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New Mexico
I can't believe she hasn't renamed it Adela's.
https://michaelfairmantv.com/chad-duell-general-hospital-michael-corinthos-to-star-new-stage-play/2025/03/04/ “We’ll see what happens in the future, but right now, I’m just trying to grow in ways that maybe I stifled myself. Sometimes you have to take drastic steps or make yourself feel uncomfortable to take a step and that’s kind of what I have not allowed myself to do.” Fly, Chad, fly! 😄
Good episode. Strange to see Jason having conversations with people that are not about "the business" or killing people. Kinda refreshing. Brucas is back! When they kissed at the bar I was yelling at Brad to tell Lucas the truth about the Selina/Portia bargaining chip. No more secrets! Why would Lucas be mad since Portia did do the crime. I hope that's what Brad is going to tell him. Martin/Alexis/Tracy stuff was fun. Until Gio's little saying from his mom (which I like but .. it's Gio). I wanted Valentin's scowly head to pop up in the window when Lulu entered his house, like it did in Prague.
She could start a School of Dance and recruit all the kids at the Q mansion as her students. Then they could all be in the Nurses Ball! No more weeping for Anna!
This is what I don't get. When Joss shot Cyrus I was thinking, "oh great, now Joss will be the big hero who killed the man who attacked Lucky and Liz." Then Brennan shows up and cleans it all up. I get Joss doesn't know Cyrus attacked Liz and Lucky yet but she'll hear about it soon and won't she think that she should be honored as a hero for killing him in self-defense? She has nothing to hide, right? Oh, and this is what I think when I see Aiden -- a teen in an 80s movie:
Is anyone else as bored with the "Esplanade" as I am? And to make it worse, it involves three of the most boring males on the show: Sonny, Drew and Sidwell. Too bad Laura is involved in that snoozefest. Was it weird that there was no background music at The Savoy when Auntie showed up? Was it already closed down or what? Poor Chase -- had to put his clothes back on after that sweet but cheesy romatic moment. Brooklyn, you ungrateful sap. Curtis, I think the dark energy is already in DC. Drew can't make it any worse. Is GH heating up stories with it's AA actors to compete with the upcoming Beyond the Gates? Fine -- I hope this Doug friend of Auntie's is as hot as Isaiah. Oh, and Joss shot Cyrus. 😐
Did not expect that ending. If Mavis was hit by the car instead of Elaine, Sasha is dead to me. What an idiotic stunt.
Or, he could suddenly play the piano (didn't Gio say he also played piano?) and get a permanent gig playing lounge music at Charlie's every night, and leave the mob business behind. Because of course the near-death experience will give him a new perspective on life. I think I could get into that.
Best UCG of the day (I mean, other than Michael's combustion): Joss: I look around this apartment and I think, this is it? Me: Yes, Joss, it is!
Someone was paying her credit card bill for four years so it's still active? Also, Dante tells Rocco that Lulu has been waiting for this Christmas for four years? How do you wait for something when you're in a coma? And what is so great about winning the card game War? I don't remember there being any skill involved -- just turning your cards over one at a time. Pure luck when you won. But I guess Joss has to be the Goddess of something. Does anyone else hope Kristina turns Charlie's into a cat cafe?
We got a great Christmas gift today. Not one, not two, not three, but four gorgeous silver foxes. Ric, Mac, Jack and ... Tracy!
Well, he admitted to Chase today that he had put her on a pedestal and now realizes she's human. Their conversation showed more self-reflection than any other characters have shown in a long time. Oh, no! That might mean Heather is back -- didn't she do that with her hook?
But really, in Michael's mind, isn't Willow kissing Drew once just as bad as them fucking? She's such a goody goody that a kiss with someone outside of her marriage might as well be "it's over, she's in love with him and not me. I guess I can do whatever I want."
Why don't they just change the name of the show to Quatermaine Mansion Cyrus could still knock off people there ala Clue.