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Posts posted by aw86

  1. Totally agree that Sam has been written as a victim for the past few years, particularly since FV/RC took over.  Think about it.  There's has not been a single story where she has not been the victim of outside forces

    1.  Franco "raped" her

    2. Jason rejected her rape baby

    3.  Danny was presumed dead and kidnapped by Todd and Heather

    4.  As soon as Danny is found, Jason dies

    5.  She is stalked by vampires

    6.  Danny gets cancer

    7.  Ava and Nina are the baddies in her relationship with Silas

    8. She builds a friendship with Patrick not knowing he is lying to her about Jason.  

    9.  Liz and Nik conspire to keep her husband away from her. 

    10.  She finds out about Jason, and he is rude to her and doesn't believe  her when she says Liz was lying


    Perpetual victimhood since 2012

    • Love 2
  2. The other odd thing I noticed is that the entire cast has been called to work, and even some solid recurring characters I'd like to see (Robin! Mac! Robert! Monica!), but unless I blinked and missed them, the characters that are sitting on the bench are the entire African-American cast.  The show now has five minority cast members (Jordan, Valerie, Curtis, TJ, and the new psychiatrist).  But they're all absent from the gala.


    The only other character played by a contract character I haven't seen in awhile is Nathan.

    Shhhhh!!! Now Nathan will be back on daily!  I haven't missed his dull ass

    • Love 4
  3. I fell asleep watching so I was in and out. Basically, a lot of yelling at Sam, and then other dumb/boring stuff. Were these the big Naxie scenes that their fans were waiting to see? MY. GOODNESS. [/Verne Lundquist]

    I can't believe Maxie was turned on by Nathan quoting the Pythagorean theorem in French.  

    • Love 2
  4. I give no fucks anymore. End the Samtrick bullshit and let JT/Patrick escape. Frank is a nasty petty ass. So sorry that an actor got to escape your cesspool, dude. JT probably knew more of this was Patrick's fate if he stayed and he wisely cut his losses.


    It's just too bad these hacks and ol' Frankie are hellbent on destroying Patrick in the meantime.


    Oh, and as for poorpoorpoorpoorSam having the right to tell her husband the truth? Fuck her. Where is her ass still residing? Oh, right. With her BACKUP. Show some class, open your mouth, and GET THE FUCK OUT. Then worry about Holy Hitman as much as you like!

    I don't care how mean Jason and Patrick were to Sam, because I know it is just more stuff to sell Sam as the biggest victim ever to us.  Sam told the truth and Jason and Patrick were mean to her.  Liz, Laura, Nik, Lucky, etc are all lying to poor, poor Sam.  Helena just cursed poor, poor Sam.  The victim is all Sam has been portrayed as for years.  She was the poor rape victim whose husband was mean to her.  Then she was the poor grieving mother who child was stolen from her.  Then she was the poor innocent girlfriend to Silas and Ava and Nina were mean to her.  I felt sorry for her the first couple of times, but now the schtick is old

    • Love 6
  5. Laura is too busy making comments about Hayden and protecting Nik and Liez from Sam to worry about a curse. Actually, she probably hopes the curse kills Sam so she can't hurt her precious son and ex daughter in law. 

    I wish the curse would kill Sam too.  I am so sick of poor, poor Sam the Victim

    • Love 4
  6. Anna:  Robin has PTSD.  We should just continue to ignore her existence, ok?


    Mother of the year.  And poor, naive Robin still thinks Patrick will figure out something is wrong with her and come help he

    • Love 7
  7. And then write a happy-ever-after for them that we are supposed to accept, because Patrick is a perfect husband and how was he supposed to know Robin was kidnapped and didn't leave him and Emma on purpose? Which, it worked out well for him no matter why she left, considering he went straight to playing house with Sam.

    That is exactly what they are going to do. Ugh.  Robin better curse him out first.


    From Nathan Varni's Facebook:

     Today was heartbreaking and totally untrue dialogue from Patrick about Robin. I don't understand why they have to decimate the memory of scrubs- a true supercouple. Sam can be with Patrick, but why make it like he never loved Robin?

    Like · Reply · 13 mins


    Nathan Varni We're not, keep watching it will all make sense in the next month

    • Love 1
  8. KeMo tries, BM doesn't. That is all I get from their scenes.


    Did Jakeson really perform a karaoke today? 


    I feel more and more they are setting the stage for him to be a fake.


    Because. Really. KARAOKE? 

    Right?  All I could think of was the look of misery on SBu's Jasons' face during the karaoke at Spixie's non-wedding

    • Love 4
  9. Liz is totally nuts but the writing is ridiculously heavy handed that I can't root against her.


    One more week until "we are the most perfect family ever" Samtrick family implodes.  So sick of Emma pimping all of Patrick's women as her new mother

    • Love 4
  10. Is the IVF doc a dayplayer?


    She looks familar, but....so confused

    It Kelly Lee! PC's sex-addicted OB-GYN from approximately 2006-2012.  She did all the Girls' Nights Out with Liz/Robin/Emily/Lainey.  She was a sex addict who randomly banged Jerry Jax

    • Love 8
  11. I have to say I never, ever thought this would happen! Woot! 


    I wonder if they'll try to go back 8 years to the end of the series or do a big time jump. Maybe set around Rory's wedding?

    I think there will be a time jump.  And they will have to address Richard's death too

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