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Silly Angel

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Posts posted by Silly Angel

  1. That episode gave a much-needed burst of energy to the show. Everyone became more likeable and I bought, to a degree, their affection for each other. I started out sort of appalled hate-watching the show but it's grown on me. I hope they renew it and the cast and writers find firmer footing in the next season, if there is one. It could be everything Weird Loners isn't, considering the characters are actually weird loners who turn to each other for support. 

  2. Did we see Dorian in this episode? I watched the censored version, so maybe I missed it. I also played a little Candy Crush Soda Saga in the down parts. Love the show, but I had a level to beat and could not for the life of me remember what happened in the previous season.

  3. dubbel zout


    I wish they weren't making Diana so desperately man-hungry. Miriam Shor is killing it, but I really wanted her character to go in a different direction. Sigh.

    I get that, but I think the character is a useful stand-in for what Liza could have been, for her worst fears. She's trading being taken seriously, professional power, Judith Leiber money and other entitlements of the older businesswoman for gargle-shots, girlfriends, Tiger Beat and the perks of being young.


    That said, I agree that the show sets up a solid divide between old/grumpy/unfulfilled/desperate and young/carefree/hottie-banging, and it's not healthy. I'd like to see those two worlds intersect and soften their boundaries a bit. It has a little: the girl crew helping Debi Mazar with her pop-up (because we old ladies have never HEARD of such a thing) and Liza spewing her knowledge of African literature all over that hot grownup fellow (because young folk only read Twilighty books and Stephen King, on their e-readers, presumably. Whatever, show). I'll keep watching and hope for the best.

    • Love 3
  4. It's taken some time for the purported "weirdness" to show but I think this is the first episode that hits its stride. The human chess game was very funny and Karen's insecurity was hilarious. The characters are finding their feet, but I still hope for more funny.

    • Love 2
  5. When did "journalist" become a TV synonym for "airheaded creepster"? I am so sick of TV writers drawing journalists as shallow bloodsuckers who don't care about the subject (in this case, music) but about the personal shenanigans behind it, and not treating everyone involved with equal respect. I used to be a music journalist and I find this cartoonish portrayal groteqsue, especially for Pitchfork, which is pretty nerdy about the music.


    I also didn't buy Cute Gay Songwriter Dude showing his love for Confused Closted Will. Chris Carmack is apocalyptically handsome but maybe one person can turn him down? Especially someone who would be within his rights to say, "Dude, I have eyes, so I get that you're physical perfection. but I'm an out, comfortable, respected Nashville songwriter who would like to live my life as such. I worked too hard and went through too much to keep a relationship on the DL for the sake of a guy who can't face himself. Grow up, come out, and give me a call."


    And double thumbs-up to this. I wonder what she'd look like if half that spackle was scraped off her face.



    So, can we talk about how Christina Aguilera hasn't aged in the last 15 years?



    • Love 4
  6. Juliette actually name-checks "Blanket" as one of the celebrity baby monikers. So fantastic! And I'm pleased to see that psycho diva Juliette is still in full force even as a mommy. It bodes well for her future.

    I did miss Will/Layla/Jeff, though--just when they were getting interesting.

    • Love 1

    Black-ish addresses the wokplace gender imbalance/double standards so perfectly. I am recalling another episode (the one where Dre started volunteering at the school) where Dre walked in late to a work meeting because he was taking care of his kids in the morning and received all sorts of accolades and pats on the back for being such a good dad. When a woman did the same thing, she was met with eyerolls and disdain by the same coworkers. So incredibly spot on (unfortunately).

    I thought that episode was spot-on as well, and got to some subtleties about gender standards in the workplace, because that was the subject, or maybe B-plot IIRC, of the epi. But this one just infuriated me. It was played for laughs. The way those men talked to her was disgusting, demeaning and, yes, actionable. Her calling Gloria Allred was supposed to be a punch line line but the whole thing "( Honey, grab us some coffees") left a bad taste in my mouth.

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    Today I learned that crack addicts in Wilkes-Barre have nicer apartments than mine.

    For serious. Every time they showed that house, I was like, gasp. If that has high ceilings, I'm moving in.

    And the sisters were all, "Yeesh. It's a really bad neighborhood." Sliding scale, I guess.

  9. Wow, that was just miserable. I like meta-commentary and have a high tolerance for self-reference, but this was lazy beyond belief, with Abed meta-construing the show as a reality that he thinks is a show. "Shirley spun off"; are you kidding me with this shite? Boring characters can be interesting in their boringness but PB's boringness was just boring. I'm so sad. I guess the devil plays tricks on you when you make a wish: I asked for the show back, but what I meant was I wanted MY show back, not another season of a pale imitation.

    The fake-mustached police raid (My audio wasn't great though. Why was that one guy dressed as a carrot?)


    Because they ran out of costumes, as Ms. Boring pointed out. More meta commentary.


    They should have at least done "rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock" to pick who went first, instead of the more common (non-nerdy) version.

    That was my hope, too. Still, I thought this was a very strong season with great challenges and some compelling personalities. It's such an enjoyable show, it redeems my faith in reality-competition TV as a vehicle for good, clean fun.


    I don't know much about, well, much, in the nerdverse, since it goes pretty deep and I'm in the nerd kiddie pool, but that crossword puzzle had me screaming, the answers were so easy.

  11. I don't even know with this show. First of all, it should be called Alive in Tuscon--that's a much better name, considering the last man on earth is outnumbered by double by the last women on earth. And secondly, it seems only the women are capable of growth or change or empathy.

    So Phil is stuck with the less-pretty second-to-last WOE; he mans up and fixes her tomato-watering situation, then can't install a proper door but struts around shirtless in front of the more-pretty STLWOE while it falls apart, AND makes some pretty obvious passes at Melissa in front of his "wife." Carol very patiently insists on repairing the marriage for the long run; Melissa sees how do-the-right-thingy Phil has been, yet Phil is just a dumb manboy who has not progressed since he was, I don't remember, drinking too much and running over things in some vehicle. Manboying it up in general.

    i like my manboys Jake Peralta style, thank you.

    The show is not funny or touching enough to do any honor to its premise, and I'm disappointed by that. Still watching, because SOMETHING has to happen, right?


    • Love 1
  12. Ms. Blue Jay, 


    Seth looks a lot like an actor that already exists.... can't put my figure on it.  I think it's giving me overflowing goodwill towards him.

    He looks very Jason Bateman-y to me.

    • Love 2
  13. Oh, my stars, this is horrible. It's like Traffic if Traffic was terrible. It's like Crash if Crash was ... well, Crash kinda sucked. It's like True Detective if True Detective took itself even more seriously. It's a goat-fuck epic proportions and thinks it has something important to say and is so, so wrong. Felicity H is awesome and I am in for the season.

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