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Posts posted by seamusk

  1. Then again, Adalind and Sean's child- who is 3/4 hexenbiest and 1/4 royal- is basically baby Jack-Jack from Pixar's "The Incredibles".  No idea where that came from; was it the hexenbiest side, the royal side, or a combination- and if the latter, then why on earth would the royal family (excepting apparently the King) shun Sean for being half-breed himself, since that seems to make you some kind of demi-god?

    I'm pretty sure it came from the black magic she did to get her hexen-beastness back.  That somehow worked possibly with the bloodlines to create a different kind of powerful child.

    • Love 2
  2. I was disappointed. Though I think I sort of expected to be.  I'm not sure the material here is right for me.  I love supernatural, fantastical elements, but nothing grabbed me here.  In a lot of ways, I thought the show needed to slow down.  It tried to explain a lot in the pilot, but why did it have to?  It seemed to me that the events in the pilot could have happened over a, let's say, three episode arc.  And there could have been more genuine character moments.  Just a little too much exposition I guess. I'll watch the second episode but I may just be a bit TVd out anyhow.  Watching a lot right now with all of these new fantastical shows happening all the time.

  3. I really enjoyed that.  It's so funny to me that this is basically a police procedural, but is entirely awesome all the same.


    I agree with those that are saying that Juliette was kind of amazing in this episode.  I really think that most partners would be gone by this point.  I mean, when you are in a relationship you take on a lot.  But can you imagine walking into your home and there is blood and bullet holes everywhere?  Blood where someone's head lay?  And then you get to your bedroom, which should be your sanctuary, and instead you see the evidence of unintentional adultery?  Knowing that your boyfriend was duped isn't enough.  It's still gonna hurt.  But she's doing everything to still stand by Nick's side.  And she's rightfully gonna be conflicted about whether to save Nicks' grimmness.

    I really liked Trubel in this.  The actress did a good job demonstrating her desire not to overstep her place, but at the same time her eager smile when they asked her for help was just right. It was pretty cool. My only issue with her, and i'll hand wave it away, is that her data is all over the system from her past experiences.  Nick got her off but there is a paper trail, and an electronic one at that, behind all of that.

    One thing I did like, they are better at their lies/coverups - telling mostly the truth, but eliminating the Grimm stuff.

    I totally agree.  I thought they did a great job with that particularly difficult scenario at coming up with a believable story.  And I liked that rather than concoct a bunch of lies, they just left a few details out and told the whole truth.  They faced it, which I think was a more believable way to pull it off.

    I loved that Hank was going to tell Wu the truth. Wu would be an awesome addition to the Scooby gang.

    This.  I'm always just wanting people to bring the good folks in.  And Wu is awesome.  I hope he gets to become part of the Scooby gang!

    • Love 11
  4. While I agree that the show has had a tendency to have women who make poor decisions, I thought that the articles example of season 1 Carol was poor.  She did defend her abusive husband.  But I thought that bit of it was fairly realistic.  I barely remember the scenes so I can't say every moment of it was realistic, but the idea that every woman (or man for that case) has to be a zombie killing, decision making master with a killer shot is something that I dislike. 

    • Love 6
  5. OK, I stopped reading this thread because there are way too many people who are way too loose with comic book spoilers.  I like being surprised by the plot lines and I hope folks can understand that even talking about what somewhat isn't implies what they are.  


    With that said, I enjoyed this episode in bunches.  Looking forward to more.  It's not perfect, but then what is.

  6. Oh, so I bugged for the thread and then didn't post anything!  Anyhow, my girlfriend and I watched the pilot together on Sunday.  It had been a while since i'd watched the series, and while I remember some later tidbits, I remembered virtually nothing from the pilot.  That made for a nice show.  My girlfriend had never seen it, so it was all new for her.  She is all in though.  It's such a great pilot, it really grabbed her even though we couldn't stop making fun of Laura's mom grieving. 


    On Laura's mom grieving.  I mean, it's kind of terrible acting.  But we also had a good conversation on how long the camera holds a scene.  It's something that shows don't typically hold onto a character crying like that for that long anymore.  But I think that of course that was a bit of David Lynch's style too.  Anyhow, I think it's impressive despite some acting issues just how good this show is/was.  And we're excited to watch through the series.

    I guess the re-watch hasn't really taken off.  But maybe posting in here will help get things rolling.  I would suggest one episode per week since we have so much time.  Then it's easier for folks who pop in to catch up on the rewatch.  I'll stop by later this week with more detailed thoughts on the pilot.  My brain is a bit fuzzy right now.

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  7. I really enjoyed this.  I like the cast and apparently i'm better off for not knowing what Helix is.  :)

    1. Astronauts not behaving like the high-caliber, psychologically uber-stable, super-scientists they are supposed to be.  You don't put second-tier humans into space.  You can't afford to when entrusting them with bazillion dollar projects.

    As such, if weird alien contact scenarios unfold, they wouldn't freak out and do irrational things, such as failing to establish quarantine protocols, communication protocols, and every other relevant protocol which has been thought up by several years worth of expert think-tank hours and rehearsed by months of ground training, -little things like asking: "Who are you?" "How did you get on board?" "Pardon me while I check in with ground control before I give you admittance to the cabin.  Sorry.  We might have to wait a day or two."

    And certainly, they don't engage in infantile attempts to keep secrets, tamper with official mission records and pretend everything is normal when clearly there is an interesting phenomenon at work.  If you suspect your psychological hygiene is compromised, you bloody-well report it ASAP.  People who are inclined to act like secretive, startled 8 year-olds rather than top-notch adult scientists don't make it past the pysch review board and get into space.  It just doesn't happen.

    I just want to note that I completely disagree with this.  Everyone has something that can rattle them and throw them off their game.  And, under intense pressure, even the most qualified and capable are prone to make hackneyed decisions.  She didn't do anything too crazy here.  She opened a door because she saw her dead husband (more on that in a second) and then deleted the video files to cover up how weird it all looks.  She would be in for some serious scrutiny she probably doesn't want.  So she panicked and deleted the files.


    I liked Extant  because normally when I watch TV I look at the clock all the time and wonder when the fuck the show will be over.  Last night I looked at the clock and couldn't believe it was 9:50, I thought, "SHIT it's almost over, I want more!" 


    This for me.  That went much faster than expected.  I only looked at the clock because I had to be somewhere.


    They still have SHOE LACES in the future?  They went out of their way to show us all the quasi-futuristic things (including that funky trash dealie) but they still tie their shoes?  WHAT?

    I think that no matter what there are going to be ancient technologies that always stick with us.  And I could see things like shoe laces, buttons, pull strings never disappearing just because they are so practical.  What would be the point of new technology?  The current one does more than fine.


    I quite enjoyed the show, although I found her whole reaction to the alien on the ship completely unbelievable.  Wouldn't seeing your dead loved one make you even less likely to open the door than a total stranger (or alien for that matter)?  I couldn't believe she just opened the door without talking or screaming or anything.  Completely crazy.

    Everyone seems all kinds of bothered about this but i'm not at all.  I imagine if i'm on a spaceship and I see a dead ex through the door, i'm opening it.  I'm doing it primarily because I feel that opening the door and confronting what i'm seeing is exactly how i'm going to get rid of what must be a hallucination.  I suspect the idea that it was tied to an alien life form is the last thing on her mind. Instead she's thinking "This can't be real" but she opens the door and he looks so real and he just steps in and she's probably just trying to process what the hell is happening.  Funny though, this reminded me of the original Star Trek episode "The Man Trap".


    Anyhow, I thought that if you are sure you are the only person on a space station and you saw what looked like a mirage of your ex-husband, you're going to investigate.  I'm obviously behind with this but I enjoyed the pilot and am looking forward to more.

  8. Great posts. It's really true. All of the characters gave me mixed feelings on some level.  I suppose the cop is a good guy.  I don't think we saw anything from him that would suggest otherwise, though we really haven't seen much of him so there's that.

    I did like Jack, but that beating of Crane made me cringe and say "Stop that. What do you think that's going to accomplish?"  It was so dumb though they had established that Jack has an anger issue.  There was a time where he grabbed Amy/Rose by the throat that also made me uncomfortable.

    • Love 3
  9. I don't have much context for BBC America but that certainly seems dismal.  I have no expectations for a second season though i'd like one.  I wonder if the author would consider a second book...

  10. Good observation.  I was wondering how that guy got triggered, as it didn't seem there was anyone to hold a trinket up to his eyes just before he died.  

    I might have fan-wanked this, but my thought was that if you were someone knowledgeable of the basic idea of coming back, would it work if you intentionally had someone hold something up to your eye just before entering any dangerous situation.  My only question is then, how long before death does it have to be done?  Is it possible that you might have multiple things held up and could be triggered so long as it was within xx minutes of death.  Or does it depend more on eye stimulation than time?  Apparently i'm enthralled.

  11. This show is really great.  I'm super worried about it long term, because of the 22 episodes per season thing (doesn't quality always suffer in long seasons?), but this episode was great and I feel really good about this show so far.  And hey, 22 episodes of this, if done well, will be great.

    I know there is a lot of consternation about Barbara always being in the same place, and to some degree I share it.  The female characters, for the most part, need a broader dynamic.  But, it's only episode 4.  Whatever the plan is for Barbara and Montoya, I wouldn't worry too much about their arcs being kind of, mmm, limited(?) through the first few episodes.  In fact, my guess is that the fight that her and Jim just had is critical to her story arc, whatever that is.  It could end up being lame/boring but I'm fine being patient with it.  With an ensemble cast, and I think to keep the overarching story interesting without forcing things, some characters will have more or less interesting plots at any time.  Or they should.  


    I'm not a huge fan of Mackenzie in this but he's doing a good job and i'm in.  I like the little tidbits of Bruce and Alfred that we get.  And I like that they didn't try to force Selina back into the story line right now.  She got free for a bit and she's a sneaky kid.  Her being on the down low right this moment is fitting.  For now.

    • Love 1
  12. I will not lie. I am still just as confused by this show as I was from day one. With that said, I still am intrigued and enjoy watching it. (I have a thing for shows with more questions than answers. I also love The Leftovers, and LOST was my favorite ever.) 

    Me too!


    Loved this whole season and i'm so excited to get the book and read it.  I really hope it gets a season two.


    They answered some questions in this episode about how this all happens. So, apparently, all you have to do is see the object when close to death.  And the reason the number 9 matters is just because it takes 9 years?  I guess that's still potentially ritualistic that they do it in 9 year increments.  Still, I think we learned a lot.


    One thing i'm curious about, when Jack was reading those QR books and the years, it's obvious that the QR has a rich European history.  So why the move to Seattle? I find that very curious.  Also, impressive that they lasted for centuries without losing a book and then Jack comes along.


    I liked the twist with the guy he killed outing himself.  I mean, it was a bit convenient that he was there obviously.  But still, I liked it.


    I was curious about what Marcus said when Madison briefly died.  He said that only one soul could ever come back.  But I thought it was suggested Amy could come back as well as Rose in an earlier conversation.  So maybe it's just when you are revived that only one soul can come back?


    I hope that we get a second season.  Is this a BBC American show, or a BBC show?  I think it's the former so ratings really matter.  But damn, that was so good and there is so much they can do with this. There is the cop who clearly is going to be trying to dig up what happened with Marcus Fox and the QR.  But now Jack is a shepherd so will he stone wall the copy, or secretly help him?  Are him and Richard going to work secretly in cahoots?  Will 9 year old victim pursue Jack and try to take him out?  Which, btw, made me wonder.  Is it possible that there are multiple organizations/communities that know about the "science" (as Fox referred to it) of second lives?  I was wondering if the 9 year old who wants to get back at Jack could possibly have been revived by a similar but different tradition/organization.  


    There is so much potential for this show.  I can see why they wanted to make it a tv show.  And I get that it could have been more palatable to a wider audience, but I loved the mysterious nature/approach of this version. 

    • Love 3
  13. Oh, I decided to look.  So according to these statistics, there are 19 births per 1,000 people every year.  And only 8 deaths per 1,000 people currently.  So, that's 16 souls per 1,000 in dieing bodies, but that's less than half of the 38 souls per 1,000 in new people. Assuming souls were limited to human bodies, I would think that there must be some bodies with two new souls, while a vast majority would have at least 1 old soul.  Though, I suppose old souls could be distributed unevenly so that the 16 old souls are actually in 7 bodies and only got distributed to bodies with new souls.  Either way, I think the only way this works is that some people get two new souls, some people get 1 new soul and 1 old soul, and the rest get 2 old souls.  Lucky them.

    • Love 1
  14. And, is the waiter the first time that Bix's soul has appeared as a 2nd soul ?  Because that waiter is fairly young, has Bix soul showed up as the 2nd soul in other people before now ?  This really is confusing.

    I've been assuming, to some extent, that there must be new souls as populations grow. And that every new birth therefore must have two souls, of which one or both could be new?  No, I think somewhere on the show they said that one soul is always an old soul.  But I suppose it's possible that one soul is always old?  I can't remember right now, do populations double every generation?

    • Love 1
  15. That comment about putting the soul in a particular body did throw me off.  I didn't expect that.  Though I wonder if it could have been a reference to the rituals?  I was wondering if it just had something to do with birth time versus death time.  She had to search to find Bix right.  How did they do that?  Based on date of birth?  It's intriguing.  I hope the author has thought this whole the way through as I think it could be quite interesting if it all fleshes out. Though i'm also willing to suspend disbelief at a point.

    • Love 1
  16. Silly me. I searched the various services and itunes and such, but yes, it's available to watch or download with a quick google search. I'm sure it will end up on Showtime and in other various sites with the plans for a new season.

  17. From what I can tell, the movie isn't available digitally at all right now.  My searches turned up only dvds/blueray and, wait for it......., a laser disc.

  18. I just finished season 2 and was wondering about renewal.  I came across this article on what they have planned going forward.  I'm not sure if some of the commentary could be considered spoilery as it just talks in broad strokes about what they want to do with the show (and I love the basic idea there).  Anyhow, the show runner Elwood Reid says:




    I’m a realist. The numbers aren’t there. I would love a third season. We won a Peabody Award. I think this is the kind of show that should be on the air. It’s telling a unique story, and it’s in Spanish, which not a lot of cable shows can point to doing that. Unfortunately, we’re being judged by the basic cable stick, where the numbers do matter.

    Originally posted: http://seriable.com/bridge-season-3-4-plans-confirmed-fx-unhappy-numbers/#ixzz3FcFnv3Ry

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  19. I though this was great. And I completely agree that the scene with Oliver was off.  I'm not sure what that's about, but the writing was just off for that scene.  But I laughed it away and was happy to see Barry back home.


    Regarding romance on these shows, while I don't like how over the top it goes, and while I appreciate less love triangles, I appreciate the romantic elements.  It's part of life and I don't want to see my super heroes without someone to love.  But even more importantly, the friendship and romantic elements, when done right, can add a lot to the characterization.  I agree that they are too often not done right, but as forced plot points, but I still prefer to have some of it than not have it.

  20. I love the premise of this show and I actually really like the cast and I even find it entertaining.  But, there is a lot of tv out there, and only so much time.  And I think the grade swap for a defense system is just so stupid that I really do have better things to watch.  Yes, that means i'm choosing shows like Z Nation over this, because at least with Z Nation, I know it's meant to be a bit ridiculous.  I might return later in life via netflix but I doubt this show gets past a season or two anyhow so it probably won't be worth it.

  21. My guess is that $8 (equivalent to $106 today), or even the nice round $10 ($133) was the going rate for call girls in 1943.

    I was party to a discussion of someone's sociological work on prostitution and $100 is a bit high, depending on what the service is.  And in this case, I imagine that wages and cost of living are very fixed on the base. I don't know if rates would actually, therefore, correlate.


    I think it's also that Charlie can't say anything about the husband "waiting for Charlie to slip up" (my recollection), without revealing a bit about his work--something he has been very careful ("Mr and Mrs Donaldson) not to do.

    I took that whole thing as that guy's way of threatening Charlie.  Basically, he used his wife to send him a message that he knows what he is up to with the calculations.

    • Love 1
  22. For what it's worth, here is what Gary's letter seemed to say.  Nothing too earth shattering really.



    I never knew how Donna could kill herself, until now.

    In the beginning, there was Death.

    For us there was just supposed to be this one life, but there is more than that.  I have to protect my family and Donna and fight them where they least expect it, not in this life but in death.

    I jumped off their building and I'm already dead.



    • Love 1
  23. Every week pretty much wows me. I guess I continue to be in the minority, but there were some key moments in this episode.  Seeing Jack and the murder police guy coming so close to the conspiracy is pretty cool.  I mean, there is this seemingly chaotic web of stuff that has happened involving Marcus and Amy and now they seem to be seeing that things are connected.

    One small moment I really liked was Richard explaining how the binding is just "ceremonial".  That issue was discussed in here and that was I think, if I remember right, the general consensus that the ritual may not be necessary.

    Overall, this show is a real psychological thriller and I'm really digging it.  I hope the quality of the story keeps up.  


    Even with Glen Morgan's 'Guide to Intruders' interview, this show still doesn't make any sense.

    I have not been reading those interview bits and things so far make sense to me.  Though, to some degree, there are many things that have yet to be explained fully so it's hard to say whether things will or won't make sense in the end.  I imagine we'll get some, but not all, of those explanations next week.  I don't see everything being tied up in a neat bow at the end of the first season.  Some mysteries about all of this would need to be retained for potential future seasons.  




    Gary, having already gone over the edge, kills himself in front of the Qui Reverti building.  I was trying to see in his letter to Jack where he mentioned that he was jumping off that particular building and not the hotel he was staying in, but didn't see it mentioned.  Gary's plan kind of sucked -- what if one of the Qui Reverti searched his body and took the documents before the cops got there, since he was right in front of their building ?  Did he not think that could happen ? What an idiot !!

    Yeah, there might be a continuity or story issue as I didn't understand how Jack knew which building to go to.  With that said, my general take here is that Gary is not thinking clearly for obvious reasons.  Therefore, I think it's less of him being an idiot and more just him losing control.

    (ETA. FYI, the letter says "I jumped off their building and I'm already dead."  So that's how Jack knew where to go.  Just went back and looked.)


    Gary never interacted with anyone but Jack. I think he's a hallucination—just like the guy Jack saw in the holding cell.

    The hotel bellman said he never saw Gary, and the cop never saw the other guy.

    This hadn't really occurred to me. Without going back and watching their interactions, this is entirely possible. It would help explain why Gary went from totally in control to totally out of control, though that can also be explained by him working hard to control things in front of Jack so as not to scare him off.  One thought I had was, what if Gary is actually one of the souls in Jack's body.  Therefore, Jack "sees" him as part of a psychological struggle he is having between two souls. That would explain a lot and would be such a fascinating angle. I don't think the murder police guy can be a hallucination.  There has been too much with him in it that didn't involve Jack directly.  For example, the scene where is interviewing Madison's parents.


    Bids just because you can come back doesn't mean you should was out of left field. Seriously none of them ever thought this before?

    I would imagine they have.  And I imagine the surviving members are all folks that have bought into the kool-aid as someone else said above. Bix was brought back against his will, and his experience might very well explain why people should only be brought back because they want to be brought back. And I bet it ends up being an example of why that rule that Rose broke to bring him back exists in the first place. As we discussed last week, there are some serious ethical issues tied to this whole idea of reviving souls from past lives.


    Right now, I think this is a story of mental illness rather than the supernatural.



    This x100.

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