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Meredith Quill

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Posts posted by Meredith Quill

  1. 7 hours ago, Llywela said:

    There were plenty of companions in the Classic series who weren't contemporary humans. There were times when there were no contemporary humans in the TARDIS at all. We had companions from the past, companions from the future, companions from other planets, and audiences managed to relate to them all just fine - some of them rank among the most popular companions ever, in fact. This belief that the companion must always be a contemporary human in order to be relatable is very much a New Who thing. What matters is who the character is and how they are written. Audiences are capable of relating to just about any fictional character, if they are written right.

    As for them usually (but not always) being British, or at least played by British actors, yes, that is because it is a British show. Just as US sci fi shows almost always have primarily American casts. That's just how the industry works. A show made in a particular country will always primarily employ actors from that country, even if the show is set in space, that's just logistics. There have been exceptions on Doctor Who, though. Captain Jack, for one. The 80s companion Peri was another - the actress was British but the character was American.

    My biggest bugbear, mind, is that the show has been made in Wales for almost two decades at this point, yet has never had a Welsh regular character - even Welsh guest characters have been vanishingly rare.

    I was referring to NuWho, not classic Who because that's what was, not what is. The past is a different country and all that. As for what audiences are capable of relating to - I agree - however, I was pointing out why they do what they do, rather than what they could or should do or even what they once did or didn't do. More often than not, contemporary writers tend to go for the obvious and lazy 'whatever is easiest' choices re relatability (per my previous post) as we have witnessed again and again on NuWho.

    Re nationalities, it may be worth making your view known to BBC Wales (I believe they produce DW don't they?). I have a crappy memory sometimes, have there been many Irish or Scottish companions/characters? I know DT is Scottish but obviously he used an English accent in the role. Then we had Gwen & her hubby who were Welsh in Torchwood. Those are the ones that come to mind off the top of my head.

    Yes, the female always tends to be the 'primary' companion who the Doctor bonds most closely with. I must say though that Captain Jack has always been one of my favs and I enjoyed Rory also. Mickey was okay, I preferred the character after he cut himself loose from Rose, and Nardole was amusing but quite forgettable imo overall. As for Adam, for me he was never companion material, he was presented as cautionary tale of what a companion shouldn't be, an 'anti-companion' if you will, heh.

    6 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    I don't really care that much, but early 20 something women as companions aren't really relatable for me. I'm not the target demo too. I thought Ruby was fine though. The only character trait that turns me off is Mary Sue. 

    They could add a second companion that's not contemporary too. We've had multiple companions as recently as Thirteen. 

    They're not my relatable demo either, which is why I've enjoyed Donna and others who weren't in the 'pretty young women/male gaze' category so much more. But I suppose I'm no longer part of the target demo they're trying to attract... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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  2. 8 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    every time we get a new companion I complain that its yet another modern person from the UK instead of someone from the past, the future, or an alien, or even just someone who isn't British

    My understanding is that the companion is the audience avatar for the show, we see the Doctor and all of the adventures through their eyes. Which is a reason why making the companions be super-duper speshul became somewhat irritating for many fans, bc they're meant to represent, and be relatable to, us, aka a contemporary audience. Ergo, someone from the past, the future, or an alien would inhibit that instant relatability. As for being British, well, it is a British show predominantly made for a British audience, so the companion being British connects to the relatability thing too.

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  3. 4 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

    So cute! But how did you get the large ones to stay upright? 😲

    It's a neat trick using trimmed ice cream cones.


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  4. 15 hours ago, Starchild said:

    Maybe she's just the Master.

    It's possible and if she is, I'd be ok with that. Personally, I just don't think it's probable, I think RTD would want to do something different. But what do I know, maybe she is! I still think she was faking not knowing what the Tardis was from the start. If you opened your front door and saw some bizarre 'contraption' or object randomly parked halfway on/off the pavement fully or partially blocking access/right of way, I think the reaction would be more than merely vocal complaints to the neighbours, you'd call the council or something to report it. All Mrs Flood seemed to want to do was draw maximum attention to it as possible...

  5. On 11/29/2023 at 7:03 PM, AnimeMania said:

    Shōgun   first two episodes on February 27, 2024         Hulu/FX   10 episodes

    Ooh, that'll be a nice birthday present for me, I approve! 🥳

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  6. 1 hour ago, ProudMary said:

    What a great New Year's surprise! Once again the gifs are amazingly spot on. I really don't know how you do it. It's just not possible for you--even a collective you--to be familiar enough with all the winning shows to be able to discover a perfect gif. It's moderator magic!

    Just one missing item: In the category "We Heart Bad Boys: Favorite Villain," only the winner is listed, not the runner-up. The category appears in Winners: Part III.

    Thank you for all the hard work and Happy New Year! 🥳 🎉


    We're all tv addicts here 😉, your kind words are appreciated.

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  7. In the UK butter is mostly sold in 'brick' shape similar to Germany, I've also seen a less common variety that comes in a cylinder shape. It always used to be 250g bricks but recently some brands have downsized to 200g bricks despite the cost remaining the same (including my preferred brand for buttercream, sigh).

    I was sick from mid-December until a couple of days ago, so didn't get to do any of my planned Christmas baking. I managed to bake some gingerbread flavoured last minute Whoville-inspired cupcakes in time for NYE at least (I needed to do something cheerful!).



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  8. 8 hours ago, Llywela said:

    You can always spot the Classic viewers, because whenever there is some mysterious woman in the new series, we all pop out of the woodwork going, "Susan? Romana?? The Rani???"

    Mrs Flood didn't seem to know what the TARDIS was until she saw it dematerialise, which suggests that she knows what a TARDIS is, but didn't recognise the police box shape of that particular TARDIS - which probably rules out all three of the above, who would all know the peculiarities of the Doctor's TARDIS in particular.

    Plenty of intriguing questions to take us into the new series!


    46 minutes ago, Sailorgirl26 said:

    I'm so glad you said this because as a NuWhovian, I was thinking, "who the hell is Romana?" and knew it had to be someone from Classic Who.

    There is definitely a tell between the two genres of fans and you've nailed it! 😅 

    I'm sticking with she knew all along and just pretended not to and could be Romana, hee.

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  9. I enjoyed both the episode and 15. Ruby seems like a fun new companion but time will tell - no pun intended. I'll be surprised if the question of her bio parents doesn't play into the series and become a big plot point by the finale.

    I read that RTD said there would be more fantasy elements introduced to the show and I'm here for it. I was glad to see that the mavity plotline hasn't been abandoned, is it just a running joke now or something more? My take re Mrs Flood not knowing what the Tardis was; she pretended not to know until she did. Could she be Romana?

    • Like 4
  10. 16 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    To the Mods, who put in a lot of extra work so all of us can have this extra bit of fun--now twice a year!--sit back, relax and enjoy your holiday. 🎉

    Not only do they do so, but they do so voluntarily, which some may say makes them gluttons for punishment, but in my book it makes them doubly amazing! #awardsteamappreciation

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  11. 8 hours ago, meep.meep said:

    I submitted a BUG about that time, because to fill out your survey I am required to login to Google.  I do not have a Google id, nor do I want one.  If this is required, you should mention it.

    I'm running Edge on a PC.  It happened before the crash and now after it.

    @Ruth Diaz will be able to assist with any survey enquiries/queries, thanks.

    6 hours ago, Milburn Stone said:

    What happened to the posts after December 14 in the Shetland topic? I could swear there were some.

    Please see above, thanks.

  12. On 12/14/2023 at 6:46 PM, MicheleinPhilly said:

    While fans were desperately hoping the second season of The Traitors might land at the end of 2023, the BBC confirmed on 5th December that we can expect the new season in January.

    In a press release, they shared, "The Traitors will launch on Wednesday 3rd January 9pm on BBC One, and episodes 2 and 3 will be available on iPlayer immediately after. Going forward the show will air Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights."

    No word on when those in the U.S. can watch it, but if we're not going to have separate episode threads, perhaps we can have a UK pace thread and a U.S. pace thread to avoid spoilers? @SilverStormm

    After Wed 20th, this problem will resolve itself - stay tuned.

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  13. Hi Primetimer community,

    Primetimer is in the middle of an evaluation of how to improve this community’s forums and culture. After careful consideration and in response to repeated instances of toxic discussions and significant moderation challenges, we have decided to close the Royals forum effective as of today.

    This decision was made with the overall health and safety of the Primetimer community in mind. By taking this step, we hope our community will be a more inclusive environment for all members, aligning with our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

    Thank you for being a vital part of the Primetimer community. We look forward to working together to create an even more vibrant and engaging space for everyone.

    -The Primetimer Community Team

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  14. 52 minutes ago, Starchild said:

    OK glad I'm not the only one hoping for this. Even if it makes no in-universe sense. Don't care. Want.

    Even if it were only episodes of the doctor with Donna (with/without her family - don't mind either way), sitting in front of a fire with him telling Donna all the stories of his adventures since they parted ways in.minute.detail - I'd be happy with that.

    Reaction GIF

    16 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

    I do like the new Doctor's personality. They seem to be calmer and more carefree. Did he let go of all the baggage the Doctor always carried around. Although why did he get a shirt but no pants? 

    I guess the Master will be around again as well. 

    They shared clothing - 14 retained his waistcoat, undershirt and trousers, 15 got the shirt, tie and footwear, but who got the undies? One of them was commando! lol.

    Yeah, re personality, it'll be a refreshing change to see a non-angst filled Doctor who doesn't blame themselves for everything, that had got a bit old.

    I'd love to see Missy again but mustn't be greedy I suppose.

    • Like 14
  15. 3 hours ago, Lebanna said:

    It is truly such a total cop out, but you know… it’s nearly Christmas, and every now and then, very rarely, not often but sometimes… everybody wins.

    And the new Doctor seems absolutely wonderful as well. Can’t wait to see him running around the universe.

    Sometimes, if we are all very good, we get to have nice things.

    I’m happy.

    Hee, nice and all of the above, yes, Yes, YES.

    I fangirled at the bi-generation, what a twist, bravo RTD. I loved it all, NPH was absolutely phenomenal, he spiced up the episode for sure (floved that) and with any luck this means a doctor/donna spin off is in the not-too-distant future. Yaaaaas. Gimme.

    But, nobody seems to understand the mavity of it all, not even the characters. Presumably, that will be the word used on show earth from now on and forever... but whyyyy tho? 🤔

    2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    Question for the old-school fans . . . was it weird seeing Mel and not hearing her scream? She was nice. Maybe she’ll reunite with Ace in the Doctor support group.

    Peter Davidson was the last doctor I watched until nu-who came along. My abiding memory of Bonnie Langford is as a little spoilt posh girl on a kids show called (I think) Just William, throwing a tantrum anytime she didn't get her way and yelling "I'm gonna scream and scream and scream until I'm sick!". Fun fact, as a kid I randomly got her autograph on a day out in London with my parents one time.

    • Like 6
  16. 3 hours ago, Starchild said:

    Although obviously, Newton wouldn't have used "mavity", he would have still used the word that descends from the Latin language (gravis, gravitas), like most English-speaking scientists.

    Which made me question if he was, in fact, Newton. Unless I missed it, the doctor made an assumption but the character's name was never actually mentioned at any point by anyone else, nor did he himself affirm in any way that he was indeed Newton when the doctor spoke the name to him. Which leads me to wonder if it was a case of mistaken identity, which somehow caused a butterfly effect, and consequently is related to the chaos shown in present day... imo there has to be a plot reason for changing the word (because from a writing viewpoint, why that specific word?), or why even bother to include that scene?

    • Like 5
  17. On 11/30/2023 at 8:14 AM, violet and green said:

    Well, damn. Every single player I was ever rooting for, or the slightest bit interested or invested in, is now gone. By default, I guess I am hoping that 287, Mai, wins, if only for standing up to 278, Ashley, and defending the group decision in the previous episode the others seemed to have amnesia around, that 278 went against defiantly and led to the loss of 301, Trey, who I really wanted to see win the whole thing.

    The end game was really horrible. I guess it was in the original show, also. But we had some poignant friendships and a plucky hero to root for who got through. Now there is Phil with the long sleek hair, and some big bushybearded fellow randomly seen in the background  occasionally who is apparently Phil's friend, and Mai. Seeing Mai and a few others trick their closest remaining allies in that last game was not pleasant. At least no-one died.

    Everything you said here, yes. 287 Mai had the courage to take a hit for what she considered to be a shitty play on 278 Ashley's part - while the rest all seemed to had conveniently forgotten what had happened - in the Bridge game. And worse, they had the audacity to call Mai out for it... seriously? 

    Mai had every reason to lie about who she put the box in front of; she's in a final with two others who already have an alliance, she doesn't need to give either of them a reason to feel good about targeting her in the final game, they will anyway. Smart play, smart woman, who stood up for what she thought was right when the rest chose to look the other way (or didn't care) - I hope she wins.

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  18. 278 was uber selfish, and 301 got eliminated due to her behaviour. I didn't like that, so I'm all in with 287, her sense of justice meant she wanted to dole out some well-deserved payback to 278, so I don't blame her one little bit and in my view, no that isn't the same thing at all. 278 acting all righteous when her own actions went against the group agreement and caused another player to lose out - nah not having it.

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  19. On 11/25/2023 at 4:03 PM, peeayebee said:

    I love English expressions. Besides GBBO, I watch lots of British programs and try to absorb their idioms.

    Love all of those. Also people saying, "What a flash car," whereas we might say flashy. And I adore when people say cheers or ta for thank you.

    Mind how you go. You all right? (as a greeting)

    ^waves hello^ 

    It makes me chuckle when I read/hear this sort of thing. We often don't realise what's uniquely idiosyncratic to us and so it's interesting to be made aware whenever it comes up.

    Ta muchly (aka thanks a lot) is one I use fairly often and may be something you haven't heard before.

    "You alright?" or often just "Alright?" derived from "How do you do?" which became more commonly, "[Hello,] how are you?" as a polite greeting, from which evolved the slang "You alright/Alright?". Probably equivalent to the US "How you doing?".

    Hmm, maybe we should start a topic for this particular thing somewhere on the site...

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