

    I liked them a well.  They seemed so down to earth, and dare I say...normal!  I thought they may go with the last house, but was happy they went with the bigger place with a pool.  Loved that front porch.

  5. On 11/4/2019 at 3:25 PM, MerBearHou said:

    Yeah, she's pretty darn accredited with her own restaurants and well-respected chefs she's worked for over the years.  But the Alex-idolization at FN and her "extra special" attitude come through time and time again and I sure don't like it.  So many others are just as, if not more, accomplished and remain down-to-earth and warm, but she does not come across that way IMO.  

    I think we also are suffering from all thesechefs being recycled so much on the FN shows, either in a judging or new show capacity.  I get tired of them and they all start to get on my last nerve.

    On 11/3/2019 at 7:08 PM, MerBearHou said:

    New season started tonight.  Enjoyable, light Sunday night viewing fare.  Giada was tolerable and it’s fun to see the Thanksgiving theme again.  Hard to believe it’s been a year!  

    She'll be tolerable as long as they continue to keep the focus on the cooking competition.  And steer clear of her and the extremely low cut dresses.

    • Love 3
  6. Can someone please tell Alex to stop buying glasses that are too big for her face?

    Also, I'm surprised last night's episode is the last for a while.  I mean, the impeachment hearings would be a ripe situation for this show.  A big miss.

  7. On 11/5/2019 at 8:29 AM, Dirtybubble said:

    Meh this is an O.K. show to watch.  I like the judges and every contestant seems to know their cookie stuff but my only problem is the host.  IDK what it is with him.  I can't tell if he is uncomfortable or just bored but he seems so underwhelmed with hosting.  He hosted last season and I remember he was the same way just soooo.....blah with everything, no enthusiasm what so ever.

    I don't know why they like to give us former football players for hosts on these shows.  Eddie (I'm aware he is also now a chef, but...) and Jesse.

    • Love 2
  8. 14 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    I love Ina but wtf was with that lamb and chickpea “curry” that she made with wine, maple syrup, rosemary and harissa?! It was like Garten’s Monster. 

    I made the spicy sweet potato empanadas last night from this show.  They were very good; however, the potato mixture made SO much.  I'm going to make a pie out of the leftovers, but you could easily halve that recipe for the 8 empanadas.

    • Love 1
  9. On 6/13/2019 at 12:34 AM, Lura said:

    The list of Ree-isms goes on and on.  I hope that none of you missed her "spatchcock" chicken episode.  Ree cut up the backbone and removed it, but the P. Woman couldn't break the backbone, so with a straight face, told us to flatten the chicken as best we could.  When she got to the wings, there was more trouble.  She explained, with great authority, that the reason for tucking them under the body was to make the chicken look more elegant.  (Huh?)  She had a hard time getting those wings tucked, but considering her failure to remove the backbone, she gave those wings a determined shove, and they went 1/2" under the bird.   I found it somewhat easy to forgive her for her lack of knowledge given that she must have been up all night bottling her salad dressing.  

    I read somewhere that she idolizes Ina Garten and wants to cook with her.  Let's have Ina do a chicken for her.  She would totally "roast" her.

    • LOL 2
    • Love 1
  10. On 2/11/2019 at 11:08 AM, Bryce Lynch said:

    I'm not sure the acts of 3 football players and the coach for not dealing with them properly, necessarily reflect on a student body of over 16,000.   

    It was a little more than 3 football players and coach.  You might want to read, "Violated".

    • Love 1
  11. On 4/12/2019 at 9:45 AM, RealReality10 said:

    Hey!  Didn't realize there was a podcast area until just now.

    I'm a true crime junkie.  My favorite podcasts..in order

    1. In the Dark - season 2.  

        It's really rage inducing, but it's entertaining, insightful and important.  For everyone to listen to.  Also, case is under SCOTUS review right now so it's relevant

    2. Dirty John

    3. Doctor Death

    4. Once Upon A Crime

    5. Broken Hart's

    6. The Drop Out

    7. Swindled

    8. Female Criminals

    9. American Scandal

    10. Slow Burn

    I'm listening to bear Brook now and it seems pretty good

    Here's a few more...

    Court Junkie

    Over My Dead Body

    Uncover: The Village

  12. 11 hours ago, JoeyCrown said:

    I meant what motive would Jay have to murder Hae ?

    I don't believe there has ever been any inference that Jay killed Hae; only that he lied to save his own hide from his criminal activity.  After Serial, Undisclosed, and Rabia's book, it is pretty clear who the focus should have been on in this case...in fact, more than one person should have been thoroughly investigated.

    • Love 2
  13. 21 hours ago, Sarahsmile416 said:

    I was actually somewhat annoyed today by the way they all so casually threw Adnan’s first lawyer under the bus.  Yes, she was clearly ineffective but seeing that she had died from complications from MS sort of makes her errors understandable if she was going through that at the time of the trial.

    Jay’s old friend, Jen is also annoying me. I get that you want your space from the whole thing, but damn, your trouble is not that trial, it’s letting Jay drag you through everything...and in the meantime, a potentially innocent guy has been sitting in jail for 20 years.

    She was actually disbarred due to her incompetence, and had been scamming money from her clients.  So there was much more to her than just the MS,.

    • Love 5
  14. 26 minutes ago, Raja said:

    In Los Angeles the firefighters go because they are available, literately sitting around waiting for a fire or major traffic accident and training while the rescue ambulances with the paramedics are almost constantly on runs. They are there first while a nearby RA unit is searched for to respond. If it wasn't for medical runs there would be political pressure to cut the number of firefighters  because all the scenes of them would be showing off equipment to elementary schools and sitting in their fire station.

    I used to be an EMT, and there was typically always a firefighter that was certified as a Paramedic on an engine/ladder.  It was protocol for them to go on medical calls for this very reason.

    • Love 4
  15. 25 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    forgot to add that although I would have loved to see Kellyn go, I think voting out Chelsea made sense. Chelsea has won several immunities so good to get her out when you can. Although Kellyn is annoying she hasn't really done anything to be a threat.

    This is a good point.  I think she should be a target to go - she isn't winning challenges, but she is constantly stirring the pot and keeping her people close at hand (and they're blindly following enough to stay even though she doesn't provide results).  Admittedly, she just annoys me so I'm jaded.  That and I cannot watch her eat.  She chews/smacks like a toddler going nuts on a Happy Meal.

    • Love 4
  16. On 4/29/2018 at 9:06 AM, starri said:

    My hospital has volunteers who wear uniforms, although I doubt you'd see those candy striper outfits outside of, ahem, adult entertainment.

    What were Mario and Noa doing reading an actual Xray film in 2018?  I mean, if we say that Angels is an underfunded hospital that has to make do with outdated equipment, fine, but they had a computer to look at the CT scan on.

    The hospital closest to me actually still uses those candy striper-type outfits.  My neighbor's daughter volunteers and I see her wearing it often.

  17. 19 hours ago, Court said:

    Right? It's a nice area! 

    I was also bothered by them not heading to Grady.  THE gunshot trauma center in the U.S.  I saw one of his friends on the show scoff as if Grady was a low class hospital in a bad neighborhood.  We'll never know if it would have made a difference; however, he wanted to go to Emory, which was the farthest away.

    6 hours ago, Josette said:

     And Dani Jo actually mentioned Piedmont Hospital.  She just didn't know how to get there.  Apparently, Tex wasn't was interested in telling her or finding out how.

    I also wonder why 911 wasn't called.


    Yeah, that kid of hers was sure being pampered by Tex and his wife.  I wonder how she became friends with Tex.

    And Tex may have had $1.7 million, but he owed his wife about a million dollars.

    I thought her clause in the last loan to him about him defaulting was interesting.  And also that she did not want to see him before they took her to surgery.

    • Love 1
  18. On 3/21/2018 at 5:55 PM, Ailianna said:

    Because if you're at all able to speak, they ask you to give them your insurance information on the ride.

    Interesting...I used to be an EMT and we never asked for insurance information in the back of the bus.  I've also ridden as a patient in one, and never been asked. 

    • Love 1
  19. 2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I thought Michael looked like he was about to pass out. I was really surprised he had such a hard time since he's 18 and appears in good shape. Sebastian seemed to have a hard time too though, which was also surprising. That just didn't look like it was that hard of a challenge. And they were still well fed and energetic since it was the first day. Doesn't bode well for future challenges tbh.

    But Michael has learned to perfect the eye-roll, so he can go anytime in my opinion.

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