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Posts posted by aw86

  1. 9 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

    I will agree that the show lacks subtlety.  And it bugs me a bit 

    Often times the point they are making is implied by scenes and the actions and can be left unsaid, but they actually say it anyway to the point where I am thinking "OK!!!  I get it!!"

    And then they post a pretentious after show in case you really didn't get it

    • Love 14
  2. Although I liked some moments, especially Emily and Lorelei stuff, overall this was a miss.  Rory was horrible person - the Logan affair, the Paul stuff, the self-entitlement at the interview.  The musical was painful.  There was too much winking at the audience - Rory saying "its been too long after the first Rory/Lorelai exchange, the Doyle screenwriting, Mr. Kim.   I still don't really know where Lane is at in her life.  Emily at the whaling museum was bizarre. Lauren and Scott lost their chemistry. And much more

    • Love 5
  3. 11 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

    Heh. I don't fully blame them, though. They have nothing to work with. I still don't even think Billy knows whether he's playing a Jason with memories, with some memories, without memories. Who knows.

    I think I'm at the point where I don't think they should have recast Jason (I don't think he should have died either, though.) For one thing, I've rarely thought recasts work, especially those who don't study or watch the character and past storylines and interactions. And because this show doesn't care to write real emotions and stories. If you're bringing Jason back and he ends up secluded with whoever (whether that's Sam or Liz) and he's not interacting with other family members, his kids, his friends...it's not good story. 

    I can blame him.  BM was given an entire episode when he got his memories back and he tanked it.  He could not have looked more bored when Sam hugged him yesterday. He may not be getting the meatiest story, but he has gotten some emotional moments and has given nothing

    And KMo has slept through her scenes for years. 

    • Love 6
  4. I don't even why Sam and Jason are leaving town.  They are saying they are doing it to investigate and find out but really happen, but they don't even bother to look for physical evidence at the crime scene?  They are just going to solve it with their post-its?  Why couldn't they do that in town?

    • Love 11
  5. 22 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

    So Sonny spent the episode a) hypocritically railing at Ava about her unforgivably murdering an innocent, unarmed person (SOUND FAMILIAR SONNY?!?!), sneering that she would never see her child again, promising to tell Avery what a vile murderous mobster Ava is (AGAIN SOUND FAMILIAR SONNY?!?!) and telling her she should be thanking him for not brutally murdering her.

    Our romantic lead, ladies and gentlemen!


    And no one will ever call him out on it.  This show is infuriating.  

    And Sabrina names her kid after Edward Q? Nope.  Won't accept it.  I do hope the Sabrina/Tracy friendship is over. No way did i ever believe that Tracy Quartermaine would be BFFs with someone as insipid as Sabrina

    • Love 10
  6. 8 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

    I was working up a head of steam about fuckin' Sabrina showing up at the ball and singing her fuckin' song, but then she got her ass arrested for aiding and abetting Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    Go Jordan, it's your birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jordan hates Sabrina and that damn song as much as we do.  Sabrina knew she was a wanted criminal.  Why would she show up to sing in the spotlight instead of spending time with the kid she was just separated from?

    • Love 12
  7. Someone mentioned Claire the other day and I realized I had completely forgotten her. She was a very minor planet in the galaxy of Sonny's SlutBitchWhores, wasn't she? I remember the Sonny/Claire story seeming like a mashup of Hannah and Alexis. The actress was pretty good, all things considered. 


    Did Claire ever get formally written out? The GH history page I checked says she convinced Diane and Alexis to accept her a partner in their firm, and then she just wasn't seen anymore, without any explanation. 

    I thought she moved to take a job in Alaska

  8. OK ngl that supermarket video is the funniest thing I've seen in awhile.

    With the decision making process and organization of this show, I wouldn't be shocked if it really went down this way.  Frank sees Michael in the grocery store, and spur of the moment thinks "Well, why not?  Why don't you come back?"  Michael looks at his grocery bill for his family of four and agrees.  Frank goes back to the writers and tell them to create a FOURTH character for Michael. 

    • Love 6
  9. In part 2 we get to read about how NLG and WDV rehearse their sex scenes in her dressing room.  Excuse while I vomit.  Reminds me of her saying last year how doing sex scenes with WDV made her want to start having sex again in real life.

    And this writing regime writes women well?  What show are they watching?

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