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  1. To all the people that post about these shows. You believe and read into it way to much. The show intervention is as fake as can be trust me when I say that. I remember like it was yesterday when Lexi and I were waiting at our apartment for the crew to arrive. Lexi and I knew before hand that it was intervention but we had to play it off like it wasn't or they would pull the plug. After the first day of filming Lexi was pissed they kept telling us to say something that wasn't true. For instance they ask what does a typical day consist of ? I immediately answered saying this is perfect for your opioid documentary. Lexi and I have gone through 30 plus states trying to find a rehab facility willing to take her insurance but not such luck so far. So the sad truth to all you people out there that suffers from addiction you better have hundreds of thousands at your disposal because the commercial you see like passage of Malibu only happen for the rich. The producer shut that down and said say something like this instead. That left a bad taste in each of us so Lexi said "Steven you know what roll your going to play from here on the psychopath roll. So I did and what I read now I think I played the part fairly well. Intervention is what's wrong with addiction for people that doesn't really know or been around addiction the intervention way of doing it is just plan foul. Just think about it your put in a room with all your love ones and they basically tell you that they will not love you anymore but you out disown you unless you play by their rules and if you do they will love you again. They back you into a corner and say live your life like this!!! If you truly want to get some real knowledge on addiction watch the TED Talk by Johann Hari everything you thought you knew of addiction is wrong. It will be 14 min you won't regret. Also just looked at what intervention does with smearing my name all over the television screen. Slandering my name saying that Lexi hopes Steven takes care of his addiction. Lexi never said that and I have no addictions. What was Intervention thought process on doing that other then to try to humiliate me. I didn't actually see the episode until a couple years after because someone mentioned that about what they wrote and it shocked me. Hopefully I can get a defamation lawyer to pick up the law suit I'm trying to file. For the people out there that actually give a #$#$ Lexi's fell off the wagon for a short stint after rehab but she caught herself and with her own guidance and strength has but the addiction to rest. She is clean sober for over a year now. She ot her GED and score in the 80th percentile Sat scores. Which is funny and amazing at the same time considering she dropped out in middle school. The family is good the dad is still the breadwinner as a master mechanic. Still would do anything for his children. Likes to have a few beers afterwork but I don't know too many mechanics that don't. Lexi got lucky getting on the show because we wanted to get her the best rehab we knew that intervention would be the best bet. Just so you know intervention doesn't put up any money for their rehab these facilities give out grants for their stay. Intervention only cares about ratings and will do nothing but care about what will make the show better for those rating. To everyone out there that does have a struggle with addiction there are still many detox centers out there that will take you for 3 to 7 days if your struggling to the point of thinking of harming yourself go there and get the help you need. Opioid addiction is getting worse with the fentanyl now and it's taking to many lives. If your not at the period in your life where you see yourself quitting then don't forget the narcan I carry it around where ever I go now a days and luckily for a few people I did. But you can't rely on the narcan to save you I lost a few friends that were hit with narcan more then once but didn't manage to pull out of the overdose. Thanks for allowing me to respond Best, Steven
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