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all fall down

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Posts posted by all fall down

  1. Jeans under a skirt looks dumb. Just let them wear jeans! A skirt over them doesn't really add extra warmth, and just looks silly. 

    Or if they are going to insist on skirts with something underneath all year long, get warmer leggings for the colder months. I have some fleece lined ones I wear under dresses/skirts in the winter. 

    • Love 21
  2. 6 hours ago, bythelake said:

    But, how does she explain the filthy carpet that looks like a coal truck left tire tracks all over it? To have little kids play on that filth is sickening. Literally.. I’ll bet if you cultured a piece of that carpet it would be teeming with bacteria.


    The carpet just looks weirdly patterned to me. I don't see massive filth. A couple bits of debris maybe. 

    • Love 8
  3. 2 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

    Lots of good in this episode: I missed some of Lola and Norman, but the Say Anything and Psychedelic Furs references hooked me for sure. She damn deserved to be arrested though. And apparently she can freaking drink - 9 shots of Jaeger? I'd be dead.


    Don't forget The Cure reference too. :) 

    I loved the older couple, but such a sad ending. At least they went (almost) together. 

    I'm always here for Peter Krause dancing awkwardly. He's the best at white dad-dancing. 

    • Love 13
  4. Count me as another one who thought Nick might be pulling a Johnny Fairplay. Just something in his delivery seemed off. But sad for him if it's all true. 

    I would love a season with no idol's where they don't tell the contestants! That's a brilliant idea. :) 

    1 hour ago, threebluestars said:

    - I want there to be a season with no idols, but they don't tell any of the contestants

    • Love 6
  5. 2 hours ago, Pat Hoolihan said:

    What is the deal with the magnified eating sounds this season? Last week it was Jimmy eating cereal loudly for a prolonged time. This week it was judge munninger eating hyper-loudly for a long time. We went through the entire BB without hearing people's chewing, saliva flowing, and nasal sounds while eating. This season we seem to have a new sound guy who decided there hasn't been enough eating sounds in the past and that needs to change!! They throw in eating scenes (where the eating is really not necessary to the scene) I think because this guy thinks it's an important sound for people to hear and that people love it!

    I noticed this too. The cereal scene just made me mad thought because it made me crave cereal and then I discovered I was out of milk. Lol.



    Did anyone else catch that Jimmy's new partner left a glove in the case after he took the Hummer and the business owner suddenly came out of his office? It he did, that could set up a small mini-plot where Jimmy will be threatened with getting busted for stealing that Hummer.

    I saw him set the glove down, and kept waiting to see if he picked it up again, but didn't notice it. I bet it comes back at some point. 

    • Love 1
  6. I thought "bush trimming" for the Kardashian one. I also thought Station for the Space one. Glad both contestants won in the end. 

    I laughed when Thomas told the male contestant he loved him in The Last Jedi! Glad I wasn't the only one who thought he looked like Mark Hamill. 

  7. I think these girls are so easily impressed by their less-than stellar husbands because they never saw an example of a real loving couple growing up. They saw their dad being pervy all over their mom, wanting her to be joyfully available, but never really saw true acts of love. I doubt JB ever did anything remotely romantic just because. 

    • Love 23
  8. I was a bit confused on who's room that was. Kelly said something about all 7 girls sharing it, but there were only 3 beds. And I thought they had more bedrooms than the Duggar's dormitory style. I think Michaela used to have her own room with just one baby. 


    and I found it really amusing that Carlin was wearing a shirt that said "Feel the Burn". I know it wasn't "Feel the Bern", but in my mind I'm pretending she's a Bernie supporter. 

    • Love 6
  9. Agree on most points about Roxann. She didn't seem like a true hoarder, so long as she can keep it under control. And she didn't really have that much fabric, if that was really all she had. The boyfriend was kind of a jerk, especially telling her to get rid of her kitchen chairs. The point of the cleanup isn't to leave the house bare. If that was her only kitchen table and chairs, then I see no reason not to keep them. They may have been old, but weren't part of the clutter. If he hated them that much, he could have offered to replace them with something newer. 


    Barbara was a sad case. I have a feeling she may eventually get things done, if they take a different slower approach. She was deep in grief and seemed totally overwhelmed. Clearly her hoarding didn't happen overnight, but I think if her family continues to support her and slowly go through things, I think she might get rid of them. But they will have to constantly reassure her that they care, and she needs a lot of support. Without that, she won't get any better. 


    I wonder if her younger son feels some guilt for starting the fire that changed her. I hope he doesn't carry that burden with him. He didn't seem to. 

    • Love 1
  10. I feel bad for Judy. But yeah, germaphobe hoarder is a new one. Like Dr. Tolin said, her different conditions are feeding off each other. Hopefully she will get therapy and make some progress in her house and life. 

    • Love 1
  11. Yay! Thanks for the replies DFC and Eledgy :)


    I don't like to pressure writers, I'm sure there are lots of ups and downs and distractions. So mainly I was just curious. But yes, I love the story and I can't wait for more! 

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